1K Special: Into the Power Rangerverse

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Hello and welcome to this Special!

To celebrate the one thousand views this story has gotten I will be writing several Special chapters of our hero being sent to Power Rangers Canonverse.

Of course, don't expect me to write them all in order since I still need to continue the main story. And just to let you know, this will be connected to the main story as one of the many adventures (M/N) will go through as a Power Rangers.

Where (more like When) will he be sent?

Stick around for the fun to begin.

Almost forgot, these specials are going to be set more into the future. So, if you feel like I'm omitting something, it's probably because I haven't introduced them yet into the main story.

Also, all art found on Pinterest!



Sounds of explosion could be heard as an all too familiar figure could be seen towering above the city.

(Megazord. Found on Pinterest. Don't worry, they also have the other Megazord transformations. They just use the Megazord that works best for the situation)


The Power Rangers shouted as sparks flew all over them from the impact they had taken. Grabbing a hold of the controls the Rangers managed to steady the Megazord back up.

Just in time too, as Tchang Zu lunged at them.

Swinging the Power Sword, they landed a clean hit on the Demon Sorcerer.


The Thunder Demon Sorcerer yelled in pain, as he clenched his chest where the wound was bleeding.

Growling, he released a blast of thunder at the Megazord. Only, to his shock, for the Megazord to somehow absorb it and funnel the energy flow into the Power Sword.

"Uh-oh" Tchang Zu remembered a very important detail from his siblings.

Don't get hit by the Power Sword final strike.

It hurts like a bitch, and considering they were more durable than the monsters Lord Zedd sent out. He was definitely going to feel that for a while.


(Megazord Power Sword. 0:20 - 0:40.)

"AAHHH!!" The Thunder Demon screamed as energy crackled all over him. Before he fell to the ground, seemingly exploding as he retreated back to the Moon Palace.


The five shouted in victory.

"That's one sucker down" Jade cheered, "(M/N), Tommy! How are things going on your side!"

-Where (M/N) and Tommy-



Currently, they were squaring off against Lord Zedd who had no problem in pushing the two powerful Rangers back.

"Is that the best you can do?!" Lord Zedd mocked, laughing as he blocked Tommy sneak attack before slashing him with his Z staff.

"Woah!" Tommy shouted as he was knocked onto the ground from the attack.

"Ah" Lord Zedd breathed "I got you now, Tommy!"

Raising his Z staff, he prepared to impale the White Ranger.


Only to block an oncoming attack from (M/N).

"He's not the only one you have to deal with Lord Zedd!"

The Green Ranger shouted.

"Hmph!" Lord Zedd, "One or two, it doesn't matter! Besides, taking down Tommy and his protégé will make this victory all the more sweeter!"

"That's if you can beat us!"

"Hargh!" "Yah!"

(M/N) and Lord Zedd rushed at each other. The Dragon Dagger clashing against the Z staff.

Pulling back, (M/N) quickly ducked as Lord Zedd attempted to slice his head off. Quickly, he kicked the Z staff back before landing a strike against Lord Zedd.

"Gah!" Lord Zedd gasped, "Hmph! I see, you possess the same potential as Tommy and yet you refuse to use your powers for the better!"

"And what better is that?" (M/N) questioned, "Taking over the world? Destroying everything I love? Becoming just like you?"

"I would rather die if using my powers like that makes me become you."

"What a shame" Lord Zedd shook his head. "A waste of potential in my opinion. Oh well, there's always plan b in these situations."

Holding his Z staff in a javelin like position, he ran at the Green Ranger with fury.


Clang! Whoosh! Bzzt!


The clash between the two continued as neither side could gain the upper hand.

Tommy frowned as he stood to the side. On one hand he wanted to help (M/N), but on the other hand he could not see an opening to exploit.

Lord Zedd, it seems, really has been learning from his defeats.

...Which just makes him all the more dangerous, like his allies.


Lord Zedd roared, as a massive wave of power erupted from him. Knocking the two Power Rangers off their feet.

"I think it's time to test out my latest experiment!"

He said, pulling out a strange device baffling the two.

"What are you to, Zedd?"

Tommy growled as he quickly rushed to (M/N) side. Saba in his hand, as he glared at the Emperor of Evil.

"Oh, Tommy!" Lord Zedd chuckled, "Your protective nature of the boy is commendable. I can only guess it's because he is your successor to the Green Ranger powers. You feel a responsibility to train him to become the best he can be."

"But we both know that he is also the glue that keeps you all together and rational."

Hum, his Z staff began to glow.

"Let's see how well you fare without him."


A blast of energy struck the White Tiger Ranger back.

And before (M/N) could react, he found himself trapped in energy like chains.

"What the hell!?" (M/N) shouted as he tried, to no avail, to break free of the chains.

Click, beep

The device in Lord Zedd hand activated as he held it in the Green Dragon Ranger direction.

"Bye-bye, Green Ranger!"

Letting out a maniacal laughter, a beam of energy hit the teen.


Tommy shouted, as he could only watch in horror as his fellow Ranger disappeared.


Came the voice of not only Tommy, but of Jade, Andy, Madison, Ren, and Damian as they all stared in horror at what just happened.

"What did you do to him!?"

Jade snarled as she got out her Power Daggers, ready to eviscerate the evil overlord for what he had done to her friend.

"Oh, don't cry!" Lord Zedd taunted them. "Your friend is still alive! Though, which universe he landed might say otherwise."


Lord Zedd laughed as he teleported back to the Moon Palace.

Leaving a devastated group behind.

"...Come on" Tommy said, grabbing their attention. "We can take solace that he is still alive. And there should be a way to find him and bring back."

"...Right" "Yeah" "Good point"

The less than cheery morale was taking its toll already.

'Damn you Zedd' Tommy cursed, the bastard plan already working. 'We'll make you pay for this'

Before another thought came to his mind.

...And made him develop a rather sadistic smile on his face, gaining his teammates attention.

"Any reason you have such a disturbing smile on your face?" Ren asked cautiously, not wanting to possible trigger evil Tommy.

"Heheheheheh" That chuckle sent chills down their spines. "I just realized something; Lord Zedd might have potentially screwed himself over with this plan of his."


Could be seen on their heads at that. What could he possible mean?

"Did you guys already forget?" Tommy asked. "Who do you think is not going to be happy about this more than us?"

It didn't take a genius to understand what he meant.

"Ohhhh boy" Jade gulped, "The Kaiju are most definitely not going to like this."

"Especially HER."

"Yep" Tommy nodded his head, "The way I see it, either we succeed in getting (M/N) back. Or Zedd will do it for us, in order to avoid being squashed flat by a furious Queen of the Monsters."

That got them to laugh loudly, spirits raised the Power Rangers teleported back to the Command Center to form a plan and get their friend back.





(M/N) shouted as he hit his head against a pole as he rolled down to the ground.


The poor teen continued rolling until he hit a block of concrete that just happened to be laying on the ground."

"Owwww, my back" He groaned as he got up, cracking his back as he looked around.

"Where the hell did Lord Zedd sent me to?"

The teen wondered, slowly observing the destroyed street he was in.

'Look like a battle took place not too long ago.'

He realized

'But the question now is: what kind of battle?'


A massive explosion caught his attention, turning his head to the source before he stared in shock.


Because there, in front of him, was-

(Rito Revolto, Rita brother)


(Thunder Megazord)

(White Tiger Megazord)

"Did that Galactic Overlord of a nutjob sent me into the Canonverse or something!?"

(M/N) shouted, as he watched one of the major turning points in the Mighty Morphin Rangers history take place.

Wincing, as he watched Rito and the monsters slowly, but surely, overpowering the Megazords.

Clenching his fists in anger, (M/N) forced himself to stay still.

'Damn it!' He thought to himself. 'I want to help, but I can't interfere with how things are supposed to play out.'

As infuriating and painful as it was to watch, the Rangers of this universe were inevitably going to lose their Zords and watch them be destroyed by Rito in the end. But although they will lose their partners that have been with them through hell. They will gain new Zords and greater power to combat the likes of Rita, Zedd, and Rito.

'But in order for that to happen, they will have to lose this battle.'

And that left a bitter taste in his mouth.

They may not be the Zords that he and his friends have gotten to know back in their world, but it still didn't make it any easier to watch it happen with a front row view.

It was terrifying to watch it on tv, it was horrifying to watch it all play out in reality.

"Damn it" He cursed softly, "What should I do?"

"My dear child" A motherly voice spoke out, startling the teen. "You should do what you feel is right."

"Who's there!?" (M/N) shouted, turning his head in all directions like a mad man. "Reveal yourself!"

"After all," The voice spoke again, "Even if you did save the Rangers here and save their Zords from being destroyed, they would still seek out a higher level of power to defeat Rito, Rita and Zedd and their minions."

"Fate, it seems, as a history of making sure that things still go the way they are meant to be. Regardless of unexpected deviations that alter its plans."

"And doesn't that make it worth it, Mighty Morphin Green Dragon Ranger?"


He didn't know why, but the voice had a point. And he also didn't why he could trust it-her, but he felt that he could.

Holding the Dragonzord Power Coin in his hand, he made his choice.

"...Thanks" he said.

"But who are you?"

Seriously, who was this voice in his head?

Suddenly, the Power Coin started glowing as a mist seem to flow out of it. Forming into a figure in front of him.

He's eyes widening as he realized who this person was, before she could completely reform herself.

"You are-!"

-To the battle-


To say that the Power Rangers were having a good day, was an understatement.

They had severely underestimated just how powerful Rito Revolto was. Even after finally taking down the monsters, they were having so much trouble trying to defeat the walking talking Skeletor reject.

"Ohohoh, hahhahaha!" The boneheaded (Snicker) monster laughed like a maniac as he blasted the Megazords with his powers. Causing massive damage to the Zords as the robots' systems started to fail them.

"Rocky we're taking too much damage!" Billy shouted, trying his best to keep the Megazord online to no avail.

They were simply being overpowered by Rito and the Thunder Megazord, along with the White Tiger Megazord, was being trashed.

Slash! BZZT!

Rito struck the Megazord with his bone sword, causing sparks to fly as the Thunder Megazord stumbled back.


The Rangers barely managed to keep the Megazord on its feet. At the same time, the White Tiger Megazord was engaged in combat with Rito to stop him from inflicting anymore harm on them.

Clang! Clang!

Their swords clashed against each other as Tommy navigate White Tiger, landing a hit on Rito.

"Oh! Not bad!" Rito said, "Now take this!"


Rito struck hard, causing the White Tiger Megazord to stumble back from the blow.


Tommy shouted as sparks were flying from that one blow.

Boom, Bam,

Rito continued his onslaught, keeping the two Megazords at bay quite easily.

"Haha, Take this!"

Shouting, he unleashed his Reversal Beam. Causing the Zords to take on massive damage from the impact.

"AH!" "Woah!" "We can't keep up for much longer!"

"Not good!"

Despite their teamwork, it was clear that despite being an idiot, Rito was dangerously powerful. For once, they were out of their league!

"Now Rangers! Prepare to-"


"Woah!" Rito shouted as he was hit by something hard and metallic, sending the bone monster flying.

"OOF!" Rito grunted as he landed hard on the ground. Growling, he got up. "All right! Who the funny guy that did that!?"

"I guess not having actual eyes really do render a monster like you blind. I'm standing right in front of you idiot!"

A new, male voice shouted. As massive footsteps could be heard.

"Yeah?" Rito retorted, "And WHO might you be?"

While Rito didn't know him, there were others that did. And three of them were shocked as they shouted:


Tommy, Kim, and Billy shouted in shock.

What was – no HOW was the Dragonzord here!? It should be residing in the ocean after Tommy lost his Green Ranger powers!

And dealing with his former evil clone who stayed in the past.

Only the Green Ranger could control the Dragonzord!

So, who?

Inside the Dragonzord cockpit, (M/N) glared at the skeletal monster with annoyance.

'He's even uglier up close.'

Then another thought came to him.

'Seems like she was right that Dragonzord would still listen to me, despite me being from another world.'

He thought to himself as he remembered what his ally said.


"You want me to do what?"

(M/N) asked the ghost woman in shock, did she seriously just tell him to summon the Dragonzord of this world?

"You must summon this world Dragonzord to aid the Power Rangers in their fight against Rito."

...Yeah, that's what he thought she said.

"But...will it work?"

(M/N) was unsure how well this plan would work. Would the Dragonzord cooperate with him? Or would it ignore him because he was not the Green Ranger of this world?

"Alternate reality or not, you are still the Green Ranger" She firmly said, "He will listen to you. Besides, I think he's been a little lonely since he no longer has a Ranger to summon him."

...Well, how can he argue with that? Poor guy must be feeling awful lonely and wanting to stretch his legs for a while.

"All right then, it's Morphin' Time!"

(I have always wanted to say that)

Thunder, for some weird reason, could be heard crashing in the background.

"Green Dragon!"

(M/N) shouted as he was enveloped in his Ranger form.

Jumping to a high building, he grabbed the Dragon Dagger.

"Let's hope this works."

With that said, he put the Dagger to the mouthpiece and began playing.

-End Flashback-

On the Moon Palace.


Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd screamed in shock, and anger as they saw the Dragonzord hindering Rito mission.

"How in the name of all that is evil is that Zord active!?"

Lord Zedd roared, his visor glowing red as he stared hatefully at the Zord. For the Dragonzord to be present, meant that-

"This shouldn't be possible!" Rita shouted, "There shouldn't be a Green Ranger anymore!"

"So then, how?"

That was the question, one that none of them had an answer to.

All they could do is watch.

Back to Earth

"Oh, what does it matter!" Rito shouted, "Just another Zord looking to head to the trash heap!"

With that said, he charged straight at the Zord.

...Who sidestepped and tripped the bumbling strongman.

"Oof" Rito grunted "Well, that went as expected"

Sighing, (M/N) had Dragonzord grab Rito.

"H-Hey! What are you dooiiinnnngggg?!!!!!"

Rito screamed as he was thrown away from them and into a building.



"Ohhhh" Rito groaned.


"Ouch!" Rito shouted as a large piece of steel hit him on the head.

"Okay" Rito got up, "I got a little too cocky there, but that won't happen again!"

Sending power to his sword, he started to run towards him.

"Take this!"

But before he could get close enough to swing, the Dragonzord fingers were pointed straight at him. Missiles at the helm as (M/N) let them rip and sent them flying.


Some hit Rito, and some hit the surrounding area around him. Causing him to lose his balance from the shockwaves that were coming at him.

"Wooooaaaaah!" Rito stumbled, taken aback from the attack. "Well, if it's a long-distance fight you want, then it's a long-distance fight you're going to get!"

With that said, he unleashed another Reversal beam. This time heading directly towards Dragonzord.

'Can't let that hit!' (M/N) thought to himself, last thing he need is for the Dragonzord to be destroyed as well.

'Let's see if you have the same functions as my Dragonzord has.' He mused, quickly scanning the cockpit controls.

"Bingo!" He found what he was looking for. Quickly inserting the Dragon Dagger, he started playing a certain symphony of notes.

The other Power Rangers could only stare in shock at what was happening. Before fear grew on their faces as the Dragonzord stood still at the oncoming attack.

"Oh no!" Tommy shouted, he did not know why Dragonzord was back in action or who was piloting said Zord. But he would be damned if they died on his watch.

"We need to-Tommy WAIT!"

Saba inturrepted the White Ranger from taking action.

"Saba what's wrong!?"

Tommy asked frustrated at being told to stop.

"Something is not right with this situation." The talking sword spoke. "Whoever this new Ranger is, must have been watching the fight. So, it stands that this new Ranger knows how dangerous this attack is, to not do anything must mean-"

"The new Ranger has a plan to counter that attack." Tommy quickly picked up. "Alright. Let's hope that's what's going to happen."

The results didn't take long, once the attack got to a certain distance it hit an energy shield.

"WHAT!?" Rito screamed in shock as his attack was seemingly absorbed by the barrier.

Right before it launched it right back at him.

In complete cartoon fashion, Rito's 'eyes' popped open as his attack flew right back at him.

"Ah crud-BOOOOM!"

Rito was engulfed in a massive explosion, sending him flying again.

"AAHHHH-OOOF!" Rito yelled as he slammed into another building and fell to the ground.

As he was getting up, the Dragonzord could be seen walking in front of him. With the Thunder Megazord and the White Tiger Megazord at his sides.

"Uhhh, no chance we could talk this over?" Rito offered, "I mean we could forget this ever happened"

Their responses:


(Thunder Megazord. Don't think I need to point it out, but you can use the first clip as the attack since almost all the clips are of the same Megazord.)


(White Tiger Megazord. 2:02-2:12)

"I wonder" (M/N) pressed a button, revealing a panel spitting out numbers. "Well, what do you know? Looks like you do have a dragon/atomic breath of your own as well."

"Right!" Inserting the Dragonzord Power Coin into the slot. "Let's show this punk how we do things back home!"


Dragonzord roared, as he unleashed a green beam of energy at Rito. Just as the other two attacks made contact.

"WWOOOAAAHHHH!!!!" RIto screamed, as he exploded. Seemingly dying until they heard his voice shouting:

"This isn't the last you'll see of me! I'll be bbbaaaaaacccccckkkkkkk......"

His screams faded into the distance as he retreated to the Moon Palace.


The Power Rangers cheered as they, barely, managed to win the battle.

"Hey" Tommy called to the mysterious Ranger. "Thanks for your help man, we really appreciate it."


There wasn't a response, which made him nervous. Did the new guy not want to talk? Maybe the person was shy?

"No problem"

The unknown Ranger said, surprising Tommy and the rest since they thought he wasn't going to talk.

"But I must admit this is kind of an honor and I kind of helped you because I need your help."

Their help?

"It's kind of a long story, and I want to explain this with Zordon and Alpha present as well."

He knows about them?

Were the Power Rangers surprise thought.

"I don't need to see your faces to know what you are thinking, and yes, I do know them. Just like I know your true identities."


Now that got their attention. How did he know?

"It's part of the long story, and we should go before you-know-who decides to make another assault on us."

Agreeing, the Power Rangers activated the teleportation function on the Zords and teleported everyone back to the Command Center.

Where their newest Power Ranger would reveal all.

And done. I deeply apologize for not having written anything for a week or so. This wasn't due to my usual duties with real life, but from an unexpected issue I unfortunately had to deal with.

Food poisoning. -___-

Yep, you read that right. I wound up with food poisoning over the weekend (how, I still don't know) and my bathroom became my second room until yesterday when I, more or less, recovered. Even with medicine meant to control that particular problem it was still hell.

Couldn't lay down without having to get back up again to use the damn bathroom. Got chills, headache, slight fever from my body temperature going haywire, body aches.

Lost my motivation and inspiration to write new chapters. And lost my ideas as well thanks to that stupid food poisoning taking over my mind.


But now I'm feeling better and while I still feel drained, I'm slowly regaining my motivation/strength/ideas for my stories (speaking of which I need to update some of my other stories that I haven't done in a while).

So, there. That's why there hasn't been an update in a while. Ironic cause I had started writing some new chapters before this nightmare happened.

Now it's time to sleep and write new chapters for my other stories later.

Have a good day/night!

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