➻ Skyler and Amber Chapman

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Blitz and Blossom Chapman


➻ Full Name: Skyler Chapman
➻ Age: 15
➻ Signature Color: Peach
➻ Voice: Mitchell Whitfield as Donatello from TMNT.


Personality: Skyler is the right mix of Blitz and Blossom. He's responsible and loving just like his mother and shy when it comes to girls just like his father. He likes taking care of others, especially his little sister who looks up to him very much. He takes good care of his friends too, supporting them and watching over them when they are in complicated situations. He's a kind young man with proper manners. His politeness often charm girls and women older than him. Unfortunately, he can't talk to them properly since he got his father's weakness. Because of that, he comes off as cute too.

Appearance: He's about five foot, eight inches tall with a slim physique. His thighs are kinda meaty though. He got his looks from his mother mostly. He has ginger hair with long bangs covering the left side of his face, a short nose bridge and warm beige skin. His eyes are from his father, roundish in shape and dark pink in color.

➻ Pictures:


➻ Full Name: Amber May Chapman
➻ Age: 4
➻ Signature Color: Candy Red
➻ Voice: Livvy Stubenrauch as Young Anna from Frozen.


Personality: A bright and cheerful young girl with a big heart. Amber will love anything that's colorful, sweet and soft. She makes friends easily and she can charm any adult with just a smile. It seems that she knows that because she often smiles, barely frowns. It's not hard to make her laugh too. She's easily impressed and humored and her laugh can be quite contagious.

Appearance: Amber got most of her father's features. She has dark red hair that is tied at the nape of her neck and reaches down to her shoulder blades, big red eyes and beige skin. She's pretty healthy looking, with a pinchable cheeks and slightly chubby tummy.

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