Rowdyruff Crush

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Note : I know most of you will be mad at me for not shipping the original Puffs with the Ruffs but hey , we all have our own opinion . So if you don't want your precious OTP to be ruined , pls just ignore this :) Please know that I respect your ships even though I disagree with them so I hope you will do the same for me . #respectships



Blitz Chapman. Blossom is into guys who are good looking (which I think is already obvious), sweet & protective. It surprised everyone when they found out that her Rowdyruff crush was Blitz, a member who could compete with Butch when it comes to bad attitude. It turns out that the second-most-baddest Ruff stole her heart when he protected her from Mitch & his goons. As of now, the two are close but can also be seen bickering. Blitz enjoys teasing her while she pretends to hate it when deep inside, she actually loves it. It brings them closer to each other.


Marshall Liam "Brazen" Kirk. Ever since middle school, Bubbles had many boys crushing over her. Of course, she didn't crush on anyone of them, her crushes only being celebrities. Which is why when she started crushing on Brazen, she knew this would be a new experience for her. Since they're close friends, it'll be hard to control because he's always with her, unlike her celebrity crushes who are far away from her & doesn't even know she exists. Brazen is a good looking young man who's also rich with a kind heart so it was no surprise to the others when they found out about Bubbles crushing on him.


Brett Sanders. God, she doesn't even know why she likes him. Brett is almost similar to Butch & Blitz, except he has more self-control. He's into sports as well so when Buttercup met him in a soccer game, she knew she felt something for the male. Being the stubborn tomboy she is, she kept denying her feelings for Brett. The others immediately knew about her crushing on him since it was damn obvious.


Brick Red Brisbane. He's been her best friend since childhood so you know something's about to bloom. Brick is everything Bell wants in a guy. He's protective, open-minded, sweet (a side he only shows to her) & willing to do anything to make her happy. Plus, they're both into music so winner, winner chicken dinner. Bell cherishes the moments she spends with Brick & whenever she sees him with another girl (Princess, for example), she will feel a little jealous.


Bernard "Barracuda" Park. Breannin is a sweet & lovable girl who tries to befriend everyone. So when she met Barracuda, she immediately tries to befriend him. It didn't take long for Barracuda to warm up to Breannin. In fact, she was the first Puff who knew about his tragic past. Now that they're super close, Breannin started to crush on the mysterious boy. She avoids it, however, not wanting to ruin the beautiful friendship she made with him.


Baron Jaime Rose. Barasia is extremely stubborn, more stubborn than Buttercup. So when she started to like the strict & hotheaded Baron, she did everything she could to avoid liking him even more. It was a failure. Now, she's comfortable being with him but still tries to deny what her heart is telling her. Baron on the other hand, acts like her big brother whenever she gets into trouble, scolding her until she gets the point. Secretly, Barasia likes it when Baron scolds her, she finds it cute. But then again, she will try to avoid these type of thoughts.


Ben "Bloodshot" Jones. Bunny is into cool guys which is why when she met Bloodshot, she knew she was already into him. The two met at a skating contest, a contest which Buttercup joined in. When she saw him ride his board & do tricks, she immediately wanted to meet him. As of now, Bunny became Bloodshot's first female best friend. Bunny gives Bloodshot little hints but she isn't sure if Bloodshot gets them.


Boomer Brisbane. The Princess & The Prince, the others would call them. Beam's aunt is a famous fashion designer, who is also Deva's (The Ruffs' mom) personal designer. Because of this, the two had met each other when a Boomer went with their family's maid to Beam's house to pick up a dress his mom had asked for. Now, they're Townsville High's number one ship. Boomer brushes this off, thinking that it was nothing while Beam feels happy whenever someone says they look cute together.


Butch Jr. Brisbane. Brina & Butch had met on their first year in highschool when she became the male soccer team's temporary coach. Butch, being the playboy he is, immediately began hitting on her. All he got was a beating & ten laps. As they got to know each other, Brina found out that they have so much in common. A few months later, she started to feel something for the Ruff. She doesn't show it though, denying everytime Butch teases her about "liking him".


Bailey Hilton. There's something about the overly cheerful & clingy boy that made Blanca attached to him. She doesn't know what exactly, but she guessed it's his attitude & actions towards her. Unlike other guys who are afraid of her because she's "a bit of a sadist", Bailey stuck around with her & didn't show any sign of fear whenever she accidentally snaps. In fact, Bailey is the first person who can calm her down easily.


Blast Howard. Thanks to Blaze, she wouldn't have met her incredibly handsome older brother Blast. Blast is a bit different from the other Ruffs, he preferred to be out doing something than being indoors doing nothing. When Butterfly met him at a restaurant working temporarily as a waiter, she immediately took a liking to him when she saw how hardworking he was. Listen to Victoria Justice's "Best Friend's Brother". That's how Butterfly describes her love story.


Blade Grayson Lancaster. Briar thinks of herself as "bonkers" for liking someone like Blade. It's not like he was the first sadistic Ruff or the first guy Briar met with a tendency to hide his sadism with kindness. But he was indeed the first sadist Briar ever liked. She realized how much she liked Blade when he saved her once from a couple of thugs, even though he knew she can easily protect herself. There was something about Blade talking in a sadistic tone that made Briar sort of like him. The others tease her by calling her a masochist.


Braden Luis Hilton. Even though she's two years older than Braden, there's nothing stopping her from liking the tsundere. She admires him because no matter how tough, no matter how stubborn or mean he could be, he's still a big softy. When they first met, Braden was mean & rude but after a while, he started warming up to her & talked in a less rude tone. It made Blaze happy, knowing her crush is comfortable being around her.


Kenneth "Bull" Espinoza. Bonnie hates arrogant guys. She hates those who think they're the best person in the whole universe. But...why did she like someone like Bull? He basically has everything she hates in a guy: arrogant, blunt & egotistical. She avoids it, but there's no stopping her heart from thumping & her cheeks burning everytime Bull is with her.


Bandit Brisbane. Bayrose & Bandit aren't the most talkative people in the world, which is why they get along pretty well. They are also the opposite of each other. Bayrose is shy & timid while Bandit has enough confidence to show what he is & what he's like to other people. Bayrose realized her crush on Bandit when they were in a party & he held her hand, telling her to stay calm & just stay with him. Ever since, this became a habit between the two. Bayrose would hold his hand whenever she's nervous while Bandit would comfort her by squeezing her hand & smiling warmly at her. Needless to say, it made Bayrose's heart flutter.


Benjamin "Ben" Hilton. Bullet is not a big fan of music but when she heard Ben sing, she knew it was something else. It had started out as a small liking to his music. Then, it turned into her liking Ben, like, actually liking him. Whenever Ben smiles at her, sings to her or just simply looks at her, she will feel her heart thump loudly inside her chest.



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