2019 Christmas Special

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The following Chapter is not at all related to the main storyline and therefore is not canon.

Max's P.O.V.

My uncle left again... and it's Christmas Eve... no doubt he's not gonna be back until January...

I heard the house phone ring.

"Zuki Residence... yes, this is Maxwell Zuki speaking... Secret Santa? Maddie's place? Gotcha."

I then ran over to my friend's house and found everyone else was there.

"Hey Max. I was just explaining this year's rules," Maddie informed me.

"Okay." I then took a seat.

"As you all know, it's Christmas Eve so we don't have a lot of time to find gifts, but I think we can manage. And remember, it's the thought that counts. Now it's time to draw names. DON'T say who you got."

I was the next to last person to draw a name. Maddie was last. Now let's see the name I got.


How come I always get the hard ones when it comes to Secret Santa? If I had anyone else I'd know exactly what to give them... but Claire's complicated mind makes everything harder... yikes...

"Well good luck everyone!" Maddie exclaimed before running off somewhere. The others followed suit.

Claire's P.O.V.



Serenity's P.O.V.



Aera's P.O.V.



Jersey's P.O.V.


Let's see... what would she want?

Larry's P.O.V.



Itsuki's P.O.V.


Hmm... it's a guy.

Maddie's P.O.V.


Wonder why no one drew him sooner? Oh well, time to find stuff for my best friend!

Christmas Day

Max's P.O.V.

Right as I got the perfect gift for Claire, I saw that I had to meet up with the others, so I hurried over.

"Okay. Let's start with Claire."

"Okay. Merry Christmas, Aera."

"Nice! A punching bag kit and a ceiling installation. It's heavy, but hanks!"

Then Maddie spoke up,

"Now Aera, you give your present to the person you drew.

"Fine... here's a present Serenity."

"Okay. It's a book. A scrapbook! Yay!" She then turned to Itsuki. "Merry Christmas!"

"Thanks. Oh... it's a drone... thanks. Here's something for ya Larry."

"Hey, it's a glasses cleaning kit! Thanks!" He then turned to Jersey. "Merry Christmas to you!" Jersey kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Larry." The entire gift bag he gave her was a bunch of little gifts for her. Wow...

"Merry Christmas, Maddie."

"A flower kit? Thank you." She then looked at me. "Catch!" She tossed a box to me and I caught it. Hope it's not fragile.

I opened the box and saw-

"It's uh... umm... what is this?"

"A symbol of our friendship. Unwrap it from all the protective newspaper."

So I discovered that it was wrapped in newspaper and is probably actually fragile. Yikes...

"Oh." I finished unwrapping it. "It's a snow globe... hey! There's you... and me... and the treehouse... hey! I'm holding churros and you're holding donuts! I remember those times! And there's..."

"The umbrella. I had to put it in there. It kinda contributed to fixing our friendship in my opinion." I laughed.

"Okay Maddie."

I turned to face Claire, who was sitting right next to me.

"Merry Christmas?" I handed her my present. She blinked a couple more times before taking it. "Go on. Open it."

She opened it and couldn't find words. Her face told me enough. She loved the present.

What I gave her was a Neolian Charm that allows your dreams to be a lot more vivid and focus more on how you feel, along with a photo album of her and her family and a necklace with multiple charms on it, each representing one of our friends.

"H-how'd you... I... wow..."

"The pictures I actually got from your dreams with a bit of magical help. Not to be creepy or anything but I've been collecting those ever since you first started to open up to me. I am actually pretty familiar with most Neolian things, so I was able to make the Charm, but the last thing was just a Maxwell Zuki kind of thing to top it off."

She then hugged me.

"Thank you... you always figure out exactly what to give me to cheer me up..."

I then heard something above us and saw mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. Not too far away, I see Piper giggling.

"Oh no!" Claire started. "I read about these! They're bad omens! Evil and mischievous creatures reside in them and will haunt us forever!"

She then shot up and ran outside.


"Just wanted to see the Neolian reaction to it. Consider it a Christmas gift from me to me."

"So that's why you didn't want to participate in the Secret Santa..." Maddie commented.




How'd you like it? Let me know in the comments!


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