BRINA AND BRIAR ◇ Perfect Pillows

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brina and briar x male!reader


"Stop glaring at the clock like that, Brina.", Briar giggled as she stepped into the living room.

The pink haired girl turned her gaze to the redhead and watched as she set down a tray with two cups of tea on the table. Briar wiped her hands on the sides of her shorts before plopping next to Brina on the couch.

"He'll come home soon, I'm sure.", Briar smiled.

"Tsk, it's been 30 minutes since his practice ended.", Brina grumbled.

Briar shrugged and picked up one of the cups, "I'm sure he has a reason why he's late. Now, drink some tea and chill."

The impatient female let out an exasperated sigh and gave in, picking up the other cup and taking a tiny sip. She returned to looking at the clock, her eyebrows furrowing a bit and making Briar snicker quietly.

A couple minutes later, they heard a door open and turned their attention to the entrance. There, they both saw (First Name) sluggishly taking off his running shoes and dropping them carelessly next to the shoe rack.

He looked up, seeing his two favorite girls and a soft smile graced his face.

"Welcome home, (First Nameeee)~", Briar chirped, standing up and sauntering over to him to give him a big hug.

The warmth of her embrace made the male sigh rather dreamily. He wrapped his arms around her as well and returned the hug, loving the feeling of her plump body against his.

"Thank you, Briar~", he chirped after she pulled away.

She nodded and stepped to the side showing the frowning female on the couch behind her. Brina had her arms crossed, gazing intensely at (First Name).

He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and slowly approached her until he was standing right in front of her. He let out a nervous laugh as Brina's gaze pierced through him.


He was cut off by Brina suddenly pulling him down by the front of his shirt, making him stumble forward and hover above her, his hands landing on the backrest of the couch and preventing him from falling onto his girlfriend.


"Where have you been?", she queried in a low tone. "It's way past the end of your (sport) practice."

"I know, I'm sorry...the team wanted to stop by this ramen place and we lost track of time.", he explained, sweating a little and looking everywhere but Brina.

"You're not lying, are you?", the girl tightened her grip on his shirt. "You're not looking me in the eye."

"I'm not lying!", he said with a nervous smile. "I just can't look you in the eye because I'm afraid your stare will kill me!"

Behind him, Briar giggled in amusement.

"Come on, Brina, he's probably telling the truth. Let him go."

Brina pursed her lips, staring into (First Name)'s nervous face for another moment before sighing and losing her grip on his shirt.

"Fine. I'm sorry. I was just worried.", she pouted, looking away from him.

(First Name) blinked in confusion before smiling warmly.

"It's OK, I knew you were~", he said as he sat down next to her.

He leaned over to her and lazily wrapped his arms around her waist, his head resting on her shoulder. His actions made Brina blush and squeeze her eyes tightly as she mumbled curses at him.

"While you two get comfortable, how about I prepare dinner?"

"Yes, please~!", (First Name) beamed while Brina just nodded.

Briar smiled, going over to them to kiss (First Name) on the forehead and give Brina a cheek peck before heading over to the kitchen.

Once she was gone, Brina sighed.

"So, how was practice?"

(First Name) let out a drawn out groan, making Brina raise an eyebrow. She watched as he leaned back against the couch, his head tilted back.

"It was so tiresome! Apparently we have a big practice game next week and coach really wants us to give it our all."

"Even if it's just a practice?"

The male nodded his head slowly. He looked at Brina with big eyes and a pout, making her flinch a bit.



"Can me relieve some stress?", he asked cutely, tilting his head to the side.

"I...I don't know.", Brina responded.

"Please~? I'm so tired...", his pout deepened.

Brina growled and muttered a few words under her breath before sighing in defeat and nodding.

The male next to her immediately perked up and his eyes lit up like an excited child.


Brina nodded once more.

"Yeah...just...let me get comfortable."

She then proceeded to lay on the couch and (First Name) stood up to give her space. Once she was comfortable, she spread her legs to give him some space and motioned him to get on with it. The male grinned and quickly but carefully lay on top of her on his stomach, resting between her legs and gently resting his head right on her chest.

As soon as he was comfortable, he let out a satisfied hum and grinned from ear to ear, his cheeks a little pink. Brina was also sort of blushing, still unused to the feeling of her boyfriend's head on her chest even though this wasn't the time he had done this. Now that she thought about, he always did this when she was simply lying on her back. No matter where she was, bed or couch, he would cuddle her just like this.

'(First Name) might be more perverted than I thought...'

"Aah, this feels so nice~ You're so warm and cuddly, Bri~"

"Don't say such things, you dumbass.", Brina gently bonked him on the head, making him laugh a little.

"But it's true though.", he said before nuzzling her chest, making her squeak a little. "So soft~"

An irk mark appeared on Brina's head as she felt (First Name)'s hand slowly inch up from her waist to the side of her left boob. She quickly stopped him by grabbing his hand and glaring at him.


He laughed, "OK, OK, I won't!"

She furrowed her eyebrows and held his hand just in case he tries again. A few minutes later, Briar came back and smiled at them.

"Dinner's ready, you two."

"Right. (First Name), get up.", Brina ordered.

"Hmm...can dinner wait?", he peered up at her then at Briar.

"Hah? It'll get cold!", Brina retorted.

"Yeah but...I'm very comfortable right now~ I suddenly don't feel like getting up."

Brina was about to say something when Briar cut her off with a hearty giggle. The redhead approached them and gave Brina gentle strokes on the head.

"Let him be, Bri. I'll just bring the food here.", Briar beamed and quickly went back to the kitchen before Brina could stop her.

Brina let out another exasperated sigh as she heard the sounds of plates being grabbed from the cupboard. She looked at the male lying on top of her and saw him grinning up at her.

"You're making Briar work too much.", she said, flicking his forehead.

"Ow...", (First Name) pouted.

Briar came in carrying three plates on a tray. She placed it down on the coffee table and motioned for the two to get up. They both obliged, (First Name) quickly getting off of Brina so she could sit up.

Brina moved to the floor and grabbed her plate, along with the spoon that was on the tray. She ate in silence and watched as Briar sat down on the opposite end of the couch, picked up the second plate from the tray and patted her thigh while smiling at (First Name).

The male lit up once more and lay down, resting his head on Briar's lap. The redhead giggled at the wide grin on her boyfriend's face before carefully feeding him.

Brina clicked her tongue.

"You're spoiling him, Briar."

"Hehe, it's fine, Bri! You're here to discipline him~"


boobs and thighs make great pillows .


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