Episode 6: Gift of a lifetime

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It was a few hours before midnight on Christmas Eve when Jessica, Shalo and Shade were setting up the Solar Hound. Katsuo was out to get gifts for Christmas Day. Jessica was setting up the Christmas tree as Shade put up the mistletoe and chuckles. Shalo was putting up the lights.

Jessica stretches her arms as she finishes setting up the tree, "I hope we have all the gifts for everyone." Jessica yawns.

Shalo yawned as well, "Yeah but I think it's time we go to bed."

Shade nods in agreement. Katsuo walks in with wrapped presents.

Shade said, "But Jessica, please don't get drunk tomorrow."

Jessica laughed, "Ha! I don't get drunk. I only drink a few cans of beer."

Shalo said, "Ok whatever you say."

Katsuo snorts while putting presents under the tree.

Jessica looks at Katsuo, "So you got the presents?"

Katsuo nodded. "I did. Those presents are from one of my friends sent to me for you guys, which I'm not telling you what they are." he placed his hands on his hips with a smile. "Because it ruins the Christmas spirit. Can't be on the naughty list."

"I know, I know." Jessica said.

Shalo laid down on one of the seats as he fell asleep. Jessica looks at Shalo and chuckles. Shade went to get something. Katsuo looks at his watch on his wrist. Shade came back with blankets and pillows. Jessica grabbed one of the blankets and pillows. Jessica walked towards Shalo as she put the pillow under his head then covered him with the blanket. Shade was ready to fall asleep on the floor.

Katsuo chuckles as he glances over the window. "I hope you're coming here safely… Shun."

Jessica falls asleep on one of the seats after she laid down. Shade yawns as he falls asleep. Katsuo stares at the window and smiles as he puts his head down to sleep. The next morning, the others arrived. Benito walked towards Jessica and shook her lightly. Dina looked around.

"They worked hard to set this up," Dina said.

Junglen said, "We should let them sleep."

Katsuo wakes up as he rubs his eyes and yawns. Shalo wakes up and looks at Jessica.

Aqos said, "Three of you must've worked really hard last night."

Shalo said, "Yeah."

Bufon asked, "Wait, where is Hydren and Areo?"

Rachelle said, "They are on their way."

A dark blue-haired man and a pink-haired woman walked in.

Katsuo stretches as he sees two people coming in. "Hm?"

Bufon said,"Heh Hydren and Areo."

Hydren chuckles as he runs his fingers through his dark blue hair, "Good to see you again, Bufon. You always knew it was us."

Areo said, "So everyone is here."

Aqos said, "Yeah."

Shade said, "I haven't seen Aqos or Hurio with human forms."

"Junglen as well," Shalo added.

Aqos, Hurio and Junglen turned into their human forms. Aqos had blue hair and blue eyes while Junglen had blond hair and blue eyes like Shalo but a different build type. Hurio had black hair and red eyes.

Katsuo looks at Aqos and Hurio. "I guess you're Solar Beast Gods, too?"

Aqos said, "Yes. This is actually our first time meeting each other."

Hurio said, "I was captured along with Daiki."

"I see." Katsuo replied.

Jessica yawns as she wakes up.

Shalo said, "Morning Sleeping Beauty."

Jessica blushes darkly, "O-Oi!"

Hydren said, "Now hold on, is Shalo in love with her? Because I say that sly tiger."

"I think he is," Areo said.

Jessica covers her face. Shalo chuckles.

Bruno said, "Wait Dad, since you are in love with Jessica."

Benito said, "Bruno, shhh That's supposed to be a surprise."

"I haven't even said it yet," Bruno said.

Roger said, "Anyways, let's open the presents."

Katsuo nods when he hears a motorcycle revving outside. Katsuo gets up and peeks out the other window when he sees a brown-haired man with brown eyes parking the Solar Hound lot. Jessica got up and grabbed a couple cans of beer. Benito grabbed one can from

Shalo, Shade, Roger and Daiki grabbed one as well.

"I-" Jessica said in shock.

"We don't want you to be drunk," Roger said.

Katsuo looks at the others as he smiles when he hears a knock from the door. He approaches the door and opens it, seeing the man.

Katsuo was wide-eyed. "No way…"

"What?" the man chuckled with a bright smile. "Can't let your friend join in the holidays? Quite sad, if you ask me."

Jessica opens the can of beer. "Who's there, Katsuo?"

Katsuo was shocked. "I, um, wow! You look the same, except for your hair."

The man snorted as he peeked his head beside Katsuo's shoulder. "Sorry about that. Anyone remember me?"

Jessica said, "Hold on…" Jessica dropped her can of beer in shock.

Shalo looked at Jessica confused.

Jessica said, "Oh my goodness, It's really you, Shun."

Shun formed a genuine smile. "Yep, it's me! Glad you recognized, Jessica."

Jessica walks towards him. "Of course. I'll never forget about you."

"Yeah." Shun said while looking at Katsuo. "Still shocked?"

"I am! Your hair, what happened?!" Katsuo shouted.

Shun rubs his neck, letting out a nervous giggle.

Jessica said, "I'm wondering the same thing."

"Jessica, you spilled your beer," Shalo said.

Jessica looks at Shalo, "I know but can it wait?"

"Whatever you say my Lovely Panther," Shalo said.

Jessica blushes darkly, "Shalo!"

Benito laughs. Shalo chuckles. Shun looks at Jessica and Shalo.

"You guys a couple now?" Shun questioned.

Benito said, "I'm Jessica's boyfriend as well."

Jessica said, "Shalo knew that I love Benny."

Shalo said, "I'm Shalo the Solar Tiger Beast God."

Shun blinked. "A Solar Beast God? I thought they're a myth."

"Our Mayor is actually a Solar Beast God kinda. I would go into full details but it takes too long," Jessica said.

Roger grabbed the first present, "Alright. Time to open presents. This one is from Jessica to Benito."

Benito grabbed the present. Jessica looks at Benito and smiles. Benito opened the present and saw a picture frame of him and Jessica when they were kids.

Benito said, "Thanks Jessica."

Jessica said, "You're welcome, Benny and thank you for those good memories."

Benito smiles.

Roger asked, "Hey Katsuo, do you want to choose the next present?"

Katsuo smiles and nods as he walks to the present that looks like a box. Katsuo grabs it, giving it to Rodrigo.

"Here you go, kiddo. Open it." Katsuo spoke.

Rodrigo grabbed the present and opened it, "Thank you so much, Katsuo."

Jessica asked, "What did you give him?"

Katsuo looked at Jessica and smiled. "Artist supplies kit. I heard from Rodrigo's parents that he loves sketching, drawing, coloring, everything, like me."

Benito took out a box from his pocket, "Um Jessica."

Jessica looks at Benito, "Yeah?"

Benito said, "Well um…"

Bruno said, "Dad just ask her the question, stop being nervous!"

Shun saw the box as he smiled. "Hey, come on! Go ahead and ask the question. You know what happens during Christmas Day and any day in front of beloved women."

Benito got on his knees and opened the box showing a ring, "Will you marry me and be my wife."

"Benny I- Of course I'll marry you," Jessica said as she began crying tears of joy.

Benito got up and put the ring on Jessica's finger and kissed her lips. Jessica kisses back. Roger took a picture.

Roger said, "Got to send this to Kendall."

Daiki took a picture as well. Shalo smiles. Shun and Katsuo smile. Benito pulled back and wiped her tears.

"I love you with all my heart and will protect you no matter what," Benito said.

Jessica said, "Benny, I love you too and thank you for making me so happy."

Bruno said, "So, Jessica should I call Mom now? Because you are going to marry Dad sooner or later."

"Sure you can call me Mom," Jessica chuckled.

"Yay, they're married!" Shun cheered.

Jessica grabbed a present and gave it to Shun, "I've been waiting to give you this."

Shun took the present as he opened it. Shun's eyes widened, lost for words. "I… Jessica…"

Jessica smiles, "Shun, If I could've seen you sooner than I would've given it to you but this is to make up for it."

Shun saw a necklace of a silver tyrannosaurus rex and spinosaurus. Then the picture of Shun when he was a little boy smiling bright alongside Jessica who stood behind him giving a peace sign. Tears filled in Shun's eyes.

Roger's tears began to fall, "This is so beautiful."

Jessica said, "Roger, I got a present for you but it's outside."

Shun wiped his tears away. "T-thank you, Jessica. Y-you're the best sister figure I ever had."

Jessica smiles, "You're welcome, Shun."

Katsuo patted Shun's shoulder. "Come on, red. Don't tear up too much like a crybaby."

"B-be quiet…" Shun uttered.

Roger and Jessica went outside so Roger could get his present.

Roger exclaimed, "Holy cow! You gave me a horse!!"

"Well you kinda remind me of someone due to your personality." Jessica said.

Shun and Katsuo were shocked to see a horse. Roger got on the horse.

"Who dares go near Jessica shall feel my wrath!" Roger exclaimed.

"I told you. You reminded me of Conrad," Jessica said.

Shun and Katsuo chuckles as Shun approaches his motorcycle. Shun grabs a present from his bag and walks to Jessica, giving the gift. Jessica looks at the gift.

"This is for you, Jessica." Shun said.

Jessica opened the present, "Shun… Thank you."

Shun smiled and hugged Jessica. "You're welcome. You earned it and deserve the gift."

Roger asked, "What is it?"

"A collage with a plushie of Jessica and a Christmas card." Shun replied.

Roger said, "I see."

Jessica smiles. Shun checks his watch before looking at the others.

"Well, I've got to do something in the next few minutes. Maybe I'll see you all later or tomorrow?" Shun spoke.

Katsuo shrugged with a small smile. "Your choice, Shun. After all, you're the Power Ranger of red and talon."

"Yeah, yeah." Shun chuckled, prepping his motorcycle and putting on his helmet.

"That motorcycle looks cool, by the way."

"Thanks. Sasuke designed it for me. Tyrannosaurus Rex is a beast like Spinosaurus."

"Triceratops, too." Katsuo added.

"I know, I didn't leave that out for tiny dinosaurs." Shun joked.

Jessica said, "Nah, Allosaurus and Ankylosaurus all the way."

Shun and Katsuo chuckles.

"Well, see you all later or tomorrow." Shun told them as he revs his motorcycle to start and drove, leaving Solar Hound.

Katsuo waved at Shun. "Wonder what happened to his hair…"

Jessica said, "I'm wondering the same thing."

Roger said, "Let's go back inside."

Jessica nods. Katsuo walks back inside. Jessica and Roger follow. Jessica saw that everyone else got their presents. Benito pulled Jessica under the mistletoe. Jessica blushes darkly as she kisses him. Benito kisses back. Daiki smiles. Katsuo whistles.

Shalo said, "It's my turn."

Benito pulls back as Shalo walks up to Jessica. Jessica looks at Shalo. Shalo kisses her lips. Jessica kisses back. Shade chuckles. Katsuo smiles. Shalo pulls back. Jessica sat down and covered her face. Benito and Shalo high fived each other. Katsuo chuckles.

Daiki said, "All according to plan."

Katsuo nodded. "Yep."

Jessica said, "Damnit Daiki."

Note: Picture above is what Shun (-tranqviijae's Oc) looks like grown.

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