Cop Out Pt: 2

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Townsville Hall. Inside, the Mayor is playing a game of golf on his desk, sweating profusely as he tries to gauge the distance he needs to putt the ball to get it into the glass immediately in front.

Y/N was there as well, he was asking the Mayor questions about Townsville and being a mayor.

Suddenly, he is distracted from his game as Officer Brickowski- or rather ex-Officer Brickowski- comes barging in, once more in uniform, despite having been dishonorably discharged from the force only a day earlier and still believing he was unjustly fired not due to his laziness but due to the Girls.

Brickowski: Mister Mayor! Mister Mayor! Criminals are attempting to rob the police department's confiscated weapons warehouse! Who knows what terrible villainy may ensue? I mean, whatever can we do? Whoever can we call?

Throughout this, Brickowski makes several gestures, throwing his arms out to help exaggerate his words in hopes of fooling the Mayor to follow through on his questions. The Mayor stares at him dumbly, as though this is the strangest thing he has ever witnessed, especially from one of his lawmen, or in this case, ex-lawmen. After a moment's silence, he raises a finger and makes a suggestion.

Mayor: The...the Powerpuff Girls?

Brickowski goes to leave, smiling as though all is going to be well.

Brickowski: Oooh, that's a good idea! See, that's why you're the Mayor.

He laughs falsely for a moment before, once outside the Mayor's office and out of sight and earshot of the Mayor, spitting in disgust and going red with rage as he continues down the corridor towards the exit, veins standing out by his neck as he throws his arms out in frustration.

Brickowski: And I'm just some jerk without any sunglasses!

As he leaves, Y/N was watching with concern.

- - -

All three girls come flying out, speeding off towards the scene of the supposed crime they were just notified of by the Mayor. Unaware that they left their phones at home, and Y/N was calling them frantically. Overhead shot as they approach the warehouse.

Brickowski was waving the girls down from below.

Brickowski: Yoo-hoo, over here, girls!

They come to a stop before him.

Blossom: Hello, officer. Where are they?

Brickowski: They're in there.

He was pointing behind him.

Blossom: Good work. We'll handle it from here.

They are inside in a flash, and focus shifts to Brickowski's scheming features as he takes on a wicked smile once the Girls are out of earshot. Everything is working perfectly to plan for his revenge against them for getting him fired.

Brickowski: Oh, and, uh, do be careful, girls.

He walks off to the left, exposing a cop car tucked into the alley. Inside sits Officer Perez, having witnessed everything. He was placed there on a stakeout after learning of what happened back in the Chief's office at the precinct with his former partner's outburst upon being fired, and after Y/N called and explained what he heard, and was assigned by the Chief to keep an eye on Brickowski in case he does anything criminal that is against the Girls in retaliation for his dishonorable dismissal from the force.

Perez: Chief, this is Perez. That was a good hunch you and Y/N had, he's definitely up to something.

Inside the weapons' bank interior, it was piled high with various boxes. In the middle sits a large, yellow crane positioned over a vat of an unidentifiable green liquid. The girls fly through, exploring.

The girls come to a metal gate along the matching fence seemingly broken open. The door hangs at an odd angle and is adorned with a few signs which read '0 2 3 1', 'Dr Milo Jojo CONFISCATED WEAPONS' and 'DO NOT ENTER'.

Blossom: I heard about that guy. Disappeared in 85. We'll have to use our supervision.

As she gives the command, her eyes begin to glow green. She surveys several weapons lined along the back wall until she comes to a strange clown-headed device shaped similarly to a fire extinguisher.

Buttercup: Look, there's Mojo Jojo's robot walker!

Bubbles: And his giant log!

Blossom: This guy was a tech genius.

A door slams in the distance, causing the girls to turn.

Blossom: Huh?

Just then, a large robot appeared out of nowhere and punched each of the girls and fired a powerful beam at them.

Then the strange clown item begins to spray a mysterious blue gas, enveloping and choking the girls, causing them to pass out. Sometime later, Blossom is regaining consciousness from being knocked out by the gas. You can see part of a chain before the camera zooms out to show Bubbles on her right and Buttercup on her left, all three chained to a stubby concrete cylinder. This is viewed through the hole in a doughnut. Blossom fully regains her senses first and she looks up at her assailant, shocked upon seeing who it is. A large silver and red robot. The helmet opened.

Blossom: Officer, you?!

Brickowski: You got it.

He shoves the doughnut in his mouth for a bite as he takes a remote from his pocket similar to pulling his gun out of its holster. A flick of a switch sends the crane from before into powering on, and it begins to lift the concrete block.

Brickowski: Uh, now don't bother struggling, these restraints are made from ultra titanium.

Blossom: Officer! This is madness!

The crane moves the concrete block over the bubbling green liquid.

Buttercup: Yeah! What's gotten into you?!

Brickowski: With you girls always round saving the day and whatnot, you make us cops look like bums!

Bubbles: No, that's not true! We need you guys!

Blossom: Yeah, you guys are an important and integral part of-

Brickowski: Silence!

After cutting Blossom off, he hits another button, sending the block into a slow descent into the green liquid. This is likely acid. The girls begin to scream in terror as Brickowski laughs darkly, basking in his impending vengeance against the Girls.

Chief of Police: Mike Brickowski, you are under arrest! Do not resist arrest!

Behind him was a hoard of policemen standing behind him, including the Chief of Police with a megaphone in hand. He raises it to his mouth to speak, silencing Brickowski's laughter and thoughts of revenge when he hears it.

Brickowski: I don't think so!

He fired a beam at the police.

The officers opened fire, peppering the robot's armor with non-lethal rounds. But it was like shooting at a tank - the bullets barely made a dent. They needed to find a way to exploit the machine's weaknesses.

"Keep it distracted!" The chief shouted, his mind racing for a plan. "Target its joints and mobility systems!"

As the battle raged on, the robot's movements became more calculated, adapting to the officers' tactics. It swung one of its massive arms, sending a police vehicle flying like a toy. Panic threatened to set in, but Chief maintained his composure, analyzing the robot's responses.

An opportunity arose when the robot's left leg showed a slight malfunction, causing it to stumble momentarily. Chief seized the chance and signaled his team to concentrate their fire on the weakened limb. The officers' synchronized assault caused the leg to buckle, forcing the robot to kneel.

"Now, Y/N!" The chief said, as Y/N appeared and fired a bazooka at the robot. It flew back and crashed into the container of acid. The acid spilled on the robot, melting it, and leaving Brickowski, defenseless.

The police and Y/N wasted no time saving the girls.

Perez was pushing Brickowski into the back of a police car. He shuts the door and walks round to the front to hop in the driver's seat to take his former partner to jail to be sentenced for his actions against the Girls.

Brickowski: This is just another story of a good cop gone bad.

Y/N stood outside the window with his girlfriends.

Blossom: You're not a good cop gone bad, you're a bad cop gone worse!

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