Untitled Part 7

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This is deeper than you and me, too deep that it is starting to sting in these open cut wounds of yours,

before there was an "us", it was always you I adored. From the way your cheeks blushed, or the way your little hair stood up when you got cold whenever it snowed.

You're in the north, I'm in the south. Can't believe how this direction took it's route and we aren't even together, but I guess as long as we have each other's backs that's all that matters.

Every time you post on the gram, climbing up the money ladder, I always gotta call you, forget that texting crap.

Day or night it's iigh, but if I stay up pass 8 then it's a wrap. 

I'm talking to you throughout the night, crossing over to the morning time. 3 am just getting into bed and one thing that's on my mind and that's....

You and our friendship and how beautiful it is, and how it grew so fast. Something told me to go to the track that day in August and the way you looked my way I was astonished. 

I knew there was something about you and your attitude, but the best thing I liked about you was the fact you were completely honest.

When we talked, we didn't keep track of the time. 3 hours passed by and neither of us even asked why.

When my momma asked me what kept me out a bit late, I told her the truth and automatically, she labeled it as a "date".

Shaking my head and smiling, but never denying her choice of words spoken to me, instead I looked at it as a wish that could happen or prayed that this was destiny. 

Hoping we could be in the future and stay close as best friends. I tell you more than I should and I'm always truly sad when our phone calls have to come to an end.

I was low-key happy when you told me you cut "her" off your romantic part of life and when you asked me on the phone if "you did the right thing", quickly I responded you were right.

That night by the pool when I called you, life was biting me in my behind. 

The tears I cried were slowly wiped away by the sound of your voice and this was what I choose to find, so much comfort, love, and warmth as I imagined you being there, wrapping your arms around me. 

My stomach getting those butterflies and my heart fluttered suddenly. 

I also found jealously in your voice when you were told that I was talking to somebody down here. I thought it was a bit funny, and cute and I also heard more curious questions, confusion, and a little bit of fear.

He is nice, real cool guy and wants to see me soon and also tries to call, but most of the time I decline. 

Not being mean, but just following my first choice and that night over the phone, I fell for you even more just by the sound of your smoothing voice.

Don't know what we are, don't know what we could be. I don't know about you, but I know about me. 

I see positivity in your path and intelligence and creativity in your soul. I can't wait to visit you, to see what you can mold into and best believe I'll see you through your journey and I love how I'm still finding out things about you as if I'm a new employee on the job, still learning.

When I received your text message on my birthday, my mouth starting to hurt due to smiling so hard, but I like the feelings of this way.

But in conclusion, this is way deeper than you and me my love, this is way too deep and I can't keep away, no matter where I stay. 

I'm with your spirt , your soul and mind. I'm totally with it. 

Haven't vibed like this in a while so yes, you are still my soul child. I wish we could've confirmed whatever this is between us, but I know it just would've been more confusing and more painful and I wouldn't want our relationship to go silent and be left in the wind and turnt into dust.

If I must say, I'm getting better at receiving love and I guess I have you to thank for that, cuz you are a one fine stud (good lawd lol)..

But all seriousness, once my heart was dropped and placed in the ground covered in dirt and mud so you came and placed that gentle, mental touch upon my heart that was once rough, unlocking my loving side, filled with warmth, joy, and laughter.

So answer me this... That day in August on the track when you saw me, was this what you were truly after?  

Is this Lov3?

Sept 18, 2017 (12:11 p.m.) 

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