In Verse Scaling

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A/n : Hello everyone Son Raon here and I'm back once again in this chapter of my cosmology book in order to explain to you sertain things about the cosmology itself that I think that the ones that enjoy scaling will find important and explain some things about how the scaling of my verse goes for the characters in the aforementioned verse a.k.a the Raonverse.

What does this mean? To put it simple, the previous chapters I've written about the verse are not from the point of view of the characters that are in the Raonverse or in a nutshell, I've written the previous chapters - and scaling - of the cosmology itself to feel like this : POV : You're from a different verse and got Deus Ex Machina-ed treatment in the Raonverse (Basically teleported in the Raonverse without any real reason except scaling).

Secondly what I'm going to be writing in this chapter is not a "debunk" of my fanfic cosmology, just a quick summary and a way of how to powerscale the characters within my verse in an easier way so without any further delay, let's begin with the scaling of the Raonverse for characters within the verse.


Another thing that you'll have to keep in mind is that this scaling won't be of use to you if you wish to scale the Raonverse compared to other verses cosmology wise, I'm telling that since in this chapter due to the fact that I'm going to be scaling what I've previously stated about the verse itself for the beings within the Raonverse meaning that I won't use things like the quantum cosmology of the Raonverse since every single being in the Raonverse is pretty much... for lack of a better term "built out" from the same atoms and subatomic particles as everyone else in the Raonverse.

This means that if you want to scale any other verse based on their cosmology compared to the Raonverse in order to find out which fictional cosmology is the most quote-on-quote "superior", you're ought to include everything that I described and will describe for the Raonverse, including the quantum cosmology.

Finally this scaling is going to be for the lowest Existential Plane of the Raonverse and as to what I've got planned for the higher ones, I'll let you know once we reach that part in my fanfics.

Also, for those who don't understand that much about powerscalling and things like that, I'll make a powerscalling book with tips, tricks, Dos and Do Nots about scaling in general, including a few scaling examples and rules for the least knowledgeable of that so make sure to keep in mind for any announcement or notification about its release.


Just in order for the newer readers and those who don't know too much about scaling in general, I'll start small and progressively go bigger as I scale.

Let's begin from something simple to understand, so let me explain to you how to scale what's considered as a universe in the Raonverse.

A universe in the Raonverse isn't the same as an irl universe. It's a macrocosm composed of more than one infinite spatiotemporal "universes" from which the Living World, Heaven and Hell are a few examples of the myriads of "universal structures" within it.

I'll start my explanation by telling you more about the Living World since it's the closest thing possible to the irl universe itself, although they share sertain similar traits and have quite the number of differences.

As I've stated in the past - In the chapter called Explaining The Universal Structure - all of you probably know that every universe has a common start - most of the times - and that's the Big Bang.

The Big Bang beginning is kinda similar in both the Living World and the Irl Universe, but the main difference is in the size.

Let me explain, in the Raonverse the Living World started with the Big Bang as well, but in the span of a Plank Second (the lowest possible time) from the Big Bang it grew to the size of an irl universe and didn't stop there, it expanded to infinite times the size of the irl universe and since a universe irl is thought to be Infinite 4D, via the Axiom of Inaccessibles (you can see more about it in the Explaining The Dimensional Structure chapter) the Living World is Infinite 5D in size.

Infinite 5D is a scale that via the Dimensionality system, it puts it in a High Universal or Universal + plane and if we think that this is the Living World without its dimensions or timelines makes it all the more surprising since the scale gets even higher than that.

Keep in mind that I'm scaling it trying to avoid giving you any spoilers about the Timelines, the Archetypes and anything else that I haven't written about in this book yet since I plan on explaining them in higher detail in later chapters whilst scaling the cosmology as accurately as possible with the knowledge we have right now and some new things exclusive to this chapter.

Next let's talk about some extra things in the Living World itself that will also prove detrimental to its scaling. One of them being that the Living World itself takes some inspiration from other verses with similar... I'll call them "traits" for simplicity, one being the DragonBall cosmology which is evident due to the fact that I've made a DragonBall story that follows this cosmology and the other being the DMC cosmology.

The DragonBall inspired part is that there are a lot of "pocket dimensions" within the Raonverse itself - one of the most popular being the Hyperbolic Time Chamber which in the DragonBall Daizenshuu it's stated of being an Infinite 4D place - this combined with the fact that there are is an uncountable amount of them existing in the Living World of my stories, this further solidifies the proof behind the existence of an Infinite 5D Living World and even boosts it to Infinite 6D a literal Low Multiversal/Multi Universal structure up to now.

Now let's address the elephant in the room, a.k.a the Limbo World or the DMC inspired part of the cosmology. The Limbo World itself in a nutshell is basically a world parallel to the Living World, basically a carbon copy of the Living World existing in a higher plane than the Living World.

The higher plane part is the main difference between the Raonverse's Limbo World and the Devil May Cry's version. This puts the Living World in its current totality into Infinite 7D via the Axiom of Inaccessibles and the R>F Transcendence rules or in simpler, powerscalling terms a Multiversal structure.

That's possible without counting the infinite sets of Timelines within the Living World and their infinite sets of branching Timelines which with the inclusion of the Axiom of Inaccessibles and the R>F Transcendence they put the Living World into a grand current total of Infinite 9D, a Low Complex Multiversal hierarchical order.

There's also another "pseudo plane" higher than both the Living World and the Limbo World called the Mind Plane or Dream World, the spiritual representation of the collective conscious and unconscious of both the Living World and the Limbo World. The final "layer" of the Living World, if we exclude the dimensions of course that are the only things within the living world higher than it.

The Mind Plane under any circumstances should not be confused with the Existential Planes.

Why you may ask? The reason behind it is that comparing an actual Existential plane in the Raonverse such as the Mortal Plane to the Mind Plane, to put it simply its just absurd.

To put it simply, the Mortal Plane in its totality transcends the Mind Plane so far to the point that it's a no brain idea to consider putting them side by side in comparison due to the fact that the final result (a.k.a the Mortal Plane) is far bigger in total than the sum of its parts (one of which being the Mind Plane/Dream World.)

The Dream World by itself, puts the Living World into an Infinite 10D a.k.a a Complex Multiversal cosmic structure.


One small thing I have to say that will be necessary in order to avoid any people who will most definitely be salty towards the fact that I have extra worlds within the Living World.

The reason behind this is that the Living World itself isn't a universe as some of you may have thought, but one of a large number of Archetypes, this means that although it's called a Living World, it's way bigger than it should be.

Then what did I stated as the "Living World" before? The thing that I've stated as the living world before, it was nothing more than what you could call a "pseudo" universal structure. A faux universe in other terms, but I had used the word universal vaguely through multiple uses of the quotation marks since I said that I'll start from something smaller before going to what's considered to be an actual universe in this cosmology

Think about it like a role in a novel, many people have the role of the hero, but there are way too many interpretations of it through fiction that it means different things based on the book, the movie or the game it's seen in.

More information on the Archetypes will be seen in later chapters.


Before I had stopped myself in order to explain you a certain thing about as to why the living world is that big without its dimensions, I told you about the Dream World. The dream World itself has its own space time continuum and branches, having the actual Living World without counting it to be at Infinite 11D or else, a Complex Multiversal+ structure.


Let's now go a step higher to the dimensions around the Living World which fortunately enough is only one type.

This dimensional type is none others than the Mathematical Dimensions, they are practically infinite in layers and each layer follows the rules of the Axiom of Inaccessibles meaning that the higher Mathematical Dimension is Completely Inaccessible to the lower one and the rules of R>F Transcendence, meaning that the higher one sees the lower one as fiction due to the fact that the higher one is Inaccessible to the lower one to that extent. This alone puts the Living World into Infinite D or else Hyperversal+.

Afterwards, think that the only thing that we explained up to now is the Living World itself along with its existing "natural" barriers, not the entire universe since there are other key components to what's considered as a universal structure within the Raonverse. Those are the Heaven, the Hell, the Demon Realm and the Godly realm. Each one of those realms transcend the Living World, putting the closest thing to an actual Universal Structure in the Raonverse into Low Outerversal


The universes in the Raonverse have their own Dimensions and timelines that I'll explain now.

Let's start with the dimensions.

The dimensions of a Universal structure in the Raonverse are known as the Possible Dimensions. The Possible Dimensions are infinite in their amount, transcend the Mathematical Dimensions and follow the R>F Transcendence and the Axiom of Inaccessibles. This is terrifying if you consider that those dimensions are the literal edge of the Universe, putting a Complete Universal Structure the Raonverse into not one, but Infinite Layers into Complex Outerversal since the possible dimensions follow the inaccessible cardinal scaling.


Additionally in each Realm in the Raonverse there are not one, but twenty universes, this alone further shows as to why a Realm in the Raonverse scales higher than aforementioned.

Let's not forget that each realm has pretty much its own dimensionality, called as Impossible Dimensionality via the Extended Modal Realism Theory. This dimensionality puts a Realm into Baseline Boundless.

Finally each Realm in the Raonverse has its own timelines and timeline branches, a thing that I've stated since the very first chapter of this book.

So concluding our current "tour" for one of the realms, those Timelines and their branches put the realm into Infinite Layers into Boundless via R>F Transcendence and the usage of the Axiom of Inaccessibles.


This is the scaling for the Mortal Plane without using anything about the Yggdrasil or the total amount of Realms in the cosmology of the Raonverse for the lowest Existential Plane of the aforementioned verse - The Mortal Plane - or else the scaling would be way higher than this.

The reason why I didn't reveal the rest of the scaling is because I wish to further improvise on the explanations of the Timelines, the Archetypes and the Existential Planes, along with what's considered to be a part of them for future chapters.

Where's the fun in revealing everything in a fell swoop?

Anyways I hope that everyone of you will enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I hope that I'll see all of you in a future chapter of another book of mine. Feel free to post your questions on the comments section of this chapter and I'll try my best to reply and help you understand to the best of my abilities.

For now, I bid you farewell.

Number Of Words Written : 2245 Words

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