Explaining The Mental Realm

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Hello everyone Son Raon here.

First of all I'd like to apologize to all of you for disappearing like that all of a sudden. It was because of my examinations that lasted nearly an entire month.

Now in order to return back to writing, I'll do a small warm up by explaining a sertain place within the cosmology of my stories that most of you would enjoy it.

That realm as you probably have guessed from the title of the current chapter is the Mental Realm or Nous.

This was a realm that I've mentioned beforehand in the Explaining The Universal Structure chapter of the verse so some of you may ask why am I explaining it over here instead of explaining it once I've scaled the full universe?

The reason behind it is that I've retconned in a way this very realm in order to explain better the dimensional gaps between the metaphysical realms of the planets and stars in the Raonverse.

This retcon is a result of the fact that those dimensional gaps are heavily connected to the cosmological structure that the Mental Realm follows.

The fact that it follows a different cosmological constant and structure isn't compared to the rest of the verse, doesn't necessarily exclude it from the overall scaling of the verse.

The reason behind it is that the entirety of the Raonverse is a complete amalgamation of many different cosmological constants, constructs and different cosmologies in general.

A prime example of it being the fact that the rest of the planetary realms have different cosmological structures and constants as you've witnessed in the previous chapter.

Now that we're finished with this extensive talk about the mind realm's retcon - from the upper echelon of the universal scale to the lower echelon of the metaphysical realms of every planet and stellar body in the verse whilst keeping it's cosmological structure intact - let's talk about the elephant in the room and scale it.

To begin with, the Mental Realm itself follows sertain rules that every other realm in the planets of the Raonverse follows :

- To begin with the realm itself is a completely abstract place of existence without temporal or spatial meaning. This pretty much means that the realm itself is completely atemporal and non spatial since all concepts that refer to space and time are in layman's terms null and void within it.

- The realm itself is completely metaphysical, meaning that the theories in place are Platonic theorems, like Plato's Allegory of the Cave, Neoplatonic theorems like the Monism theory exists within the specific plane.

- Other theories like Gnosticism, Pataphysics etc exist within the realm for reasons which I'll explain later.

Now that we've explained sertain things that do exist let's go a step further and explain the vast cosmology of the Mental Realm.

First of all the Mental Realm has another name for itself. The name is literally Nous. Nous or in Greek νους (pronounced as noos) is a concept that's constantly equated to intelligence, knowledge and wisdom is a concept within classical philosophy that basically encompasses the way that the brain itself tries to explain what's true and what's false.

The Mental Realm is quite literally supposed to be the sky or in sertain cases the metaphysical heaven of each planet and star in the Raonverse. The reason why to the eyes of many it appears as the sky is because of the mental strain of both the mortal and divine mind trying to comprehend it's true self.

In order to enter the Mental Realm there are only two quote-on-quote "possible" ways, sleep and meditation.

That's because the realm itself requires spiritual or in some cases mystical or metaphysical ways in order to enter within it due to its abstract self.

Additionally, that's because of the fact that the realm follows sertain rules around Buddhism and Taoism such as the rule of it being a higher reality, a higher plane of existence completely inaccessible to physical means and it's often being connected to the concept of Absolute in both theological and philosophical meanings.


The next concepts that are used within this realm is the teachings of Gnosticism and Monism. In order for you to learn more about them, I'll explain them in detail separately.

Contrarily to the way I've mentioned them, I'll start with explaining to you the basis of the Monism philosophy since it's the easiest one to explain. Monism is a word with Hellenic "roots" that etymologically connects to the Greek word μόνος (monos) and in layman's terms translate to Philosophy of Alone or Philosophy of The One, which I'll have to admit has a nice ring to it naming wise.

Jokes aside Monism as a philosophical theory basically translates to the fact that everything in the cosmos has one starting point from where all started.

The place where all started is the monistic equivalent of the concept of totality and oneness which in Monism can be attributed to a sertain concept, example of this concept can be existence itself.

Monism in itself is a vast theory with a lot of philosophical branches which I'll explain whilst showcasing to you an example of each one of them in order to solidify to your knowledge their existing in the Raonverse :

- First branch is known as Priority Monism. Priority Monism states that all things go back to a source of everything.

This source of everything or in other words The One is a source that's distinct from them and ontologically pre existent to everyone and everything.

I think that by that you've probably guessed that the source that everything came from is pre reincarnated Raon since he was the one who created the entirety of the Raonverse subconsciously which is basically the reason why the verse itself has his name.

- The second branch of Monism is Existential Monism. Existential Monism quite literally states that all of existence is encapsulated within a sertain structure - example can be a universe - which can be both arbitrarily and literally divided in one or many cosmological structures.

The verse itself follows this branch of monism to its last letter due to the fact that the entire quote-on-quote "Omniverse" of the Raonverse - a.k.a Composite Raonverse - is divided into separate planes of existence. The lowest of which - a.k.a the Mortal Plane - is the one which we learn about in all chapters of this book up to now.

I put emphasis on the word Omniverse since as you've probably guessed the Raonverse scales way higher than your typical Omniverse.

- The third branch is Substance Monism. The philosophy of Substance Monism explains that only one type of matter exists and all things can be explained and constructed from it.

This substance exists in two ways in the Raonverse one of which being the mathematics that encompass a significant part of the verse, although being rendered infinitesimal compared to the rest of the verse.

The other part being the atom scaling of the verse which for its actual scale I'll do a complete rescale of it in later chapters of the cosmology book. Of course you'll be notified for the arrival of that chapter via... for lack of a better term notification within the Wattpad app.

- The fourth branch is Dual-Aspect Monism. Dual-Aspect Monism shows that physical existence and mental - or in some cases abstract existence - are quite literally the two sides of the same coin in terms of explaining existence itself.

In the Raonverse there have been many instances of dualities or equal and opposing forces of existence some examples that I can give you are :

1. Heroes and villains within the cosmology.

2. Raon and Darkon which represent the good and evil within the verse.

3. Finally some other things that I'd like to explain about the ontology of the verse - one of which being human scaling - but I think about leaving it for another chapter or another book all together since it'd be more interesting to explain it that way instead.

- The fifth and final branch is Neutral Monism. Neutral Monism itself states that the universe isn't physical or mental, but in a perfectly neutral state.

That perfectly neutralized state is called in some cases as "Absolute Monism" or the concept of Non Duality.

The easiest example of a Non Dual structure in the Raonverse are the flames of The Phoenix Realm. The Realm above the Mental Plane where even the smallest flame in the Phoenix Realm sees dualities, concepts, axioms, principles and anything related to them as irrelevant kindles to their flames.

Gnosticism on the other hand is a bit harder to explain, but I'll try to be as detailed information wise as possible.

Gnosticism itself is a word that comes etymologically from the Greek word γνωστικός which means the one who's holding the knowledge in other words Gnosticism can be loosely defined as The Philosophical Theism of Gnosis or in other words The Philosophical Theism of Knowledge.

To explain it better think of it this way.

What we know and have knowledge off is determined by the thoughts and knowledge of every person that existed, exists and will exist upon this very planet.

In other words we live in a world where two plus two equals four, force in physics is the result of mass time acceleration etc.

In the world we live some people consider as real anything that we can see, witness, hear and examine as the true and possible whilst ignoring the unknown, the impossible and the improbable, dismissing it as fake, an illusion of the mind trying to explain things it can't possibly come close to comprehend within its realm of possibility.

Gnosticism in regards to religions for example it says that there's a much different, absolute entity known as The One.

This divine entity created anywhere from one to several lesser deities known as Axons or in sertain cases Demiurges. From those deities some are malevolent and some are benevolent.

The malevolent entities created the physical world in order to contain the mortals from achieving their true potential whilst the rest of the Axons try to stop them.

How does that connect the principles of Gnosticism to the Raonverse itself?

There are two ways, one of these specifically I'm not going to explain right now since it contains HEAVY SPOILERS for the rest of the stories I have.

The second way to explain it is the following :

- All mythologies, known, unknown and forgotten are Canon in the verse.

- All deities in the verse have "physical" vessels and conceptually abstract forms.

- All deities are avatars of the Pre Reincarnated Raon.

- Some deities are actually quite villainous and power-hungry due to the fact that living with their "physical" vessels for that long corrupted them.

- There are other beings deities or heroes with divine and not origins that strive to stop their power hungry, selfish plots.

This showcases the : The One > Axons = Demiurges part of Gnosticism, solidifying its presence in the verse.


Now let's go to explain something simpler, Platonism and Neoplatonism.

Platonism is a philosophical theory made by Plato himself. In this theory a basic concept of it being Plato's Allegory of the Cave which I'll explain now.

In order to better picture that allegory imagine the following.

Start by imagining that you along with other people are bound to one place with ropes and chains binding your limbs to such a position where you're permanently looking forwards.

Now imagine that behind you in the cave there two places on the wall, a stone platform which has a fire on it and a hole down below which allows a few solar rays to come in. Those solar rays are unseen from your perspective due to them blending in with the light of the fire that casts shadows in front of you.

In Plato's allegory of the cave, the bound people is each and everyone of us that's bound physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and conceptually by the physical restraints of the world around us.

The shadows and the fire are representing the visual illusion as a result of our mental stress of trying to explain what our eyes see and our mind which tries to explain what we see accordingly.

The rays of the sun that pass through the hole represents a firmament, a higher reality a reality outside the logical "box", the logical framework of what we can observe, listen, touch, smell and taste in other words the true, absolute and definite reality of all things according to Plato.

For Plato everything has an abstract, metaphysical part, a deeper role to play in the "scenario" of existence one that's not bound by spatiotemporal rules and regulations.

Although that theory can technically be dismissed due to the fact that Plato was a hardcore finitist. I've only explained Platonism in order for me to help you realize and understand his bigger, better, more metaphysically detailed "brother" known as Neoplatonism.

Neoplatonism similarly to Platonism is a form of Idealism, basically a form of philosophy that has some differences compared to Platonism.

Neoplatonism or in other words New Platonism was a philosophical theory that was created by the students of Plato at 3rd century AD - or in other words the 3rd century after God since AD stands for the Latin Anno Domini which translates to The Year of Our Lord - and goes against the theories of Plato that the world is an ensemble of ideas, but a totality of idealists a.k.a the people who think of those ideals.

The quote-on-quote "father" of Neoplatonism is Ammonius Saccas and his top student Plotinus, the latter of which created the books known as the Enneads of Plotinus, this series of books is the only saved work that gives us all the knowledge we have today for Neoplatonism.

As a form of mysticism, neoplatonism contains both theoretical and practical parts.

The theoretical parts are the higher existence of the soul or in other words the way that the soul departed from its first estate - a.k.a it's connection to The One - the practical parts have practices with which the soul may return to its original existence, one of which being meditation itself.

The world itself according to Neoplatonism and the works of Plotinus specifically, can be separated into two distinctively different worlds the physical/phenomenal and the mental/spiritual/invisible world.

The invisible world contains the Transcendent, absolute being which for Plotinus is the One a.k.a the God and creator of all in existence, the one from whom everything material or immaterial, theoretical or philosophical, living or inanimate emanated from through a sequence of beings.

The phenomenal/physical world for Plotinus is an allegory for the soul. The soul for Plotinus is the ergo (Greek word έργο = exercise, result), the result of the Nous, the emanation of The One to all beings and all existence in it's totality.

According to Plotinus, Nous is motionless a perfect archetype, the result of the One's emanation towards existence. The Nous acts as a demiurgic ergon (Ancient Greek έργον = the one who works), in other words the one who organizes the world itself and makes it perceivable to all beings in existence.

Nous is also the most basic concept in all Idealism and Neoplatonism is the purest most crystallized form of Idealism.


Now let's see where all of this is going to help us at in order to understand what I've talked about with a small summary :

- Philosophical Monism is the principle that all things derived from a single source.

- The Raonverse itself follows all five branches of Philosophical Monism.

- Philosophical monism is a way to further describe the existence of Neoplatonism since it's one of the parameters of Neoplatonism.

- Neoplatonism itself is another parameter which also exists in the verse and is helpful in order to understand the concept of Platonism.

- Platonism exists in the Raonverse which help us to realize the existence of metaphysics.

- Monism is also a parameter which is needed in order for Gnosticism itself to exist within the verse.

- Due to all Mythologies existing in the Raonverse, Gnosticism exists since its the sum of all philosophical and theological theories that existed, exist and will exist.

- Gnosticism exists within the verse, therefore Monism, Platonism and Neoplatonism exists within the boundaries of the verse as well.


Now let's get to the quote-on-quote "juicy" scaling part which is explaining the vast macrocosm of the Mental Realm.

I'll start with the universes :

- Each universe in the Mental Realm is the result of the human nous manifesting itself since there's one universe per human nous.

- The universes follow all philosophical concepts we've talked about such as Platonism, Neoplatonism, Branch IV Monism and Gnosticism.

- Are abstract - a.k.a above fundamental concepts and dimensionality in total - and metaphysical (above physical laws and regulations).

- Mathematical rules and concepts exist albeit in a metaphysical state due to the fact that the Mental Realm is also supposed to be a metaphysical extension of each planet and star in the verse.

- All universes are transfinite in size and are extending to Absolute Infinity .

Each Transfinite Universe is a Type IV Multiversal structure

- Their size and expansion follows fractal planes model. (A fractal plane in mathematics is a mathematical model that contains transfinite sets that no matter how much you extend them towards infinity and beyond they'll always have infinite branches)

- Every Mythology is Canon to the Raonverse so in total there are transfinite universes since the Mental Realm contains the Nous of humans that existed, exist and will exist.

- Even the "physical" form of deities and the demigods from those mythologies have mental universes in Nous that are also transfinite and transfinitely expanding.

- Each universe in Nous itself follows the principles Buddhism and Taoism for a higher existential reality.

- Each universe in Nous has transfinite possibilities due to the fact that each of the transfinite sets of dreams and nightmares per person or deity are quite literally a different universe.

- Each Universe in Nous has R>F Transcendence.

- Their R>F Transcendence follows Fractal Planes.

- There are transfinite sets of Universes that follow Fractal Plane Models.

- All Sets of Universes follow a Fractal Plane Model R>F Transcendence

- There are both dreams and nightmares in the Mind Realm, meaning that there are transfinite possibilities for dreams and equally as many for nightmares.

- Each Multiversal structure contains transfinite universes.

- The universes in these Multiverses follow Fractal Plane Model.

- Each Multiversal structure exists in fractal planes and have R > F transcendence between them ad infinitum.

- There are megaverses that have transfinite of these Multiversal structures.

- The Multiversal structures within the Megaverses follow Fractal Plane R>F Transcendence with a "universal" structure in the higher hierarchies sees the "Megaverse" below it as fiction.

- They extend to Absolute Infinity.

- Dreams and Nightmares in Nous are personifications of the archetypes The Self and The Shadow.

- The "Megaverses" extend to Type IV Multiverse structures in an Type IV ^ Type IV Multiverse^... Infinite recursion that each part has R>F Transcendence over the previous, Fractal Pattern Looped structure model and extend to both versions of Absolute Infinity.

- They follow EMR and MR on top of their aforementioned Theorems and principles.

Finally there's a void between the mental Plane and the Ignis Realm with transfinite dimensions that :

- The Dimensions are abstract and Metaphysical like the rest of the realms.

- The lowest dimension has transfinite dimensional layers.

- Each Dimensional layer follows Fractal Planes Model and R>F Transcendence

- The lowest dimensional layer contains transfinite variants of the Mental Realm.

- These Mental Realm variants in the lowest layer follow Fractal Planes Model R > F Transcendence.

- All actual dimensions are in sets of transfinites.

- Each set follows Fractal Planes Model and R > F Transcendence


That's all I had to write for the Mental Realm. I hope that all of you will enjoy my analysis on the Mental Realm and the other philosophical principles within it and in case you have any questions, please let me know about them and I'll try to describe them to the best of my abilities.

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