Five- bad news

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This is a Bleach fanfiction story that I am teaming up with Openminded15 (from to write. We do not own anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. However this story is an original idea as some of the characters may seem a bit OC so don't judge. Warnings as this story will be rated M due to the graphic nature, language, nudity, sexual preference (Yaio/boyxboy love). Please don't read if you aren't into these kind of things. Also please leave your comments and reviews telling us what you think. Thank you!

Key guide: bold - hollow voice, italic - zanpakuto voice, *mental speech*, "regular speech", 'thinking', bold italics - attacks, (author notes/translations), ~time skip~

Five- bad news

Finally after a while Shiro had completely calmed down. He kind of felt bad for intruding on Ichigo's training. he had no idea that he could use powers much in the same way as Ichigo could. It almost seemed to him that his powers were being drawn through Ichigo and vice versa. Shiro turned towards Unohana who was looking over Kenpachi's wounds.
"Did I kill him?" Shiro asked in a timid voice.
"No he will be alright. Although you did leave him with a wound that refuses to heal. Not that it is your fault in anyway Shiro. A part of you reacted even before you knew what you were doing. Your old memories are still there. It is just that you can't reach them." replied Unohana. This caused Shiro to sigh softly as he was kind of glad that he didn't kill anyone.
"So do you think we should continue where we left off Ichigo?" asked Ikkaku.
"There's no need. He would kill you almost instantly. Not that he would want to." stated a voice. Everyone turned to see Kisuke approaching the group.
"Please tell me that you have good news." Ichigo stated only for the former captain to shake his head no. In some ways Ichigo knew that he wasn't going to like the news that Kisuke was going to give him.
"I tried looking for the chemical that altered you but it seems to have disappeared. I thought at first Mayuri may have destroyed it but when I went to speak to him, he doesn't remember even experimenting on you. Even though he admits that he had the thought about it, he would never go against head captain orders. I went back looking for the supposed data he had kept and found that also gone. It seems that a higher source has affected Mayuri into experimenting on you, created the chemical that did alter you, and wiped out all traces of what had been done." stated Kisuke. Almost instantly Ichigo's reitsu sky rocked unleashing a mass amount of spiritual pressure that caused the skies in the Seireitei to darken. Everyone but Shiro backed away from the teen in fear as they didn't want to be on the receiving end of Ichigo's anger. Shiro this time allowed his arms to wrap around Ichigo as the hollow could feel the immense power slowly dying down. He looked at Kisuke whom seemed to have more to say. "According the data that I took, your powers are almost ten fold of what they usually are. So I created a device that is similar to Kenpachi's eye patch that should restrict some of your energy. It will also allow your spirit to take on a more natural appearance." Kisuke added. Shiro looked at Ichigo who nodded slowly as Kisuke approached with what looked like a golden chocker. "You will be able to remove this at will Ichigo as some of your powers will be easily restrained. But those with a high spiritual awareness will be able to sense that your powers have grown."
"Thanks Kisuke. I guess I should return home since there is nothing more for me to do here." Ichigo stated as he slipped on the golden chocker once Shiro let go of his hold on the orange haired teen. Almost instantly Ichigo was transformed as it looked like he was wearing the bankai version of his shihaksho. Ichigo looked at Shiro who smiled weakly as a slight blush crossed his face.
*Damn..... He is even more attractive than before. Shit..... Get your mind out of the gutter Shiro. You know next to nothing about him but, he seems to know a lot about you. You don't even know how your relationship was with him.* Shiro thought to himself not knowing that Ichigo could hear him.
'Seems that our mental connection is still there.' Ichigo snickered to himself. "What am I supposed to do with Shiro? I can't just leave him in the Seireitei." Ichigo asked Kisuke.
"All ready one step ahead of you. I began to prepare a special gigai for him back home. I also called your father and gave him the heads up. We have created a story that he is your long lost twin that was given up since birth. I will fill you in to more about it once we arrive at my shop." stated Kisuke. Ichigo nodded his head as he looked at Shiro whom looked slightly confused.
"So what do you say Shiro? Do you want to explore more around the Seireitei or are you ready to go home?" Ichigo asked.
"Home.... Please. I don't want to be here any longer if people fear and hate me and are willing to attack me because of what I am." answered Shiro. Ichigo nodded his head as he took Shiro's hand into his. This jester caused Shiro to blush even brighter.
"Lets go Kisuke." stated Ichigo.

~Outside of the Kurosaki Clinic~

Shiro stood next to Ichigo as he was wearing some of Ichigo's clothing that supposedly Ichigo's father brought for him. Shiro was a nervous wreck as he wanted to meet Ichigo's family but, he feared that they were going to hate him. Because of what Shiro was, his gigai looked almost identical to how he appeared in spirit form. You could tell that the hollow zanpakuto wasn't used to the gigai as he felt strange in it. But in order to remain by Ichigo's side he had to wear it as only humans with high spiritual awareness would be able to see him in his spirit form. Ichigo seemed hesitant once they both reached his home as he wasn't sure if goat face (his dad) was going to react how he usually would when he came home. Shiro was playing around with the mod soul that Kisuke gave him for when he wanted to be in his spirit form to perform the duties of a shinigami like Ichigo did from time to time. He was also given a substitute badge that Ichigo also had that would alert him to when a hollow was near and alert any shinigami that he was an ally despite that he was a hollow. Surprisingly the badge never went off around Shiro. Kisuke shrugged this off to the fact that even though Shiro may look like a hollow and be a hollow, he was still a zanpakuto. Just he had a physical appearance. Kisuke gave the two teens information that they were going to need to pull off the simple fact that they were twins. Only a select few would know the truth about Shiro. Ichigo had called all of his friends whom were spiritually aware to meet him as he needed to discuss something with them all.
"Ichi....?" questioned Shiro as Ichigo stood there unmoving. Ichigo looked at once was his hollow zanpakuto as he let out a long sigh.
'Everything about him remains the same. Its only his memories that have been affected. I hope that Kisuke will keep working on a way to bring us both together again. Even though I like having him here and being able to hold him. Gods..... why did I have to fall for him despite how he treated me in the past.' Ichigo thought to himself as he let out a long soft sigh. 'I guess it can't be helped. I hope that in some ways I can help him become more human even though I know that he cares for me strongly too. I don't want him to know how I feel just yet as we can work through this slowly.'
"Ichigo....?" questioned Shiro yet again as he still didn't get an answer from the teen. "King!" he almost shouted out disturbing Ichigo's thought.
"Sorry Shiro. I had a lot on my mind." Ichigo replied with a sheepish grin across his face. Ichigo then moved Shiro to one side. "Don't move from that spot." Ichigo replied firmly as he opened the door to the Kurosaki clinic. "I am home!" he shouted out. Suddenly a man came rushing down the stairs and out the door where Ichigo stood.
"Welcome home...... Ichigo!" he shouted out as he lunged for the teen. Despite Ichigo telling Shiro not to move, the hollow reacted quickly pulling Ichigo out of harms way as he grabbed the man shoving him down to the ground hard. "Still strong as ever son!" Isshin stated coughing up air with how hard Shiro had tossed him to the ground. Shiro had both Isshin's hands in his as a knee rested against the man's back as he pinned Isshin to the ground. Ichigo shook his head as he knelt down to his father's level.
"Still up to your same insane pranks I see.... dad. And for your information I am not the one who has you pinned." Ichigo stated as he smiled at Shiro. "You can let him up Shiro. You will get used to dad as he does crazy things like this all the time." Ichigo told his hollow zanpakuto. Shiro nodded his head as he let go of the man who Ichigo refereed to as his father. Isshin climbed to his feet as a startled gasp left his chest. "Dad.... meet Shiro."
"Shirosaki Ogichi. It is nice to finally meet you sir." Shiro stated as he extended his hand out towards Shiro. Isshin looked at the hollow zanpakuto then to his son almost in shock. When he was told about the situation, he never expected something like this.
"You don't have to be so formal Shiro. I trust that both Kisuke and Ichigo informed you to what I am. I want you to feel welcomed in this house until Kisuke can fix the problem or until your old memories return. So for the time being you are to call me dad." Isshin stated as he shook Shiro's hand. Shiro nodded his head that he understood. "Come now the girls are anxious in meeting you."
"Dad.... You told them....?!" Ichigo asked in shock.
"They know everything Ichigo. Karin was aware of it for sometime now. Yuzu couldn't help but to be the mother hen and lecture me about hiding these secrets from her. You will no doubt get chewed out as well. I set up an extra clinic bed in your room for Shiro." Isshin stated. Ichigo sighed softly as he followed his father inside of the house as Shiro followed timidly behind the two.

Getting up to his room, they were both greeted by a stuffed lion. It jumped, aiming for Ichigo's face. He hit his face and clung to it, screaming practically in his ear. Ichigo managed to pry him from his face and threw him on the ground, then stepping on him.
"That's Kon, my Mod Soul. I put it in this stuffed animal so I could easily keep track of it. I suggest you do the same." Ichigo said. Ichigo left him in his room for a second and came back and brought back arm fulls of stuffed animals. He sprawled them out across his bed and urged Shiro to choose one. Shiro browsed through them all as his eyes stuck on one. He picked up the small stuffed dog. It was covered in brown felt, with its left ear and right eye being a significantly darker brown than the rest of it. Shiro placed the mod soul given to him that was in his hand and inserted it into the stuffed dog's mouth. It became full of life and hopped from Shiro's hand. It looked around the room and then studied Kon.
"Hey, what gives? Who is this anyways?" Kon questioned. Shiro had to think of a name for it. He thought about it for a second and smile when he came up with one.
"I shall call him Daitai Soru (Alternate Soul), because I think of him like an alternate me. But we will call him Dai for short." Shiro replied.

It was almost time for Ichigo to attend school. He couldn't just leave Shiro here alone, especially with his father still here. He decided to take Shiro with him. Lord only knows what they will say when they get a look at him. He gave Shiro a spare uniform and went down stairs to eat breakfast. Yuzu had already set down plates full of food out on the counter for both of them.
"Honestly, Ichigo, you should have told me sooner! Did you think I could not handle the news? Now look how I had to find out, you now have a duplicate! You have to tell me about what happened and how all of this happened." Yuzu yelled angrily at Ichigo as she then looked over at Shiro smiling softly. "No offense, Mr. Ogichi."
"None taken. But, you can all me Shiro if you like." Shiro said.
"No need to freak out, Yuzu. Weird things already happen all of the time in this family. This is just another day in our lives." Karin slurped up the last of her breakfast and slung her school bag over her shoulder to leave for school. Ichigo did the same, with Shiro still following him like a lost puppy.
"Sorry Yuzu. I'll tell you all about it later. We gotta run now, see ya!" Ichigo exclaims as he scurried out the door before Yuzu could protest. He didn't want Yuzu to get too involved in all of this, it's bad enough that his father is involved.

At school, it seemed even harder to try and explain what had happened to his classmates. To the ones in his class that knew the truth about what Ichigo truly was, it wasn't very hard to pass of that Shiro is his long lost twin. But having to actually explain everything to Orihime, Chad and Uryu was a rough thing to do.
"Ichigo, what did you do?" Uryu immediately asked, looking at the golden necklace that sat around his neck. Knowing very well the news he had heard about the long lost twin was a bunch of crap.
"Mayuri did some experiments on me and now my zanpakuto has manifested its own body. Now I'm just trying to lay low until Kisuke can help me get him back inside of me." Ichigo explained to them when they went up to the roof to speak in private.
"So, this is your hollow zanpakuto?" Orihime questioned as she looked surprised at how much the hollow not only resembled Ichigo but also Ulquiorra whom she missed terribly.
"Hello, I'm Shirosaki Ogichi. But please just call me Shiro for short." Shiro shyly greeted them all. They all smiled and greeted back at him.
"So Ichigo, how are you feeling?" Uryu asked. "I could feel your spiritual pressure ever since you came back from the Seireitei. It's much stronger than usual."
"That's a side effect to Mayuri's experimentation. This choker that I am wearing is supposed to suppress some of the energy like Kenpachi's eye patch does." Ichigo explained pointing to the golden necklace that he was wearing.
"Then I'd hate to feel the pressure when you take the damn thing off." Uryu commented as if what he was sensing was any indication, then his full untapped powers would possibly cause mass amount of hollows to come to Karakura. This thought made even the Quincy to shutter in fear cause it could be far worse than Menos Grande levels. 
"Don't worry, Ichigo. We'll help you in anyways we can until this is all settled down!" Orihime chimed in. Of course Chad had very little to say as he just gave the thumbs up to what Orihime had to say.
"Thanks guys." Ichigo replied as Shiro also nodded his head in thanks.

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