Stuck up up and away

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Narrator: The city of Townsville, and it's a shiny new day, with a shiny new limousine heading for Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.

A white limo pulled up in front of the school.

Narrator: Seems there will be a shiny new face joining the class today.

A tuxedo-clad arm - the chauffeur's - reaches and opened the door. Inside was a small girl standing in front of a man in a white suit She had her hand out and was addressing him in the tone of the chronically dissatisfied. She was wearing a yellow sweater and a lavender skirt with matching shoes.

Girl: I'll need some milk money for my first day of new school.

He pulls a stack of cash out of his pocket and gives it to her.

The girl sighed contemptuously.

Girl: I suppose it'll do.

She then walked to the front door, where Ms. Keane was standing.

Ms. Keane: Well, hi there. It's nice to finally meet you. Come on in.

Meanwhile in the classroom, the Powerpuff Girls and Y/N were helping taking care of the kids. The girls and boy had jobs as caretakers at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Bubbles was building blocks with a kid. Buttercup was playing with a cardboard train with some kids. Blossom was drawing with other kids. And Y/N was also reading to the other kids.

Ms. Keane: Everyone, can I have your attention? I'd like you all to give a nice, warm welcome to our new friend, Princess Morbucks.

Everyone looked down to the girl. She has curly red-brown hair parted in the middle and "spoiled brat" written all over her face.

Class: Hi, Princess!

Princess: Hmm.

The first ones she passed are Bubbles and a kid named Mitch Mitchelson, playing with building blocks.

Mitch: Hi, Princess! Wanna help us build a skyscraper?

Princess: When I want to build a skyscraper, my daddy builds me a real one in any city I want.

Bubbles and Mitch were speechless.

Behind her, several other kids, including Buttercup, have some cardboard boxes set up in a row for a train. The boy playing engineer calls to her. Buttercups was pulling the train.

Boy: Hey, Princess! Get on aboard the choo-choo es-prex!

Buttercup imitates the whistle.

Princess: I only travel first class, on my daddy's private Lear jet.

The kids all suddenly frown. Buttercup looked at the girl offended.

Next to her, a boy pops out of a potted plant. It is Harry Pitt, with a toy shovel in hand.

Harry: Hey, Princess! Do you dig dirt?

Princess started drawing back.

Princess: Yecch! No!

Y/N had a few books out and was reading The Cat in the Hat, to a few kids. Other books he had out were How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Horton Hears a Who! The Lorax. And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.

Y/N: Hello miss. Would you like to listen to story time with us?

Princess: No! Why would I wanna listen to those stupid story's by some dumb old man.

Y/N: But, there fun.

Princess: I said no!

Princess took the book and stomped on it before walking away. The characters on the cover of the book glared at her.

In a cage on the table was a hamster, happily running on its wheel. A girl watches it go as Princess walks up.

Girl 2: Hi, Princess. Wanna play with Twiggy, our class hamster?

Twiggy has stopped running and was looking at the two young girls.

Princess: Ewww, no! I do not want to play with your smelly, mangy little rat! Blecch!

Twiggy looked at her, sad and frightened. After a moment, she begins running at top speed.

Narrator: Oh, no! In Twiggy's distressed state, her frantic attempt to get far away has caused a nut to work itself loose from her scamper wheel!

As he says this, the nut holding the wheel to its mount falls off, and the wheel rolls away until it hits the side of the cage, sending it flying in the direction the wheel was going. The cage slides over the edge and begins to fall in slow motion. The girl screams, but Princess, standing behind her, shows no change in expression. Ms. Keane and the other kids are alarmed

Ms. Keane: Twiggy!

Y/N: Ah!

Blossom: Buttercup, vaporize the cage! Bubbles! You, me! Fastball Special!

Buttercup sweeps the cage with her eye lasers, destroying it and leaving Twiggy and the wheel in free fall. Blossom grabs Bubbles, now curled into a tight ball, and throws her across the room; she bounces off a cabinet and catches Twiggy inches from the floor. She throws a wink to the class, and they cheer the rescue - all except Princess, dumbstruck. The girl who had been watching Twiggy took the hamster away to be placed somewhere safe. Y/N smiled and ran to his girlfriends. He hugged both Bubbles and Buttercup, he then kissed both on the cheek.

Blossom: *Clears throat*

Y/N: Oh, sorry.

Y/N pecked Blossom on the lips. Princess ran up to them.

Princess: Wow, that was amazing! How did you do that?

Bubbles: It's easy!

Blossom: We're superheroes.

Buttercup: Yeah, we're the...Powerpuff Girls!

Princess, was now looking as if she has just spied a new and expensive trinket she wanted.

Princess: Ah. Well, then, I'm gonna be a Powerpuff Girl too.

The girls found this amusing. Bubbles giggled. Buttercup laughed. Blossom found this cute. She got down on one knee and looked at Princess.

Blossom: Well, uh, we're not really accepting new members at this time, but thank you for your interest in our group.

This news clearly did not sit well with Princess. She returned to full brat mode.

Princess: What?! You can't just blow me off like some common peon! I'm Princess, and my daddy buys me anything I want! AND I WANNA BE A POWERPUFF GIRL!

Y/N gulped nervously and hid behind Blossom. Blossom looked at her in shock.

Blossom: Well, I'm sorry, but you can't. We're superheroes.

Bubbles: We were born with superpowers.

Buttercup: You can't just buy superpowers.

Princess: Oh, yeah. Tell that to Batman!

She was jabbing a finger into Buttercup's knee. Due to her hight, Princess could only jab at her knee.

Y/N: H-hey. Leave Batman out of this, he did nothing to you!

Y/N said nervously waved his finger at her, whick she bit and he yelped in pain.

The school bell rung and everyone was dismissed. The girls flew home with Y/N. Buttercup was carrying Y/N.

Buttercup: I don't think I like that Princess at all.

Bubbles: Yeah. Why was she so rotten to everyone?

Y/N: As my mama would say, "That little brat needs a good butt whooping."

Blossom: Well, she's new here and probably doesn't know how to make friends. We should give her a chance.

Soon the girl's returned home with Y/N and walked inside.

Y/N: We'll, when you girls become moms, I'm sure you'll be great.

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup blushed brightly as he said that.

Blossom: You really think we'd make great parents?

Y/N nodded his head.

Y/N: I know so.

The girls blushed and smiled at him.

Bubbles: I'm surprised that you and Buttercup are not parents yet. You two do have a lot of "alone times" together.

Buttercup blushed brightly.

Buttercup: Bubbles!

Blossom: Speaking of alone time, how many times have you done it?

Flashback 1

Buttercup and Y/N are making out. Heatedly and passionately. They were kissing and made their way to the laundry room. Buttercup sat on the washing machine and pulled back to remove her shirt. She was wearing a green bra and had F cup breast size. Y/N blushed brightly at this. Buttercup grabbed his shirt and pulled his shirt off. She pulled him into another kiss and started undoing her pants.

Flashback 2

Buttercup and Y/N were making out during a New Year's Eve party. At 11:04, she grabs Y/N by the shirt collar and dragged him to the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it. By the time it reached 12:00, a scream of pleasure was heard from the bathroom. Along with Buttercup screaming Y/N's name.

Flashback 3

Y/N whistled to himself as he walked to the bathroom door.

Buttercup: Hey babe? Mind if I join you~?.

Y/N blushed and nodded. Buttercup smirked and dragged him in the bathroom.

Flashback 4

Y/N and Buttercup are making love in the girl's bedroom.

Flashback 5

Buttercup is hugging Y/N's head to her breasts as they made love in a hot tub.

End of flashbacks. (There are more flashbacks but I'll be here all day going over them.)

Buttercup: Fourteen and a half times.

Blossom: Fourteen and a half? What was the half time?

Buttercup: It was good for me.

Bubbles: What! You mean you two did it fourteen and a half times, and I haven't seen him naked once?

Blossom: I haven't seen him naked either.

Y/N was blushing and slowly stepping back to the front door before the girls looked at him.

Bubbles: Be honest, do you think I'm hot?

Y/N: Yes.

Blossom: What about me?

Y/N: Of course.

Bubbles looked down at her chest. Right at her D cup breasts.

Bubbles: Do them?

Bubbles leaned in close to his face. Y/N blushed brightly and looked at her. He nodded his head nervously.

Blossom: What about mine?

Blossom asked about her C cup breasts. Y/N blushed and nodded.

Blossom: Now be honest, who do you think is the hottest?

Y/N's face went pink and he looked like he didn't know what to say.

Buttercup: Look at him. It's obvious that I'm the hot one.

Bubbles: What?! I'm the hot one. He agreed with me when I asked if I was hot!

Blossom: We'll he thinks I'm the hot one!

Buttercup: I'm the hot one!

The girls began arguing and fighting as Y/N watched nervously.

Narrator: Meanwhile, across town at Morebucks Manor...

Inside, Princess barges in through the front door and runs across the front hall, whining.

Princess: DADDY! Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!

As she screams, she runs into a trophy room with animal heads all over the walls and a roaring fire going. She stops in front of her father, seated in an armchair by the fire and wearing a robe. The side of the chair hid his head. She was now crying.

Princess: My first day of new school and everyone was mean to me! I just wanted to make friends, but everyone ignored me, especially the Powerpuff Girls! Everyone loves the Powerpuff Girls, so I wanted to be a Powerpuff too, but they were being selfish and spoiled and they told me I couldn't! They told me I couldn't! But I wanna! I wanna be a Powerpuff Girl! I wanna, I wanna, I WANNA!

She threw herself on the floor, pounding, and kicking.

She screamed and cried until Daddy pulled a stack of cash out of his robe and handed it to her. She instantly brightens and began to giggle greedily.

The next day in the classroom.

Narrator: The next day at school ...coloring time proceeds as usual. Sorta.

Y/N was coloring with a few kids. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup had been flirting with him almost all day.

Blossom had been giving Y/N various kisses on the cheek and face. She blew him a few kisses and tried walking sexy for him.

Bubbles wore a short skirt and a blue tank top.

Buttercup wore a black tank top and showed him a bit of cleavage, and torn jeans. At one point she bent over and gave him a great view of her butt. She also whispered sexy stuff to him.

They continued at work, but they dialed it back since there were kids here.

They were startled out of their work by a royal fanfare. Princess is at the front door, with a crown on her head and a cape wrapped around her. She enters.

Princess: All hail Princess! The newest and best-loved Powerpuff Girl of all time!

She throws off her cape to reveal her clothing - a yellow dress and belt styled after the girls. She also sports long gloves, and instead of Mary Janes, she wears knee-high boots. These items and the belt are made of shiny black leather. The entire class watches, dumbfounded; Buttercup was the first to come up with a response.

Buttercup: WHAT?!

Princess stands across the desk from them. The kid looked right up at the teenagers

Princess: See? I told you I was gonna be a Powerpuff Girl.

Bubbles: Uh... I like your outfit.

Bubbles said as she wanted to be nice. Her sisters glared at her.

Princess: Of course you do. It's just like yours, except better.

Buttercup: Girl...

Blossom: I'll handle this.

Blossom got up and got down on one knee to face Princess.

Blossom: Now, Princess, sweetie, maybe we didn't explain well enough.

She was interrupted by the buzzing of the hotline and zips across to answer it. Her sisters are already there.

Blossom: Yeah, Mayor? A robbery? First National Bank?

Princess: Why do they get to answer the fancy phone?

Blossom: Don't worry, Mayor. We're on it! Come on, girls!

Buttercup picked up Y/N, bridal style.

Buttercup: Hope you got your camera. That way you can get some nice pictures~.

They take off flying and took Y/N with them.

Princess: Hey! Wait for me!

Two jet thrusters extend from her back, one on either side; Mitch and a kid across from him are struck. She takes off in a cloud of flame.

Narrator: Meanwhile... deep in the bowels of Townsville...a crime is afoot.

The Narrator spoke to the tune of "Deep in the Heart of Texas"

Inside the bank, the vault stood open. A masked robber laughs and emerges with several sacks of money while another holds a gun trained on the scene. The cash is deposited in the back of the vehicle.

Bagman: That takes care of that.

Gunman: Ha! Great! Thank you, Townsville, for lettin' us have all your money!

He has his gun pointed at a group of tellers and customers. He looked at one banker.

Gunman: And a special round of applause to Lizardbrian here. This was their first bank robbery and they handled it calmly and without hesitation.

Lizardbrian nodded nervously and took a bow, while repeatedly pressing the alert police button under his desk.

The bankers and people inside clapped

Gunnman laughs as they heared the sound of the girls approaching.

Blossom: Not so fast, crooks!

The gunman turns around in surprise, and the bagman turned as well. He now has a gun too..

Crooks: The Powerpuff Girls!

They then start firing, at the girls as the bullets bounce off and put holes in their clothes.

Blossom: Why do they always want to do it the hard way?

Y/N started taking pictures. The crooks then run out of ammunition.

Buttercup: Okay. Let's take care of these knuckleheads and get back to school!

She looked over in Y/N's direction and smirked. She purposefully did a sexy pose for him. Y/N looked right at her butt.

Blossom noticed what Buttercup was doing.

Just then, an annoying voice was heard outside.

Princess: Don't worry, Powerpuff Girls. I'll save you!

Girls: Huh?

Princess flies into the bank and lands, and the thrusters fold away.

Princess: Evildoers, beware the wrath of the Powerpuff Princess!

She started striking in the air

Princess: Hai-yah! Hai-yah! Hai-yah!

The crooks seem only slightly unnerved and confused by her appearance. Next, she produces two boomerangs shaped like her crown and throws them. The crooks duck, but Buttercup and Bubbles are hit on the return flight.

Buttercup: Hey!

Bubbles: Watch it!

Princess fires a grappling hook into the ceiling and swings across the room, her leg extended for a flying kick. However, she stops just short of the crooks, and the section of the ceiling she hit pulls loose. She is dumped to the floor; the loose section lands on the girls. That's when the crooks escaped in their vehicle.

Princess got up, looking annoyed. She noticed that Y/N took pictures of the burglars, but not her.

Princess: Hey! Why are you not taking pictures of me!

Y/N looked down at the five year old girl.

Y/N: Your not a Powerpuff Girl. Plus your not one of my girlfriends.

Princess growled at him.

Princess: I'm am a Powerpuff Girl! Oh just because your their boyfriend, you get to follow them around?! That's not fair!

Y/N shook his head.

Y/N: But I'm their boyfriend. Plus, there's only so much I can put in in my camera.

Princess grabbed the camera and proceeded to delete every picture he took on there. She started taking selfies. Y/N panicked and tried getting his camera back, only for Princess to smash his big toe and bite his nose.


Y/N fell back on a chair. The selfies soon cost Princess deeply.

Gunman: Sorry we couldn't leave all the money like you asked, but we'd like to leave you a little present anyway.

He laughs and throws Princess out onto the floor. She is bound and gagged with duct tape, and a time bomb is attached to her. The vehicle crashes through the front window and speeds off.

Gunman: I love it when a plan comes together!

The girls have freed themselves and are ready to give chase.

Buttercup: They're getting away!

Blossom: No time! The bomb!

Bubbles tears it off, and Buttercup punches a hole in the ceiling. The bomb is thrown up, and Blossom fires her eye lasers after it, detonating it in midair. Blossom checked Y/N's camera to see if he got a good picture of the robbers, so that the police might be able to identify them. Only to see what Princess had done. All photos were deleted except for her selfies.

Y/N was rubbing his nose while a doctor and Bubbles put an ice pack on Y/N's now broken big toe.

The people in the bank and Lizardbrian stood up.

People: Hooray! Power...puff...Gi...

The girls are far from ecstatic. The expressions of the people soon change to ones of anxiety and nervousness, fearing the girls might be mad at them.

Bubbles: Sorry. We are not mad at you. We're just not really in the mood right now.

Buttercup gets in Princess's face.

Buttercup: What's wrong with you?! You ruined everything! Catching robbers should have been a piece of cake, but no! You had to come swinging in with your little toys... "Look at me, Powerpuff Princess..." and you deleted evidence we might needs, and you bit my boyfriend on the nose and broke his toe! Ooh, I oughta...

Buttercup finally snapped at Princess. Which was understandable. Blossom pushed her sister aside, so she could talk and reason with Princess.

Blossom: Look, Princess. Now do you see why we don't let extra members on our team? Crime-fighting is dangerous business and you don't really have superpowers or any kind of experience. So you see, it really is for your own safety when I say you just can't be a Powerpuff Girl, all right?

Princess looks as if she might blow her top at any moment. Finally, she snaps.


Princess was now back at home, screaming up at her father. He is wearing golf clothes and practicing his putting.

Princess: Daddy, Daddy, it was awful! I was being a good Powerpuff Girl, but they were jealous, and the guy wouldn't take pictures of me or let me use his camera, and then the man grabbed me and put a bomb on me and everyone laughed at me! And it's all YOUR fault 'cause that super suit you bought me STINKS! I thought you loved me, but I guess not if all I get is cheap JUNK! A real daddy who really loved his daughter wouldn't care what it cost and...

Daddy produces a briefcase from his pocket and hands it over. Princess is cut off mid-sentence as she opens it and has to avert her eyes for a moment; dollar signs appear in the radiance from the contents. Her expression soon changes to one of very evil satisfaction.

Princess: Now that's the love I'm talking about.

Narrator: Oh, boy.

The following morning, back at Pokey Oaks Kindergarten...

Inside, the girls are at a desk, preparing snack time for the kids

Bubbles: Gee, I haven't seen Princess yet today.

Bubbles was cutting up an apple.

Buttercup: Yeah, I bet she's still at home crying.

Buttercup was preparing the juice.

Blossom: Well, she probably feels pretty silly about the way she...

Blossom was getting out granola bars. An explosion and a shower of rubble cut her off and hide the girls from sight briefly. When the dust clears somewhat, Princess is silhouetted against a new hole in the wall. She talked in a fierce, angry tone


She floats into the room as she says this. Her boots, gloves, and yellow dress are gone, replaced by a gold bodysuit. She now wears goggles over her eyes; her hands are hidden by a large ball of energy at the end of each arm.

Bubbles: Looks like she went shopping this morning...

Bubbles said in a sing-song voice.

Princess: All I ever wanted was for everyone to instantly love me as much as they love you. No! You turned everyone against me! You humiliated me! You told me I could never be a Powerpuff Girl! Well if I can't be a Powerpuff Girl, then there won't be any POWERPUFF GIRLS!

Y/N was sitting in a rocking chair nervously.

Y/N: A-Actually, you brought most of that upbeat yourself. Actually you brought all that upon yourself.

Princess growled and fired a purple blast from her tiara at him. Y/N screamed in pain as he was sent flying across the room.

Blossom/Bubbles/Buttercup: Y/N!!!

All three flew to catch and save their boyfriend.

Princess was about to fly after them, but was stopped by Ms. Keane.

Ms. Keane: Ah, Princess, uh, the girls already know this rule, but you're new, so I'll let you know. I don't allow fighting in the classroom.

Princess: Oh. I'm sorry. We'll take it outside!

She started firing energy beams from her hands.

The wall exploded, and the girls and Y/N were propelled out onto the grass. As they rub their heads, Princess lands in front of them. Y/N has a few burn marks and bruises and groaned in pain due to his injuries.

Princess: So! Who said money can't buy superpowers?

Buttercup growled and got up. She didn't care that she was seventeen and Princess was five. But enough was too much. Something had to be done.

Buttercup: You've been asking for this for a long time!

She charges toward Princess, her fist cocked back and a battle cry in her throat, and lets loose with a flurry of punches and kicks. Princess dodges every attack, however, and counters with a punch to the breadbasket. The strike is seen five times in quick succession. A second hit sends Buttercup skidding across the playground face first.

Y/N/Bubbles: Buttercup!

Princess: As you can see, my new cybertomic armor increases my speed and strength far above that of your average Powerpuff Girl.

Bubbles: Oh! You...!

She lets her eye lasers finish the remark, but the shots only bounce off.

Princess: Oh, please.

Bubbles gathers herself and screams at the top of her lungs, sending an energy beam out from her mouth. Princess blocks this with one hand.

Princess: Talk to the hand.

She retaliates with a laser blast from her crown.

Blossom/Y/N: Bubbles!

Bubbles crashes down face first. She is covered with gray soot.

Princess: Let's see. Blaster rays, flight boots, super-strength force fields...I guess with this new suit, the Powerpuff Princess has got you beat all around!

Y/N and Blossom stood together as they looked at Princess.

Princess: So, Blossom, are you jealous? Are you scared? Seeing how easily I thrashed your sisters without even breaking a sweat.

Blossom looked fearless. Y/N looked in her eyes as she started down Princess. She had a plan.

Princess: Well, what's the matter?

Blossom still didn't say anything.

Princess: Cat got your tongue? Very well. Prepare to bow to your Princess!

She fires another blast from her crown; Blossom dodges it by simply tilting her head. She looks as though she has had the last straw, and the glare from the explosion of the beam behind her only highlights her fury. She tilts her head back to the horizontal as Princess gets ready for another go, furious that Blossom dodged her attack. Princess rushes in, but Y/N pulled out his camera and turned on the flash.

Princess: AHH!

Princess rubbed her eyes and Blossom tripped her. Now it is her turn to have all her moves dodged or blocked. As the fight moves across the playground, Blossom goes on the offensive, landing blow after blow to Princess and making sure she feels every one of them. Buttercup and Bubbles come and watch their sister in action. Blossom delivers a few more hits, causing sparks to fly from the armor.

Blossom: Buttercup!

Princess is knocked across the playground. Buttercup catches her and spins her like a top.

Buttercup: Bubbles!

(Princess is kicked over to Bubbles, who does a handstand to boot her high into the air.)

Bubbles: Blossom!

Blossom inhales deeply and blows her ice breath into the sky, frosting Princess over. She hangs in midair for a long moment, and her armor shatters off her.


She plummets toward the ground, but is caught by Blossom just inches from impact. Princess looked at her crying.

Princess: Why won't you let me be a Powerpuff Girl?

Blossom: Because you're just a spoiled brat.

She dumps her on the ground, then lands by her sisters.

And being a Powerpuff Girl isn't about getting your way, or having the best stuff, or being popular or powerful. It's about using your own unique abilities to help people and the world we all live in. And you, little girl, have done nothing worthy of the name "Powerpuff"!

Y/N listened to what Blossom said and started clapping. Ms Keane joined in, so did the kids, and then the police.

However, nobody noticed that someone took Princesses broken armor.

A policeman arrived and clamps handcuffs onto Princess' wrists.

Buttercup: Ooh, nice bracelets.

Bubbles: Oh, they'll just be smashing with your new prison wardrobe!

She giggles as the cop drags Princess to a waiting paddy wagon.

Princess: Why you-you can't do this to me! I'm the Princess! Do you know who my daddy is? My daddy knows people! And my daddy knows people like money!

She was thrown into a police van. Her words are muffled by the back doors slamming shut

Narrator: Well, Princess, the only "cha-ching" you'll be hearing from now on is the sound of prison doors!

Narrator: And so once again the day is saved, thanks to the real Powerpuff Girls!

Next will be a original chapter called Hot, Hot, Hotter.

It'll continue with the subplot about the girl's fighting over Y/N, over who's hotter. The chapters main antagonist is still being decided.

Meanwhile at a fishing dock, a man in a electricians uniform arrive with a trash bag and dumped it onto a table. It was Princesses armor.

Electrocutioner: Hey boss, found something I think it like.

The Boss examined the armor. He got up. He was wearing a green tuxedo with a white shirt and green pants. He had a red cape and a light yellow fedora hat. But what made him scary, was that his head was actually a skull. No skin, no flesh, and no eyes. Just a skull.

Skull: He he he. This is gonna come in handy soon enough.

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