Chapter 37

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Tudexo Lotus' P.O.V.

The dagger Willow threw wasn't aimed at the people... but at the thing binding them...

And she hit the mark.

The three all stepped out at the same time their bindings were slashed.

"NO!" Gravita yelled. Chiyon and the Mars Twins then arrived.

"Let's do this," Willow said, readying her arrows.

"Yeah!" the four Planetary Children agreed, readying their powers.

"Let's go, girls!" Claire said to the Special Senshi.

"Right!" they replied in unison.

"Larry? Ready?" I decided to ask.

"You bet!" he exclaimed. "Let's fight some evil!"

About thirty more people from the bad side appeared, daggers and Soul Splicers at the ready.

Larry and I ran to the front, conjuring swords out of nowhere.

"Let's get 'em!" we yelled in unison.

"YEAH!" shouted.

We charged and commenced in combat.

"NEOL RINGING BLAST!" I heard Sailor Neol say. That's new. But what it did was it made rings around her as she twirled in place. These rings rang out and blasted away nearby foes. Nice.

I suddenly felt the earth rumble beneath me. It caved in under a couple of the bad guys, causing a gap in the battle line. I looked across from me and saw Piper and Sailor Earth striking a pose.

Two magical snakes then rushed past me and were attacking some people I didn't see sneaking up on me. Sailor Eris and Sailor Alleyen were working together.

"Thanks girls!" I yelled.

I saw fire and water rush and put about seven baddies out of commission. That must've been the Mars Twins, Chiyon, and Asherah.

I then saw Larry surrounded about fifty feet away. How'd that happen?

But anyway, he was then saved by Jersey, X, and Chrysta!

After that I looked over to Raiden and Naseem, also known as Ryuu and Zephyr, and watched as they made a lightning storm tornado. Woah...

I then realized there was now only one person I hadn't seen anything of yet... Willow.

I looked around and found her close to the edge of a roof, trying to get rid of a foe that just wouldn't stop coming. So I went to help her.

A lotus shot and an epic landing later, I was between Willow and the enemy.

I heard a noise and we saw another one pop up at the edge of the roof right behind Willow. So I looked at her, and she looked back.

We nodded, somehow understanding what the other was thinking.

We both turned to the side and did a trust fall position with our backs facing off the roof. We both then backflipped off the roof, causing the two to crash into each other.


Epic battle scene, right? Well it's not quite over yet!

See you later for the rest!

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