Chapter 27

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Daisuke (POV)
Armin, Hikaru, Mikasa, Eren, and myself are up atop the wall with Commander Pyxis overlay HQ and the rest of the war torn city. Eren and I spill the beans about everything we know including Eren's basement.
Pyxis- That's that. So visiting this cellar should clear everything up?
Daisuke- Yes sir.
Eren- Or at least we think so.
Pyxis- For the moment, there is no way to validate all of the claims you boys have made. For now, I'll just catalogue them in here.
He taps his bald head.
Pyxis- With that said, I can usually tell the difference between the unctuous and the sincere, which is why I personally guarantee your safety.
All of us let out a sigh of relief. Pyxis turns his attention to Armin.
Pyxis- You're Cadet Armin Arlelt. Is that correct?
Armin- Yes sir.
Pyxis- You mentioned the plan to harness this so called "Titan Ability" and then utilize your friend's powers to retake the city. Do you believe it could work? Or were you grasping at straws to try and save your hides?
Armin- Uh well........Both Commander. I was going to suggest that Eren and Daisuke, using their strengths as Titans, could lift that giant boulder. We could use it to block off the wrecked gate. That was the best idea I was able to come up with on the spot. I-I just wanted to make everyone see how Eren's and Daisuke's ability might provide a solution to the problem we all face. Granted, I was pretty desperate to survive.
Pyxis turns around to look at the city.
Pyxis- "Desperate to survive," huh? That's as credible a reason as any, son.
He take a swig of the good stuff from his flask and turns back to us. He approaches Eren and I and squats down to our level.
Pyxis- What do you say, Cadet Jaeger? Cadet Tatsuo?
Eren- Say sir?
Pyxis- That hole. Do you think you can plug it up boys?
Eren- I don't know....
Daisuke- It's very possible but right now, we don't really know or understand the power that we possess anymore than you do. It would be bad and plain irresponsible to give you an answer or lie when we don't have a conclusive answer.
Pyxis- Ah yes. Of course, my apologies. I asked you the wrong question. The question I meant to ask is, are you willing to cadets, or not?
Eren-...........I'll do it.
Daisuke- You bet your ass I'll do it. We don't know if we can seal the breach but we'll give it one hell of a try.
Pyxis- Excellently said. You have hearts Thad of a lion.
Pyxis walks to edge of the wall behind us and calls for the staff soldiers.
Armin- Wait, we can't actually be moving forward with this as our linchpin strategy. It was just something I tossed out there.
Daisuke- That was running through my head as well. The thing is, he seems like a guy who knows what he's doing. It's like how we can't see the forest for the trees, but he has a bird's eye view.
Daisuke: That and he sounds just like Master Makarov from Fairy Tail.
Indigo: (frowns in annoyance)
Armin- You really think so?
Daisuke- I do. But before we can get our plan off the ground, we have a whole other problem to address. I bet money that the Commander is very aware of that. You're thinking what I'm thinking right Eren?
Eren- Yeah. Definitely.
Hikaru- And the problem is?
Eren- Titans aren't our only foe.
Pyxis- Look sharp soldiers.
Eren and I stand up and we all face Pyxis.
Pyxis- The fate of mankind rests on your shoulders.
It's just Pyxis, myself, and Eren atop of the wall. Hikaru, Mikasa, and Armin got sent back down below to line up with the other soldiers who are awaiting mission brief from the Commander.
Pyxis- It's thought by many that before the Titans held sway, mankind consisted of scores of different races, different creeds; all scratching and biting at each other for blood. It's not difficult to believe that second part. Some wise man or other is reputed to have said, though understand in paraphrasing here, that humanity required an enemy greater than itself just to survive. What do you suppose he could have meant?
Eren- This is the first time I've ever heard about it sir. I guess....he thought we'd all join forces?
Pyxis- What about you Cadet Tatsuo?
Daisuke- What Eren said but I guess he didn't know it was wishful thinking. If we didn't have equality and get along then, what made him think we'd have that now? If he would see where we are now, he would just shake his head and facepalm himself. Tch, some wise man he was.
Pyxis- (chuckles) I like the way your mind works boys. You're almost as twisted and cynical as I am. But you're right Cadet Tatsuo. If our species doesn't get it together soon, then the Titans will merely be an instrument to our demise, not our cause.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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