Power of Motivation

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Copyright © 2000 by Guaranteed Success Strategies 

All rights reserved. 

ISBN 0-0-9684158-3-0 

All material in this book is copyrighted and may not be 

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, 

electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, re- 

cording or by any information storage and retrieval 

system, without permission in writing from the pub- 


First Published by: 


49-2147 Commercial Drive 

Vancouver, BC 

V5L 4Y7 



[email protected] 


Editor: William Hamson-Wong 



Guaranteed Success Strategies is the leading movement 

devoted to help people world-wide use the power of 


With the power of motivation we help men and 

women to achieve their physical, financial, emotional, 

spiritual and relationship goals. 

It is basic to this mission that Guaranteed Success 

Strategies continually educates people on the power of 


A warning: The interpretation of success for you and I 

are more likely than not to be completely different. 

Success to me means a relationship with God. Success 

for most people means earning a substantial amount of 


Therefore, as you read this book, keep in mind that 

success is a word that is loosely used without knowing 

what it really means. In other words success could mean 

different things to different people. 

Once again, a relationship with God could mean 

something completely different to you and I. To me a 

relationship with God means seeking the truth and then 

living by that truth. For you it could mean a religion of 

some sort that you practice. You see, language is open to 

many intrepretations. 


With the tools contained in "The Power of 

Motivation" you are guaranteed to achieve every goal 

you set for yourself. 

I say this to communicate to you my absolute 

confidence in the tools you will be using. This book will 

guide you on a simple but effective path that will lead 

you to the fulfillment of your dreams. 

I guarantee it! 


Introduction ...................................................................... 7 

Acknowledgements........................................................... 9 

Section 1: Why Motivation is Important ....... 11 

1. The Missing Link ........................................................ 13 

2. The Secret Motivation ................................................ 28 

3. The Psychology of Motivation ................................... 47 

Section 2: Using The Power of Motivation .. 57 

4. The Power of Goals .................................................... 58 

5. A Perfect Plan to Wealth ............................................. 67 

6. The Diet Solution ........................................................ 94 

7. The Key to Success ................................................... 108 

Section 3: The Impact of Motivation ........... 119 

8. The Effects of Motivation ......................................... 120 

9. The Final Motivation ................................................ 125 

10. The Power of "Cause and Effect" ........................... 129 

11. Become a Coach ..................................................... 143 

Power of Coaching ....................................................... 147 


Chances are good that you have already read or 

heard of strategies which teach you how to succeed. You 

probably have some understanding of what it takes to 

succeed at an intellectual level. I did not write this 

book to teach you how to be successful. The reason I 

wrote this book is to help you follow through on what 

you already know. By using "The Power of Motiva- 

tion" you will apply the information from all of the 

books, tapes, and courses you have read, heard and seen 

over the years. 

Since you already know what to do (activity) to 

succeed, then it makes sense to learn how to follow 

through on what you already know, doesn't it? In "The 

Power of Motivation" you will learn how to apply all of 

the power principles on success that you have learned in 

the past. 

You see, in the end, the "The Power of Motivation" 

might have become just another quick- fix answer to 

supplement your personal philosophy on success. And 

that is the problem. Unless you use the tools of 

motivation, all you will have achieved by purchasing 

this book is another great looking resource on 

your shelf. You deserve better than that - use 

what you learn and succeed! 

To happiness and true personal fulfillment, 

Michael L. Bolduc 


" God is greater than any problem I have." 

- Author Unknown - 

As I think of all the people who have helped me 

develop a project as ambitious as this book I am filled 

with emotions of gratitude. 

First, I would like to thank my creator for giving me 

the wisdom and strength to complete this book. I realize 

today that God is bigger than any problem I could ever 


I want to thank my step-parents. In spite of the trials 

we have faced throughout our lives your contributions 

have allowed me the privilege to be both a writer and 

coach. You have been a light to me in times of darkness. 

Finally, I want to thank you (the reader) for 

purchasing this book. You posses humility, courage and 

power. Humility because you are willing to learn. Courage 

because you are willing to break through your fears and 

go after your dreams. Power because you're not just 

dreaming about improving your life, you are doing 

something about it. 

Thank you all. 

Section 1: 


Motivation is 


The Missing 


What is the missing link in the information age? 

Information on success is so readily available that it is 

surprising why there aren't more people who are living 

happy fulfilling lives. Why aren't more of us successful? 

How is it that so many of us know what to do but still 

don't do it? 

The best way to begin explaining why people aren't 

successful (even when they know how to be) is by 

learning about the power of motivation. 

Working for Tony Robbins 

When I was in my early twenties I worked for 

Anthony Robbins, the popular success guru and peak 

performance coach. 

I remember the first week I worked for one of Tony's 

franchises. I discovered something astonishing. The 

PDC's (Personal Development Consultants) that worked 

for Tony Robbins weren't using what they had learned. 

The tools and the knowledge they had at their disposal 

were incredible. These PDC's not only knew what to do, 

but they knew the information inside and out. 


The Missing Link 

And yet with all this knowledge about success and how 

to get it, very few were truly successful in the major 

areas of their lives. Some did not manage their finances 

well. Some had weight problems. Some had 

relationships that were volatile and unsatisfying. All the 

promise of what they were teaching was not reflected or 

integrated in their lives. 

Upon discovering this, I was critical towards their 

hypocrisy. How could they teach something that they 

don't even use? I felt they were incongruent - that is to 

say, they were preaching one thing and doing another. 

After working my way through telemarketing with 

Tony Robbins, I became a PDC myself. It wasn't long 

before I too learned what was required for massive 

success. And yet similar to the other Personal 

Development Consultants I was working with, I found 

myself in possession of the knowledge of what to do, but 

not doing it. I became the very person I disliked just a 

few months before. I too was incongruent. 

How could this be? I asked myself. Why am I not 

doing what I know would make my life better? What is 

preventing me? 

The more I would learn about success, the more guilty 

I felt for not doing what I know I should be doing. Who 

am I to preach on success, when my life doesn't reflect the 

success people are looking for? 

Can you relate? 

Do you know what to do but aren't doing it? 

The Missing Link 


I have now done the personal power program more 

than once, yet I don't feel that it has quite kicked in. 

By this I mean I haven't been able to live in the states I 

would choose and have not produced the life I want to 

live. I am not about to give up though. It seems that 

there are so many principles that Tony teaches I don't 

even know where to lay my focus! 


To see clearly through the clouds we need to 

understand how the power of motivation works in our 

lives. We need to understand the gap between where we 

are and where we want to be. 

The Missing Piece 

Many people say they want to be successful and then 

their lives do not change. I believe the reason for this is 

because they really do not want success. Why? Because 

to be successful, we have to abandon the level of 

comfort we are presently living in. What people who talk 

about being successful are really saying is that they want 

to be successful without doing anything about it. And 

that is the problem. It's a problem because in order to be 

successful, we must first be willing to do whatever it 

takes. That means we must be willing to endure a certain 

level of pain before achieving the desired goal. Success 

without commitment is impossible. 


The Missing Link 

It's not a lack of knowledge that prevents you from 

succeeding; it's the power of motivation working against you. 

If someone is enjoying more success than you are, it's 

because they've learned how to have the power of motivation 

work for them. 

The key to having the power of motivation work for 

you is to control the two most basic experiences humans 

have - pain, and pleasure. When you can control pain and 

pleasure, you can follow through on the necessary process of 

achieving a goal. Anytime you fail to achieve a goal it's 

because you have pain and pleasure working against you. 

The Battle of Desires 

"The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep 

this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak 

results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small 

amount of heat." 

- Napoleon Hill 

If we want to achieve the mental certainty that leads to 

success it is essential we begin controlling the fears that cause 

us to question our potential. You must have the sufficient 

desire to achieve this task above all. The key to tapping into 

the power of motivation is for us to have a radical awakening 

to what prevents us from achieving success, and then to have 

the requisite desire to overcoming these barriers. 

The Missing Link 


Many of us are lost in helplessness and self doubt. 

Most of us spend our entire lives wondering how to tap 

into our potential. We lack the confidence that separates 

the winners from the also-rans. The problem is we don't 

feel certain we can achieve our desired goals. We do not 

truly believe that the future will bring good tidings, that 

tomorrow will be better than today. 

If you have a sincere desire to attain a life worth 

living then the power of motivation will reveal answers 

to your deepest questions. When we fail to succeed it is 

important to ask ourselves: what went wrong? 

To begin with, we must understand that our 

strongest desires overpower the weaker desires. When 

someone fails to follow-through on their goals they 

associate pain to actions which will help them to reach 

those goals, and this in turn prevents them from taking 

action. Knowing what you want is perhaps the most 

important prerequisite to success. Not only will this 

book show you how to get what you want but will help 

you understand why motivation is necessary to help you 

get there. 

Only if we want success (your treasure) more than 

anything else will we even start making progress 

towards our desired goals. You must have compelling 

reasons that will overpower your doubts, your comfort 

zone and your lack of confidence stemming from past 

failures. Otherwise you will face the common problem 

of procrastination. This means you are putting off the 

pain towards the future. All of this points to one singular 

problem: The pain of success. 


The Missing Link 

Desire to gain pleasure is not enough 

Unless we can succeed in overcoming the pain of 

achieving success it will be impossible to reach your goals 

in life. 

The only way to properly understand motivation is to 

understand the nature of desire. There are two types of 

desire, the desire to gain pleasure and the desire to avoid 

pain. Out of the two, the strongest desire is to avoid pain. 

Pain is always a bigger motivator than pleasure. Under- 

standing the power of fear is the first step to understand- 

ing motivation. The power of fear does two things for 


1. Prevents you from taking action: This is how the 

power of motivation works against us. As long as we 

are not certain of our potential, we hesitate to take 

action. Unless you are able to overcome your fear of 

failure, you will naturally not progress from you 

present circumstances. 

2. Motivates you to take action: In the same way that 

fear of failure prevents you from taking action, it can 

help you to move towards your major goals. The 

process is one in which you keep the commitments 

that you make to yourself. It is something which 

resembles a personal contract with yourself. We will 

explore this in greater detail later. What is important 

to note at this point is that fear is not always 

debilitating, if properly harnessed it can be a positive 

force in your life. 

The Missing Link 


That's why it's important to make fear work for 

you, not against you. As long as fear works against you, 

you will be struggling to make progress towards your 

goals. Conversely fear, when properly handled, can be 

used by you to achieve success (whatever that means to 

you). When you recognize that the power of fear can be 

used to your advantage you will begin using it to create 

positive change. 

When you recognize the power of fear can be used 

to your advantage you can begin using it to create 

positive change. 

The difference between the fear which blocks action, 

and the fear that motivates you to act, is the structure you 

build around fear and how it operates in your life. In one 

example fear (i.e. fear of losing money in an investment) 

causes you to stand-still, preventing you from taking 

action. In the second example, fear (losing money from 

breaking a promise to yourself) compels you to act and 

follow through on your personal objectives. 

Fear is so powerful because it is urgent and pressing. 

The truth is that desire inspires you, while fear compels 

you. You either use the power of fear or the power of 

fear uses you. 

"Success doesn't come to you...you go to it." 

- Marva Collins 


The Missing Link 

If you want to be successful, if you want to be an 

achiever, then it is essential that you become interested 

in what it means when someone says; "Do whatever it 

takes to succeed.". 

Now it's important to understand that doing what- 

ever it takes to succeed means a lot more than uttering a 

slogan. It means not quitting when times get tough. It 

means enduring great discomfort even when you 

don't feel like it. It is difficult to do whatever it takes 

because the desire to succeed is usually not enough. If 

you are to do "whatever it takes" you will require the 

necessary motivation. 

If we want to be successful then we cannot 

depend on the power of desire alone. It's impor- 

tant to use fear to sustain motivation. That's all 

there is to it. If you want to achieve your desired 

goals, the way to succeed is to use pain instead 

of allowing pain to use you. 

Failure Needs to Be Unbearable 

In order to make failure unbearable, you will need to 

understand how to properly use pain and pleasure. And 

it's difficult to control pain and pleasure when you have 

never done it before. But if you apply the strategies in 

this book, you will learn how this can be done. 

The Missing Link 


The truth is unless not acting (on your goals) 

becomes unbearable, you will not take action. The more 

discomfort you can create, the more motivation you 

have. Why? Wherever it is more comfortable for you to 

be, is where you will choose to be. But if it becomes 

uncomfortable to fail, you will stay committed to your 




With the scale of motivation, you can easily deter- 

mine if you have what it takes to succeed. Simply ask 

yourself; What happens if you don't succeed? If the 

answer is nothing, then I guarantee your chance of suc- 

ceeding is extremely low. You must have something to 


" In every pain there is tremendous opportunity 

for overwhelming gain! Use it to your advan- 


- Brian G. Jett 

The pinnacle of motivation is when the pain of 

failure becomes unbearable. The evidence of unbearable 

pain is that you are willing to do whatever it takes to 



The Missing Link 

Starting today you can disturb your personal level of 

comfort. If you are willing, your comfort zone can be 

disturbed instantly by fixing certain painful 

consequences onto yourself for not following through on 

a personal commitment. Of course we don't want to 

cause too much discomfort because then we link pain to 

growing if we do. The key then is to identify a balance 

between that pain which will shake you out of your 

comfort zone and cause you to take action, and that pain 

which will only immobilize you. 

Change brings growth, and with growth comes 

PAIN. But it's the pain that causes me to over- 

come, in order to be SUCCESSFUL." 

- Monica L. Nash - 

It's important for you to understand that the pain 

of loss is the quickest way to motivate you. When you 

have something to lose if you don't succeed then 

you'll be compelled to follow through. Wanting to be 

successful (e.g. losing weight) more than anything is only 

the beginning. It's the fear of pain that creates the power 

of motivation. 

The key is finding what causes you pain and what 

causes you pleasure. Once you discover that, you will 

unleash the power that is already within you now. When 

you are willing to do this fully, unconditionally and 

without reservation, then in that moment you will 

guarantee your success. 

The Missing Link 


Before we go on to discuss further the strategies 

which will allow you to achieve, we need to have a 

thorough understanding of what we mean by phrases like 

"linking pain to not meeting our goals" or "linking plea- 

sure to a certain activity". This process of linking is a 

key concept to understanding success mechanisms. 

Essentially it is a type of science - the science of neuro 



Neuroscientists believe that brain function is the 

combined result of millions upon millions of 

nerve cells communicating with each other in the 

vast network that we recognize as the brain. Brain 

cells, or neurons, communicate with each other by 

releasing molecules, known as neurotransmitters. 

With this new found understanding of the 

human brain success literature began to move 

away from its philosophical roots toward a 

scientific foundation. 

Success wasn't a science until Neuro Linguis- 

tic Programming (NLP) was discovered in the 

early seventies. 


The Missing Link 

What are neuro associations? First, under- 

stand that neuro associations are physical, not 

mental. In your brain you have neutral pathways 

sending signals to your senses giving you specific 

sensations of pain or pleasure. (E.g. think of a 

certain food you love.) The moment you think 

that thought, you begin desiring that food, don't 

you? If you can smell the food, your associations 

are even stronger. 

This conditioned response in animals is very 

common. People who want to teach animals how 

to do tricks for movies or television understand 

the power of reinforcing desirable behaviour 

through neuro associations. Unlike animals 

however human beings have conscious 

awareness, enabling them to analyze present 

circumstances. Animals react the moment the 

stimulus is in their environment. Humans 

however can re-condition their associations 

according to their independent will. 

Neuro associations are external to human 

opinions. Like the law of gravity, neuro 

associations apply to your daily decisions 

whether you approve of them or not. The good 

news is that you can control what you associate 

pain and pleasure to so that your desired 

outcomes are advanced by your associations. 

The Missing Link 


A New Achievement Science Means Guaranteed 


Within minutes over a phone conversation, if a 

person is open and willing, I can cause instant neuro 

association change. The result is that people are able to 

achieve success in places where they had previously 


I have used the power of neuro associations to help 

people quit smoking, lose weight, increase their income, 

become more effective in sales and influencing others, 

and having better relationships with people who are 

important to them. With the power of this tool nothing 

can stop people from making the necessary changes 

required to meet their goals. Within minutes people can 

make quantum improvements to their lives. 

Success and failure, wealth and poverty, happiness 

and sadness, are all dependent on what you associate 

pain and pleasure to. 

What I am talking about is the very foundation of the 

power of motivation. It is also, I believe, the foundation 

of any genuine teaching of success philosophy. It cannot 

be taken lightly. You see, the only difference 

between those who begin to move towards suc- 

cess, and those who don't, is that those who 

don't succeed do not have the will to do what- 

ever it takes. 


The Missing Link 

Your Willingness to Succeed 

"The difference between a successful person and 

others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of 

knowledge, but rather a lack of will." 

- Vincent T. Lombardi, (legendary coach and 

football guru). 

Successful people do what failures won't. Are you 

willing to use the power of motivation to help you 

succeed? The answer to that question is usually a 

refection of whether you are willing to do whatever it 

takes to succeed. 

When everything you have tried hasn't worked, when 

you have read success literature over and over again only 

to not follow-through on it, you lose hope. You lose your 

willingness to try again. 

The Power of Motivation was written to restore 

your hope. You can achieve everything you want, when 

you control pain and pleasure. "The Power of Motiva- 

tion" is a written-guide to help you understand how to 

control this force. Fear will no longer be a stumbling 

block. Instead you will turn fear into a friend. Fear will 

become like the fuel that energizes you to succeed 

(whatever that is for you) over and over again. 

The first step to success is not the setting of goals, 

creating a plan, or getting motivated. Even more impor- 

tant than all of these is for you to learn what is necessary 

to succeed. 

The Missing Link 


Only after you understand what is required for suc- 

cess can you then judge whether or not you are willing 

to pay the necessary price. If you are, then there is no 

turning back. Prepare to break yourself away from any 

possibility of failure AND use the power of motivation to 

make sure you will overcome. 

If you want to succeed then you need to use pain and 

pleasure to motivate yourself. This prerequisite to 

success cannot be taken lightly. In the next chapter you 

will learn the secret motivation for everything we do. 

Note to Reader: Before you read any more of this 

book, please take the time to answer the following 


1. Why is the information on neuro-associations 

important? This book was designed to help you tap 

into the awesome powers of awareness and focus. 

Awareness means you are conscious of what you are 


2. How can you use this book? Focus is the process of 

concentrating and directing your attention toward a 

particular task. By actively participating in the 

exercises of this book you will be both more aware 

and more focused. This will empower you to make 

changes in your life which you desire. 

3. Why is the concept that you can control what you 

associate pain and pleasure to so important? Take 

five minutes to ponder this thought so you are very 

clear on what the concept is all about. 

The Secret 


" Life is too long not to be happy." 

- Thom Barber 

How to gain, keep, and recover happiness is in fact, for 

most people, and at all times, the motive for all we do. 

How can we create, increase and sustain happiness? 

For most people the drive to discover the secret to 

happiness is the strongest motivation that exists. From 

the beginning of human kind, man has been driven by 

this motive. 


To understand motivation we must first begin with 

the end in mind. It is the absence of pain and the 

presence of pleasure we are all after. I strongly 

encourage you to contemplate this simple truth. If you do 

this, you will understand the key to this book. And when 

you get in touch with the simplicity of your motivation, 

then you can begin to experience a super clear intention. 

The Secret Motivation 


To be happy we must believe the future will get 


If you want to be happy today, tomorrow and for the 

days to come, then you have to believe tomorrow will get 

better. When you believe tomorrow will be better than 

today you create hope inside yourself. As you use the 

power of motivation to set goals for yourself, and you 

believe you will achieve them, you create an inner 

sensation of anticipation and excitement. This will add to 

the passion in your life. 

For example, maybe you aren't married yet and you 

wonder how much happier you'll be when you get 

married. On the other hand maybe you are already 

married and feel dissatisfied. You long for the day when 

you will find fulfillment in your marriage. Either way, 

unless you believe your relationships will get better, you 

will lose hope for well-being in your life. 

You must believe that your relationships, finances, 

career, health and spiritual well-being will significantly 

improve as the days past by. In the absence of such hope 

you may join the throngs of people who exhibit the worst 

kinds of behaviour. Many people will resort to 

behaviours which will be destructive to themselves or 

others. For example research shows that people who 

don't believe their future will get better are more apt to 

use drugs and alcohol. 


The Secret Motivation 

Conversely hope is so fundamental to human 

happiness that even in dire circumstances some people 

can remain happy if they see some "light at the end of the 


I strongly urge you to devote as much attention as 

you can to the subject of happiness. I cannot emphasize 

enough how important it is. The clearest and most 

fruitful intention we can have as human beings is to 

achieve happiness and spiritual well-being. It is what 

motivated me originally to write this book. If we are not 

crystal clear on the need for happiness in our lives we 

will spin our wheels without going anywhere. But the 

achievement of happiness cannot come without 

struggling throughout our lives. 

Mandela's words, "The struggle is my life," are not to 

be taken lightly. 

Nelson Mandela personifies struggle. He led and 

won the fight against apartheid with extraordinary vigour 

and resilience after spending nearly three decades of his 

life behind bars. He has sacrificed his private life and his 

youth for his people, and remains South Africa's best 

known and beloved hero. 

In 1962 Mandela left South Africa for military train- 

ing in Algeria. On his return he was arrested for leaving 

the country illegally and for incitement to strike. He 

conducted his own defense. 

The Secret Motivation 


He was convicted and jailed for five years in 

November 1962. While serving his sentence, he was 

charged, in the Rivonia trial, with sabotage and 

sentenced to life imprisonment. 

A decade before being imprisoned, Mandela had 

spoken out against the introduction of Bantu Education, 

recommending instead that community activists should 

"make every home, every shack or rickety structure a 

centre of learning". 

Robben Island, where he was imprisoned, became in 

itself a centre for learning, and Mandela was a central 

figure in the organised political education classes. In 

prison Mandela never compromised his political prin- 

ciples and was always a source of strength for other 


During the seventies he refused the offer of a remis- 

sion of sentence if he recognized Transkei and settled 

there. In the eighties he again rejected President PW 

Botha's offer of freedom if he renounced violence. 

Shortly after his release on Sunday February 11th, 

1990, Mandela and his delegation agreed to the suspen- 

sion of armed struggle. He went on to win the presidency 

of his country and to lead South Africa into a new era 

without apartheid. He was inaugurated as the first demo- 

cratically elected State President of South Africa on 10 

May 1994 - June 1999. Mandela has honorary degrees 

from more than 50 international universities and is chan- 

cellor of the University of the North. 


The Secret Motivation 

Nelson Mandela retired from Public life in June 

1999. He currently resides in his birth place - Qunu, 


Mandela' life is an incredible example of hope. In 

spite of constant and continual trials, he was able to 

sustain the hope for his country and himself. 

In order to achieve a sense of our well-being, we 

must believe that everything happens for some pur- 

pose and that it serves us. The reason for choosing to 

believe that everything happens for a reason is because 

we don't want to be victims of circumstances. The 

minute we believe we are victims who are out of 

control, we become fearful. The truth is fear and 

happiness simply don't mix. That's why people say : 

"Don't worry be happy." 

I discovered something quite extraordinary when 

pursuing the secret to happiness. I discovered that on a 

deep level we all know exactly what we are doing. What 

does that mean? It means that people who want to be 

happy make choices that enable them to experience 

happiness. And the people who do not want to be happy 

deliberately make choices that ensure the continuation of 

their unhappiness. 

" It is better to Believe than to Disbelieve, 

In so doing you bring everything to the realm of 


- Albert Einstein - 

The Secret Motivation 


Another key to happiness is the power of belief. 

Belief is so fundamental to happiness because without 

basic belief, no progress is possible. If you want to 

make significant progress in being happy you must seek 

to achieve a feeling of certainty. This certainty is the 

difference between happiness and sadness. How do you 

move from the emotion of fear to experiencing genuine 

joy in your life? To do this you must resolve your 

internal conflicts over the emotions which cause you to 

feel unresourceful. 

The human emotional spectrum can be broken 

down into two basic elements: love and fear. Hurt, 

anger, frustration, disappointment, guilt, inadequacy and 

depression: these are all fear-based emotions. These 

emotions in turn produce feelings of depletion, 

weakness, inability to cope and exhaustion. The highest 

state of being is love. It produces buoyancy, radiance, 

lightness and joy. If you pursue truth, then you will come 

to understand that love heals everything. 

What I'm saying is this: Anytime we feel we will 

experience pain, we become fearful. This means pain is 

the ultimate reason for all our fears. And because at the 

very core of our being we no longer want to experience 

fear, we look for certainty. Why? Because we all want to 

feel certain the future will bring us pleasure. Love being 

one of the highest forms of pleasure. 

When we make the wrong choices over and over and 

over again, a karmic momentum is created. 


The Secret Motivation 

It's the accumulated momentum of having made 

unwholesome choices consistently over a long period of 

time that causes fear. When we have chosen wrongly 

hundreds of times, it eventually becomes a powerful 

momentum, a momentum that literally becomes self- 


This type of momentum eventually caught-up with 

me after many years of struggling with a very painful 

event in my life. When I was a young child my mother 

was murdered by my father. At the time I was only seven 

years old. At such a young age, I hardly understood the 

significance of this event, but later on in my teens I 

started feeling the impact of this incredibly horrific 

event. I suffered from low self-esteem, rebellious 

attitudes, stuttering when I spoke, and serious 

depression. The momentum in my life was all negative. 

What stopped this downward spiral was the power of 


Maybe you too are experiencing a downward 

spiral. It is because I have been there myself that I want 

to help you create positive momentum in your life. 

Today, I realize that all of the negative emotions that 

I felt as a child had deep meaning for the purpose of my 

being. The desire to know why my father could act so 

selfishly and with such cruelty (How could someone 

murder?), moved me to understand human motivation. 

When I was a child I didn't appreciate the events that 

had taken place. I adored my mother very much and felt 

so much pain over losing her. Today, however because of 

my past, I understand motivation quite well. 

The Secret Motivation 


Today I have the privilege of helping people all 

around the world overcome pain and suffering. 

Unlike animals we can always choose our response 

to any stimulus. The God given supercomputer called 

the human brain is capable of reprogramming itself 

in a powerful fashion. Even the most unspeakable 

events in our lives can be instructive and can be used for 

good. I have seen this happen in many lives. I have 

experienced it in my own life. 

The Ultimate Goal of This Book 

I am going to assert that the real reason you are 

reading this book is not to make more money, not to get 

married, not to become more healthy or to achieve any 

other kind of goal. In reality all of those goals are 

actually a means to an end. The end is happiness. 

But if you and I are to attain true happiness, we must 

make sure we know how to get it. I wrote this book to 

educate you on the power of motivation. By learning and 

applying the secrets of motivation, you will indeed 

achieve any desired goal. But more importantly, you will 

be joyful about your life. And you will live your life 

more intelligently. However this is not a complete 

manual for happiness. Without a relationship with God, 

you will always find emptiness within yourself. 

It seems that while there might be great variations as 

to what the term intelligence actually denotes, there is 

some common agreement on what the term does mean. 


The Secret Motivation 

According to psychologist (David G Myers), 

intelligence is a concept intended to explain why some 

people perform better than others on cognitive tasks. In 

the Handbook of Human Intelligence, Robert Sternberg 

and William Salter (1982, p3) reported that most experts 

view intelligence as a person's capability for "goal- 

directive adaptive behaviour." The experts agree then 

that intelligent behaviour reflects a capacity to adapt, by 

learning from experience, solving problems, and 

reasoning clearly. Those behaving intelligently meet 

challenges and achieve their goals. 

If intelligence is measured by your ability to solve 

problems and to meet your goals than we are all 

intelligent. The reason people don't solve problems 

easily or achieve their goals is not because they don't 

have the potential to do so. In fact, we have unlimited 

potential, which means we are all equally intelligent. 

The real question is how we as individuals utilize 

this potential. The difference between the various ways 

in which people tap into their potential has nothing to do 

with IQ, but instead is related to the motivation to excel. 

Motivation as we are learning can be controlled through 

independent-will; therefore by choice alone we can all 

literally be "super-humans" achieving any desired goal 

we set for ourselves. 

Only God knows why some individuals want to be 

better., while others seem to settle for less than they can 

be. It will always be a mystery why people don't change 

for the better. 

The Secret Motivation 


Each arena of life has either a downward spiral or an 

upward spiral. We can experience this in each of the key 

areas of our lives. Our spiritual well-being, health, rela- 

tionships, personality, life events, businesses careers and 

finances are always experiencing highs and lows. 

When we make the wrong choices over and over and 

over again, a karmic momentum is created. A negative 

accumulation of this momentum is the result of making 

unwholesome choices consistently over a long period of 

time. This is a problem. When we spiral downward that 

negative momentum begins working against us. This 

momentum eventually becomes self-destructive. 

To have true happiness, this momentum must be 

completely destroyed and utterly and perfectly 

extinguished forever. If we want to stop and intervene 

the negative momentum, consistency is everything. And 

in order to succeed, we must use the power of motivation 

to reverse the momentum so it can work for us, not 

against us. 

In the same way that negative karmic momentum 

becomes self-generating as a result of repeated wrong 

choices, we can do the converse. We can intervene and 

stop the negative momentum by making right choices 

over and over again. This will lead to a slowing down of 

the negative momentum. Our love, joy and happiness 

increases as we continue to make better decisions. 

As our confidence increases, as a result of consis- 

tently making right choices, the negative karma will 

continue to decrease until it not only ceases altogether 

but - and this is everything - a new momentum is born. 


The Secret Motivation 

The complete state of happiness is when we achieve 

love in each area of our lives. However this doesn't 

easily happen. Most of us are not aware that this is the 

only way to achieve true happiness. 

In spite of the apparent contradiction, a person can 

sometimes experience both happiness and sadness con- 

currently (e.g. someone important could die yet you 

believe he has gone to a better place). You therefore are 

sad that he/she is gone but joyful because you believe 

that the person is in heaven. Eventually though one 

emotion will overpower the other. Either joy will 

overtake sadness or sadness will overtake joy. 

You cannot experience equal amounts of sadness and 

joy. By nature that is impossible. You are left with only 

two choices: (1) choose to empower your positive 

emotions. (2) choose to leave your emotions to chance. 

The Power of Motivation was written to help you 

empower your positive emotions. Again, you need to 

understand that in every situation there is a choice to be 


The Downward Spiral 

Discomfort: In our sincere quest for happiness, some of 

us experience great amounts of discomfort trying to 

achieve financial growth. For example, you might have 

worked long hours at a job you don't really enjoy. 

The Secret Motivation 


But when you finally achieve the financial growth 

you are after you might find that this does not make you 

as happy as you had anticipated. When this happens you 

begin to fear that you will experience more pain. As a 

result you become more uncomfortable. 


Whenever we are unsuccessful at dealing with dis- 

comfort we fear the anticipation of more pain. This fear 

isn't actual pain but a warning that unless things change 

the future will get worse. This can happen in any of the 

six key areas of our lives. (e.g. if we lose our job, we get 

fearful we will lose our current level of comfort). If we 

do not believe the future will get better we will 


Hurt: We begin to lose hope for all the promises life has 

to offer. Our hope of happiness is gone, therefore we are 

hurt. When we experience loss of love, joy or comfort 

we hurt inside. This happens when we break-off with a 

girlfriend, lose money or become overweight. 

Anger: When we are hurt we become bitter towards the 

people who were contributing to our love, joy and com- 



The Secret Motivation 

Frustration: We know there is more to life because we 

have experienced it before but we don't quite know how 

to get back to that place where we felt purposeful. As a 

result we take action: read self-help books, go to school, 

attend seminars and give it our best shot to build the 

confidence necessary to make progress. As we learn, we 

increase confidence, put our hopes up, get excited again 

and then anticipate success in our lives. But when life's 

trials result in failure we give up our hope and experi- 


Disappointment: If you've given up on working 

towards your goals, you have achieved disappointment. 

When you were hurt you still had a spark of hope. If 

you are disappointed you believe that your expectations 

of success are not going to be realized. You have lost all 

sense of hope. This is the beginning of a very painful 

process. Eventually disappointment leads to... 

Guilt: This is the stage where you participate in self- 

sabotage. You know you ought to change, but you just 

don't want to try anymore. Each time you fail to try, you 

feel guilty. Unless you get the courage to try again, you 

will feel... 

Inadequacy: You've lost hope. You begin to feel you 

are worthless. You don't believe you are capable any- 

more. You could feel inadequate in any of the six major 

areas of your life; your finances, health, career, spiritual 

well being, relationships, and social life. 

The Secret Motivation 


Unless you seek outside help, someone who can help you 

believe in yourself again, you will move towards... 

Depression: At this point you are overloaded with 

pain. All the Pain you experience is meaningless. It 

serves no greater purpose. Usually not all areas of life 

will be depressed at the same time. You could be 

depressed financially yet still be in love with the woman 

of your dreams. You could have awesome health yet be 

depressed about your career. Each of the six major areas 

can cause fluctuations in your emotions. 

If you don't believe you can change you won't 

believe that you are in control of your life. You might 

even believe that life is not worth living anymore. At 

this stage your hope for survival is to reach for drugs or 

alcohol to deaden the overwhelming pain and shame that 

you feel. 

As a result you become dependent on these "quick 

fix" solutions, which of course are no solutions at all. 

Unless you act out of faith and ask for help from God 

or your fellow neighbor you will lose control of your 

life to drugs or some other form of addiction. These 

addictions can perhaps be seen as the difference between 

your lifeline and death. 

If you believe that the only emotion you will 

experience in the future is pain, you will seriously 

consider suicide. If you've lost hope for happiness in 

each of the six key areas of your life then you are headed 

towards suicide. Hope is more important than food. 


The Secret Motivation 

If you and I want to survive we must believe the 

future will get better, in spite of out current 

circumstances. You can go for months without food. 

Take all hope away with the promise of nothing but pain 

and you won't survive even that long. 

My personal experience of feeling no other 

emotion than pain 

I remember reaching this stage in my life. I sincerely 

believed that there was no hope in life. In my heart I saw 

nothing but pain in the future. 

The more pain I felt, the more drugs I did. Then one 

day I lost hope for life. That was it, I was determined to 

commit suicide. I rented a room to jump out of, and I 

chose a room that was high enough above the ground to 

ensure that I wouldn't survive the jump. 

It was the most dramatic day of my life. As I walked 

around the city that night, I took a deeper more 

concentrated look at the world. "This is the last time I'm 

going to see this" I said to myself. 

My last prayer was a request to God. "What do I 

have to lose?" I asked myself. As I was praying, I asked 

God for meaning. I asked God to give me a sign that he 

wanted me to live. It was a radical prayer, I had lost 

almost all hope. My only hope was that maybe God 

loved me and would answer my prayer by giving me a 

sign. I was serious about suicide, and God knew it. That 

day God answered my prayer. 

The Secret Motivation 


A little over 60 seconds into my request, a stranger 

handed me a Christian pamphlet. If the pamphlet was 

given to me five or ten minutes after my prayer, I don't 

think I would have accepted it as a sign from God. As it 

turns out, I truly believe it was a miracle. 

"Could it be?" 

"Is this a sign?" 

"Did I miss something important from the bible?" 

I had read the bible several times before. But, that 

day as I was asking these questions it sparked a sense of 

hope, "that maybe, just maybe, I had missed something 

so important from the bible, that if I just knew what it 

was it would totally change my life." That spark of hope 

kept me alive that day. Several months later I was 

restored as a Christian in my church. Several months 

after that God blessed my life with the love that made life 

worth living. 

The point is if we fail to believe our future will get 

better we are heading towards a downward spiral that 

eventually leads to "learned helplessness" or 

"inadequacy". However if we not only believe the future 

will get better, but feel a 100% certain that we are going 

to achieve our desired goals we are heading towards an 

upward spiral. As we move in the upward spiral we 

begin once more to feel excitement, passion, love and 



The Secret Motivation 

The magic of Action 

Is it possible to have ecstatic highs in all six areas of 


Anybody can be happy and in a state of comfort, 

ease, health, success, pleasure and joy. And that's the 

point of this book; To help you measure, monitor and 

make progress in all six major areas of your life. 

To make progress towards our upward spiral of life, 

we must first understand that we all share the same level 

of potential. Unless you suffer from physical or mental 

limitations, you are just as capable of achieving the 

upward spiral as anybody else. 

The path towards the downward spiral in life is to 

stop learning. If you stop learning you are guaranteed to 

go down. 

Now it's important to understand the value of 

making right choices. If we are truly willing, we can 

make major progress in each of the six key areas of our 

lives. This means that you can be happy, joyful and 

experience love in your daily life. 

But there is a price to be paid for success and happi- 

ness, and a lot of people are not willing to pay that price. 

The cost of success and happiness is the responsibility 

you take over the forces of pain and pleasure which 

control you. Unless you take control of pain and plea- 

sure, you will continue doing what you have always 

done, and you will continue getting what you have al- 

ways got. 

The Secret Motivation 


Lighting the path to progess 

Once you learn how to be confident in your goals 

without apprehension, the law of inertia - objects in 

motion tend to stay in motion - takes over, propelling 

you forward of its own accord. This is called positive 

momentum, which is fueled by an upward spiral of 

action, the only path to happiness and success. 

Negative momentum, a downward spiral that 

slows down your progress, is fueled by fear which 

then eventually leads to depression. 

We will tend to doubt ourselves whenever we've 

failed in the past. The time to intervene and break the 

downward spiral is now, and the methods to achieve this 

are described in this book. You are not a victim to the 

downward spiral. 

In fact it is within your circle of control to intervene 

and break the negative pattern. There is a specific 

method to achieve this in each area of your life. 

So here is your challenge: Get an estimate of your 

emotional highs and lows in each area. In order to make 

progress, you need to know the gap between where you 

are and where you want to be. 

If we want positive momentum in our lives, then we 

must use the power of motivation to create that result. 

That means we must reverse the negative momentum 

already at work in our lives. But it is making the right 

choice that leads to positive momentum. 


The Secret Motivation 

Exercise: How would you like to feel in each area 

of your life? 

1. Money: (Select an emotion that best describes 

your relationship with this area) e.g. grateful 

2. Positive Events: (Select an emotion that best 

describes your relationship with this area) e.g. joy 

3. Relationships: (Select an emotion that best 

describes your relationship with this area) e.g. 


4. Health: (Select an emotion that best describes 

your relationship with this area) e.g. comfortable 

5. Work: (Select an emotion that best describes 

your relationship with this area) e.g. fulfilling 

6. Personality: (Select an emotion that best de- 

scribes your relationship with this area) e.g. 


To succeed, we must have a deep understanding of 

why we do what we do. Why do we sabotage our 

success? How do we compel ourselves to succeed? In the 

next chapter, you will learn the answers to these ques- 

tions. You will learn the psychology of motivation. 

The Psychology 

of Motivation 

What motivates us to achieve? We first discovered 

that the secret motive is always happiness. In this 

chapter, we will take a closer look at the working of the 

psychology of motivation. 

When I was in my early twenties I was eager to learn 

why people did what they did. I believed that if I 

understood human motivation I could understand people. 

The two types of motivation are as follows; the 

biological push (internal motivation) and the cultural 

pulls (external motivation). All motives fall into either 

one of these types of motivation. By being aware of these 

motivators we can explain why people do what they do. 

Biological Needs: The Internal Pushes 

If you want to understand why you do what you do, 

then you need to understand that your internal drive is 

biological. Maslow's popular hierarchy of needs 

identifies the structure of both our lower and higher 

needs. In fact, motivation is nothing but an unsatisfied 



The Psychology of Motivation 

For example, if your need for water is deprived, your 

thirst will pre-occupy you. Deprive yourself of air, your 

thirst will disappear. Your first priority will then become 

your need for oxygen. As different needs get met, 

different needs arise and there is a continual process in 

life of movement from unmet need to fulfilled need. 

There is a specific order of needs that fuels our 

drive. When we succeed at meeting our basic needs, we 

move up the pyramid in the hierarchy of needs. There is 

a priority in our lives that is independent of the 

circumstances of our lives. 

Many mistakenly assume that this hierarchy of needs 

is the structure for all motivation. But this is not 

accurate. In fact motivation can be as simple as our need 

to gain pleasure and avoid pain. But in order to under- 

stand why we do what we do, we need to see how the 

hierarchy of needs does not explain all there is to know 

about motivation. 

The true motivators 

Perhaps the key to understanding motivation outside 

of the hierarchy of needs is by giving you a counter 

example. For example, it is our belief (feeling of cer- 

tainty) about what events will cause pain or pleasure 

which control our behavior. 

The structure of needs (such as the one posed by 

Maslow) are secondary to these beliefs. But in order to 

get a clear picture of how this applies to life itself, let's 

examine some history. 

The Psychology of Motivation 


The Power to Overcome Pain 

In the first few centuries after Christ's death many 

Christians were persecuted for their beliefs. Some of 

these men and women were not only fed to ravenous 

dogs and lions, but were sometimes grilled alive in 

red-hot iron chairs or whipped so severely with a lead- 

tipped cato-nine-tails that their entrails would spill out. 

The torture was absolutely horrendous. 

Why would some Christians be willing to endure 

such devastating pain? 

If we want to understand motivation, then we need to 

understand why Christians would choose pain over 

pleasure. And the Christians did have a choice. In fact, in 

order to escape such a horrific experience, Christians had 

only to renounce their faith. They didn't even have to 

mean it. Pronouncing the words was enough. 

Despite this option to renounce their faith some 

Christians refused to take the easy way out. Why? The 

truth is the love of God compelled Christians to stay 

faithful. Unless a person is part of God's love, this 

type of motivation will never make any logical sense. 

Even physical torture couldn't dissuade them. 

In spite of some individuals being burned alive, boiled 

in oil, fed to lions and whatever else they would do to 

make them suffer, they were willing to receive suffering 

through the courage and love of Christ . 

But not all Christians chose suffering. Some did 

indeed renounce their faith.Why? 


The Psychology of Motivation 

Because these individuals linked unbearable pain to 

suffering now. And they linked pleasure to choosing the 

easy way out. In fact, suffering a horrible death for one's 

faith wasn't worth it for these individuals. 

After being a Christian for some time, I can honestly 

say that I would not be dissuaded by fear of pain. The 

love of Christ is the only thing that I know that beats the 

pain threshold. If you haven't been part of such love, 

then you need to get to know Christ. 

Aside from the love of Christ, everyone has a pain 

threshold. And it is this threshold which determines 

most people's fate. 

Once again, the pain threshold is the key to under- 

standing motivation. When you experience unbearable 

pain, you will indeed do whatever it takes to move away 

from it. And this is what really motivates people in 

situations where pain is involved. Aside from the love of 

Christ, I strongly encourage you to think of a counter 

example to this claim. If you understand the concept of 

the pain-threshold then you will see the truth in this 


In light of the pain-threshold our understanding of 

human motivation becomes much more clear. Indeed, 

when we experience pain it becomes the source of our 

motivation. But if there is no pain, then we will evaluate 

our choices based on the pleasure principle. This means 

whatever we believe will mean more pleasure will 

determine our fate. This pain/pleasure complex cannot 

be taken lightly. All human beings are motivated by what 

they believe will lead to more pleasure and less pain. 

The Psychology of Motivation 


The power to overcome pain 

Your desire for success will only take you so far. It's the 

power of pain that will take you over the top. Pleasure is 

a strong motivator but sometimes it's not strong enough 

to help you make the necessary change. 

As powerful a motivator as fear of pain is however, 

you will want to avoid prolonged periods of enduring 

pain. Such undue stress is not healthy. Instead of merely 

enduring pain for positive change you will want to use 

pain to create positive change. 

Using Pain To Create Pleasure 

Will enduring more pain today mean more pleasure 

tomorrow? For the Christians who did not renounce their 

faith in Christ the answer was an absolute "yes". 

Personally the answer is an absolute "yes" as well. I was 

willing to use the power of pain in my life to make sure I 

became congruent with what I teach about success. Do 

you remember the PDC (Personal Development 

Consultants) I talked about in chapter one? Not only was 

it painful to be incongruent (feeling guilty) but I believed 

my future would be better if I were to use the tools of 

success that I talked about, instead of wallowing in my 

own comfort zone. 

What goals would you be willing to use the power of 

pain to achieve? Take the time now to think about these 

goals and list them below. 


The Psychology of Motivation 

List three or more important goals in your life: 




Achievement Motivation 

If we want to be happy, then we must seek to understand 

how to satisfy our needs. Once again, we have 

discovered the perspective of internal motivation - the 

idea that not only does our hierarchy of needs 

motivate us but also our beliefs as to what will 

constitute pain and pleasure. These are motives that, 

unlike hunger and sex, seem not to satisfy any biological 


A Study That Supports The Claim 

Murray and investigators David McClelland and 

John Atkinment presumed that people's fantasies would 

reflect their achievement concerns. When achievement 

motivation increases they noted so would 

achievement. A study was conducted by training the 

businessmen of a village in India to think, talk and act 

like achievement-motivated people. 

By doing this they were able to boost the villagers 

business performance. Compared with other businessmen 

from a comparable nearby town, those trained in 

achievement motivation started more businesses. 

The Psychology of Motivation 


They also employed over twice as many people during 

the 2 years which followed the training. 

If you want to produce more results, then you need to 

increase motivation. When you use the power of 

pain-threshold to motivate yourself to create positive 

change you will make significant progress. And this is 

not to say you can't be motivated by pleasure. In fact, if 

all that motivates you is pain, you will not enjoy life. But 

in order to intervene and stop negative momentum, you 

need to use the power of pain-threshold. 

Source of Motivation 

So, why despite similar potential, does one person 

become more motivated to achieve than another does? 

Theorists speculate that the high achievement motivation 

displayed in some children is the result of parents en- 

couraging their children by positive reinforcement. It is 

speculated that children who become motivated to be 

high achievers have learned to associate achievement 

with positive emotions. 

If associating pleasure to achievement causes 

success, then to succeed we must learn to associate 

pleasure to what we want. No surprise there. When we 

couple an association of pleasure to achievement with an 

association of unbearable pain to failure we become 

highly motivated. This means we are going to be will- 

ing to do whatever it takes to succeed. And this is the 

secret to achieving success. 


The Psychology of Motivation 

If we become dependent on others (our parents) to 

reinforce our motivation, then we leave it to chance. But 

if we (through conscious decision) control what we will 

associate pain and pleasure to, we will become highly 

motivated individuals. 

Frankly if reading this book doesn't create some 

positive associations to utilizing the material within 

these pages, you will have wasted the cover price. You 

will only be motivated to use what you believe in, and 

you will only believe in something if you have positive 

associations attached to it. 

I strongly urge you to think about the value of this book. 

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for 

you to associate pleasure to using the tools in this 

book . But even more importantly, you must associate 

unbearable pain to not using what you are learning. Once 

again, if our learning leads only to knowledge, we 

become fools. But if our learning leads to action, we 

become masters of our destiny. 

In fact, if you want to be happy, then you must have 

the desire to eliminate pain in your life. And this is the 

ultimate goal of this book. 

Mastery As Motivation 

After studying the motivations and achievements of 

thousands of college students, scientists, pilots, business 

people, and athletes, Janet Spence and Robert Helmreich 

(1983) concluded that mastery is essential to 

achievement motivation. 

The Psychology of Motivation 


They also discovered that those who possessed a 

desire for mastery and work achieved more if they were 

not highly competitive. 

What are five things you will lose if you don't 

master the materials in this book? 






I remember reading "Unlimited Power" by Anthony 

Robbins and reading a chapter that challenged his 

students to leave their keys, wallets and money behind, 

go to a new city, spend three days there and use the tools 

of NLP to survive. 

After reading this chapter, I made a decision that I 

too would take on this challenge. It was one of the best 

decisions I have ever made. Why? Because it helped me 

to understand what NLP was all about. 

Secondly, it forced me to use the tools I had learned 

to persuade myself and others to survive without normal 


If you are going to benefit from what you learn by 

reading this book, the true test isn't whether you 

understand the information but instead whether you use 

the tools of motivation. 


The Psychology of Motivation 

You could go on and read another 500 personal 

development books and not use any of them. In the end 

it will always come down to applying those principles 

of success which you already know. What will 

determine whether you use this book or not is how much 

pain you presently associate to failing and how much 

pleasure you associate to success. Simply put you are 

seeking to reprogram your brain. Part of the role of a 

coach is to help you make these life changing 


Why Coaching Is Important 

If I wanted to write a book that was going to compel 

people to take action, then I knew I would have to inspire 

and motivate my readers. But, how? This wasn't an easy 

task. Why? Because 90% of people who read books 

don't apply what they learn. And that is a major problem. 

It is a problem which can be addressed through coaching. 

In order to inspire my readers to action, I developed a 

coaching program. And I strongly urge you to sign-up for 

this if you want to use the tools within this book to their 

maximum effectiveness. 

If you truly want financial independence, if you want 

happiness, then the next chapters are critical to your 

success. Until now, you have learned why motivation is 

important. And that is a fundamental part of this book. 

But in the next section you will learn how to use the 

power of motivation to make improvements to your 

mind, body and spirit. 

Section 2: 

Using The 

Power of 


The Power 

of Goals 

" No matter what a man's past may have been, his 

future is spotless." 

- John R. Rice 

If we want to live a life worth living, if we want 

success, then instead of wishing it will happen, we have 

to vividly imagine what that life would look like. Why? 

Because everything is created twice. Once in our 

imagination and once in reality. 

Now visualizing your future is very important, but 

sometimes people become discouraged by focusing on 

their dreams. And it's difficult for a lot of people because 

we lose heart when the object of our hope is not 

immediately realized. 

What is the difference between people who achieve 

their goals compared to those who don't? How can we 

use the power of motivation to ensure we achieve our 

goals? The answer is simple. Every single 

self-improvement book on this planet talks about the 

power of goals. But if goal-setting was the only 

ingredient to achieve success, everyone who set goals 

would live their dream life. 

The Power of Goals 


Yet countless people who set goals never achieve 

them and are living lives that do not reflect their personal 

aspirations. Does this mean that goal setting is not 

important? Not at all! In fact it is an absolutely 

fundamental ingredient of success. It would be like 

trying to bake an apple pie without apples. You still need 

flour and other ingredients to bake the pie, but having 

the apples is critical. 

All this is to say that while goal-setting may not be a 

sufficient ingredient for success, it is nonetheless very 

necessary. In this chapter, not only will we talk about 

goal setting but we will de-mystify some common 

assumptions about goals. 

Everyone knows that goal-setting is a prerequisite to 

success. And when we fail to achieve our goals it is 

because we fail to see what else in the process went 


It is not only important for you to understand the 

value of goal-setting, but also to avoid some not so 

obvious mistakes. 

One of the principles of goal setting is activating 

your Reticular Activating System (RAS).If you 

purchased a new car recently, you'll start seeing your car 

everywhere you look. You never noticed the car before, 

but now that you own that car it seems like everyone else 

owns one too, doesn't it? This is what psychologist call 

the RAS of our psychological focus. 

Doesn't your life reflect what you consistently focus 



The Power of Goals 

The truth is unless you have a plan for your life, you 

are living someone else's plan. By setting goals you take 

control of the blueprint of your life. 

" Change your beliefs, 

and you change the rules, 

change the rules, 

and you change your actions, 

change your actions, 

and you change the results, 

change the results, 

and you change your life." 

- Author Unknown - 

Mistake #1: Failing to set daily goals: If we want 

to achieve our goals, then we must measure them daily. 

In fact unless you can measure your goals daily, you 

won't be in control of your destiny. 

And it is difficult to think like this because we like to 

have it the easy way. And taking stock of daily accom- 

plishment is certainly not the path of least resistance. It 

takes some discipline and work. But unless you are 

willing to pay the price for success, success just won't 


When I first started to read self-improvement books I 

began understanding why it was important to set goals. 

So immediately I would set one-year goals on my fi- 

nances, relationships, career and health. Then I would 

get excited thinking to myself that I would achieve my 

desired goals. 

The Power of Goals 


But when the deadline for these goals would finally 

arrive I found to my disappointment that I had made little 


At first, I didn't understand why goal-setting didn't 

work for me, but seemed to work for everyone else. But 

with a little more research I learned that my perception 

about goal-setting people was not quite accurate. 

What I found out was that most people who write 

their goals actually didn't achieve them. Goal-setting by 

itself is not enough. It's true that goals control your 

focus, and you get what you focus on. The problem lay in 

having large global goals without the specific daily 

objectives in place to make them a reality. 

Long term goals are important in providing you with 

the big picture about where you are heading in life, but 

they have little power to control your daily focus. 

All successful goal-setting must be broken-down 

to daily goals or objectives. When you set daily objec- 

tives, you activate your daily RAS. Daily objectives give 

you the daily focus that your one year goals cannot 


Let's examine this book as an example. The original 

goal was to write a 200 page book on the power of 

motivation by November, 2000. I wrote this goal in the 

month of June, 2000. This is a realistic, measurable and 

specific goal. But in order to successfully achieve this 

goal I needed to write specific daily objectives. It was 

only after these objectives were met that my larger global 

goal of writing this book was achieved. 


The Power of Goals 

Now we said before that setting goals and objectives 

was a necessary but not sufficient condition for success. 

What else then has to be present? The answer is that 

there must be the necessary motivation. Continuing 

with the example of my writing this book, the first thing 

I did therefore was make sure I had the necessary moti- 

vation to follow through on this project. 

How did I create the necessary motivation? I 

advertised and pre-sold the book. By doing this I felt an 

incredible pressure to do whatever was necessary to write 

the book. 

Next I broke down the book in chapters. Because I 

set the goal in June and put a deadline of November, I 

had a total of five months to write. If there are twelve 

chapters then I needed to write 2 chapters per month. 

Then I needed to have an editor, printer, graphic 

designer and assistant. I wrote in my day timer which 

day I would write the chapters. When that day came I 

knew what my #1 priority was. 

Did things go according to plan? Rarely if ever do 

your plans go according to schedule. But by having your 

goals broken down daily instead of monthly it makes it 

easier to measure your progress. 

Prepare for the Worst but Expect the Best 

How can you prepare for the worst? It's easy to 

expect the best but it's not very easy to prepare for the 


The Power of Goals 


One way to prepare for the worst is to anticipate 

potential problems. What if things don't go according to 

plan? What will you do? It's no easy task to foresee the 

future. In fact, it's one of the most difficult things to do. 

But if you want to be prepared for the worst, it is abso- 

lutely necessary. 

According to goal-setting theory (Locke & Latham, 

1990), goals have a content component (what is to be 

achieved) and an intensity component (level of commit- 

ment). Goals are most likely to be achieved when they 

are specific, when they are difficult (but attainable), 

when there is feedback showing the extent of progress 

toward the goal, and when the outcome is regarded as 

important (Latham, Daghighi, & Locke, 1997). 

Mistake #2: Too Difficult and Not Very Believable 

According to self-efficacy theorists, what a person 

believes about their capabilities influences their 

motivation and, as a result, determines the instigation, 

direction, effort and persistence of their future actions 

(Bandura, 1982; Schunk, 1989). 

Mistake #3: Not enough motivation 

If you have clear, specific goals that are measurable 

according to your daily schedule, the only thing that can 

prevent you from succeeding is a lack of motivation. 


The Power of Goals 

95% of achievement is linked to motivation, only 

5% of success is knowledge 

If you don't have the fuel necessary to help you 

follow-through on your goals, you might as well not even 

pursue them. Only when you are a 100% committed will 

you be successful. 

Unless we can create within ourselves the necessary 

commitment, which is the willingness to do whatever it 

takes, it will be impossible to follow through on our 

plans. Indeed, a personal commitment is essentially a 

statement about how far a person is willing to go in order 

to succeed. 

The Evidence of 100% Commitment 

The power of commitment is self-evident. The key to 

making and keeping commitment is linking unbearable 

pain to not following through. When you are willing to 

do whatever it takes to succeed then you know you are 


Doing whatever it takes doesn't mean doing 

something that goes against your conscience. The 

promises of God are much more important than the 

promises we make to ourselves. Therefore, it is important 

to keep in mind what it is you want to achieve. 

Once again, I believe that there is nothing more 

satisfying then a relationship with God. Bear that in mind 

as you make commitments. 

The Power of Goals 


Dream Big 

If there were ever a time to dare, to make a differ- 

ence, to embark on something worth doing, it is now. 

Not even necessarily for any grand cause but for some- 

thing that tugs at your heart, something that you feel 

passionate about, something that you have dreamed 


You owe it to yourself to make your days here 

count. Have fun. Dig Deep. Stretch. Dream big. Know, 

though, that things worth doing seldom come easy. 

There will be good days. There will be times when 

you want to turn around, pack it up, and call it quits. 

Those times tell you that you are pushing yourself, 

that you are not afraid to learn by trying. 

Persist. Because with an idea, determination, and 

the right tools, you can do great things. Let your in- 

stincts, your intellect, and your heart guide you. Learn 

to trust. Believe in the incredible power of the human 

mind. Believe in the good of making a difference. Be- 

lieve in working hard. Believe in laughing and hop- 

ing. Value lazy afternoons. Value lasting friends. Look 

forward with anticipation towards all the things that 

will cross your path this year. 

The start of something new brings the hope of 

something great. Anything is possible. There is only 

one you. And you will pass this way only once. Do it 


-(paraphrased from a Macintosh ad in 1991) 


The Power of Goals 

Create Your Destiny 

What if you won a million dollars tomorrow? Would you 

quit your job? Would you travel the world? Would you 

start your own business? Would you buy a new house? 

How about a new car? Would you help your family 

members? Would you give to the poor? Would you go 

back to school? 

Living your dream life isn't dependent on winning 

the lottery, it's dependent on using the power of 

motivation effectively. If you and I want to live our 

dream life, then we first need to write what it would look 

like. So take the time and write down goals for each 

area of your life. Write down what you want finan- 

cially, physically, emotionally, in your relationships, 

and in your career. 

If you're reading this, you should have written goals 

for each area of your life. You should be able to measure 

your goals daily. They should be challenging yet 

believable. As long as you can measure your progress 

daily, you are focusing within your circle of control. 

Congratulations! You have now turned the invisible 

into the visible. This is the very first step to making your 

dreams a reality. 

A Perfect Plan 

to Wealth 

If you want to be responsible, you need to master 

your finances. Money, or more specifically the lack of 

money, can cause a lot of pain. Many of us spend more 

than we earn. And that is a problem that this chapter will 

identify, demystify and overcome. 

How to Grow Rich 

If you want to become financially independent, you 

need to spend less than you earn and invest the differ- 

ence - then re-invest the profits to create compound 

interest. That's the principle that wealth is based upon. 

But the problem for most of us is that our expenses are 

higher than our income. We will only be free from sla- 

very to money, when we make money work for us, in- 

stead of us working for money. 

There is no "Get Rich Quick" scheme that works 

without paying the necessary price. If you are willing, 

you can use the power of motivation to save money more 

intelligently. Your progress towards financial 

independence isn't only related to how much you 

make but also on how much you spend. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

How to Use The Power of Motivation To Succeed 


The eight steps we are going to talk about in this 

chapter work. They are specific, measurable and 

attainable by anyone on the face of this planet. They 

guarantee success for anyone willing to use the power of 

motivation to put them into practice. 

If you want to ensure you put these eight steps into 

practice you must be willing to use pain and pleasure to 

help you follow-through on them. As I already 

mentioned in chapter one, you must create the necessary 

leverage to ensure success. When I discovered the power 

of motivation I created financial penalties for not 

following through on my commitments. 

For example, when I embarked upon these next eight 

steps, I made a radical commitment to myself that there 

was no turning back. 

I made a commitment in public. I got someone to 

witness my written commitment, usually a friend that I 

knew would ask me how I am doing on these eight steps. 

The power of motivation works when you cut all bridges 

to everything other than the thing you are committed to. 

The power of motivation is that you create a reality 

in your life where the breaking of a personal and public 

promise is absolutely unbearable. 

The Eight Steps to Financial Independence 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


If we want to be financially independent, if we want 

to make money work for us, then instead of wishing to 

win the lottery, as many of us do, we have to come to a 

point where making money is not a "should" but a 

"must". That's all there is to it. If we want to make 


independence a must, then we need to use the power of 


By mastering the eight steps to wealth, you will 

master money, rather than having money master you. 

And it's difficult to make money work for you at first. 

The problem is that momentum is working against you. 

If you have the momentum of a downward financial 

spiral, you must intervene, stop the momentum and then 

reverse the momentum. This is what this chapter is 


Without these eight steps you will be dependent on 

the kind of wishful thinking that causes so many people 

to fail. Don't let these eight steps lead to mere head 

knowledge because if you do you will still remain a slave 

to money. Apply these eight steps and claim your birth- 

right: the freedom to control your resources. 

Step 1: Enjoy the Process 

" Learn to be happy with what you have 

While you pursue all that you want." 

- Unknown - 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

In the light of the intention to be financially 

independent, all things become clear. We all want to be 

able to do whatever we want, as much as we want and as 

often as we want. The freedom to travel, golf, help the 

poor, do what you love and enjoy the good things in life 

are a few of the benefits we could name. 

Wanting to be financially independent more than 

anything else is the key. That means that if your desire to 

spend more money than you earn cannot be controlled, 

you are going towards a downward financial spiral. In 

fact, your desire to save money must be bigger than 

your desire to spend money. Whichever desire is 

stronger will overpower the other. 

Desire to Spend Money 

Curent Financial Condition 

Desire to Control Money 

Remember everything you do is to gain pleasure and 

avoid pain. If the process of this plan becomes painful, 

you will fail miserably. How can you enjoy this plan? 

What can you do to avoid linking pain to the process of 

doing the activities of this plan? How can you associate 

enough pain to not following through on this plan? 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


The only way to enjoy this plan is to control pain and 

pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure control you. 

You see, the only reason that people don't follow through 

on the financial plans that they know would lead to 

success is because they associate pain to doing it. If we 

want to enjoy the financial plan, we must increase the 

desire to gain pleasure. But the real leverage happens 

when we increase the desire to avoid pain. The forces of 

both pain and pleasure working to your advantage is 

what will reverse the momentum of a negative financial 


Here are some practicals as to how to enjoy this 


1. Start by saving only 10% of your income 

2. Find alternative ways to enjoy yourself. 

3. Focus on natural highs of life. 

4. Measure your progress visually. 

5. Take local vacations, it's cheaper. 

6. Prioritize your expenses and continue to spend on 

those things that are a priority. 

7. Purchase second hand and save on the taxes. 

8. Purchase what you need, not what you want. 

9. Earn money on the side and dedicate this extra 

income to enjoyable activities. 

10. Reward your progress. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

Lastly, you must associate enough pain to not 

following through on saving 20% of your income. How 

can you do this? People will do more to avoid losing 

what they already have than to gaining more. Therefore 

use the power of motivation to create leverage for 

yourself. If you want to save 20%, commit that if you 

don't follow through, you will lose something of value. 

This painful consequence will compel you to follow 

through on your plan. Believe me, as I shared with you 

earlier, I am speaking from experience, this method 

absolutely works. 

If you progressively expand your comfort zone and 

enjoy the process, you will rapidly become financially 

independent and take control of your finances. Baby 

steps will lead eventually to quantum leaps. 


If you want a full-proof financial plan, if you want 

a plan that will guarantee your success, then you 

must focus on your circle of control, not your circle of 

concern. It's so easy to deceive ourselves. It happens 

when we go to the casino, buy a lottery ticket or invest in 

speculative stocks. It's so rare when a person doesn't 

depend on luck for his financial success. Unless we 

focus within our circle of control, the odds are working 

against us. 

You can't force your boss to give you a raise. You 

can't control the stock market. The one thing you can 

always control are your own personal decisions. 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


By focusing on your circle of control, you empower 

yourself to master your finances. To understand the circle 

of control is to understand the difference between luck 

and power. 

Things you can control: 

•Your expenditures 

•How much you save 

•Your monthly budget 

•Your education 

•Where you invest 

•How hard and intelligently you work 



Things You 

Can Control 

Not only is this plan a 100% full proof but applicable 

to anyone, anywhere. By focusing on things within your 

circle of control, you empower yourself to succeed. I 

strongly encourage that you never focus on the circle of 



A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

As you explore the next seven steps you will realize 

why the circle of control is so important. All will become 

clear - the difference between wisdom and ignorance, 

freedom and bondage, success and failure. 

When financial independence is seen from the 

perspective of simplicity, the future begins to look much 

brighter. But don't get too excited yet. Unless you follow 

the other steps you will only enjoy limited success. 

Don't undervalue any of the steps because they are 

all equally important. Instead act on each of the eight 

steps to ensure you will create the financial success you 

desire and deserve. 


I strongly urge you to pay attention to the amount of 

money you are going to spend today and tomorrow. I 

cannot emphasize enough how important this is. The 

desire to spend money can be stronger than lust. Unless 

you can overcome the desire to spend more than you 

earn, you cannot follow this plan successfully. 

As I said before, the formula for success is: Spend 

less than you earn and invest the difference. How do 

you spend less than you earn? Make living within your 

means a must, not a should. The first principle to achieve 

this is to pay yourself first. If you control pain and plea- 

sure, you could save enourmous amounts of money. The 

more you save, the more you quickly you can become 

financially independent. 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


" He who loses money, loses much; 

He who loses a friend, loses more; 

He who loses faith, loses all." 

- Author Unknown - 

What prevents you from saving large amounts of 

money from your income? Your comfort zone. You have 

become accustomed to living a certain lifestyle. It's your 

current lifestyle that causes you to be a slave to 

money. The way to transform your slavery into freedom 

is by stepping out of your comfort zone. But that is the 

problem. To succeed, you must learn to expand your 

comfort zone not only today but tomorrow as well. 

"The quality of your growth is a direct reflection 

of how much discomfort you can comfortably live 


Anthony Robbins 

Many mistakenly assume that how they feel today, 

will be the same feelings they will have tomorrow. But 

nothing could be further from the truth. Your comfort 

zone today is not going to be your comfort zone 

tomorrow. You see, you can get all excited about these 

steps today, go through the process of this plan and then 

experience the pain of discomfort several weeks from 

now and justify your way out of this plan. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

If we want to be comfortable with this plan, then we 

must make it extremely painful for you to break this plan. 

Unless you make breaking this plan very unbearable, you 

will be compelled to reach for pleasure when times get 

tough. It is the presence or absence of comfort that deter- 

mines the success of this plan. 

As you get more comfortable with saving 20% of your 

income you can then expand your comfort zone and save 

30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and finally 80%. You can 

master your finances comfortably if you take control of 

pain and pleasure towards this area. 

STEP 3: Invest Intelligently 

If you want to make your money grow, if you want to 

see significant progress, then investing in a 

GUARANTEED SUCCESS COACH is the first and best 

investment you will ever make. To be successful 

financially, you can learn from your mistake or other 

people's costly mistakes. You see, a coach can help you 

to save money, increase your income and help you to 

profit from your money. Not because they are more 

intelligent than you but because they have already 

achieved what you desire. 

If I gave you the option to choose one of the 

following: 1. double a penny for thirty days or 

$10,000, which would you choose? 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


When I ask this question to the average person, 

they always choose the $10,000. And it's difficult at first 

to understand the value of compound interest. But when 

we do the math it becomes evidently clear that this is the 

way to financial success. We will be free from slavery to 

money when we make money work for us. 

If you chose the penny this is what would happen to 

you after seven days: you would have 128 cents. After 

fifteen days: you would have $327.68. After twenty days: 

you would have $10,485.76 (already surpassing the other 

offer). In thirty days: you would have a whopping 

$10,737,418.24. That's ten million dollars. Which do you 

want now? The penny that will double for thirty days or 

the $10,000 dollars? 

The easiest possible way known to compound your 

money quickly is in business. If I gave you the $10,000 

dollars and asked you to go and make money with it, I'm 

sure you could come up with some ideas, couldn't you? 

Within a year, could you bring back $20,000? Or, 

would you bring back $2,000 of the original investment? 

A lot of that depends on your business knowledge. 

However with some coaching I believe anyone could 

make 50-100% profit on their capital investment. 

The Secret: Don't invest in intangibles. 

For example when you go and get a loan from a bank for 

business, they limit where you will invest their money. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

In fact, banks will rarely lend you money for mar- 

keting, offering consulting services or any other intan- 

gibles. Instead they lend you money for inventory, assets 

and other tangible assets. This helps the bank secure their 

investment in you. If your business doesn't work, they 

still have tangible assets with which to secure the loan. 

They can use these to cover their loss. 

In the same way, this part of the plan requires you to 

think like a banker when you invest your savings. Invest 

in inventory assets, not intangible services. If you follow 

this advice you will make your money grow five to ten 

times quicker than the average investment available out 


Some ideas: 

-Buy used cars, fix them and sell them at a profit. 

-Invest in houses or property. 

-Start a part-time business leasing cars. 

-Purchase a yacht and charter it. 

-Write a book and self-publish it. 

If you want to secure your investment, 90% of 

your capital must be invested into inventory. It's 

important to understand this because it could mean 

the difference between success and failure. When we 

invest our money into tangible, high-demand and easy to 

sell items, we will increase our chance of success. The 

problem is people don't want to work at their invest- 

ments. They want to let some expert take care of their 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


If we want to compound interest at 50-150% a year, 

then you need to put a little work into your investments. 

And it's difficult at first to begin doing this because it's 

not within your comfort zone. But if you want to com- 

pound your money yearly instead of each seven years, 

you need to do the work yourself. It will not only grow 

your money ten times faster but give you the peace of 

mind that comes from taking charge of your financial 


What type of business ideas can you come up with? 






It's important to understand the difference between 

yearly compounding (meaning doubles each year) and 

seven year compounding. If all you have is $10,000 that 

doubles yearly, in seven years you will have $1,280,000. 

That's over a million dollars. On the other hand with a 

$10,000 investment that doubles in seven years, you only 

have $20,000. You must understand that the number of 

years that it takes for your money to double is the key to 

everything. Only through some kind of a business vehicle 

will you be able to make investments that are significant, 

and not just trivial. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

STEP 4: Increase Income and Lower Expenses 

The only way to spend less than you earn and invest 

the difference is to lower your expenses or increase your 

income. If we are not increasing our income, then we are 

staying within our comfort zone. Without being aware of 

it, we will allow our comfort zone limiting our financial 

progress. Indeed, the comfort zone is the power of 

motivation working against you. 

As you can see, Step Three (expand your comfort 

zone) is a prerequisite to Step Four. Without breaking out 

of your comfort zone you can neither increase your 

income nor lower your expenses. In fact, increasing your 

income or lowering your expenses are both within your 

circle of control. That means your financial progress is 

not limited by luck. It's so important to be focused on 

your zone of control because it determines your success. 

By using the power of motivation there is no reason 

why you shouldn't be able to increase your income by 

10-90% annually. And when you start asking for ways 

you can increase your income, you begin to get answers. 

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of asking 

good questions. But you have to discover this for your- 


Which is easier? Increasing your income or lowering 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


For most people lowering their expenses is easier. 

The best decision you can make is to budget your 

expenses. Without it you have no road map, no sense 

of where you are going financially. Secondly, and more 

importantly, is the need to track your expenses daily. 

Make sure no funds are spent without recording it. This 

enables you to track how well you are following your 

financial plan. It also holds you accountable for your 

spending and will cause you to be aware of expenditures 

which might later prove to be trivial or unnecessary. By 

keeping close tabs on your expenditures and your budget 

you will ensure that you meet your savings goals. 

The Envelope method 

One of the easiest and most recommended ways to 

control expenses is to use the envelope method. The 

envelope method simply requires you pay yourself an 

amount of money for each area of your life. You pay 

yourself once a week. For example you could limit $100/ 

week for food, $50/week for entertainment, etc. What 

you do is you put the money dedicated for each expense 

into an envelop. When the money is gone, you consider 

yourself broke and manage with what you have. The 

problem is that you may want to reach for your savings 

account and give yourself more money. 

To succeed with the envelope system, you need to do 

it weekly. Secondly, you need to commit to never 

spending more than the money you have put into the 



A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

But the moment you mismanage the money is when you 

will need to control yourself not to spend even more. If 

you "fall off the wagon" you will screw up the entire 

system. In fact, this has happened to me a few times, 

where I mismanaged the envelope system and had to eat 

crackers for a couple of days. But the pain I experienced 

from my mismanagement helped me to do a better job of 

it in the future. 

How can you save money? 

1. Lower the entertainment bill. 

2. Sell your car. 

3. Cancel cable 

4. Rent instead of paying a mortgage. 

If you want to be in control of your money, then you 

need to list your expenses in order of priority. But this so 

easy to do that a lot of people overlook the importance of 

such activity. That's when you need to do what the 

failures are not willing to do. List your expenses in 

order. Why? When times of crisis come, and believe me 

they will come, you will be ready to let go of some of the 

least important expenses, without jeopardizing your 

financial plan. 

Once you prioritize your expenses, you can eliminate 

the ones that are the least important. Doing this will 

lower your monthly expense by 30-40% a month. Unless 

you are already living on a tight budget, you will find 

plenty of opportunities to lower your expenses. 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


The other method of increasing savings is by 

increasing your income. Obviously, once you have 

mastered the art of saving (paying yourself first) you will 

then need to increase the inflow of funds to make 

significant progress towards your financial goals. 

How can you increase your income? To succeed in 

increasing your income, you need to stay focused within 

your circle of control. 

If you are unwilling to control your opportunity for 

higher income, you are limited to your present 

circumstances. But that isn't a real problem if you spend 

less than you earn. It just means your financial progress 

will take more time. Here are some ways to increase your 


1. Increase your education. 

2. Get a second job. 

3. Work more intelligently. 

4. Work longer hours. 

STEP: 5 Monitor Your Progress 

If you want to stay motivated, if you want to stay 

committed, then you need to monitor your progress. 

Why? Unless you can see progress, you will lose sight of 

the consistent reinforcement that is necessary to fuel 

your goal. 

Only if we truly want to be successful financially, 

will we be willing to follow-through on this step. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

This means unless you are willing to do whatever it 

takes to succeed, you will not follow the steps within this 

plan. But if you got this far in this book you are one of 

the few who is willing. 

Step 5 entails setting up a graph where you can see 

your income, expense and interest rate on your 

investments. When you create this graph, please make 

sure it is large enough to last you a few years. To create it 

copy the exact graph contained in this book. Again, 

coaching is something I would recommend when you 

begin to do something you have not done before. Often 

when we begin doing something new, we give up after 

we discover it takes discipline. This is why a coach 

becomes handy. A coach helps you stay accountable to 

these steps. 

Your daily goal is to spend less than you earn. If you 

earn $100 per day, than you should be spending no more 

than $70 if you are saving 30%. As you continue hitting 

your daily goal, you'll make significant progress. What 

will happen eventually is your interest on investment will 

surpass your expenses. When you arrive at that point you 

are financially independent. 

STEP 6: Expect the Best But Plan for the Worst. 

What happens if your business suffers a down-turn, or if 

you are employed, what happens if you lose your job? A 

perfect plan must adapt to worst case scenarios. This is 

the part of the plan where you might be tempted to ask 

100's of "What if?" questions. 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


What if there is an emergency that requires 


What if someone steals $2,000 from my assets? 

What if one of my investments goes bad? 

What if I get sick? 

What if I lose motivation along the way? 

What if the worst happens and my business ideas 

don't work? 

The majority of these problems can be solved by 

having an emergency fund (I recommend something in 

the order of three months of salary). This way, even if 

you get sick, lose your job, get robbed or lose on an 

investment, you are prepared to handle the challenges at 

hand. Having $6,000-$10,000 in emergency funds can 

give you real comfort. In fact this should be your first 

financial goal. But your are not going to do it unless you 

give up the idea that everything will go perfect. When 

you accept the fact that problems do occur, you are on 

your way to being prepared for the worst. 

The only question that we haven't handled yet is 

"What happens if you lose your motivation?" This is the 

next step. 




A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

If you want to guarantee your success, if you want to 

ensure long term commitment, then you need to 

understand how motivation prevents people from 

achieving financial independence. 

In fact as you are reading this book, there are literally 

thousands of people who have done all the previous six 

steps successfully. But they lack one singularly important 

skill: self-discipline. That means they will eventually 

give up doing what they know they should do to be 

successful financially. 

The one way to ensure you don't lose your 

motivation three months from now is to create it in 

advance. How? If you associate pleasure to following 

this plan, and pain to not following it, you will make 

consistent progress until you succeed. It's that simple. 

But it's not something you can do one day and forget 


Only when you condition the association of pain and 

pleasure to your daily life does the motivation last for the 

long term. If you haven't conditioned the motivation 

within yourself then you will simply slip back into your 

old habits of money mis-management. 

Since, you already associate pleasure to making money, 

how can you associate pain to not following through? 

Think for a moment about what comfort, joy and 

sense of gratefulness you will lose if you don't do this. If 

you have children, will they model your plan? If you 

have a spouse will he/she always worry about money? 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


Where will you be five years from now? What will you 

say to yourself if you don't change five years from now? 

I used to think these questions were enough to create 

the necessary leverage to succeed. However today I 

realize it is not. The problem with the mental pictures 

you make as I ask you these questions is that they are 

temporary images that will disappear three months from 


If you want motivation to last long term, then you 

need to have consistent reminders of why you are 

doing this. Unless the benefits of financial independence 

are crystal clear each day, you will lose your motivation 

in a short period of time. But if you receive daily 

reminders about why you want financial independence, 

you will sustain the motivation that fuels this plan. 

What are some of the compelling reasons why you want 

to be financially independent? 




What penalty are you willing to give yourself in order to 

help you follow through on this plan? 





A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

Do this one thing and you will succeed - I promise 

If you want these compelling reasons to last long 

term, then you must make them real. One of the ways to 

make sure you follow-through on your plan, is to have a 

friend who holds you accountable. It doesn't necessarily 

take a coach to hold you accountable but someone who 

desires making sure you follow-through on your plan. 

Why is this important? The power of justification will 

overpower your mind (more about this is the chapter on 

the power of justification). 

When someone else, other than yourself, measures 

your progress, you have the power of leverage at work. If 

you give yourself a financial penalty (and I highly 

recommend this) then make sure the other person is 

holding on to the money. If you want to stay account- 

able, you must show your friend or buddy proof that 

you've done what you said you would do. The progress 

must be visual. If you can't prove to your buddy that you 

held yourself accountable then the person will penalize 

you for not following through. 

For example if you commit to saving 30% of your 

income, the person holding you accountable must see the 

bank account statement . You must tell him the exact 

amount of money you are committed to saving and on 

which date. For this purpose you should have a separate 

bank account. If you get paid twice a month, then you 

need to show him the bank statement twice a month. 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


Eventually if you can't prove to your buddy that you 

have been diligent it will become self-evident. Eventually 

if you don't save consistently, you will not have enough 

money to prove to him that you have done what you said 

you would do. In fact, after a year it is going to be next 

to impossible to show proof that you don't have. 

Now the reasons I am asking you to do this should be 

obvious to you. But from experience I have learned that 

many people simply don't understand how strong the 

power of motivation can be when it is working against 

them. From experience I can tell you that you will not 

hold yourself accountable to your goals unless they are 

measured and monitored by another human being. It is 

very important that you recognize the truth about 

motivation. By nature motivation is not your friend. In 

fact it is your enemy waiting to make your life a living 

crisis. It is up to you to turn this enemy into an ally. 

Time and Matter 

If you want to take control of your motivation, then 

follow these steps: First, find someone who you trust and 

will hold you accountable. Secondly, measure your 

progress according to time and matter. Time meaning you 

have scheduled dates for you and your friend to monitor 

your progress. Matter meaning you have something 

tangible to show your friend. Third, give the financial 

penalty (money) to your friend who will hold on to it 

until you are done. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 

Fourth, ensure that your friend will penalize you no 

matter what you say to him. In fact, use the contract form 

within this book and give him a copy of it, so you are 

both clear about the conditions of the agreement. 

Now you have covered all your bases. Unless you are 

willing to follow through with the above steps, I 

wouldn't be willing to coach you. Why? From personal 

experience people overestimate their abilities. If motiva- 

tion was so easy everyone would be financially indepen- 

dent. But the problem is that motivation is the most 

difficult thing there is to master. 

The Daily Motivator 

If you want to be motivated daily, then you must 

make the pain of not following through real. For ex- 

ample, when you choose the financial penalty (money 

you will lose), you must give the money to someone. But 

one of the biggest mistakes is to give the money to some- 

one you love. 

Instead what you want to do is give the money to 

someone who doesn't deserve it. In fact if it's someone 

you really dislike, even better. Secondly, you must have a 

picture of that person posted on your wall, which will 

remind you daily about the pain of not following 

through. If you don't have a picture of the person, find 

someone else. 

A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


Finally, along with the picture of the person you 

don't like, post up the compelling reasons you wrote 

down. This will ensure that you associate both pain and 

pleasure, ensuring that you have the power of motivation 

working for you. And make sure you read these compel- 

ling reasons at least once a day. 

What happens if you lose the money? 

If you don't want to lose the money, then make sure 

you have a big enough amount. This means you must 

associate enough pain to losing the money. For example, 

losing $1,000 for me is unbearable. Especially to some- 

one I don't necessarily like. I know that this $1,000 

would be enough to make sure I follow through on my 

goals daily. What about you? How will you feel if you 

lose $500, $1,000, or $3,000? How does it make you feel 

when you think about losing that money? Is losing the 

money more uncomfortable than the effort necessary? 

If it is then you have a winning strategy for motiva- 

tion. In fact if you follow this plan accordingly, you 

should never have to pay the financial penalty. 

Now you have a perfect plan for perfect motivation. 

Nothing can stop you from making real progress towards 

your goals. You are on your way to financial success. But 

if you don't follow step number 8 in this plan you are 

leaving your financial future up for chance. 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 



This is a 90-day commitment that will change your 

life. If you believe in the strategies within this book, then 

hire a coach. A coach will use the power of motivation 

and personal experience to help you make quantum 

leaps. More about coaching in chapter 10. 

Are you starting to feel confident about the benefits 

of following these eight steps? As you start doing them, 

your feeling of certainty of success will increase and so 

will your excitement about this plan. But unless you hire 

a coach, there is no guarantee you will understand the 

perfection of this plan. One little mistake can be quite 

costly. And that's why I recommend you invest in a 


One last statement about coaching. I can honestly say 

that you can't afford not to hire a coach. You will do 

better financially than you would not hiring a coach. 

Think of it as your initial investment. An investment that 

will yield profits of 30-400% more than your initial 


A Perfect Plan to Wealth 


Financial Evaluation 

1) What is your annual income? (Both net and gross) 

2) What are your monthly expenses? 

3) What is your net worth? (Assets minus liabilities) 

4) If I gave you US$10,000 to invest in business, how 

much profit could you create for me? (30,50,200%) 

5) How much tax do you currently pay? 

6) What do you believe are some of the unnecessary 

expenses in your life? 

7) Do you currently have any RRSP's 

8) Do you invest in stocks? 

9) Do you have any business experience? 

10) What do you do for a living? 

11) What financial goals do you have? 

The Diet 


Natural Hygiene is the Science of Health. It is a 

philosophy and a set of principles and practices based on 

science that lead to an extraordinary level of personal 

wellness and happiness. 

If we want to experience full joy then we cannot 

ignore the importance of energy. The truth is energy is 

what sustains life. If we want energy, then we must use 

the power of motivation to apply the science of health in 

our lives. And when we do we will experience the joy we 

are after. 

If you want to know if something works in your life, 

then you must put the principle to the test. But the prob- 

lem is a lot of us have conditioned beliefs about diet and 

exercise that prevent us from even trying. Of course I 

don't expect you to believe everything I say, especially 

not about food. But unless you try to apply the principles 

in this chapter you will not know the value of them. 

The Three Fundamental Laws of Health 

1. Diet: Eat lots of whole, natural, plant-based foods 

consisting of large portions of uncooked vegetables and 

fruits, with the addition of enough steamed vegetables, 

The Diet Solution 


potatoes, grains, legumes, and raw, unsalted nuts, to 

maintain healthy weight and energy levels. 

2. Lifestyle: Secure plenty of rest, sleep, vigorous physi- 

cal exercise, fresh air, sunshine, and pure distilled water. 

Develop your self-esteem and social skills, form mean- 

ingful relationships, learn how to manage stress, and live 

a productive life. 

3. A few basic concepts: Health is the normal state; 

healing is a biological process and is not something you 

can buy; health and disease are a continuum-the same 

physiological laws govern the body in sickness and in 

health; nothing that makes a well person sick can make a 

sick person well; physical, mental, and emotional health 

are inseparably linked; personal health, environmental 

health, and community health are parts of a whole. 

Natural Hygiene is for people who are looking for 

the good life. And by this I do not mean just a pretty 

good life, I mean a very good life. It offers you the 

opportunity to live the healthiest, happiest life possible. 

Natural Hygiene is based on the idea that all the 

healing power of the universe is within the human body; 

that nature is always correct and can not be improved 

upon. We experience problems of health (e.g.. excess 

weight, pain, stress) only when we break the natural laws 

of life. (H. Diamond, 1985) 


The Diet Solution 

Principles of Natural Hygiene 


2. PURE WATER (distilled) 




Free of poisons & pollutants. Eat a nonpolluting diet 

(indigestion indicates this principle is lacking). 

5. SLEEP - regenerates nerve energy. 


Eat foods of our biological adaptation. 

7. EXERCISE - at least 3-4 times per week - preferably 

7 times. 

Aerobic (cardiovascular) activity - at least double the 

breath and pulse. 

Resistance activity - weight training or isometrics. 

You cannot be healthy unless you are physically fit, and 

you cannot be physically fit without training your body 

through exercise. 

8. SUNSHINE - an essential of life. Minimum of 20-30 

minutes daily, or 2-3 hours per week. Before 10 Am or 

after 4 PM in summer, anytime in winter. Sunshine is 

necessary for bone formation. 

9. PLAY & RECREATION - have some down time to 

do what you enjoy. 

10. REST & RELAXATION - Meditation & Cogitation 

11. MENTAL POISE - maintain equilibrium & do not 

become emotionally upset. 

The Diet Solution 



steps to make sure you feel secure in your physical safety 

and finances. 

13. CREATIVE WORK - think of your work as a 

means of self-expression. 

14. SELF-MASTERY - you will lose self-esteem if you 

lose self-mastery. 

15. PEER INTERACTION - group interaction, allow 

the social mirror to reflect back on you. 


- you may not have children but the instinct to be with 

others for the purpose of reproduction is basic and 

should be given some form of expression. 

17. LOVE, APPRECIATION, ESTEEM - both give & 

receive these. 

18. APPRECIATION OF BEAUTY - take the time to 

admire those things, people and art forms you find es- 

thetically pleasing. 


must have a purpose in life which will fuel your present 

activities with inspiration. 


"A food can start off as a 'food' but by the time it 

is cooked, pasteurized, synthesized, extracted, 

homogenized, adulterated with additives, and 

devitalized by processing for commercial use and 

storage, it is rank poison." 

Dr. Sidhwa 


The Diet Solution 

Optimal health and weight-loss are only possible 

when the majority of foods you consume have a 

high nutrient-per-calorie ratio. The most nutrient- 

dense and healthful food you can eat is leafy 

greens, such as lettuce, kale, collards etc. The more 

of these you eat, the more weight you will lose. If 

you consume a diet that contains 90-100% nutrient- 

dense food, you can practically disease-proof your 

body. (J. Fuhrman,M.D., Discover The Health 

Equation, 1999) 


The animals in nature experience a much higher 

level of health than we do - not only eating high- 

water content food, they are also properly combin- 

ing their food. That's the beauty of it. They eat one 

food at a time. We eat anything we can get our 

hands on, including them! And as you start experi- 

menting with the proper combinations of food, you 

will come to realize firsthand what a truly marvel- 

ous tool proper food combining is in the quest to 

lose weight. 

(H. Diamond, Fit for Life 1985) 

Traditional hygienists have asserted that food 

combining doesn't hold up under scientific scrutiny. The 

reason they assert this is because they fail to understand 

that it is not how you combine your food that makes the 

difference, it is the overall quality of the food; 

The Diet Solution 


the nutrient/calorie ratio etc. Individuals with poor 

digestion may need specific dietary recommendations, 

but generally speaking, food combinations are almost 

never needed for most people. (J. Fuhrman, M.D., ANHS 

conference 1998) 

Dr. Bass 

Dr. Bass states: "I have tested this principle thou- 

sands of times on myself, patients, and friends for over 

40 years, and each and every time I reversed this order, 

problems arose in digestion." (S.Bass Ph.D.: Ideal health 

through sequential eating) 



Fruitarians say that white sugar is poison, but that 

fruit sugar is good. However, the body doesn't 

distinguish between fruit sugar and natural sugar...... I 

don't care how natural, how pure, how organic the fruit, 

if you take too much of it, you'll overactivate the pan- 

creas which could produce low blood sugar, and eventu- 

ally diabetes.......People think if you eat natural foods 

you're going to do no wrong, but it's not true. (S.Bass: In 

search of the ultimate diet) 


The Diet Solution 


Obesity is far less prevalent in China than in the US, 

even though they consume about 30% more total 


- In China, animal protein intake is roughly 1% of 

total calorie intake as compared to an average of 

10% of calories in the United States. This differ- 

ence in diet is associated with a remarkable 17 

times higher incidence of deaths from heart dis- 

ease of American men than Chinese men. 

Conclusions reached: evaluating two years of 


Experiments are still continuing, but here are my conclu- 

sions from my experimenting with this diet over the last 

two years. The most important foods are 

No.1: grains and legumes, raw, soaked, sprouted 

or cooked are even better. They should be comple- 

mented with each other. 

No.2: the green vegetables, especially lettuce, 

including Romaine, outer iceberg leaves, and 


No.3: nut and seeds, which are closer in impor- 

tance to grains. But you must realize that even 

nuts have to be complemented. They don't contain 

all the amino acids, but they're approximately as 

good as grains. Grains have a slight edge over the 

nuts because nuts are high in fat. ..... 

The Diet Solution 


No.4: eggs or egg yolks represent the best of all 

the proteins for semi-vegetarians. Next best is 

cheese. For non-vegetarians, of the animal pro- 

teins, fish is the best after eggs because of its high 

mineral content, easy digestibility, rapid assimila- 

tion, and high utilization. After fish comes poul- 

try. Red meats come last. 

The ideal diet consists of the foods listed above - 

approximately 75-85% raw foods with 15-25% cooked, 

consisting of steamed vegetables (including tubers), 

cooked grains and legumes, these to be eaten in correct 

sequential order. The correct amounts of each item 

should be properly proportioned in one to three meals 



If we want to improve our health we must apply 

these ideas. All you have learned is useless if you 

don't follow through with eating well. We must 

enjoy the healthy, nourishing and natural foods we 

eat today to enjoy good health tomorrow. So, to 

begin the momentum of positive energy, you may 

need a push to step out of your comfort zone and 

experience a little pain before you experience 



The Diet Solution 

It's important to realize this is a book about 

motivation, not health. If you truly want to study 

the science of natural hygiene, then I recommend 

books like "Fit for Life" by the Diamonds. In fact 

you don't even need to purchase the book. Instead 

you can go on-line type the keyword "Natural 

Hygiene" within a search engine and get free 

information about the science of health. 

Of course, the science of health becomes 

meaningless if you don't use it. But by using the 

power of motivation, you can begin eliminating 

negative habits and begin exercising on a regular 

basis. And when you begin doing that you will 

feel much better. 

How to Give Up Poisons 

1. Coffee is a poison causing a temporary energy 

boost. However consumption over the long-term 

can lead to many problems. 

Leverage: I am committed to put $___________ 

to help me stay accountable to stop drinking 

coffee until (Date)___________. 

The Diet Solution 


2. Salt and Sugar are poisons leading to serious 

problems with illnesses like heart disease and 


I am committed to put $______________ to help 

me stay accountable to stop taking in salt and sugar 

until ___________. 

3. Red Meat 

I am committed to put $_____ to help me stay 

accountable to stop eating red meats until 


How to Commit To Exercising 

Most if not everyone understands the important of 

exercising regularly. When I couldn't get myself to 

exercise regularly, I committed to myself a $300 

penalty for not following through on it six days a 


I am committed to put $_________to help me stay 

accountable to exercise ____ days a week until 



The Diet Solution 

Once again, when you learn what you should do to 

improve your health, then you must use the power of 

motivation to make sure you do it daily. But this requires 

an effort on your part. You must be willing to use pain to 

create positive change in your health. 

When you are willing to make changes in what you 

eat and how you exercise, you will become more happy. 

Physiologically endorphins will be released in your body 

which will boost your morale. Psychologically your self- 

esteem will skyrocket because you have taken control of 

a vital area of your life. 


1. Keep baby carrots in the fridge. 

2. Have on hand some Pre-washed lettuce. Plus ready- 

made dressing. (Eat Romaine leaves by hand.) 

3. A few nuts rolled in lettuce leaves. 

4. Celery stalks, cherry tomatoes. 

5. Nut-butter or almond-butter on celery stalks. (Possibly 


6. Have a baked potato ready in the fridge, microwave it, 

and top with salsa. 

7. Whole-wheat tortillas (frozen organic taste best), fill 

with salad mix and salsa. Or spread avocado on pre-cut 

vegetables. Roll. You can a use red cabbage leaf instead 

of tortilla. 

8. Ready-to-eat sushi rolls, made with rice and raw 

vegetables. Plus a little tamari soy sauce. 

The Diet Solution 


If you have a SWEET snack attack: 

1. Frozen grapes. 

2. Blend frozen bananas with other fruit, to make a 


3. Fruit - cut in pieces. 

4. A cup of warm decaf tea, with some dates or raisins, 

or non-fat crackers. 

5. Put a nut or (homemade) nut-butter in center of a date, 

on a piece of celery-stalk. 

6. Slice a date, roll in pieces of lettuce. 

7. Raisins, roll in lettuce leaf. 


1. Choose a vegetarian restaurant. This is perhaps not 

possible if your spouse is a meat-eater, but try to find a 

restaurant that has a good vegetarian selection. 

2. Choose a restaurant with salad bar, or a large selection 

of salads. 

3. Choose an ethnic restaurant with vegetarian dishes, 

e.g. Middle Eastern or Indian. Watch out for hot spices. 

In TexMex restaurants, everything is usually covered in 

cheese, and have hot-hot sauces, so try asking the waiter 

for assistance. 

4. Choose a salad from the menu. Watch out though - in 

Texas that may mean chicken salad, taco (meat) salad or 

shrimp salad. Even a vegetable salad usually is covered 

with cheese and bacon bits. Specify that you want veg- 

etables only. 


The Diet Solution 

5. Bring your own healthy salad dressing in a tight con- 

tainer. Most restaurant dressings are oil-based and con- 

tain vinegar, eggs and artificial ingredients. 

6. There may be a fruit salad on the dessert menu, that 

you can have as main meal. 

7. Ask for a selection of the vegetable side dishes on a 

plate. Or ask for a certain dish, but without the meat. 

There are so many vegetarians now, that the waiters often 

know a good solution. 

8. A plate with grilled or steamed vegetables may be 

available. Perhaps with pasta or rice. 

9. Enjoy yourself! Make the best choices you can, but 

don't make a big deal of it. What counts is how you eat 

every day at home and the occasional blunder in a restau- 

rant is not going to destroy your over all diet. 


To begin with, we should eat only when hungry. 

This ensures our maximum enjoyment and causes us to 

relish the food we eat. We should first enjoy the sight 

and aroma of the food and feel gratitude. 

Then, as we put the food in our mouth, it is best to 

close our eyes to help us concentrate our attention on the 

taste of the food and to shut out all distractions. Be total 

in eating with no other thinking. Do not read while 

eating, or listen to T.V. or converse with anyone. To do 

so will be to draw most of your attention away from the 

sensual enjoyment of the food. 

The Diet Solution 


When I eat with total attention to the taste of the 

food it is almost impossible for me to gluttonize - I 

would literally have to force myself to eat more than 

60% of what I usually eat when not paying attention . 

For those who practice meditation, the use of eating 

as a meditation is the easiest of all meditations to master. 

It's important to understand the importance of 

energy in your life. It is also, I believe, the foundation 

of any teaching of living life to the fullest. That means 

that unless you have a high energy level you will not 

experience the full joy of living. And remember that 

what you assimilate, you must eliminate. 

That is the principle of natural hygiene. And if you 

don't eliminate what you assimilate, you will get sick and 

perhaps even get cancer. 

Now, you know how to achieve wealth and health. 

But what is the key to success. I believe that if you are 

truly willing, you can achieve any desired goals. When 

we look at people like Thomas Edison, inventor of the 

light bulb, we cannot help but want to learn more about 

how people like Edison achieve what they achieve. In the 

next chapter, you will learn the secret to achieving any- 


The Key 

to Success 

" Yesterday's failures are today's seeds 

That must be diligently planted to be able to 

abundantly harvest tomorrow's success." 

- Pete Zafra -- 

This chapter talks about the basic underpinnings for 

success. In fact, you will learn what Thomas Edison, 

Albert Einstein and other geniuses all have in common. 

But before you can truly appreciate their strategies you 

must understand the value of desire. 

A long time ago, there was a very, very wise man. In 

fact, people would often travel thousands of miles by 

foot just to get his advice. When they finally arrived they 

would ask the wise man about the secret to abundance 

and success. The wise man would take the head of the 

student, put it in full immersion into water, then wait 

until the student would run out of air. When it was time, 

the wise teacher took the head out of the water and said: 

"When you want to learn as much as you want air then 

the teacher will appear, your questions will be answered, 

and you will know the answer to your questions". 

The Key To Success 


The truth is unless you really want the answers 

more than life itself, you will not learn. In fact, you 

could read this chapter learn the keys to success and still 

ask the same question: "What is the key to success?" But 

then five years from now, you go to a seminar, your life 

has come to a ruin, the teacher tells you the same prin- 

ciples you will read in this chapter and Voila, you finally 

get it. 

The difference is not the teacher but the student. 

"When the student is ready the teacher will appear". But 

instead of waiting until you get ready, you can use the 

power of motivation to help you increase your desire to 

want the answers to success. If you are willing to moti- 

vate yourself now, instead of waiting for life to bring 

you to a painful threshold, you can save yourself a lot of 

pain and suffering. 

The key to success has four specific steps 

"Where the determination is, the way can be 


- George S. Clason - 

1. Know what you want. 

2. Take massive intelligent action. 

3. Notice what's working, and what isn't. 

4. Change your approach until you succeed. 


The Key To Success 

The above four steps are a success system that never 

fails. I could end this chapter right now being fully 

satisfied you know "How" to achieve success in 

anything. If the key to success is so simple, why don't 

most people take "Nick's" advice and just do it? I will 

say it again, unless the student is ready, the student will 

not understand the lesson. You alone can control your 

desires, therefore your learning curve. 

" Being defeated is often a temporary condition. 

Giving up is what makes it permanent." 

- Marilyn vos Savant - 

Success is very simple, but motivation is not. 

Motivation is what determines how well you will 

follow the 4 steps to success, not the possession of 

knowledge. "There's one sure way a quitter can succeed 

in life: If the quitter finally quits quitting. And starts 

doing what it takes to win!" 

" No, try not, 

Do or do not, 

There is no try!" 

- Yoda to Luke Skywalker in the movie 

"Star Wars" 

This 4-step to success concept could be taught to a 5 

year old child. 

The Key To Success 


The fact is that "know-how" has little to do with 

success. In fact, unless you are willing to do what ever it 

takes, you are not going to follow these four steps to the 

end. But that doesn't mean that these four steps don't 

work. On the contrary, the four steps to success will 

always work if you use them to the end. 

From Sleeping in a van to BIG success 

I have a friend who wanted to be successful in busi- 

ness. Unfortunately, like many people in the world he 

lacked both money and business knowledge. But what he 

did posses was an abundance of motivation. And as you 

have already learned motivation is everything. 

My friend owned a van and a business called "Spirit 

Express". His business was the delivery of "wine & beer" 

to people who did not own vehicles. The 1st month in 

business, my friend, Al, slept in his van, running his 

business from a cell phone. To advertise, he hand 

delivered flyers around the neighbourhood where he lived. 

Within a couple of months the business he operated from 

his van, moved into an office. My friend lived in his 

office for a year. After a year, he moved into an apart- 


Today "Spirit Express" has several locations. My 

friend has several people working for him and enjoys the 

financial independence he initially desired. Could my 

friend have achieved such success without the power of 



The Key To Success 

I suggest that if my friend lacked sufficient motiva- 

tion, he would have quit after the first night of sleeping in 

his van. 

Those who succeed have an abundance of motivation. 

The fact is that motivation feeds desire to change your 

approach until you succeed. But if you lack motivation, 

you lack persistence. If you lack persistence, you lack the 

willingness to change your approach until you succeed. 

" Life is learning - from our mistakes as well as our 

successes. The only real mistake in life 

is the mistake not learned from. " 

- Unknown - 

Failure is failing to realize all goals which require a 

100% commitment to change your approach until you 


You better count the cost because you could begin 

something you may not finish. And that is not something 

you want to do unless you have unlimited time and money. 

But for most people failure isn't something they anticipate 

when they set goals. 

So if you want to guarantee your success be willing to 

make a real commitment. And as Tony Robbins would 

say; "that means cutting yourself off from any other 

possibility except the thing you are committed to." 



The Key To Success 


" At anytime, you can decide to alter the course of 

your life. No one can ever take that away from you. 

You can control your own destiny; 

Make yourself do what ever is possible, 

Make yourself become whatever you long to be. 

You don't have to buy from anyone. 

You don't have to work at a particular job. 

You don't have to participate in any given 


You can choose. 

The choice is yours. 

It is always your next move." 

- Author Unknown - 

The Four Steps to Positive Momentum 

Remember in chapter two we talked about the down- 

ward and upward spiral. We will explore all the neces- 

sary steps to stop and intervene the downward spiral 

towards depression. If you want to make positive 

progress in your life, then you need to think about how to 

apply these four steps. 

1. Begin believing you can change. 

Often we try improving our physical, financial and 

emotional circumstances so many times, without success, 

that we are afraid of trying to change again. This natu- 

rally leads to skepticism. People are not skeptical by 

nature, people are skeptical as a result of past failures. 


The Key To Success 

It's impossible to stop and intervene into your 

present downward spiral unless you believe you can. 

Aren't there people who seem to have everything in 

life going against them, who have nevertheless 

intervened and stop the momentum of a downward 

spiral? Of course there are. I know, because I am one of 

them. The truth is that you can change anything you want 

if you have a BIG enough why. And this is the first step 

to intervening in your downward spiral. Begin by using 

the power of pain-threshold to cause motivation in the 

area you want to change. 

2. Get Confident 

If other people have changed the momentum of a 

downward spiral then so can you. How do you go about 

stopping and intervening the momentum of a negative 

downward spiral? Focus on your circle of control. 

When you feel you are in control of your life, then you 

are more likely to have confidence in yourself. 

In the introduction of this book, I mentioned that there 

are only three commonalties worldwide. We all have 24/ 

hours per day. We are all motivated by pain and pleasure. 

We all have free-will (the ability to make choices). All 

interventions into our downward spiral require three 


1. New goals. 

2. A plan we believe in. 

The Key To Success 


3. The necessary motivation. 

All three of these steps are within your circle of 

control. All progress requires some level of control. 

Control breeds confidence - confidence that you can do 

it, then confidence that you will do it. 

The truth is if you follow all these three steps, 

along with the key to success, you will get positive 

results. In fact I can guarantee it. Unless some 

circumstances outside of your circle of control stops you, 

you have the power to achieve your desired goals. You 

will be able to intervene and turn your downward spiral 

into one that shoots for the moon. 

3. Get Excited 

If you believe your future finances, relationships, 

career and all other areas of your life will get better, you 

will get excited. This excitement is what fuels you for the 

next necessary step of positive momentum. But before 

you can experience the benefits of your excitement, you 

will need to feel uncomfortable. 

4. Get Uncomfortable 

All worthy progress on the upward spiral of success 

first requires that we get uncomfortable. And this is the 

problem. As you learn in this book people don't want to 

get uncomfortable. But to reverse the negative spiral, this 

is a prerequisite. 


The Key To Success 

And I will say it again, unless you control pain and 

pleasure, you will not be able to pay the price necessary 

to succeed. 

The Two Discomforts and How They Control Your 


Positive momentum requires a necessary push. This 

requires effort. Effort requires motivation. Once momen- 

tum gets going, you won't require so much motivation 

but until then you need to push hard. Pushing hard means 

getting uncomfortable. You won't push hard unless you 

get the necessary motivation and get a 100% committed. 

This is the first type of discomfort. This type of discom- 

fort works against you. 

The other type of discomfort is the one that compels you 

to follow through on your goals. It's uncomfortable to 

work, achieve goals and work your plan BUT it's more 

uncomfortable quitting. If you've used the power of 

motivation effectively then quitting will be unbearable 

and extremely uncomfortable. Quitting must be more 

uncomfortable then the effort necessary if you're going 

to achieve any worthy goals. 

After discomfort comes... 

4. Joy, Love and Peace 

After discomfort comes joy. As you achieve financial 

independence, good health, great relationships, a great 

career you begin feeling the joy, love and peace of these 


The Key To Success 


The goal of this book is to get you to succeed in all 

seven major areas of your life. And when you get posi- 

tive momentum working in your life, you begin to feel 


How to Use the Power of Motivation 

Now, you know how to use the power of motivation 

to succeed. In fact you have all the tools necessary to 

achieve anything you want. 

What will you do? 

Do want to achieve financial independence? 

Whatever you want, you now have the power at your 

fingertips to get it. But this is just the beginning. In fact 

there is still a majority of people who will read this book 

without doing anything about it. But I entice you to hire a 

coach. If you want to guarantee your success, you can 

hire me as your coach to help you make sure you achieve 

what you want in life. 

The truth is I am so excited to have the ability to help 

people live the life of their dreams. And you can bet that 

if you hire me as your coach, I will help you succeed. 

Why? Because I live and breathe this stuff. Teaching 

"The Power of Motivation" for me is as easy as teaching 

someone to drive a car. Of course, at first, you will 

struggle with the gears. You may even break the clutch. 

But if you don't give up, with the right teacher, you will 

learn to eventually drive that car. 


The Key To Success 

And with the driving come all of the benefits, one of 

them is the ability to get from where you are now to 

where you want to go. 

I hope I have exposed you to enough possibilities 

that you have begun asking yourself a question. What if? 

What if this power of motivation really can do all it says 

it does? 

If you have already asked yourself that question than 

I hope you have already answered "YES". This is my 

invitation for you to join me in the state of joy, peace 

and love. When you apply the strategies in this book you 

will live a life worth living. 

In section three, after you have reversed the negative 

momentum in your life, you must examine the power of 

motivation a little closer. What impact does motivation 

have in your life? How can you use motivation 

intelligently? What is the purpose of motivation? These 

are deep questions that the next chapters will answer for 

you. Discover the impact of motivation on your life 

starting today. 

Section 3: 

The Impact 

of Motivation 

The Effects 

of Motivation 

" Faith is like a light bulb. You turn it on when 

you can't see." 

- Janet Henker -- 

We have more power to create or to destroy than we 

can imagine. Why do some people seem to destroy their 

finances, relationships, health and well-being while 

other people live constructive lives? In this world there 

are only two types of people: the people who create and 

the people who destroy. 

This statement might seem extreme, but I believe 

that everything a person does is either a process of 

building up or tearing down. And those whose basic 

character is to build, create and contribute are sharply 

differentiated from those whose energies are primarily 

directed towards negativity, criticism, and tearing down. 

People who destroy, tear down the world, bring down 

other people in their lives, and also hurt themselves. 

We are destroying our rainforests, oceans, the ozone 

layer, and many more natural resources. Why? 

Effects of Motivation 


Because we consider the fulfillment of our desires 

to be more important than the negative consequences 

of our actions. It's not an issue of whether we are 

capable of doing the right thing; it's an issue of sacrific- 

ing our desires for the right thing. The goal of this book 

wasn't just to motivate you, but also to inspire you to 

become a light where there is much darkness. 

Why do people smoke, do drugs, drink alcohol when 

they are fully aware of the destructive consequences of 

those practices? Why do we overeat when we know it 

will destroy our health? Why do we spend more than 

what we earn, creating a bigger national and personal 

debt? Why are there still more than 10,000 children 

dying every single day in third world countries? Why is it 

that we have abundant resources yet fail to help our 


The answer: Desires. 

The final teaching on motivation I want to reveal to 

you is the concept of constructive desires. This concept 

can be juxtaposed to what is talked about in the Bible as 

the "sinful nature". It can also be explained as the teach- 

ing of Karma. But the point remains the same. Our 

desires can be constructive or destructive. 

Examples of the actions of the sinful nature are 

everywhere: President Clinton's infidelity towards his 

wife. People cheating on their taxes, lying to their friends 

and neighbours, and not taking responsibility for their 



Effects of Motivation 

People being undisciplined about their finances. Two 

out of three marriages end up in divorce today. There is 

more crime, cruelty and general destructiveness today 

than in all of recorded history. The fact is that it is within 

our nature to be destructive. 

Do your desires destroy or create? Even as I am 

writing these words to you, I know I have at one time or 

another used my desires improperly, therefore destroying 

the things around me. I believe at one point or another 

we make errors that we learn from. And all of these life 

lessons point to one solution: Responsibility. 

"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask 

what you can do for your country" 

John F. Kennedy 

The power of motivation isn't just a book useful for 

material gain but also a book to help us become men and 

women of good moral character. Should we try to justify 

the consequences of our choices because of our desires? 

If not, what can we do to ensure that our natural desires 

don't overpower our desire to do the right thing? 

You can use the power of motivation to become a 

multi-millionaire. You can use the power of motivation 

to get a raise. You can also use the power of motivation 

to become a leader. I wrote the power of motivation to 

educate you about the powerful force that lies within 

you, the power of motivation. By controlling this force 

intelligently you can have anything you want. 

Effects of Motivation 


The power of motivation is like an awesome machine 

that can be used to create or destroy. In fact I believe 

your desires are like electricity, you can use electricity to 

kill someone or you can use electricity to light up a 

whole city. But if your desires are like electricity, they 

can be both dangerous and wonderful at the same time. 

The truth is a lot of us are not controlling our desires 


By being aware of the powerful motivating force 

within you, you can do amazing things for this world. 

You can leave this planet in a better place than how it 

was before. Your challenge is to consider the 

consequences of your choices. Will your choices lead to 

negative or positive consequences? That will all be 

dependent on how well you practice the techniques of 

controlling your motivation. 

So this is your invitation to use the electricity of your 

desires to give light to the world. Join me in the 

endeavour to give more than what we take from this 

planet. Do it for the children that will inhabit this world 

after us. 

Remember that everything we do is to gain pleasure 

and avoid pain. The power of motivation was written to 

encourage, inspire and motivate you to take charge of the 

forces that control you. You either master the power of 

motivation or the power of motivation masters you. 

When the power of motivation masters you, you become 

its slave. In slavery you have no control. Don't allow that 

to happen. 


Effects of Motivation 

Take control of your life, not only so you won't be a 

slave to pain and pleasure, but so you can do your part to 

take human kind to a higher level of evolution: The 

evolution to a higher intelligence and a more compas- 

sionate soul. 

Now, the important thing about our desires is not 

only that they are like electricity, with the potential for 

good and evil BUT that they can lead to illusions. When 

we let our desires lead to illusions, we pursue a lie. But if 

we can navigate between illusion and truth than we have 

more power available to us. Then we will be free of 

illusion and be able to live in the power of now. 

In the next chapter, you will learn about the final 

motivation, the secret to being free from illusion. 

The Final 


So, to where does our inner motivation lead us? 

If we look very deeply into our experience, we find 

that the truth is that those times in our lives when we 

have experienced the greatest happiness, which means 

the deepest sense of peace, are those moments when we 

have ceased to want. In those moments you feel like 

there is absolutely nothing else you would rather be 

doing than what you are doing at that very moment. 

The world we live in equates happiness with having 

everything and being in want of nothing - money, inti- 

macy, marriage, luxury cars, sex and fame - only when 

we achieve these do we count ourselves as fulfilled. It is 

our desire for pleasure - the wanting of this and the 

wanting of that - that generates excitement, anticipation 

and intense longing. 

It's important to realize that when we associate 

happiness with money, intimacy, marriage, luxury cars, 

sex and fame, we feel intensely alive, and it excites us. 

And it is this excitement that distorts our perceptions. It 

is easier to understand the emotional significance of what 

I am talking about if we look into what it means to want 



The Final Motivation 

When we strongly desire money we make money 

something more than what it actually is. For example we 

imagine being rich, we find the mere idea of being 

independently wealthy intoxicating. To imagine what we 

would do with millions of dollars is a truly mesmerizing 

experience. Whether that intoxicating desire is money, a 

car, a relationship, it is still the same mesmerizing 

experience. You will love everything about it. Just 

thinking about what you want causes you to feel 


Seeing More Than What is Actually There 

But interestingly enough, after we become rich, it 

seems impossible to sustain that same level of 

intoxication. We may still find money attractive, we still 

perceive tremendous value in having money, but that 

special something, that magic, is gone. 

What I am trying to bring to light is that certain 

objects in our consciousness can often appear to be more 

than they actually are. And when certain objects in our 

imagination appear to be more than what they actually 

are, it means we are seeing more than what is actually 

there. We are seeing the car, we are seeing the money, 

but because both are objects of our desire, we are seeing 

more than what's actually there. And that means what we 

are perceiving has very little to do with the object itself 

The Final Motivation 


If we look very deeply we see for ourselves that in 

fact what we are seeing comes from our imagination. 

What we are imagining is what we are adding to the 

object. And it is what we are adding to the object that 

makes our nerves dance, our hearts beat faster and makes 

us feel excited. In truth it is our imagination causing us 

to create an illusion. 

This is the source of motivation within all human 

beings - a promise that when we finally get somewhere, 

when we finally achieve financial independence, we will 

be completely happy. 

So when that magical something happens, when 

suddenly the car is not just a car but "the car I want," or 

when the individual is not just a person but "the man/ 

woman of my dreams", in that moment, and in all the 

moments that follow, we are pursuing a product of our 

imagination, not the actual object itself. 

To be able to see clearly, to be able to see things as 

they are, free from illusion and self-deception, is some- 

thing that most people, even the most sincere 

seekers of truth, struggle with constantly. 

The Truth Shall Set You Free 

Only the individual who wants to be free more than 

anything else, only the individual who wants to know the 

truth more than anything else, will find himself being 

able to see things as they are, not as he wants to see 

them. Most of us won't be able to achieve this clarity. 


The Final Motivation 

Why? Because without being aware of it, we will be too 

invested in the intensely intoxicating experience of 

wanting. You see we don't want not to want. And this is 

what the problem is. 

A lot of people say, "I just want to be happy, I just 

want to live a simple life." But that assertion cannot be 

true, because to experience true happiness, we have to 

abandon the wanting. It's only when the wanting dimin- 

ishes that we begin to feel the fullness of the moment. 

And it's only in the moment that you can experience true 

joy, peace or love. 

The Challenge of Motivation 

So the great challenge in all this is to find the 

willingness to renounce the thrill of wanting. When there 

is nothing else you would rather be doing than what you 

are doing at the moment then you know you are happy. 

This is the purpose of motivation. To help you live in the 

moment. When you live in the moment, then you are free 

from the intoxication of wanting, free from illusion, left 

with only the reality of moment. In the next chapter, on 

the condition that you are willing to let go of illusions, 

you will learn how to live in the moment using the law of 

Karma to create enlightenment - the final transcending 

of desire. 

The Power 

of "Cause 

and Effect" 

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A 

man reaps what he sows." 

Galatians 6:7 

To begin with, it is necessary to understand the 

meaning of the word KARMA. 

It is appropriate to state that the word itself means 

"Law of Cause and Effect". Obviously there is no effect 

without a cause, or a cause without an effect. Any event 

in our life, whether good or bad, has its consequences. 

MORPHEUS: Do you believe in fate, Neo? 

NEO: No. 

MORPHEUS Why not? 

NEO: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in con- 

trol of my life. 

MORPHEUS: It's that feeling you have had all your 

life. That feeling that something was wrong with the 



The Power of "Cause and Effect" 

You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in 

your mind, driving you mad, driving you to me. 

MORPHEUS: The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around 

us, here even in this room. You can see it out your win- 

dow, or on your television. You feel it when you go to 

work, or go to church or pay your taxes. It is the world 

that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the 


NEO: What truth? 

MORPHEUS: That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like 

everyone else, was born into bondage... kept inside a 

prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for 

your mind. Outside, the WIND BATTERS a loose PANE 

of glass. 

MORPHEUS: Unfortunately, no one can be told what 

the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. 

NEO: How? 

MORPHEUS: Hold out your hands. (In Neo's right 

hand, Morpheus drops a red pill). 

MORPHEUS: This is your last chance. After this, there 

is no going back. (In his left, a blue pill) 

MORPHEUS: You take the blue pill and the story ends. 

You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you 

want to believe. (The pills in his open hands are reflected 

in the glasses). 

MORPHEUS: You take the red pill and you stay in 

Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole 


The Power of "Cause and Effect" 


MORPHEUS: Remember that all I am offering is the 

truth. Nothing more. 

The Truth 

Without being aware of it, most of us are convinced 

at the very core of our being that something is terribly 

wrong. And it's this one fundamental conviction that 

keeps us looking for the answers to life's challenges. 

If we are seeking truth, if we want to be free from 

pain, we have to be ready to question our thinking. 

Because the same level of thinking that got you where 

you are today is not going to get you to the emotional 

STATE OF BEING you are motivated to achieve. 

The difference between happiness and sadness is 

completely dependent on your willingness to understand 

where motivation is taking you. We need to know where 

the motivation is taking us before we can begin with the 

end in mind. 

Without knowing it the motivation in our lives is 

taking us towards one fundamental truth: "The cessation 

of pain and towards the absolute sensations of pleasure." 

The problem is most of us don't see our motivation to be 

as simple as it really is. 

We have to be willing to see clearly before we can 

acknowledge that all we really want is to enjoy the 

present moment. We have to be willing to uncondition- 

ally let the present circumstances be as they are before 

we can truly enjoy life. What does this mean? 


The Power of "Cause and Effect" 

It means that unless you are able to achieve 

satisfaction, your desire to gain pleasure, without 

knowing it, will always cause you to pursue the promise 

of perfection. 

"The Law of Desire" 

Everything we do is to gain pleasure and avoid pain. 

When we let everything be this way, we realize all 

decisions of all human beings are motivated by this 

powerful force. No one can say that they have chosen to 

do something for their desire to avoid pleasure and the 

desire to gain pain. Since this is impossible, the truth 

becomes self-evident to us. 

By self-evident truth we mean that the opposite of 

our assertion is impossible. Beyond time, beyond the 

world of opposites and differences, where nothing ever 

happened, what the ultimate truth is, is a mystery. But in 

the world of opposites and differences, where "the law of 

non-contradiction" overpowers human opinion, truth 

becomes self-evident. And this is the truth I want to 

entice you to accept. 

If we want to be happy and seek the freedom through 

the knowledge of what is ultimately true, than we must 

realize that all motivations have positive intention. We 

must sincerely ask ourselves: Is that conviction 

ultimately positive or negative? And once we've 

answered that question, then we must ask ourselves: 

How deep is the experience that this conviction of truth 

is based on? 

The Power of "Cause and Effect" 


How deep does the rabbit hole go? 

"The Law of Responsibility" 

For many of us the idea that we are a 100% 

responsible for our life is not easy to accept. The logical 

outcome of such a statement means that we are the cause 

of everything that happens to us, and unless we change 

the cause, we will continue to have the same effects. 

So if we want to have joy, peace and love we must 

address the issue of what "causes and effects" are in 

motion in our lives. If the effect of our life isn't 

"happiness" than we must understand that the cause is 


Now it's important to understand that the cause set in 

motion either leads to happiness or sadness. A cause will 

carry into effect either a desired or undesired emotion. 

If we want to become happy, then instead of wanting 

many things, as most of us do, we have to come to the 

point where we want only one thing. That's all there is to 

it. If we want to be free, if we want to experience the 

state of being joyful, the way to the attainment of such 

desire can be found simply through ceasing to want many 

things and wanting only one thing. 

If we want only one thing and that is truth alone, then 

our goal becomes clear and distinct and our attention 

becomes very focused. Why? Because we only want 

"truth" and that is very different from wanting money, 

relationships or cars. 


The Power of "Cause and Effect" 

You see when you want many things it's very easy to 

get confused. But if we want one thing, and this thing 

never changes for any reason at any time, we will dis- 

cover a hither to undreamed-of clarity of being. 

It's important to realize that our life is nothing but a 

reflection of the consistent decisions we have made over 

our lifetime. The law of Karma is simply this: Every 

decision you make has negative consequences, 

positive consequences, or both. You see the decision- 

makers are completely responsible for the results they 

currently have. Neither God nor your neighbor is 

responsible for the choices you and I make. 

The truth of the matter is that all your suffering is 

the result of the laws of "cause and effect". 

What I am speaking about is the foundation of the 

teaching of motivation. It is also, I believe, the 

foundation of any genuine teaching of enlightenment. 

The path, the goal, and everything in between, begins 

and ends with this and this alone. 

For any motivation to lead to extraordinary 

transformation, we must be deeply grounded in the desire 

to begin with the end in mind. 

The Power of "Cause and Effect" 


Is it possible to only experience complete happiness? Is 

it possible to achieve the "enlightened state" that most 

people dream of? 

"The Law of Negative Choices" 

In light of the intention to be happy today without 

having pain tomorrow, all things become clear. 

Clarity of Intentions is the most difficult path out of deep 

confusion. The intention to gain pleasure now, tomorrow, 

and for the days to come, is indeed, the only reason we 


But if we are not true to the urgency of this call to 

Liberation, if we allow ourselves to get distracted, if we 

allow ourselves to believe that anything else could ever 

be more important, we lose sight of this clarity of inten- 


What can we do now, that doesn't cause pain in the 

present or the future BUT instead only causes pleasure 

now and the future as well? 

Profound questions yield profound answers. It's so 

easy to deceive ourselves. In fact, it's the easiest thing to 

do. Most people do it all the time. What is ignorance? 

Ignorance is a state of constant self-deception. It's so 

rare that a human being actually wakes up for more than 

a few moments. Unless we become one-pointed towards 

clarity of intention, we are not going to make it. 


The Power of "Cause and Effect" 

The forces of motivation are so strongly working 

against us that unless we control these forces we become 

slaves to them. 

The second truth of life itself is there are only 

positive and negative choices. There is no alternative to 

this assertion. A person either makes a positive or 

negative choice. A person cannot make a positive and 

negative choice at the same time. When a person makes a 

choice that leads to pain, he has made a negative choice. 

When a person makes a choice that leads to pure 

pleasure, he has made a positive choice. 

What do you want now, and will continue to want for the 

rest of your life? 

The answer: Pleasure 

The reason that we suffer incessantly, the reason that the 

painful experiences of life are so constant for most of us 

is because we don't make the right choices. Why don't 

we make the right choices? Due to a state of ignorance, 

we don't know any better. 

What are the wrong choices? You see, the first 

negative choice is choosing to sacrifice the present for 

the future. All such choice is moving away from what 

you want most now. Indeed this is a sacrifice, especially 

if when you finally arrive to the end goal you realize that 

you were putting your hope in an illusion. 

The Power of "Cause and Effect" 


The Sacrifice of the Cross 

In order to have a relationship with anyone it is 

first required that you love that person as yourself. 

This wasn't only a message that Jesus preached, but 

one that he commanded people to live by, or they 

couldn't truly call themselves his disciples. 

The truth is no one lives up to being successful 

at relationships. We all fall short of loving our 

neighbour as ourselves. We don't deserve 

relationships with others because of our "sins." 

To save us from our "sins" Jesus, the son of 

God, died on the cross, as a sacrifice for all. This 

was the ultimate symbol from God to demonstrate 

his love for us. 

The power of love is enough motivation to 

demonstrate the willingness to experience pain for 

someone else. Aside from love, sacrificing pleasure 

doesn't make any sense. 

If you truly want to know the truth, then you 

cannot overlook the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus 

demonstrated by his love for us. 

Anyone commiting to being in a relationship 

without a Christlike love is aiming for mission 



The Power of "Cause and Effect" 

The second wrong choice is sacrificing the future 

for now. All such choices bring negative consequences 

in the future. The future will surely come. Getting drunk 

today can often mean pain tomorrow. 

All choices fall in three categories. The third cat- 

egory is how you want to measure all the choices you 


The only positive choice is the one where choosing 

to gain pleasure now does not cause pain in the 

future. For example, enjoying your favorite form of 

exercise today can mean better health tomorrow. Enjoy- 

ing learning about your favorite subject today can often 

mean working the job of your dreams tomorrow. Work- 

ing the job of your dreams today can often mean good 

financial reward tomorrow. 

Applying the Law of Cause and Effect in All Six 

Areas of Life 

If all choices bring negative or positive consequences, 

then how do we make the right choice? 

Rules of Karma in Finances: 

1. Enjoy learning. 

2. Enjoy your work. 

2. Enjoy spending less than you earn. 

3. Enjoy making money work for you. 

4. Enjoy spending your money. 

The Power of "Cause and Effect" 


Avoid Negative Karma in Finances: 

1. Never get schooling just for the sake of making 


2. Never work for money if you are not going to 

enjoy the process. 

3. Never spend money on things you don't need. 

4. Never spend more than you earn. 

"The entire law is summed up in a single 

command: "Love your neighbor as yourself" 

Galatians 5: 14 

Do you like it when people participate in the following 

behaviours toward you? 

1. Lying. 

2. Stealing. 

3. Criticizing. 

4. Judging. 

5. Hating. 

6. Being Angry or bitter. 

7. Looking down on you. 

8. Ignoring you. 

9. Being Jealous of you. 

8. Cheating behind your back. 

9. Saying bad things about you. 

10. Or anything else which causes you harm. 


The Power of "Cause and Effect" 

If you don't like it when people do the following things 

to you then don't do it to other people. Your goal is to 

avoid negative karma with people. Your relationship is 

dependent upon how well you love your neighbor as 

you love yourself. And it is also dependent on your 

ability to forgive others, the way you want to be 


The Highwayman Story 

There was once a highwayman who would rob and 

kill the travelers who came his way. One day a wander- 

ing rishi came by who had no possessions but his wis- 

dom. He asked the robber why he lived in that wicked 

way; did he not know what sins he was committing? The 

robber replied that it was the only way he had, to feed his 

parents, wife and children. 

Then the sage wanted to know if the robber's family 

knew just how he earned his livelihood. No, said he, they 

thought him a merchant. "Well, go to your family," the 

sage told him, "and tell them how you live, and ask them 

if they are willing to share the bad karma you are making 

through these evil deeds. I promise to wait here." (Karma 

means action; what sometimes is called "sin" in the bible 

can also be called bad karma. Karma just 

emphasizes how actions bring its own punishment.). 

"Surely they will," said the robber; but he went home and 

asked his parents if they knew how he had been 

supporting the family all this time. 

The Power of "Cause and Effect" 


They were horrified. So were his wife and children. 

They said, "It is your duty to support us, but you have 

done this in an unacceptable manner" None were willing 

to share his guilt. 

This opened the robber's eyes. He totally changed his 

way of life, and eventually became the poet Valmiki. 

Each man must bear the effect of his own karma, good or 

bad. My future fate will be the effect of my action today; 

my fate today was caused by my action in the past. 

Through following this Law you can make good karma. 

Karma is a subject that I never lose interest in. You 

will remember how the New Testament expresses the 

thought: "A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7) 

That is just what karma means - it is a Sanskrit term 

used in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy to signify 'ac- 

tion' followed by reaction. Every religion has stressed 

the doctrine of moral responsibility. Muslims speak of 

Kismet as representing one's individual portion or lot in 


The ancient Greeks had their Nemesis or goddess of 

retributive justice; they also personified past, present and 

future as the three Moirai or Spinners of Destiny. So too 

those born in the Jewish faith are familiar with the Mo- 

saic injunction: "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a 

tooth." All of these are different ways of describing the 

universal law of harmony and balance, which ensures 

that every cause set in motion will, some time in the 

future, bring about its corresponding effect. 


The Power of "Cause and Effect" 

The "power of motivation" is a raging fire of 

pain. Pain that consumes every thought, emotion and 

behavior. Pain fuels the fire that burns wildly within 

you as you try to achieve worthwhile goals. But be 

aware that one day you will need to put this fire out. 

That is why ending the "power of motivation" and its 

control over you, is the ultimate goal of this book. 

The truth is that living moment to moment is a hard 

task. Indeed, only if you are a 100% committed to this 

goal, will you succeed. If you want to be free from 

unecessary pain, then you need to control your karma. 

But this is sometimes a long process and only a few 

people will reach this point. 

In the next chapter, you will learn about an 

opportunity to become a coach yourself. When you free 

yourself from unecessary pain and achieve your dream 

life, then you will be able to help others do the same. 

Become a 


" You can teach a lesson for a day, but if you 

teach curiosity, you teach for a lifetime." 

- Anonymous 

If you want to be a coach, if you want to help others 

live the life of their dreams, then you first have to 

achieve your own goals. Secondly, you must learn to 

have the proper motivation for helping other people. 

When we love the people we want to help as ourselves, 

then we are truly ready to coach. But only a few people 

know how to truly love themselves. And that is a barrier 

to becoming a great coach. 

This book was inspired by a desire to learn how to be 

happy and then help others do the same. For a long 

period of my life, I was desperate for answers about 

living a life that was worth living. Everyday it seemed I 

lived a life filled with frustration, fear, discomfort and 

feelings of being overwhelmed. It seemed nothing I did 

to improve my life was working. I didn't find the 

answers to happiness until I finally discovered the 

answers you discovered within this book. 


Become a Coach 

Now, I have the privilege to helping people all 

around the world. Not because I'm so intelligent but 

because my search for answers finally produced results. 

My questions about life and happiness produced answers. 

Answers that filled the gap between depression and 


Early on, I figured if I could truly learn how to live 

a happy life, I could then spend my life helping others 

do the same. And that is what my purpose in life is 

about. But this is not an easy task. The truth is I need 

people to join me in my cause. 

" Who is the richer? 

The one who tramples over everyone to become 

successful and wealthy 

Or the one who gives a bowl of soup and a blanket 

to a homeless child? 

Who is the winner? 

The one who races to the finish line 

Or the one who stops to help a fallen opponent? 

Who is the happier? 

The one full of hate and memorized grudges 

Or the one who forgives and understands every- 

one who wrongs them? 

Success and happiness are attainable most readily 

When they are not taken but given." 

Lori Hard 

Become a Coach 


Career Opportunity 

If you have the ability to motivate yourself and 

others, if you love helping other people, Guaran- 

teed Success Strategies is looking for you. But you 

must have a proven track record of success. And 

you must also be able to communicate clearly the 

tools of "The Power of Motivation" to potential 

clients. Secondly, you must absolutely believe in 

"The Power of Motivation" strategies. If you posses 

these qualities, if you want to be a coach, then send 

your resume to Guaranteed Success Strategies. 

"People don't care how much you know until they 

know how much you care" 

Zig Zigglar 

Get a PHD in Results 

If you are going to get an education, what is better 

than learning how to coach others to excel in their 

potential? Guaranteed Success Strategies is committed to 

teaching you to become a coach. If you are willing to be 

taught, then you can get a PHD in results. You will learn 

to apply the strategies in this book to your life. 

The truth is you can't help anyone with their prob- 

lems unless you first deal with your own. 


If you want to become a coach, then Guaranteed 

Success Strategies will have an opening for you. As the 

author of this book, my schedule is limited to about 

twenty clients. That means I have to train, coach, and 

teach other people to apply the information in this book. 

If you believe you would enjoy coaching, then first sign- 

up for coaching. After you have applied the strategies in 

this book successfully, you atomically qualify to become 

a coach. 

Finally, you have arrived at the beginning of a long 

journey. In fact reading this book was only the 

beginning. This means you have to consistently apply the 

strategies in this book in order to succeed. But 

congratulations for making it this far. What this means is 

you want more out of life. You want the promise of 

success this book is offering you. 

Remember, unless you master pain and pleasure, 

learning leads to only to knowledge. If you want to be 

intelligent, then apply the strategies in this book and 

make your life a masterpiece. But don't put this book 

down until you have made a commitment. And by this 

time you should know what it means to make a true 

commitment. The end. 




90-Day Coaching Program 

with Michael L. Bolduc 

My goal for coaching is very straight forward. To 

help you achieve your desired goals. 

How do we close the gap between where we 

are and where we want to be? You will learn the 

answers to this question by understanding the value 

of crystal clear goals, a perfect plan and perfect 


Within the next three months you could 

measurably transform your life. How? With the 

power of coaching. No matter how much willpower 

we have, we all need a coach who cares and who has 

the essential skills to take our lives to the next level, 

whatever that is for you. 

Throughout my life I have searched for a coach 

who could help me make measurable, beneficial and 

successful progress. I've searched for a coach who 

could help me save time, energy and frustration. I 

have also used coaches to help me stay accountable 

to the commitments I have made throughout my life. 

All these I was able to achieve through the benefits 

of coaching, Eventually I become a coach myself. 


Turn the Invisible into the Visible 

Everything is created twice. Look around you - the 

chair you are sitting on, the room you are in, the car 

you drive. Everything you see was first imagined 

before it was created. Six years ago I was writing in 

my journal the events of the day; 

Today I'm in my car, while it's raining in the park. 

I realize that I only have $20 to my name. I'm just 

wondering what someone does when he has no money 

and no income? April 24, 1994 

At that time of my life (6 years ago), I was wondering 

where my next meal was going to come from. At the 

time I was sleeping in my car. I did that for 30 days 

straight until a police officer knocked at my window 

asking me to leave the park. I had the desire to be a 

success, I just didn't know how or where to start. I 

thought I must have been crazy to write goals like... 

Write a book. 

Become financially independent. 

Own my own business 

Travel around the world. 

Make a difference to the poor around the 


Who would have thought that a 20-year-old kid with 

nothing but a grade eleven education would achieve 

such goals? 


Today I'm the author of "Anthony Robbins Life 

Story." I run a successful business that provides 

employment for others. I still haven't traveled the 

whole world yet, but that's next on my list. 

The Value of Crystal Clear Goals 

You life is nothing but a reflection of your 

consistent thoughts and focus. You can't control the 

environment, the economy or other people, but you 

do have control over your decisions. 

The First Step to benefit from Coaching: Write 

Specific, Measurable Goals. Why is it important to 

write goals? I have asked several hundreds of 

people if they write their goals. Very few people 

actually write specific, measurable goals, let alone 

measurable specific plans that go with those goals. 

The real value of writing goals is the power of 

focus that they create. By imagining what you want 

you turn the invisible into the visible. Without 

measurable goals it's difficult, if not impossible to 

make real progress. What Does a Coach Do? 

When I ask people what they think a coach does, I 

usually get the following answers: 

"Helps me succeed" 

"Teaches me stuff". 

"I don't know". 

"Shares his experiences". 


Whatever might be your concept of a success 

coach some will be accurate; some will be a mis- 

conception. What does a coach really do for you? 

Basically a coach communicates with you in order 

to help you achieve certain results. But its more 

than just talk - a coach doesn't just have a 

conversation with you. A coach helps you identify 

goals you desire. He helps you create a perfect plan. 

He helps you understand what might prevent you 

from getting it. A coach helps you prepare for the 

worst yet helps you expect the best. A coach helps 

you stay accountable to your commitments. 

McClelland (1978) Study 

"By training businessmen in a village in India to 

think, talk, and act like achievement-motivated 

people, McClelland and his colleagues were able to 

boost the villagers' business successes. Compared 

with other businessmen from a comparable nearby 

town, those trained in achievement motivation were 

200% more successful and employed over twice as 

many new people during the ensuing 2 years. 

Are you personally willing to do whatever it takes 

(W.E.I.T.) to achieve your goals? 


When people answer "yes" to this question I get 

excited because I know I have a winner. I'm hesitant 

to work with anyone who answers "no" to this ques- 

tion because they lack the necessary drive to suc- 

ceed. W.E.I.T doesn't mean breaking the law. Nei- 

ther does it mean consciously violating your values 

or acting immorally. It simply means not letting your 

comfort zone prevent you from getting what you 


A Perfect Plan 

In coaching you will first define exactly what 

you want with crystal clear clarity. You will then 

evaluate exactly where you are right now - to define 

the gap between where you are and where you want 

to be. 

Next, we will identify the patterns, neuro-asso- 

ciations that sometimes keep you from getting what 

you want - and then we will create a game plan that 

not only works, but also is enjoyable. 

Finally, you must take massive, intelligent action 

to achieve the results you desire. With power coach- 

ing you will be empowered with the extraordinary 

leverage of accountability. You will schedule coach- 

ing sessions so you can measure, monitor, manage 

and ensure you keep your word to yourself. 


According to these four steps, if you have 

crystal clear goals, there are only three things that 

can prevent you from getting what you want: (1) 

Not identifying the gap (2) Not having a perfect 

plan (3) Lack of motivation. In coaching we 

ensure that you overcome these barriers so that you 

can take the four steps necessary for success. 

At this point, as you are reading this, you 

should start feeling confident about coaching. Only 

one thing will guarantee your success in this 

coaching program: PERFECTION. 

You must have perfect goals, perfect plans and 

perfect motivation. A coach, who walks his talk, 

(they are rare) aims at perfecting these four steps. 

The only reason I wrote "Power of Motivation" was 

to ensure these four steps would be taken perfectly. 


This is a testimony about using "The 

Power of Motivation" system created by 

Michael Bolduc. 

First, I have to congratulate Michael for 

his system because he went through so much, 

spent so much money and time on this system. 

When applied in someone's life "The 

Power of Motivation" can literally make you 

do what you never thought possible. 


The Confidence rose in me when I heard 

Michael say that it is a plan guaranteed to 

work. When I saw what he meant by the moti- 

vation then I knew I could achieve anything I 

wanted. Success was just around the corner. 

With "The Power of Motivation" I made 

changes in my life AND had such impacton my 

life that when I told another friend of mine 

what I did he was blown away. With "The 

Power of Motivation" I was able to make 

personal changes instantly, in spite of my past 


The ideas in "The Power of Motivation" 

were unlike anything I have ever heard before. 

I am excited about this system because "The 

Power of Motivation" has helped me make 

quantum leaps in my finances, relationships 

and personal life. 

More specifically I can expect to be 

financially independent within the next seven 

years. I'm excited to say the least. No matter 

what goals you set before you The Power of 

Motivation" will help you achieve them. If the 

goal is perfect, the plan is perfect and the 

motivation is perfect then you are set to let 

"The Power of Motivation" work in your life. 

If I can do it, so can you. Sincerely, Kris 



What You Will Lose if You Don't Invest 

in A Coach? 

When I ask people what they will lose if they 

don't hire me as their coach, they often don't really 

understand what I'm asking them. You can't lose 

what you are never going to try. However as a 

coach I promise three specific results: 

-Earn more money than the coaching investment. 

-Achieve the (three-month) goals you set for 


-Become fired-up, excited and motivated about 

your life. 

If you are willing to do whatever it takes - If 

you want more money, happiness and success - If 

you are willing to spend thirty-minutes with me, 

four times a month for three months, then this 

coaching program is for you! 

Any Change Requires the Necessary 


Have you ever made a change that was hard to do? 

A change that required the necessary motivation to 

be accomplished? Maybe it was quitting smoking. 

Whatever it is, a difficult change requires the 

necessary motivation to make it, doesn't it? 


In this coaching system we want to make sure the 

motivation, drive or desire is working for you, not 

against you. When I created this coaching system, I 

realized that only one thing could prevent people from 

not doing what was necessary in between their coach- 

ing sessions: Lack of instruction. "The Power of 

Motivation" is a 160 page book necessary to make this 

coaching system work. You receive this book when 

you sign-up for coaching. 

The book includes: 

-The necessary information to help you succeed. 

-The forms to help you write down specific goals. 

-The commitment forms you will use to be account- 

able to your word. 

-Questionnaire to help you understand what might 

prevent you from succeeding. 

-Sample plans that have worked for others. 

-Information about the power of motivation to help 

you follow through on your plan. 

What Is All of This Worth? 

Can you put a price on this coaching system? If we do 

everything we talked about, what is this coaching 

system worth to you? Is this coaching system worth 

$5,000, $20,000, $100,000 or millions? 


For hourly coaching I usually charge $250/ 

hour. In the next three months I will spend 30 

minutes, once a week talking about your goals, 

plans and motivation. 

This coaching program doesn't cost my nor- 

mal $1,500 fee. For the next 30 days, or until my 

schedule is full, I am accepting 50 new clients at a 

one time coaching investment of $495 (plus ship- 

ping and handling). 

You are guaranteed, to be fully satisfied, 

beyond your expectations. You will achieve every 

one of the goals you write and commit to within 

the next three months. This coaching investment 

will increase your financial resources, not lower 

them. All of this is guaranteed, risk-free to happen 

in the next three months. 

Try this system for a full 90 days. If you 

don't achieve every single (three-month) goal 

we'll take "The Power of Motivation" back, 

and send you a complete refund. Your invest- 

ment will produce a profit - or it costs you noth- 


In as little as 90 days you will have created, 

and be profiting from, a Super Strategy that's 

designed specifically for you. You'll see dramatic 

improvements in each area of your life. Your 

finances, health, relationships and well-being. 


Remember, never before has there been a 

coaching system like this. This coaching system is 

focused, measurable and sustainable for a life of 

success. Act now and get what you desire and 


To happiness and Success, 

Michael Bolduc 


About Michael Bolduc 

Michael is the author of The Life Story of Anthony 

Robbins. After writing these books, Michael has spoken 

to thousands of people in North America, and served has 

Power of Motivation results coach. 

Michael is also the former Vice-President of Anthony 

Robbins & Associates. 


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