Chapter 46

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Lady Willow's P.O.V.

She's... Estelle...?

After the enemy was defeated, she approached me.

"Lady Willow, you have done well. However, your quest cannot end now that I have revealed myself. I cannot return to full power until all the Star Children's powers have been recovered."

I then remembered what Chiyon had said once again.

I won't be able to complete my mission...

And she's gonna fall once again because of my failure...

"You okay, Willow?" I saw Ma-er... Mister Tuxedo Lotus-looking at me with concern.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I put on a serious face. "I understand, princess." Insert bow here. "And I will continue to search for the lost Children." I then left because I saw Lotus as he realized that he needed to get back to Maddie.

Sailor Earth's P.O.V.

Lady Willow is still keeping her identity hidden... she'll have to reveal herself to me sooner or later...

"So is this your role in the big picture?" Serenity asked after reverting back from Sailor Eris.

"Indeed," I answered while reverting back.

"Does anyone know why Max is so determined to help Lady Willow?" Claire questioned after returning to normal.

"That is something only he knows," I told her. That's just obvious.

"Well she's pretty stupid..."


And there those two go again...

"Well, as Lady Willow would say..." Jersey started. She looked over to Larry.

"The day has been saved once again," Larry quoted.

Larry's impression was honestly quite funny, so we all ended up laughing... well, not Aera...

But who cares honestly?


The day has been saved once again by the Special Senshi, Larry, Tuxedo Lotus and Lady Willow! Yay!

What's gonna happen next to our heroes? We'll find out soon!


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