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(M/N) = Male Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

Note: I keep forgetting to mention this in my stories, so I'll say it now. NONE of these pictures, gifs, videos are mine in this story or in any of my other stories. The only thing I own is my ideas and the plot.


-Location: Yosemite National Park-

It has been a week since the attack on San Francisco by giant Titan monsters known as Kaiju. The devastation and radiation left behind by the Kaiju known as MUTOs and their nemesis Gojira made the city uninhabitable (though that won't be known until later).

...It was also there that (M/N) (L/N) nearly lost his best friend Andrew Russell who almost got stepped on by Gojira. It was a near miss that only happened because (M/N) was in San Francisco at the time and was able to save him from certain death. After that they got to a safe location and watched from a distance as the fight met its conclusion.

Surprisingly, Gojira had decided to take a nap before leaving in the morning making everyone initially thinking she was dead.

(M/N) could not shake off the feeling this wouldn't be the last time their paths will cross. (Unlike my other story, in this story he did not go near her, so they never interacted at this point).

"Hey sport!" Came the voice of his father, shaking him out of his stupor.

Turning to his father, he said "yeah dad?"

Chuckling at his response Cain (L/N) simply ruffled the younger (L/N) hair. Causing the young boy to pout and swat at his father hands in an attempt to get him to stop. It only served to make his dad more amused as he continued a little while longer.

"Daaad, stop it" (M/N) childly said, causing his father to laugh.

"All right, all right I'll stop" He conceded, holding his hands in mock surrender.

The father-son duo continued their trek in Yosemite Forest, Cain pointing out things to his son.

"And here we have a pack of wolves taking a break...Wait, What?"

Cain stopped, as he took a second look and saw that it was indeed a pack of wolves laying leisurely on the ground.

Blinking, he thought to himself 'I thought wolves no longer resided in California.'

He and the wolf pack simply stared at each other before the wolves went their own way.

"...That was weird." Cain commented to himself as he turned to his son "Come on (M/N) we should get-"

His words were cut off as he realized that (M/N) was nowhere to be seen.

"Gah! Again?" He asked himself, as he realized his son went off on his own...again.

'No wonder dad always said that when I had kids, he hoped they were just like me.'

Cain thought to himself, remembering how his dad always cursed him for giving the old man a heart attack. 'Should I apologize for all the grief I've given him?'

"...Nah." He said as he started walking, calling out to his son.

-With (M/N)-

"Hmm, I'm lost" (M/N) concluded, having wandered off to see what else was in the forest. Only to wound up getting himself lost no with clear path.

"Hope dad isn't having a heart attack." He said as he tried to retrace his steps.

"...I'm sure he's fine." (You can tell these two are father and son)

"Gah!" (M/N) screamed as he tripped over a tree root and began rolling down on the grassy slope.

"Ow! OW! Ouch!"

Was all (M/N) said as he finally reached the bottom.

"Owww" He groaned, as he got up and took a look in front of him.

Blinking, as he realized that he was in front of a, rather massive, cave entrance. Curiosity getting the better of him, he walked into the cave.


Came the sound of torches flickering to life as he walked deeper and deeper into the cave.

'Huh? This place is weird' (M/N) thought to himself, even he knew that torches don't turn themselves on.


"Magic?" He said out loud.

One of his favorite most kept secrets was that he knew a certain shop owner that was able to use magic. Who was also a relative to one of his friends.

So, he knew about certain things that others didn't.

'Though with what happened a week ago, I wouldn't be surprised if people found out magic existed.'

He was taken out of his thoughts as he tripped (again) on something.

"Gah" He fell onto the dirt.


He spit out the dirt that got into his mouth. Standing up he realized that he had hit the end of the cave.

"...Wow!" (M/N) exclaimed in excitement as he stared at the elaborate carvings on the walls.

"Is that Godzilla?" (M/N) noted, staring at the carvings of what looks like Godzilla fighting strange creatures.

Turning his head, he saw a carving of – "A giant moth?"

He questioned, though he could feel that the moth was different.

Hm, he continued looking at the walls before noticing something strange.

'Some of these drawings are very different from the monster drawings.' He thought to himself, noticing that some, while some looked like monsters they were drawn differently. If anything, they were not as old as the carvings of the Monsters.

It was as though someone left them here for a purpose.

"Wonder what" The child said as he aimlessly began kicking rocks.


The sound drew his attention, as he looked down to see a strange coin had hit a large object.

Blinking, he leaned down and picked it up.

Putting it away, he took a look at the object only to realize that it was an egg!

(Close enough to what I wanted and still inside the cave)

"What the hell!?" (M/N) shouted in shock. What sort of creature could lay an egg this big?


'Huh?' was it just him, or did he hear a noise just now?

Shuffle, shuffle, crack!

...No, there was definitely noises, and they were coming from the egg.

'It's hatching!?" (M/N) thought in shock, as he took a step back as cracks began showing on the egg.

Crackle, break


Could be heard as the mysterious creature broke free from the egg. Sliding down in front of the confused 12 year old.

(M/N) could only blink as he took in what looks to be a baby human with strange extra features.

'Weird, they look like the ones Godzilla has' He noted taking a look at the small dorsal plates and tail attached to the child.

Wiggling around the ground, before crawling to (M/N). The child amber eyes stared into his (E/C) eyes, before saying


-5 years later-

Stomp, stomp

"Wake up Daddy!"

A speeding bullet screamed as he jumped onto (M/N) bed.

"GAH!?" A now 17 year old (M/N) yelled as his ribs were in danger of collapsing (I have no idea why I find it funny to do that to him), from his overly hyperactive son.

"Minilla!" (M/N) shouted in anger as he glared at the cheeky boy

(Minilla, (M/N) adopted son, is very attached to him since he was the first thing he saw when hatching)

Giggling, Minilla jumped off before (M/N) could grab him.

"Too slow old man!"

"OLD!? I'm only 17!"

"Daddy is an old man, daddy is an old man." Minilla chanted, agitating the teen even more.

"OH, that is it, GET OVER HERE!" (M/N) roared as he tried to catch his Kaiju son, only for Minilla to leap away every time he got close.

"hehe." Minilla giggled at his father attempts to catch him.

-Meanwhile downstairs-


Was the sound of the frying pan as Cain cooked the food for breakfast. Chuckling as he heard his son trying to catch his grandson.

After finding (M/N) an hour after he lost him, he nearly had a heart attack when he showed up with a new son in tow.

A new son that just happened to be a Kaiju, as they were called, and imprinted on his son making him a grandpa in his thirties.

His thoughts at that revelation?

'As if people calling me a Dilf wasn't bad enough (he worked out and has a muscular build), now I'm going to have be dealing with being called a hot grandpa?

For crying out loud, he was only 32 (He and his wife had (M/N) when they were twenty. Also, (M/N) mom died during childbirth so, it just been him and his dad) at the time! And now he was already a granddad.

Of course, that was not accounting for the other things that (M/N) had found in that cave.

...It was a good thing they were rich, or Minilla might have been found out sooner.

When (M/N) went back to school, Minilla threw a tantrum not liking being separated from him. The damage he unleashed on the house was crazy, and the repair bills were insane. So, Cain pulled him out of school and had him homeschooled until Minilla was comfortable enough to be by himself.

It wound up being a more permanent thing.

"Boys! Time for breakfast." Cain shouted, causing (M/N) and Minilla to stop with their antics and race down to the kitchen.

After breakfast

"That was good dad." – (M/N)

"Thanks grandpa!" – Minilla

Chuckling, "Glad you two like it (they might be rich, but they prefer doing things by themselves). – Cain

Checking his watch, "Well, it's time for me to get to work."

Getting up, he put the dishes into the sink and started heading towards the door.

"See you two later."

"Bye-bye grandpa!"

"Later dad, and have fun fending off crazies!"

"Gah! Don't remind me of that!" (Remember he's a hot dad, so people want to get into his pants) Cain shouted as he left.

Then it was just two.

Ruffle, "come on Minilla, let's go to the park." (M/N) said, messing with his son's hair.

Pouting, Minilla swatted at his dad hands, "Daaaddd! Stop it." (Déjà vu, I have been here before)

Laughing he went to get his jacket, meeting Minilla at the front door (Minilla has the ability to hide his features when he wants to).

Hearing a buzzing, (M/N) checked his phone. A smile appearing on his face as he saw the text.

"Well, looks like Auntie Jade, and Uncle Andrew want to meet up."

The young Kaiju face brightened, "Yah!" He shouted as he grabbed the teen arm and dragged him to the park.

Laughing at the kid enthusiasm, (M/N) took a look at his necklace,

(I think you know what kind of story this is going to be)

that he had found in the cave, thinking to himself

'I have a feeling that things are about to get more interesting.'

With that thought in mind he raced Minilla to the park.

Done. I honestly should not be writing another story, but once again plot bunnies have reared their ugly heads at me. Playing ping-pong inside my head until I wrote this on Word. Seriously, I'm already behind on writing chapters for my other stories and yet here I am, making a new one. So, once again human reader and if the story title doesn't say it, I'm combining Kaiju Girls verse with a couple other series from my childhood (sort of gave hints, but are probably vague or not obvious since I'm trying not to spoil it from the get go). And in this story, Minilla (as the only male Kaiju) exists alongside Jr., and has imprinted on (M/N) mistaking him as his father (though he doesn't really mind). Wonder what the Kaiju Girls reactions are going to be that a male Kaiju exists and is being raised by a human?

Have a good day/night

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