➻ Brick Brisbane

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Full Name: Brick Red Brisbane

Age: 18

Signature Color: Crimson Red

Personality: Brick is described by many as strict, serious and bossy, which is quite a surprise since he was very naughty, stubborn and disobedient as a kid. He used to love chaos and trouble but now he hates it, often getting annoyed when someone is being stubborn or hard to control around him. He's also very impatient and short tempered so his brothers and friends talk and act carefully around him. Though he is now more mature and has control of himself, there are still times when he would get violent. Those times are when someone messes with someone or something dear to him. He gets overprotective and would not hesitate to hurt or bury someone alive. When he's not being bossy or violent, he is cold and distant. His cold side usually appears whenever some he despises, like for an example a fangirl or an enemy he wants nothing to do with, is near him. Despite all of that, Brick can be affectionate, sweet and caring. He doesn't show it that much and is too shy to show it to his brothers properly, but they know he loves them.

Appearance: A tall and very attractive male, standing at about six foot, three inches tall. Being an athletic one, his body is well-built and toned, but not very bulky. He's a redhead with longish bangs, almond shaped red eyes and fair skin. His hands are quite large.

➻ Things To Know About Him:

✺ He's the heir to their family's company.

✺ He has a long time crush on his childhood best friend, Bell.

✺ Her nickname for Bell is "Snow".

✺ He loves basketball and music the most. When he's not playing or practicing with his team, he composes music and writes songs.

✺ He's a snuggler.

✺ His birthday is on April 7.

✺ He used to date Princess in middle school. They broke up after a few months because Princess replaced him with Mitch.

✺ Brick rarely ever wears his favorite hat anymore. Instead, he keeps it hidden in his closet, taking it out every now and then to clean it.

✺ Brick once dyed his hair black as a result of a dare.

✺ His parents' names are Harold Brisbane (a well-known CEO and billionaire in Townsville) and Deva LeAnn Klein (a salon owner).

✺ Brick has a pet Boxer named Bo.

✺ Brick ranks as the #1 most popular in the RRB, his school title is "Red Emperor" and he is one of the hottest and feared students in Townsville High.

✺ He is scared of Bell's father, clowns and heights.

✺ He's the ace in Townsville High's male basketball team.

✺ Brick is an extra member in a band in their school. Although he's not always with the band, he's quite a favorite among their fans.

✺ Even though he's mature now, he still snorts at poop and fart jokes.

✺ Aside from Bell, the other ones who can make Brick a giant softie are his parents. He loves spending time with them and he gets quite upset when they're too busy for him and his brothers.

✺ Their father's brother likes spoiling them during their birthdays. Brick's car was given to him by their uncle when he turned 18.

✺ One of his guilty pleasures is Barbie movies. Bell is the reason why. When they were kids, Bell would force him to watch endless amounts of Barbie movies and he would actually enjoy them. No one knows about this but him.

Voice: Kyle Hebert as Frederick from Fire Emblem Warriors.


(Timestamp: 3:08)


(Brick as an adult with his future daughter, Kimberly.)

(When he was dared to dye his hair black.)

(Brick and Bell when they were kids and as teens.)

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