Chapter 2

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-Kaylee's POV-

Kaylee was walking out of her history class, school was finally over and she could go and talk to Mia or Ocean or someone, 

She walked to her locker to see a note, she grabbed the note, it read:

Dear Kaylee, 

Please meet me behind the school, I would like to talk to you about something.

From Ivy

It seemed a little weird that Ivy wanted to meet BEHIND the school but that wasn't about to stop Kaylee from seeing her,

-Mia POV- 

Where was Ocean and Sea? 

Mia sighed, while typing on her computer. 

She hadn't tried emailing her brother in about 1 year. They hadn't had a good past with each other either, 

As Mia finished the email and sent it she waited. Suddenly someone burst through the doors.

"MIA" the person yelled

Mia looked behind her to see Sea, she looked very panicked.

"Yes Sea?" Mia said looking at Sea'a panicked face.

"It's Ocean... she's acting so weird! She pushed me away when I tried talking to her! A-a-an"

"Sea calm down!" Mia said 

"Calm down?!" Sea yelled

"I'm sure Ocean will be fine, just relax. Okay?" Mia said reassuringly 

Sea looked like she wanted to yell, instead she left and slammed the door behind her.

Mia was sure she was fine.

.. Right?

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