Chapter 43

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Claire's P.O.V.

"You know that old piece of paper I found a long while back?" I asked. "Well I brought it with me today. It recently chose to have some information on Lady Willow on it!"

"What luck!" Serenity exclaimed.

"It's still blank..." Aera started. "You Neolians sure are weird... writing with invisible ink and all..."


"Claire," Jersey started. "Why don't you tell us what it says?"

"I'm with her," Larry said.

"I've never seen this before. Tell us what it says!" Maddie said excitedly. She's gone into fangirl mode I guess.

"Lady Willow... the Champion of Estelle... what's Estelle?"

"More like who," Itsuki corrected. "I'll explain later. Carry on."

"Okay. The guardian of the power most held dear in all the Star Kingdom."

"I'm pretty sure that was a name for ancient space or something," Max commented. Okay.

"Her conquest, great and lengthy," I paused for a second because I noticed Maddie's smile fade a bit. Weird. " to find the Children of the Nine Planets... and also to find the one the princess thought to be most dear..."

"What?" Aera questioned. "That's it?"

"There's more," I continued. "Only once all the powers of the Children are granted once again upon the princess, Estelle's true power will be revealed... so does this 'Lady Willow' have to find this... princess... as well?"

Before anyone could answer, we were interrupted by Aera just barely dodging a Soul Splicer aimed for her head.



When will Itsuki enlighten them on what she knows about Estelle? Soon... or later? Will Willow's identity be revealed in this battle? We've only to find out next time!


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