Chapter 9

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Maddie's P.O.V.

The Sailor Scouts just ran by me... but I have this gut feeling that not even they will be able to beat this new foe... oh... if only I were able to help... I just wish I could transform and fight alongside Max... I want to protect my friend... and everyone else...

I felt a warm glow hit my face. My pendant was glowing! Is it... granting my wish? I should try saying something!

"Star Pendant Power, Activate!"

Claire's P.O.V.

We're all pinned. I can't get up... this foe's master is good at throwing knives...

"I shall leave you to do the rest," he said, vanishing. The monster began to approach Tuxedo Lotus, and it prepared a dagger.

"MAX!!!" I cried out.

"Soul Splicer, split open this boy's heart and remove his soul," it said, sounding kinda like a robot. He cut Max open across the chest and a light burst out. Something that looked like a crystal floated above Max... and he passed out!!!

"His soul's core is mine," it said, reaching up to get it. But it didn't, however. What stopped it was a bolt of lightning that cut it's wrist. I looked at the floor and saw an arrow that looked as if it were made of light!

"Don't you dare touch his heart!" Who said that? I looked at the sign above a store and saw someone! She doesn't look like a Sailor Guardian though...

"I am the protector of souls from across the land! The blossom of light for this world of darkness...". she jumped from her post, shooting the daggers that pinned us all while she was airborne, and landed between the monster and Lotus!

"You better remember my name, pal, 'cause I'll only tell you once!" It tried to attack her, but she grabbed it's arms and hurled it across the room. She walked up to it.

"I am Willow... Lady Willow." She formed her bow of light and shot it at the heart. The arrow sank in and purified the monster. Wow...

As she walked over to Lotus' unconscious body, I took this time to get a good look at her. She wore a white uniform with black leggings. Her boots were white. She wore a white mask over her eyes, so I can't exactly see her eye color. Her hair was white though...

She stopped in front of him and grabbed his Soul Core. She placed it in front of the place where it was torn out. It sank right in! She formed a needle and thread in her hands and swiped it across the cut. The cut mended itself!

"May you be restored with my healing thread of light!" She smiled as his body glowed.

Max's P.O.V.

I felt groggy as the world around me appeared once again...

"What... happened...?" Did I say that aloud?!

"MAX!!!" Six figures ran up to me. As my vision cleared, I saw it was the Sailor Scouts and Larry!

"Are you okay?" Sailor Eris asked as she detransformed into Serenity.

"Yeah..." I managed to respond. The others transformed back and we hugged. But then I saw a figure walking away. Who is that?

"Wait!" I got up and stopped her from leaving. "Who are you?!"

"Right. I was fighting for your Soul Core, so you missed my introduction. The name's Willow."

"Willow... Sailor Willow?" Did I say that out loud?!?!

"No... not Sailor. Lady Willow." She walked past me, but I stopped her again.

"What are you?" I noticed that she thought about that for a moment. She looked up with sparkling eyes when she had her response.

"I guess I'm like you!" Like... me?

"Like a female Tuxedo?" I said that out loud, didn't I?

"I guess you could say that." She walked past me again out into the light of the outdoors and left. There was one feature of hers that stood out from the black and white outfit she wore: her emerald green eyes... at least, I think they were green...

Lady Willow... thanks for saving my life...

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