Punk-Looking Problem

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(Ryu's P.O.V)

After asking my question, the lookalikes just stared at me with their arms crossed without even saying a single word. I was sort of confused at the moment. Did they not hear me the first time or are they unable to responded. I then turned to see that Blossom and Buttercup were completely shock by the lookalikes, almost as if they've seen a ghost. I got back up to my feet and dusted myself off.

"Did you not hear me? Who are you?" I asked with a nice tone,... not a single response back. I began to get annoyed by this.

"Are you three deaf? He asked-." began Taka, as he was cut off by a sentient bow wrapping tightly around his neck and began to chock him and lift him off the ground.

"Taka!" shouted both me and Buttercup, as I saw the bow was proceeding from the Blossom-lookalike. 

"We don't have to answer your questions. We do what we want!" replied the Blossom-lookalike, as I then began to charge at the lookalike only for me to get punch back by Buttercup's lookalike.

"Oh, come on! You honestly didn't see that coming?" she replied, as I pulled myself to my feet. She only threw a single punch at me, but it felt as strong as a Hazard Smash.

"It was a good hit, but that won't stop me from defending my family from the likes of you." I exclaimed, as the lookalike Buttercup just laughed at me.

"You can complain all you want, it won't help you beat us but if you want to try again at least make this more interesting." she replied, as Taka tried to pull his Hawk Gatlinger on the Blossom-lookalike unfortunately the Bubbles-lookalike's left pigtail wrapped around his left wrist and twisted it which caused Taka to drop his weapon.

"You honestly thought that we wouldn't see that come? And I thought that these two would be a challenge for us, right Berserk?" she said,

"Enough. Brat, Brute, stop complaining and help me deal with these two new guys then we can destroy the Powerpuff Girls." replied the Blossom-lookalike, as I then tried to cut the ribbon holding Taka again only for Brute to charge me again only this time I was ready for her. I quickly parried her punch with my Beat Closer and then I jumped into a roundhouse kick sending Brute flying through the right window in the room.

"Nice rebound Ryu." said Taka, as Berserk used her ribbon to chuck Taka at me. I was able to catch him unfortunately I got double-tackled by Berserk and Brat sending us flying backwards. I knew that Takumi would yell at us if this room got messy again after we cleaned it so I came up with an idea.

"Blossom, Buttercup on our backs quickly!" I exclaimed, as they were confused at first but they jumped on them. We then proceeded to jump out the hole that I made by sending Brute threw after Taka recovered his weapon. As we flew outside and reencountered Brute before we were surrounded by the evil Powerpuffs.

Taka and I dropped the girls before we pulled out our weapons and got ready to throw down. I quickly charged at Berserk and tried to get her with a swipe of my blade, but she used her ribbon to deflect my attack. Taka tried get away to a safe shooter position, but Brat used her pigtails to grab his left leg while Brute gave him a flying uppercut before Brat swung Taka at me. Fortunately I was able to dodge both the attack and Taka himself... until Brat smashed him over my head, knocking both of us to the ground.

"Welp... That could have gone better." said Taka in pain, as the two of us pulled ourselves up from the dirt and both of us trying to shrug off the pain. The evil Powerpuffs began to cut our combating ground.

"I have an idea. You go low, I'll go high." I replied, as I charged at the evil Powerpuffs and then began using a bit of parries to deflect their punches and kicks and after Brute tried to throw a powerful straight, I quickly jumped back with Taka holding his primary weapon right behind me.

"Now!" I shouted, as Taka spun his Hawk Gatlinger ten times while getting into his shooter stance.

Ten! Twenty! Thirty! Forty! Fifty! Sixty! Seventy! Eighty! Ninety! One-Hundred! Full Bullet!

Taka then unleashed a large barrage of bird bullets at the evil Powerpuff Girls only for Brute to counter with a powerful smash wave, blocking Taka's barrage. I then tried to dive and cut threw the smash wave only for me to be blasted back by the energy. Even with my super strength, it wasn't enough.

"Was that seriously the best you can do? I was really hoping that it was going to be a lot more interesting." said Brat,

"I don't get it. How'd they manage to block both my bird bullets and your sword strike?" questioned Taka, as I looked at the blast crater.

"It's got to be the fact that their powers are the same as Blossom and her sisters. Which means that unless we can think of something fast, they'll wear us down before we can even do anything serious!" I replied,

"But how? Our normal tactics aren't doing anything to them." questioned Taka, as the evil Powerpuffs were about to attack when out of nowhere a powerful spray of water sending the three of them flying. The shooter happened to be Blaze with Bubbles right beside him before the two of them reaching us.

"You guys OK?" asked Bubbles, as we were dusting ourselves off.

"We're OK, but these opponents are quite the pain to deal with." I replied, as Blaze pulled out our other three Fullbottles.

"Then I think it's time we take our chances and use our Best Matches in order take them down." he said, as I took the Lock Fullbottle while Taka took the Gatling Fullbottle.

"It's been a while since we used our Matching powers. Not since Dad told us not to use them in the lab since Leo's first sparing battle with Storm." replied Taka,

"That doesn't matter now. If we don't take them down here, they'll kill the girls so we have to!" I exclaimed, as Blaze and Taka looked at each other and nodded with a smirk.

"Then let's show these evil Powerpuffs Girls that we can't lose so easily!" replied Taka, and as we were about to Build Up when...

"Woah! Woah! Woah!... What did you just call us?!" questioned Brute, as I was kind of confused.

"Umm... Evil Powerpuff Girls?" I replied, as they were kind of shocked by this.

"That-That's not what we're called! We're nothing like them!" exclaimed Brat,

"Well if you don't like being called that, then what should we call your group then?" I asked,

"They're called the Powerpunk Girls, they're our evil counterparts from a parallel world." replied Blossom,

"Great they know who they are, now that that's dealt with can you guys get back to KICKING THEIR BUTTS ALREADY!!" shouted Buttercup, as we then pulled out our Fullbottles.

"You got it!" I replied, as the three of us clashed our separate Fullbottles together. The energy then began to flow from the bottles right into our bodies preparing us to activate our Best Matches.

Dragon! Lock! Best Match!

Harinezumi! Syoubousya! Best Match!

Taka! Gatling! Best Match!

"All right! Build Up!" I shouted, as the energy soon enveloped our bodies and then quickly changed us into our Best Match forms.

Are you ready? Fūin no Fantasy Star! KeyDragon! Yeahhh!

Are you ready? Rescue Kenzan! FireHedgehog! Yeahhh!

Are you ready? Tenkuu no Abarenbou! HawkGatling! Yeahhh!

The girls were kind of surprised by this. We've never actually had to use our Best Matches in cases like these where we've had to deal with parallel world counterparts, but there's always a first time for everything.

"Wow... you guys look ridiculous." said Brat, as the other Powerpunks just laughed at us. Admittivity having a key hang off your left arm isn't as cool as your right arm holding a knuckle made with a powerful spines, but our Best Matches give us more power then our base combat forms.

"It's not the suits that matter, it's the person underneath that counts." I replied, as we then began to charge at Powerpunk Girls and then split them up to take them on one-on-one. I decided taking Berserk as a means to understand Blossom's parallel counterpart.

"Wow! You must really be brave or really stupid to try and take me on." she said, as she tries to hit me with a few punches but fortunately I used the Bind Master Key on my left arm to block and parry her attacks. She tried using her laser vision to fry me, but I quickly dodged the shots she threw. Finally she went at me with her sentient bow, but this time I had a good counter for it. I fired chains from the key to grab the bow and quickly turned it into a tug of war.

"Grr! Let go of my bow!" shouted Berserk, as I then jumped  and yanked her into the air and spun her around with the chains and then slammed her into the dirt. She pulled herself up from the dirt, looking pretty ticked off.

"Well you did ask that I let your bow." I replied, she then began lashing out at me so I had to try and parry with both my Beat Closer and my Bind Master Key. She tried to get me with a few quick jabs to my right side, but I was able to knock her back with a quick roundhouse kick to the stomach.

I then noticed that I knock Berserk right into Brat who tried to pin Blaze with her hair. I was also kind of confused by this since my other father, Sento told me that Blazes tech could shoot both fire and water, granted not at the same time but it could shoot either element.

Blaze and I then grouped up, ready for a combination attack as the two of them pulled themselves back up and began to prepare to attack with their laser vision. I had an idea of what to do in order to counter them.

"Blaze, I think it's time we stop playing around and turn up the heat." I said, as he then nodded and switched the elemental ammunition in his Multi Deluge Guns while I began to take in a deep breath. Berserk and Brat then began to fire their laser vision at us while we countered with Blaze's flamethrower and my fire breath. We overpowered their laser with our twin-fire combo which got them quite a bit of burns.

I then dished out a quick double-roundhouse kick which sent those two flying to the ground as Brute was brought into the defeat Powerpunks as I finished it off with a nice chain up with my Bind Master Key with a little lock. They tried to wriggle out of the chains, but if my father Sento could make them strong enough to hold Night Rogue for a finisher it could hold these three as easily.

"Well that should hopefully stop all this craziness from being any further of an issue." I said, as the girls were a bit impressed as well. This is the first time they've ever seen our Matching abilities used in action.

"Umm... Is this the other power that you told us about last night?" questioned Blossom, as we returned to my casual forms.

"Ya, it was one of the abilities we were more familiar with along with our Form Change. By using Matching, we can use two Fullbottles to create new forms to help us in combat. We can also do the same thing by fusing with our brothers, but we don't like to do that very often. Not just for the headaches, but also we get quite tired from fighting while fused." I replied, with Blossom, Bubbles and even Buttercup's jaws were practically open wide.

"You guys... can fuse with each other?!!" exclaimed Buttercup, as I nodded and I was about to explain when I heard a bit of a slam to the ground. The six of us then turned around to see Takumi in his combat form, holding onto the Fullbottle Buster.

"Can you three explain why there are broken window and mirror shards on the floor of Powerpuffs room?" he questioned, as I was kind of confused when he mentioned mirror shards.

"I don't remember anything about breaking a mirror, but as for the window I accidentally broke it when I kicked one of those Powerpunk Girls out through it." I replied, as he looked over my head to see them.

"So who exactly are the "Powerpunk Girls" and why do they look like Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup?" asked Takumi,

"Apparently they're evil counterparts from a parallel world in their universe. I don't know why they came here though they just attacked Taka and Ryu before we could get any answers out of them." replied Blossom, as I nodded in response.

"Hmm... Is that so? Then let me talk to them. I can figure out this little confusion for myself." said Takumi, who walked toward them as he used the Fullbottle Buster as a stand to rest on.

"So you three are the ones who tried to hurt my younger siblings?" he asked, as the Powerpunks just scoffed at him.

"Your situation won't get any better for you three if you don't talk to me. If you want to help us deal with this-." began Takumi,

"We don't want you to help us deal with anything! What we want is to kick your stupid butts and then make sure that you and your dumb faces can't even stop us from achieving our-!" interrupted Berserk, as Takumi decided to put an end to that by picking up his weapon and slamming it into the ground just barely away from Berserk's lower pelvic area which shut her up.

"I would really appreciate it if you don't interrupt me when I haven't done anything wrong to you. Interrupt me again and..." began Takumi, as I felt a terrifying aura surround his body as he held his Fullbottle Buster like a familiar friend of ours.

"I'll cut you." he finished, as the Powerpunks were almost frozen in fear... Though in truth, that's a similar scare tactic that Misora has used several times before and it somehow makes both her and Takumi seem so scary that not even my two fathers would even dare to cross the line with them.

"Now then, would you mind telling me what exactly was you aim to come from your parallel world and beating on Ryu and Taka?" asked Takumi, as surprisingly they wanted not to talk when...

"Because Oppressor Plutonium told us that you might be a threat to us!" shouted Brat, which caught our attention. I wasn't aware that anyone else outside this universe knew that we were here.

"How'd this Oppressor guy know we were here?" questioned Takumi,

"He said that some guy from another universe wearing a weird trench-coat came to our house and told us that the Puffs got some back up from another universe. So the Oppressor told us to check it out... we didn't realize you guys were this strong." replied Brute, which made us think. Is it possible that Dedalus might have recruited them to do his dirty work by wearing us down?

"Did the person talk about an alien artifact called the Pandora Box or at least the panels of it?" I asked, and that caught their attention.

"How'd you know about that?" asked Berserk, which only confirmed my suspicions and I looked at Takumi who nodded in response.

"That person your father talked to was one of our enemies, Dedalus. His primary objective is to recover the panels to that are pieces to said artifact. The box itself is a conduit for Evolt or Dedalus's power of destruction. Knowing him, he wanted to let you three become a distraction for something." replied Takumi, as an evil laugh occurred just right above us who turned out to be Dedalus holding a bloody bag in his hand.

"Impressive deduction, my dear Takumi but I'm afraid you're too late. You're right though I needed to make sure that you all were distracted long enough so I could recover this." said Dedalus, as he reaches into the bag and pulls out to our surprise...

"A Pandora Panel?! How'd you acquire that?" questioned Taka, as he just laughed a bit.

"When you tried to escape me, the Black Pandora Panel as well as the Ten Lost Bottles with you. The energy from the teleport also sent the Pandora Box here as well. Unfortunately thanks to that blunder of yours, the energy caused the box to split apart back into it's six separate panels. One of which landed in their parallel universe." replied Dedalus, pointing at the Powerpunk Girls.

"Naturally I sought out to find and recover them along with the aforementioned items when I discovered a small gap in the universal fabric, a rift into a parallel universe where I met those three and an evil scientist. What was his name again? Hmm... Ah, yes! Oppressor Plutonium." he continued, which got a rise out of the Punks.

"What does he have to do with the Pandora Panel you have?" questioned Blaze, as Dedalus chuckled as he tossed the bloody bag down to us. As it landed on the ground, a decapitated head rolled out of it right in front of us. I shocked all of us, even making Bubbles scream in fear. The decapitated head looked like Professor Utonium only with messy and swept back hair, a stich over his right cheek and nose, an eyepatch over his left eye and a soul patch on his chin.

"Where else do you think I got from? I thought if these alternate Powerpuffs knew that I was after the panel itself, they'd try and stop me and keep it for themselves. So I made up a fake story about the Puffs getting back up in order to keep them occupied long enough to locate the Pandora Panel. However the poor Oppressor caught on to my little ruse, so I unfortunately had to do the only capable thing I knew to stop him." replied Dedalus, as Blossom stepped forward.

"So you kill him?! What the heck were you thinking?" she exclaimed,

"You should be thanking me. That's one less criminal for you to deal with. You girls have all these powers to stop every single criminal in Townsville and yet all you do is play superheroes not knowing that no matter what you do or how hard you try, criminals are criminals and there's no changing that. The only way to stop them is to purge them from the face of the Earth!" replied Dedalus, as I couldn't believe what he was saying but knowing him I had to expect this from him.

"...You're wrong, Dedalus. Just because someone is or was a criminal doesn't mean that they can't change. It's all matter of what they chose. Everyone has a choice in their life and it's up to them to decide their own path, we can only guide them." I replied, stepping forward.

"Not to mention, that just because the Powerpuff Girls have these powers doesn't mean that there automatically better then everyone. It's what they do with them that counts! In fact,..." I began, as I then used the Bind Master Key to unlock the chains around the Powerpunk Girls.

"...I think it would be best if they decided what to do with you." I finished, which shocked both my brothers and the girls too.

"What?! Are you out of your mind? They're not going to listen to you!" shouted Buttercup, as I sighed.

"They lost their father to that freak, they should at least have a chance to fight him after what he's done." I replied, but my hopes were dashed when I saw them fly off into the city.

"You see, Ryu. Criminals will be criminals and sadly for you, I will kill every last one once I've recover what you humans stole from my father but if you ended up getting caught in the cross fire then it's no skin off my back. Now prepare for your-!" began Dedalus, as he was interrupted by the sound of... a truck?


Yes the sound of a truck which I saw flying through the air as it crashed into Dedalus before exploding on top of him. We were kind of surprised by this, we've always thought usual battle tactics were pretty effective but never have we actually tried to use surrounding objects to our advantage.

"...Does anyone know where that truck came from?" I asked,

"Up here." replied a voice, as we looked up and to our surprise... The Powerpunk Girls were hovering above us.

"I think this makes us even for the whole "trying to kill you" thing." replied Berserk, which had the Powerpuffs completely dumbfounded.

"But-you-I and them... What the heck is even happening anymore?!" shouted Blossom, as she was about to lose it so I wrapped my arms to help comfort her.

"Calm your bow yah big baby. We just want to ask lizard boy and his creepy older brother a few things." said Berserk,

"OK, first off he has a name Berserk and it's Ryu. Second, he's part dragon not lizard although technically speaking Dragons are in a sense considered lizard though I'm not exactly how mythical creatures translate to modern lacertilia. I suppose if I were to take a sample of Ryu's blood I could possibly find some traces of reptile in his DNA as well as-." began Blossom, as she was droning off. 

"What Blossom is "trying" to say is what do you need to discuss with Ryu and myself?" asked Takumi, with a faint similar aura just to make sure they didn't have any ideas.

"...W-well for starters, what's the deal with that Pandora Panel or what ever that thing's called?" questioned Berserk,

"It's an ancient alien artifact which belonged to an enemy of my fathers, it was originally made to construct the Pandora Tower on the planets to destroy them. However Dedalus is just a cleaver as his father, so he repurposed it into a means to amply his already great strength." I replied,

"So how did you get that thing away from the guy? If you even could with your level of skills. " asked Brat,

"Our skills were more than enough for you three and these aren't even our final forms." replied Taka, as I faced-palmed myself.

"Any ways how do we beat this guy? Cause our straight forward attempt seems like it missed entirely since this guy ain't the real one." replied Berserk, as she points to the dust of the fake Dedalus under the crushed truck.

"Yeah, it's hard to tell the fakes from the real one since they look almost exactly identical only difference being the fakes are easy enough to defeat but still as strong as the original." replied Takumi,

"So then we just keep smashing fakes until that coward shows his face!" exclaimed Brute, as Brat rolls her eyes.

"It's not that simple, Brute. We don't know how many fakes he could have and for all we know he could have an army of those fakes." replied Berserk,

"Not quite. We learned over our prior battle with Dedalus that even though his cloning ability is a pain in the butt to deal with, it can exhaust him of most of his energy just to create one. At his current Hazard Level, he could at most create two or three of these fakes. Anymore and he'd drain his own life to the point of killing himself." said Blaze,

"So he must be pretty exhausted after making those two fakes, so we should give them quite the beat down!" exclaimed Brute,

"Umm wouldn't you need to find him first?" asked Brat, and if it were possible I could faintly hear a brain fart in Brute's head after what Brat said.

"Also where are we going to go now? With the Heart Mirror broken, we're practically stuck here until the portals fixed and we've got nowhere else to go." replied Brute,

"Well considering you saved us from having to deal with another fight with a Dedalus fake and excluding the fact you tried to kill us..." I began, as Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup grabbed me and covered my mouth.

"Umm, Takumi? Can we borrow Ryu for just a second? Thanks!" said Blossom nervously, as they pulled me back into their room and quickly fixed the window before setting me down.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING?!! They're one of our most notorious and dangerous villains we ever faced in our entire life and you want to invite them here?!" shouted Blossom,

"OK first off, I was trying to be nice considering they saved us after I let them go." I replied,

"They were probably aiming for us as well. Trying to hit two birds with one stone." exclaimed Buttercup,

"Not to mention, they're nasty and scary." added Bubbles, as I sighed.

"Girls, have you ever heard the saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."?" I asked,

"Well yes, but Dedalus have to do with them?" questioned Blossom,

"They lost their father to that monster, not to mention that it's possible our battles will most likely get even harder later on. Even if they are evil version of you from a parallel world you can't deny they have just as much skill as you." I replied, as they reluctantly nodded.

"... You know if we let them stay, then they're probably going to kill us if given the chance right?" asked Buttercup, as I nodded in response.

"Don't worry about that though, if you saw Takumi during that interrogation session he's more than enough to keep them reined back should they try anything." I replied, as Blossom sighed.

"Alright. For now, we'll trust your instincts and let them stay but if they do anything to hurt you or the city itself then we'll be forced to take action. Understand?" she asked, as I nodded as we returned to the others.

(Dedalus' P.O.V)

As I observed through one of my probes in the sky, I could see all that happened against my copies all from the comforts of my new underground lair. True my copies may retain some of my powers, but they're hardly weak compared these "Powerpuff Girls" except for that rushed one I sent earlier.

"Such similar elements to their creation and yet they're hardly strong enough to defeat one of my copies without the aid of those idiotic children created by Sento Kiryu..." I began, as I looked back to the fight against the first one I sent to find the Black Pandora Panel. Right at the moment when my copy had the advantage against Ryu using the Fullbottle Buster while holding a weaken Blossom.

"...although there might be something more to them than meets the eye." I finished, as I got up from my seat.

"It seems that these Powerpuffs possess a unique ability that can aid the brothers in the battle against me if ever unlocked." I said, as I pulled out three vials with some blood in them.

"A power in which I can exploit, thanks to the aid of my first copy sent here. These blood samples from my copy's dust contain the DNA of the Powerpuffs which it defeated, however it only contains the primary three Powerpuffs but three will be enough." I added, before pouring each of the vials content into three separate cloning machines.

"And for a little bit of flare to them..." I began, as I grabbed my Steam Blade and cut off a few piece of my flesh before I regenerated it back and dropped them into the machines.

"A little bit of my family's DNA for a little extra boost." I finished, before turning the machines on causing the DNA of both me and the Powerpuffs to fuse together and start to form an embryo in each of the machines.

"It will take a few months before the plan with these three can commence, but in the meantime why don't we take this time and chat? Don't you agree, Brick? Boomer? Butch?" I asked, turning to face my "guests" locked in special cages.

"Like I even want to talk to you, freak. You may have broken us out of jail, but you just tossed us back in cages. You filthy pig!" screamed Brick,

"Pig? My dear Brick, I'm hurt." I replied, before laughing in part of the response.

"But in all seriousness, I could use the... how exactly can I put this?... Ah yes, the possible test subjects for sentient Smash creation." I added, as I was delighted to see the fear in their eyes. I then walked over to a lab table and picked up my Transteam Gun.

"You know what my father liked about Earth? It's the very people he's come to know on it. You all can be as tough or kind or even act like a king or god, but in reality you're all just a bunch of pathetic flesh bags waiting for your true chance at life." I monologed, as I open the door to Brick's cage as I slowly walked inside. I was quite fun watching Brick try and hit me with a few punches and kicks as well as using his laser vison, but my powers and skills allow me to avoid such a pathetic attempt.

"G-g-get away from me, you freak!" shouted Brick, as he tried to back away only for him to hit the bars behind him and his cap falls off.

"That look. It shows what you and your brothers really are... nothing but a bunch of children in a room with a big bad monster scaring you to death and do you know what... that what I like the most!" I replied, as I pulled the trigger.

Devil Steam!

I then sprayed Brick with a hearty helping of Nebula Gas as he scream out in pain as I leave the cage and locking it behind me as I watch Brick's transformation as the gas forces his body to shift and change into a Smash. I smirk as the fruits of my labors are revealed to me as the Nebula Gas dissipates.

As an anticipated in a Smash's normal response, Brick roars out and begins to try reach out and attack me from inside the bars like a wild animal. I then smacked him down to the floor as he begins to wriggle up from the dirt, but he just tries to attack again with no luck.

"Hmm... It looks like his conscious must be buried under all that anger inside him. No matter, merely a slight delay in my plans, but I'll probably find some use for him... Oh and don't you two worry about a thing." I said, as I turned to faced Boomer and Butch who were busy being terrified at their brother's "new look" as he lashed at the bars around him and his brothers.

"Because you two are next!" I finished, as I let out an evil laugh and it rung throughout the lair itself.

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