Chapter Four

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I took a quick look at those around me, and most seemed to be in distress. Most anxiously looked at the clock, maybe hoping that Ms. Sanders would somehow waste ten minutes and not be able to hand them back.

Not a chance.

The quiz wasn't even that hard, and yet everyone was panicking literal seconds before Ms. Sanders gave it back.

What, did they think if they sweat enough, their grades would magically change?

I felt confident in my ability as an ace; that's how I got into this school anyway. Cycrest needed someone like me to show the other students how it's done, and I haven't disappointed. Highest grades in the school as a freshman, junior, and now sophomore. That's not a boast, that's a fact.

Our school has always been decent academically, with most students pulling off a B+ average. But I didn't get into this school by being average.

I am the first student in school history to have an A+ average.

Don't think that's possible?

Watch and learn.

Ms. Sanders typically left quizzes upside down for the students to turn over, letting the disasters unfold themselves. She placed it neatly in front of me with a small smile, and I noticed a few students eyeing me skeptically, waiting for me to flip over the paper.

Alright, I had no problem complying with that request.

102%, not bad for an AP Algebra quiz.

Now, you may be wondering, where did the extra two percent come from?

Well the bonus, of course, where else?

               "Now students," Ms. Sanders said, eyes twinkling the way they always did after handing out a quiz, "I have some homework to give you guys~!" A collective groan surrounded the classroom as I pulled out my computer and opened it dutifully, ready to mark it down on my schedule.

               "I swear, Ms. Sanders thinks we're just robots that can just chew through piles of homework." A boy beside me mumbled, his eyes rolling as the teacher continued explaining the assignment. His friend (at least I assumed it was his friend) nodded in agreement and muttered something else in return.

               "Totally dude, I bet even she couldn't finish all this."

Were these boys high as a kite, or just stupid?

She gave us ten questions to complete by Thursday, which was two days from now. That gave plenty of time to finish, even if you slacked off for a full day. I shut my computer, done imputing the time that I would complete the homework, and marking when it was due, and stretched out my arms.

Hopefully, my fellow students would refrain from breaking them again this morning.

Dante did an excellent job of that yesterday.

I caught a glimmer of envy in the boy, which I know identified as RJ (The Slacker) Peters, as he eyed my paper with contempt. He whispered something to his friend, who I did not know, and they both smiled as though they had won a gold medal.


The bell sounded to the horde of students, most only now packing away their stuff and venturing off to class. I headed out the door, slightly behind, waiting patiently for the majority of them to pass by.

I didn't get the chance to squeeze through.

I felt a shove on my backpack, throwing me forward. I stumbled by a couple of different students, most of which grumbled at me and kept walking, before regaining my balance and turning to face the person who shoved me.

Well, what do you know, it's RJ Peters.

               "Hey there, mute." He smirked at me from the doorway, his buddy standing slightly behind. I could tell from his stance and his glowing eyes that he wanted something.

I flicked my hands quickly, signing at him.

               "What do you want, RJ?" I replied swiftly, grateful that my glove and voice box were finally working properly again.

               "Well, I thought that maybe you could do me a favour?" The ending of his sentence sounded like a question, but I knew he wasn't asking me if I could do him a favour.

He was telling me that I would do him a favour.

               "I have to get to class." I waved my hand dismissively and turned around to walk off, ending the conversation as soon as it had started. By this time, the hallway was cleared, and the bell was about to ring.


Oh, crap.

You see, the problem with trying to run away from someone with a long range ability is that it doesn't work very well.

I turned around, the ground in front of me covered in ash. The floors were durable for this purpose exactly, but any C-Tier or above could easily damage them. Lucky for me, he was a D-Tier student. Not even close to a high tier, he was considered weak to anyone C-Tier or above; he was still above me by far. RJ's eyes and hands were glowing bright orange as he smirked at me.

               "Now, about that favour." He stretched out his words, still staying a considerable distance away. "I have plans tonight and can't be bothered to finish my homework. Could you do it for me?" I stared him down, still keeping my nonchalance expression plain on my face. If he thought he was going to get to me, then he was dead wrong.

               "I also have plans and will also be doing my homework. Everyone has things they want to do, and it's not my responsibility to do your work." My voice was level, no sign of annoyance or hatred or anything, and yet still RJ growled at me and lifted both his hands up in the air.

               "You better show some respect, weakling. " I turned around again and shouldered my backpack.

               "Resorting to name-calling is a childish and immature move, and a result of knowing that you can't win." Then I turned the corner and ran down the hallway before his stunned expression wore off.


I peeked around the hall, watching as the two boys gaped at her boldness. I had heard the entire conversation, seen it too.

Seen the blatant glare in her eyes, and yet no hint of any strong emotion. Seen the disrespect in her motions and her retorts.

This... this problem was unlike anything I had ever dealt with before.

But I didn't have the time to waste on one person.

I would need someone else to do that for me.


               "Alright," Isla said with a mischievous look on her face, "rock, paper, scissors, SHOOT!"

I clenched my fist and thrust it forward, smiling. Isla twisted her hand and threw her index finger towards me.

               "What the heck is that ya little cheater?!" I stuck my tongue out at her as she cackled, blue eyes gleaming.

               "It's a gun! Gun equals instant KO." Isla stuck her tongue out back at me.

               "What part of 'rock, paper, scissors' do you not understand woman?" I yelled, throwing my hands up in mock disgust. Isla stopped laughing and froze, her eyes at the ground. Then, I felt a curt tap on my shoulders.

               "You're Dyako Ayala, right?" A voice said from behind me, authority sparking in their tone. I smiled and turned around, only to have the biggest shock of my day, maybe my life.

               "A-Atlas," I stuttered out, instantly standing up from my seat on the bench. "w-what bring y-you here?" I averted my eyes to the ground, knees shaking.

Darn it; I should have known the minute silence filled the garden that a high-tier was here.

Atlas looked past me over to Isla, who had also scurried to her feet, and smiled coldly at her, his mouth curving only slightly. I got the feeling it wasn't a kind smile.

               "And you must be Isla, right?" She nodded, courteously, twirling a piece of her dark brown hair. "I have a favour to ask of you two." He spoke directly to us, almost an order.

               "A-ask away!" I stuttered nervously.

"Have you ever heard of someone named Quinley?" He asked, hands in his pockets. Both Isla and I shook our heads and glanced at each other nervously. I couldn't believe that Atlas, the King of our school, was involving himself with a pair of lowly D-Tiers. "Your good at spying on people, right?" He asked Isla, pointing his finger at her. She did a small bow respectively and answered him cautiously.

              "Yes. My ability allows me to have easy access to any information on whomever I wish." Atlas smiled and turned away from her.

               "Good, and you," He turned towards me and met my eyes, his stare was icy cold, "Dyako, you can find online information, yes?" I nodded vigorously. Nobody would say no to him.

               "Yes, my ability is good for that part." Atlas pushed his shoulders back even farther in his rigid stance and took his hands out of his pockets as I responded.

               "Wonderful. Now, I want you to find out all the information you can about this girl named Quinley. There should only be one in the school as it is a scarce name, but if you need it, I will show you what she looks like. I expect everything you can find on her by tomorrow. I'll see you then." He waved his hand dismissively and walked away, more students entering the garden in his wake.

               "What. Just. Happened?" Isla asked, gaping at me. I shook my head and turned back towards her; my own eyes wide with shock.

               "I have no clue, but we better get to work on figuring out who this girl is before Atlas decides we took too long." Isla sighed and grabbed my hand, her blue nails digging into my hand as she pulled me away.

               "Alright then, let's see what we can dig up." 

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