Power Rangers X OC

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In a regular house there were two boys, one watching football to gain new strategies while the other was fixing a car engine

Zander "it's weird, we have good lives but our parents always fight"

Kasai “have a good house: check,  enough food: check, electricity: check,  water: check, and internet: check.”

Zander " football career :check, second career as author :almost there , awesome brother :check, constantly fighting parents :check"

Kasai “racing career:check, second career of mechanic: check, awesome brother that’s a headache sometimes: check, girlfriend: not in sight.”

Zander " yeah, by the way what do you think of the book I'm writing it's almost done but I feel like it's missing something"

Kasai “a girls intuition?”

Zander "that's it!"

Kasai “well, I heard Kimberly is single after punching a tooth out of her boyfriend.”

Zander " yeah I did have a crush on her before she had a boyfriend"

Kasai "then ask her out, you got your trusty wingman right here"

Zander “thanks, hey I heard rumors about you and the new girl.”

Kasai “first off, her name is Trini, second of all, she’s been in our class for a whole year, third of all, I’m trying to talk to her but she says there’s no point in becoming friends if she’s going to move again.”

Zander "we don't know if she's going to move again, so seize the moment, talk to her"

Kasai “didn’t you understand, I told you that I try everyday but she says just to leave her alone because she’ll move again just like she has in any other school. In other words, leave me alone. I don’t want to get emotionally attached to anyone.”

Zander " fine" he gets up and leaves and slams the door connecting the garage to the house

Kasai “ok now I’m confused, I was just telling him what Trini meant by her words not telling him to get out.”

Zander "ha gotcha" he enters the garage laughing

Kasai “that is the least funny thing you can do, you actually got me thinking the hits you’ve gotten in the head might have made you a retard.”

Zander " that's it" he grabs Kasai's head and gives him a noogie

Kasai “hey quit it, you were the one to make that lame joke.”

Zander "and yet you fell for it"

Kasai “you really want to pull a joke?”

Zander "what do you have in mind?"

Kasai “you’re facing the bulls tomorrow right? Let’s give them a real bull.”

Zander "now you're talking!"

Kasai “keys for your pickup please.” Zander tosses Kasai his pick up truck keys as they drive off to a farm as they fill the trunk with hay and the bull. They tied the bull so it wouldn’t fall of the pickup as they laughed

Zander "best prank ever!"

Kasai “for now.” They drive to their Highschool as they skillfully break in while pulling the bull to the locker room

Zander "good boy now stay" they hear the police coming as they look at each other and ran to the pickup as Kasai drive off with the police on his tail

Zander " hopefully I don't lose my sports status if we get arrested"

Kasai “I doubt it!” He speeds up as he drifts into another street while the cops drive on ahead

Zander " and please don't ruin my truck!"

Kasai “I won’t do it on purpose.” Suddenly a car pulls out of it’s driveway which he shouldn’t have done because they should have waited for them to pass as Kasai had to swerve around it but nonetheless the front crashed as the pickup starts rolling

Zander " if we survive I'm going to kill you!!”

Kasai “it was that driver's fault! Every good drive knows to look before you pull out the driveway and if you see a car coming down the streets then you wait till it passes on and then pull out. He was the bad driver.”

Zander "still going to kill you!"

3 hours later

Dad “are you two crazy?!”

Kasai “the man that pulled from the driveway was crazy, if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t have crashed.”

Mom " we're talking about the stunt you two pulled!"

Zander “it was just a prank, beside dad told us the millions of times he had done that in his Highschool years.” Zander gets slapped by his mother

Mom" it doesn't matter!!"

Kasai “to be fair, Zander shouldn’t get punished, I came up with the idea and I was the one that convinced him. Put the blame on me and just give me my punishment.”

Zander" no, I went along with it, punish me too"

Dad “you might have gone along but this brat was the cause of it just like every single time.”

Zander " so what?! I go along with Kasai’s stunts every single time and I never get punished.”

Kasai “Zander, just let it be, look if that’s everything, We’re just going to go get our foot bracelet for house arrest, me go to the hearse and you two fight at each other’s throats like normal.” the two stand up and walk away

3 months later

Dad “you’re here.” the two don't say anything to him

Dad “giving me the silent treatment, I should be the one mad at you two! You could have lost your careers, lucky for you two they were kind but now you have to spend all your Saturdays here with all the troublemakers so you can pass.” the two grab their bags and get out and slam the doors

Kasai “see you at 3 or maybe later if you go drinking.” They walk inside the school and head to the detention room

Kasai “your girl three o’clock.” Zander tried to get in a hot guy pose using the wall as Kimberly just walked passed him

Kasai "you'll get her Zander" he pats his back

Zander “thanks.” They head to detention as it was filled with familiar students

Kasai “Trini?”

Trini "sup"

Kasai “what did you do to get sent here?”

Trini “I might have fought a girl in class.”

Kasai " you are amazing"

Trini “thanks.”

Jerk “hey look, we have a little kid sorting his colored pencils, hey how about I make this blue one into two?”

Zander "how about I make you into two if you don't leave him alone"

Kasai “look, everyone in here is trying to chill, so run along now, ok?” He slaps the jerk two times in the face

Jerk "did you just slap me"

Zander "yes he did and I'll do it too if you don't make like a tree and leaf" a criquet was heard in the room as it was completely quiet

Kasai “just go before he bitch slaps you.” The jerk leaves

Kid “thanks a lot.”

Zander "no problem, you're Billy right, you blew up something in school right?"

Billy “yes and it was an accident. Hey I can remove them for you if you want,  you just have to come by my house.”

Zander "thanks we'll do that"

Teacher “um hello everyone.”

Kasai “from all the teachers they could send they sent the push over?”

Zander "seriously he's the lamest teacher ever" the teacher sits down as a fart noise was heard

Kasai “nice one.” He sits in the same table as Billy as Zander sits next to Billy

Zander "thanks, I got plans for a shock chair"

Kimberly “need to use the bathroom.” She walks past the teacher who only could say umm

Billy "I heard how you two got in here"

Trini “do tell.” She appeared sitting beside Kasai as the three jumped as they didn’t notice her sitting down

Zander "well, the day before the game against the bulls Kasai thought it would be funny to give them an actual bull"

Kasai “their reaction was with it, well we escaped from the police until an  irresponsible driver pulled out their driveway without looking which caused me to swear the pickup and eventually crash.”

Zander " after that we got under house arrest luckily we got to keep our careers"

Billy "how did your parents react to your stunt?"

Kasai “eh, normal.” Kimberly walks in with short hair as she cut it in the bathroom

Zander " oh my God"

Kasai "go on Zander talk to her"

Trini “maybe you’ll cheer her up from whatever happened to her and her friends.” Kasai pushes Zander towards Kimberly

Zander “hey Kimberly.” Kimberly looks at him as they were about to speak until

Teacher “take your seats, it maybe detention but you still have work to do.” most of them groan except Zander

Timeskip to three in the afternoon

Kasai and Zander were exiting the Highschool as Billy catches up to them

Billy “hey listen I need a favor for after I finish with those collars thing.”

Zander "sure”

Billy “great, come to my house whenever you can.”

Kasai" thanks we will " Billy leave as Kasai leans on the railing as Zander sees Kimberly walking towards an SUV while her parents yell at her for cutting her hair

Zander" jeez why can't they just let her be herself "

Kasai “everyone has their demons, hey how many kids were in the losers club in it?”

Zander" seven, lucky seven "

Kasai “well, we have five, we only need two more.”

Zander" yep, you, me, Billy, Kimberly and Trini"

Kasai “let’s go back home and get something to eat, one more sleepless night and I finally fix your truck.”

Zander "thanks" they make it home as they open the fridge to get something to eat while their parents arrive home

Mom" Zander, Kasai are you home? "

Kasai “let’s go, we can take my dirtbike after they start arguing.”

Zander" sure " they walk into Zander’s room as they start to eat while they hear their parents arguing

Zander" they'll never stop "

Kasai “not even when they’re having sex.”

Zander" let's just hurry up and go.” They sneak out as they get on Kasai’s dirtbike as Kasai drives off to Billy’s house.

A few minutes later they arrive at Billy's house

Billy’s mom “Billy! You have visitors by the name of Kasai and Zander! Oh thank the lord and Amen!”

Billy " thanks mom!" Zander and Kasai head to the basement as they sit down and out their legs on a table

Zander “hurry billy we don’t have a lot of time.”

Billy "relax" he puts a barbed wire around their legs as he pulls two chips and starts hacking them on the computer

Zander " so Billy what favor do you want us to do?"

Billy “drive me to the mine.”

Kasai "why?"

Billy “my dad and I would go there and I was allowed to take whatever I wanted well that was until he died.”

Zander "oh I'm sorry"

Kasai “well help you get you there.”

Billy “cool, then you can take the minivan to do whatever as long as you pick me up later.”

Zander "ok"

Kasai “let’s go.” Billy deactivates the ankle bracelets as the three go into the minivan

Zander “just out of curiosity, do you have clearance to go into the mine?”

Billy "no I just sneak in"

Kasai “never thought you got it in you.” Kasai starts driving to the mine

Zander "so what are you digging for in the mine now?"

Billy “I don’t know yet. I just want to dig in deeper.”

Kasai " cool, and we're here" he stops as they get out and help Billy carry the equipment to an abandoned dig sight

Zander " wow, never been in a mine before, yo!" there was an echo as Zander laughed

Kasai “keep it down or security might find us.”

Zander "ok chill"

Billy “well thank you, you can go if you want.”

Zander "we'll stick around the mine for a while so we'll be near the van"

Kasai “I’ll stay here, how about you explore.”

Zander "sure" Zander walks away as he see a small river as Kimberly takes off her shirt and pants and jumps into it

Zander "oh my God" he has a blush on his face making him look like a tomato

Zander “Kimberly? Kimberly!!!” He ran to the top of the creek to try and see bubbles

Kimberly “you say my name like you know me.” He jumps as he sees Kimberly behind him

Zander "well I do know you"

Kimberly “but we’re not friends are we?”

Zander " well no"

Kimberly “what are you doing here anyways?”

Zander "I'm here with my brother Kasai as we're doing a favor for a friend, what about you?”

Kimberly “my family lives close to here and I come here to get a swim, hike, and watch the city wondering how such a small town can bring so much misery.”

Zander" yeah I always wonder that too, want to run away?”

Kimberly “really? Got a car other than your wrecked pickup?”

Zander "no but my brother is almost done with it, if you want when it's fixed we can uh you know, go for a drive" he nervously says with a blush on his face

Kimberly “sure.”


Kasai “you sure this is a safe distance?”

Billy " yep" he flips the switch as an explosion happens and both Billy and Kasai get sent flying

Kasai "that was awesome!"

Billy “yes it was.”

Zander “Billy! Kasai!” He and Kimberly run towards them

Kasai “we’re alive.”

Man “This is a restricted area you know?”

Zander "we know, we just don't care"

Trini “you shouldn’t be here.”

Billy “guys.” They start to argue ignore Billy

Zander " guys!" The cliff Trini was on collapsed as Kasai ran up a tree and jumped while grabbing up to Trini

Kasai "dropping in?"

Trini “thanks for the help racer.”

Kasai "no problem" he lands with Trini in his arm as the new kid grabs a hammer and starts hitting the crystal wall

Zander " what are you doing?"

Kid “getting rich, don’t worry I’ll share.” He breaks the crystal wall as he was holding 6 coins as he gives one to everyone

Zander "cool I love red" they hear the sirens and see a flash of red and blue

Zander “it’s the heat!”

Kasai "cheese it!!" They start running as Zander, Kasai, and Billy get in the van as Kasia hits the pedal to the metal

Zander " wait we forgot Kimberly and trini!" he opens the door and sees Kimberly and Trini running

Zander "give me your hands!" Kimberly takes his hand as Zander pull her in and does the same to Trini while closing the door

Kasai “hang on tight it’s gonna be close!” He stomps on the gas as they go faster while they hear a thump while a dent formed on the roof and the kid knocked on the window

Zander " got you" he opens the door and pulls the kid in

Billy “a train vs my mom’s minivan! We’re not gonna make it!”

Zander "never underestimate Kasai's driving skills, punch it bro!"

Kasai “I already am and……see you on the other side.” He does a drift at the last second as the train hits the drivers side while the rest were unharmed

Billy "Kasai!" There coins glow as suddenly everyone wakes up in their rooms

Zander " God that was crazy, Kasai!” He stood up and went to Kasai’s room to see him groaning

Zander" it's an amazing miracle you survived a train crash at point blank"

Kasai “this coin, I don’t know how but it saved my life.”

Zander " yeah it's amazing" he looks at his coin

Kasai “we need to ask the others.”

Zander "yeah good idea" they get ready as they walk to school

Kasai “at least we have those crazy collars off.”

Zander "yeah, freedom" they arrive to school as Zander sits next to Kimberly and Kasai next to Trini

Zander "Kimberly, you ok after what happened?"

Kimberly “yeah, thanks to Kasai we didn’t get hit so hard but how is he?”

Zander "he's fine, completely fine with no scratch"

Kimberly “these coins did something to us.”

Zander "yeah something awesome"

Trini “glad to see you’re still in one piece.”

Kasai "aw you do care"

Trini “shut up.”

Kasai "nah I'm good"

Trini “never punches a stunt like that.” She punched Kasai’s arm hard

Kasai "ok ok jeez"

Teacher “good morning class.”

Timeskip to 4

Zander “so we all had the same idea.” Zander, Kasai, Billy, and Kimberly were at the same place they discovered the coins as the kid from yesterday walked up to them

Zander "we never got your name"

Kid" it's zack, hey it’s the crazy girl again!” He points to Trini who climbs the cliff with her hands and legs at incredible speed

Kasai "God she's amazing" they start climbing after her

Kasai “Trini wait!” Trini looks at him as she runs while jumping off the cliff and landing on the cliff in front of her

Billy "how the hell did she do that?!"

Kasai “like this!” He runs off the cliff while jumping and landing on top of Trini as he had her pinned down

Trini "hi"

Kasai “hello.”

Zander “let’s jump Kim.”

Kimberly “let’s do this.” Zander and Kimberly jump and landing on the other side of the cliff while Zack followed

Zander "come on Billy!"

Zack “you can do this!”

Kimberly “it’s easy!”

Kasai "no balls dude!"

Billy “ok I’ll do it!” He jumps to the other side of the cliff as he barley lands as he gets up while dancing

Zander "nice job dude"

Billy “yeah!” He accidentally loses balance as he starts falling to the space under the cliffs

Billy "guys you gotta see this!"

Zack “I’m in!” He jumps into the center part of the cliff as a splash was heard

Zander "jump together?"

Kimberly “jump together.” They ran as they jumped in creating a splash sound

Kasai "jump together?"

Trini “see ya, I have things to do.” She walks away as Kasai grabs her collar

Kasai "let's go"

Trini “I have no choice do I?”

Kasai "no you do not" they jump in as they see the others in water

Kimberly “we’re glowing.”

Zander “I’m red.”

Kimberly “pink.”

Billy “blue.”

Trini “yellow.”

Kasai “silver.”

Zack “I’m black.”

Billy "no you're not"

Kasai “this water is so refreshing.”

Zander "I know, it feels great" Kimberly splashes his face as she giggles

Zander "oh yeah" he splashes her face as he laughs

Kasai “Splash fest!!” Everyone starts splashing each other as they start laughing

Kimberly "So Zander, is your truck fixed?"

Zander “almost.”

Billy “guys, there’s something down there.”

Zander "on three take a deep breath and dive down, one, two, three " everyone takes a deep breath as they dive down to the bottom as they fall to the ground, Zander falls through as he looks at the water above him and Kimberly falls to his chest

Zander "hi"

Kimberly “oh hey.” Kasai falls to the ground as Trini falls on his lap as Kasai wheezes and coughs

Kasai "that hurts"

Trini “oh, sorry I guess?”

Kasai "it's OK, but can you please get off me"

Trini “I would have thought you would have liked me to stay like this longer.” She gets up while helping Kasai to his feet

Kasai " I would have if you didn't land on my nards"

Zander “it’s like gravity is reversed.”

Kasai "yeah, interesting"

Kimberly “want to check this ship?”

Zander "an alien spaceship, so cool!"

Trini “just what we needed”

Zack “let’s go inside.” They go inside the ship and start looking around

Billy “it looks so advance.”

Zander "ah I'm getting ideas for a new story"

Robot “huh? What are all of you doing here?”

Zander "robot!!" he picks up the robot and starts going fanboy crazy

Everyone “what? What the fuck?!”

Kimberly "Kasai is Zander always like this?"

Kasai “unfortunately, yes.”

Zander " are you really a robot, what's your primary function, what's your name?"

Kasai “chill before you squish him or decide humans are meant to be killed.” Zander puts down the robot

Zander" sorry "

Kimberly “can you tell us your name?”

Robot" my name is alpha 5"

Billy “and what are you doing here?”

Alpha “I’m waiting for you, wait there was only supposed to be 5, oh you found the sixth ranger without having to wait for the next villain to show up.”

Zander " awesome you break the fourth wall too"

Kasai “too bad this movie doesn’t get a squad.”

Zander " wait, you said you were waiting for us, why?"

Alpha “I’ll explain, follow me.” They reach a room with a ball showing the cosmos

Zander "wow this is amazing" p

Zack “so, what are we waiting for?”

Alpha " zordon you there?" The wall forms a face as loud sounds and bright lights flash as everyone starts freaking out

Kasai "oh my God!!"

Zander “yes! I can feel the story unravel!”

Zordon "hello alpha"

Alpha “Zordon we have the power rangers.”

Everyone "power what?"

Zordon “intergalactic warriors that fight for the protection of life.”

Zander "so cool!"

Kimberly “what do you want from us?”

Zordon "to become the next power rangers"

Kasai “why? Did you fail to kill your enemy who turned out to be one of your own?”

Zordon "yes her name was Rita"

Trini “so you want us to kill her?”

Zordon "no, I can sense there's still good in her, I want you to stop her from reviving goldar and taking the zeo crystal"

Billy “which are?” zordon explains everything that happened to him

Kasai “so basically you fucked up and you want us to fix it?”

Zordon "yes please"

Zack “why should this concern us?”

Zordon "cause the power coins have chosen you"

Zander “these?”

Kasai “so this is like kids having to listen to their parents just because their parents have them life type of shit?”

Zander "I'm pretty sure it's different from that"

Zordon “no he’s right, the coins choose you six and now you six have no choice but to follow destiny.”

Kasai " great" he says sarcastically

Zordon “please help or every living thing om this planet will die.”

Zander "we'll help"

Kasai “fine, but only because I want to live long enough to be in a relationship with Trini.”

Trini "not going to happen dude"

Kasai “you’ll have to wait till after the montage to say that.”

Trini "yeah yeah"

Zack “fine we’re in.”

Zordon "excellent, have you ever morphed before?”

Zack “only in the shower.”

Zander" not that type of morphing dude"

Zordon “step on the pads.” They step on the pads as they glow but it fails

Zordon “it seems you can’t.”

Alpha “wait look at Silver.” Everyone looks at Kasai as a silver chest plate, shoulder pad armor appears on him as he gets a ninja mask and a long headband on his forehead

Zander "now that's cool!!"

Kasai “never were big in armor.”

Zack “how did he do it so easily?”

Zordon "the silver power ranger needs to be in sync with himself while the others need to be in sync with each other"

Trini “got to say, looking pretty cool.”

Kasai "aww thanks" Kasia turns back to normal

Zordon “now Alpha, take them to the pit.”

Zander "the pit? ''

Alpha “you’ll love the pit.” They go down even deeper as golems formed out of the rock on the ground

Billy" I don't think I like the pit "

Zack “it’s only a hologram.” The golem punches him to the wall

Zander" you were saying "

Zack “ouch.”

Alpha “I’m going to give you all combat classes.”

Zander and Kasai" awesome! "

One training montage later in the Krispy Kreme

Kasai “tomorrow’s the last day.”

Zander" yep"

Kimberly “and we can’t seem to morph.”

Kasai "because you're not in sync with each other"

Trini “we do argue a lot and it seems like we don’t understand each other.”

Kimberly " why is it so hard?"

Kasai “want me to tell the truth with no sugar?”

Trini "please"

Kasai “Zack: his ego gets in the way, Kimberly: you’re too secretive, Trini: you’re too antisocial, and Zander: you fail to lead them. The only one I see that is in sync with everyone is Billy.”

Zander " so if we be the opposite of what you said, we could morph?"

Kasai “yes, if you hold back this WBA’s qualities you will, look around you all, what you all made were good friends and that’s why we’re spending some time together onight after training.”

Zander "sounds like a plan"

Kimberly “you weren’t kidding about the no sugar part.”

Kasai "yep"

Trini “and I’m not antisocial, I just don’t like to talk a lot.”

Zander, Kasai and Kimberly "that's antisocial"

Kasai “so when’s your date?”

Kimberly "what do you mean?"

Kasai “don’t give me that.”

Trini “we see the glances you give each other.”

Kasai “it’s obvious you love each other.”

Trini and Kasai “so when’s the date?”

Zander "we haven't decided when"

Kimberly “what about you two, you two are actually finishing each other’s sentences.”

Zander "yeah when's your date?"

Trini “after tomorrow.”

Kasai “so we can get the thoughts of Rita off our minds.”

Trini "now you two should decide when to have your date"

Zander “want to make it a double?”

Kasai " sounds good"

Trini “it’ll be our first double date.”

Kasai "yep"

Kimberly “have you two gone on a date before?”

Kasai and Trini “yup.”

Kimberly "good"

Zander “wait you two didn’t tell me you were dating. I feel betrayed by my brother.”

Kasai " sorry I was distracted"

Trini “we should get to training.”

Zander "yeah" they drove to the mine and went towards the ship

Zordon “Alpha,  why don’t you give them some motivation.”

Alpha "oh I know what you're talking about, follow me guys" they follow him to a larger cave as they see 5 dinosaurs and one dragon

Zander " this. Is. Awesome!!!"

Kasai “so our these our pets or something?”

Alpha "no these are your zords"

Billy “the what now?”

Zander " think of voltron but with dinosaurs"

Everyone except Kasai “ohhhh, what’s Voltron?”

Kasai and Zander "you wouldn't understand"

Trini “what do they do?” alpha explains their capabilities

Kimberly “and we’ll get all that after we morph right?”

Alpha "that's right, now follow me to the pit.” Everyone follows him to the pit except for one person, Zack

Zack" I can't wait "he goes into the mastodon zord


Zander “where’s Zack?”

Everyone “oh no.” They see the mastodon zord burst through the walls as they jump back avoiding being crushed

Kasai “are you a retard?!”

Zander" seriously!"

Zack “it was just a little fun.”

Zander" fun, you could've killed us! "

Billy “stop fighting!!!!” A blue armor appears on him

Billy" ok now that's cool! "

Zander “that’s one less .” Billy turned to normal

Zordon “training is over, you can all leave.”

Kimberly" he morphed, you saw that right? "

Zordon “can you do it again Billy?”  Billy tries again but fails

Billy" I can't do it "

Zordon “as I thought, if you can’t morph than there’s nothing that you all can do.”

Kasai" what are you saying?!"

Zordon “prepare for your deaths.”

Kasai" well fuck you!!" Everyone starts to leave as Zander stays behind and spies on Zordon

Alpha" Kasai is the only one who can morph "

Zordon “but he can’t fight an army, Rita, and Goldar all alone now can he?”

Alpha" what if you gave Zander 'that'?, he can help Kasai fight Rita"

Zordon “he needs his team, I need them to morph so I can come back to life.”

Zander " you bastard!!"

Zordon “Zander?”

Zander "you're only using us!"

Zordon “Zander wait!” Zander ran away as he reunited with everyone around a fire

Zander "zordon was using us!"

Everyone “huh?”

Zander "he only wanted us to morph so he can come back to life"

Zack “it doesn’t matter anyways.”

Kimberly “we’re failures like always.”

Zander " no we're not" he sits next to Kimberly

Kasai “sure everyone thinks we are but that doesn’t mean we have to be. How about we talk about it.  Who’s first?”

Kimberly "me"

Zander “go ahead.”

Kimberly "look I have done things that made me realize I’m a mean girl.”

Zander" yeah but a beautiful one"

Kimberly “this isn’t a joke Zander, and this is nothing to flirt about.”

Zander "jeez, can't take a compliment"

Kasai “Zander,  it’s more like you can’t read the mood, she regrets what she did and she’s confused about if her actions make her mind,  you need to help her not compliment her about it.”

Zander "then what do I do?"

Kasai “try to reassure her, convince her that her actions doesn’t make her mean.”

Zander "ok"

Zack “well, my mom is sick, I’m never home because i’m scared to see if my, when my mom dies I’m right there to see it.”

Zander "then be there for her, face your fears"

Billy “I say I’ve gotten better with my dad’s death after I met you all.”

Zander "having friends can help"

Kimberly “what about you.”

Trini “I used to have problems getting close to people since I always moved from school to school.”

Kasai "and yet you've gotten close to us"

Trini “true.”

Zack “only you two left.”

Zander "well me and my parents haven't been on speaking terms for the past few months"

Kasai “our parents hate me.”

Zander "I've been always the favorite child, my parents always punish Kasai even though I go along with his stunts"

Zack “no matter what happens dudes, i’m glad we met.”

Kimberly "me too"

Billy “well let’s get ready to leave, it’s late.”

Zander "yeah" everyone leaves towards their homes

Zander "this was nice"

Kasai “yeah.”

One hour later even gets a text to meet up at the football field

Zander "who would want to meet us at the football field?"

Kasai “it’s Trini, it says she was attacked, come on.” They leave their house and run to the football field

Kasai “Trini!” He hugs her tightly

Zander "are you ok?"

Trini “Barely, she spared me.”

Zander "who?"

Trini “Rita went into my house asking me where the crystal was.”everyone arrives

Zander "guys Trini met Rita"

Kimberly “what did she want?”

Trini "where the crystal was"

Zack “but none of us know where it is.”

Billy “what do we do.”

Kasai “I’m going to kill her, no one hurts Trini.”

Zander "no you won’t, not alone"

Trini “she’s at the docks.”

Kasai "then let's go" they leave to the docks grabbing chain and bats as they see a man tied up where she was supposed to be

Zander " let me help you" he grabs the man and unties him as drops of drool fall on him

Trini “get back!” Zander jumps back to everyone as Rita falls to the ground

Kasai “you.” He hissed as he morphed

Rita "so silver can morph"

Kasai “you hurt my girl and you pay!” Silver gauntlet form on his arm as he charges towards Rita who blocked all the punches with her staff

Rita " too slow" Kasai sends a kick followed by a punch and ending the combo with a roundhouse kick but all his attacked were dodged by Rita as she hits her staff to the ground as everyone gets blown away

Rita "I was really hoping you would all put up a fight" a chain wraps around her leg as she gets pulled to the ground

Zander "you were saying"

Rita “enough.” The rope glows green as it ties everyone to the ship

Rita "now one of you knows the location of the crystal"

Kasai “hey we are the loser club, we’ve got our 7th member.”

Rita " I'm not a loser, I'll make this simple, the one who knows the location of the crystal will tell me where it is, and the rest of you live, the one who knows will die"

Kasai “I know where it is.”

Zander "Kasai no!"

Kasai “up your prehistoric, full of webs, cave like pussy.”

Rita "so you won't talk, I have other ways of making you do so" she walks in front of Zander

Kasai “you wouldn’t hurt him, your eyes glow every time you see him.”

Rita "oh I wouldn't hurt him, I'll just take him, make him my lover, and find the crystal myself"

Kasai “fine, invite me for the marriage.”

Kimberly "Kasai!!"

Kasai “what, Zordon told me she was into threesomes, you’ll probably be in there too.”

Rita " I'm not into sharing, so either tell me the crystals location or you'll never see red again"

Kasai “is it that bad thing in a scene, hear me out, if you take Zander then you wouldn’t even dare to pull away the crystal or he’ll die. So technically we’ll win.”

Rita " do elaborate, silver"

Kasai “if you pull the crystal all the living things in this planet die, pull out the crystal and Zander dies. You wouldn’t dare kill your dear red now would you?”

Rita " oh I would"

Kasai “then do it now and get a head start.”

Rita "very well" she tries to kill Zander but she couldn’t

Kasai " exactly, you can't"

Rita “you really know how to get into people’s heads.”

Kasai "that's what I do"

Rita “well if I can’t convince you with Zander then how about Yellow here?”

Kasai "don't you dare!"

Rita “the location or she dies.”

Kasai "Krispy Kreme"

Rita “thank you.” The ropes pull Kasai to the bottom of the ocean

Everyone "Kasai!"

Rita “he was really an annoying pest.”

Trini "you bitch!!"

Rita “bye bye now.” Rita leaves as after a while the 5 fall to the ground

Zander " Kasai!" he dives into the water and comes out with Kasai’s body

Trini “Kasai! Wake up! Don’t screw with me!”

Zander "don't you die on us!" he performs CPR but nothing

Kimberly “he’s dead Zander.”

Zander "he can't be"

Trini “he has to be alive. He wouldn’t die on me.”

Zander "Kasai wake up!"

Zack “Zander, Trini, he’s dead.”

Billy “let’s take him to Zordon.” They pick up Kasai’s body and go to the cave as they make it and let him down in front of Zordon

Zander "there has to be something you can do!”

Zordon" I'm sorry, I can't "

Zander “this can’t be.” Kimberly hugs Zander tightly

Alpha “Zordon, look.” zordon looks

Zordon “rangers, step on the pads.” the five get on the pads as they start glowing as everyone’s armor forms except for Zander

Zander “Incursio!” He gets covered with a red armor as the cosmic ball glows blue until it created an explosion while Zordon disappeared

(imagine it red)

Alpha "zordon, master?" Everything was quiet until Zordon appears on the wall again

Alpha "zordon, why didn’t you come back to life.”

Zordon “only one can come back.” They hear coughing as Kasai gasps for air

Kasai “fuck, drowning is painful as shit.”

Everyone" Kasai!!"

Kasai “hey guys.” They hug him tightly

Everyone “glad to see you alive.”

Trini “jerk, we die together remember.”

Kasai" yeah I'm sorry"

Zordon “now that you’re all reunited, you all better hurry, Rita is preparing."

Kasai" let's go guys" he morphs as they out the cave

Zack “we’ve got golems!”

Zander "let's take them down"

Kasai “let’s do this.” They jumped as they take down Golems that were in the water

Zander "this is too easy" a sword appears on his arm as he slices the golems as they get out of the water and land in the cliff as they were surrounded

Zander "just like the pit"

Billy “just like the pit.” They start taking golems left and right as they kept coming

Zack “I’ve got an idea.”

Zander "well lay it on us"

Zack “distract them!” He jumps into the well as everyone continues fighting

Zander "oh I know what he's doing"

Trini “this is going to be close!”

Zander "down!" they duck as the mastodon zord burst through the ground as he takes down all the golems.

Kimberly “you finally used her head for once.”

Zack "thanks you better get to your zords" they get their zords as everyone was running and flying to town while Billy was making his run backwards

Zander "Billy what are you doing?"

Billy “I don’t know.”

Kasai “I see her, surprise motherfucker!” His dragon breathes out fire while shooting his guns at Rita

Rita "so you're alive"

Zander “he’s a hard head.”

Kasai “everyone we have to protect the people.”

Everyone "on it" everyone starts killing golems as Goldar walks towards Krispy Kreme

Zander "Rita and her golden boy are at the Krispy Kreme"

Kasai “well guys, we’re outnumbered and Goldar already made the hole. I know this looks grimm but we’ll win! We’re the power rangers!”

Everyone "yeah!!" The people finally evacuate as they get in front of Goldar and starts shooting at him with everything they have

Zander " we can't let him near the crystal!"

Kasai (Kanye) “nobody should have that much power.”

Zander "well apparently they do"

Kimberly “this heat.”

Zack “I don’t know how long I can last.”

Zander "keep going guys, don't give up!"

Trini “I’m sorry but I can’t.” They get pushed into the hole as the heat consumed them

Rita "bye bye rangers"

Everyone “surprise motherfucker part 2!” Two Goldar size robots appeared as the both of them punch Goldar

Rita "impossible!!"

Zander "nothing is impossible if you just believe!"

Kasai “six rangers unite so evil will know our might!” The two megazords kick Goldar as he falls next to Rita

Zander " surrender Rita"

Rita “not yet.” She enters Goldar as she punches the mega sword while creating two blades

Zack “do we have anything against that?”

Zander “we do!” The wings turn into two swords as he draws them

Zander "let's do this!!" The megazord and Goldar clash swords

Kasai “don’t forget me!” Kasai appears above delivering an axe kick followed by an uppercut as the megazord slashed Goldar in the stomach sending him to the ground while turning back to liquid

Zander" it's over Rita!"

Kasai “now attack us so I can bitch slap you to the sun so you can die like Broly in most of the dragonball movies.”

Zander" no you won’t, Rita surrender and we won't hurt you "

Rita “and why would I do that?”

Kasai" don't you want to be with Zander”

Rita “why would I share him with pink?”

Zander "Rita, there's room in my heart for both of you"

Rita “fine.”

Zander "thank you Rita"

Kimberly “yeah, thank you.”


Kasai “Saturday detention.”

Zander "yep"

Trini “at least you’re with us.”

Kimberly " yeah"

Billy “a happy ending to a happy story.”

Zander "yep"

Kasai “well, thank you all for reading readers.”

Zander "see ya next time"

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