The Dragon and the Crocodile Part 4

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(Random songs are random because my mind is random)

Doesn't it piss you off when you want to write a new chapter for one of your older books that hasn't been updated for a while and yet, when you try to write you lose the energy to do so?

That's me with my Godzilla books, moment I try to write my mind wanders off.

Oh, well. At least I'm getting some ideas. Just need to break this hold my other books have on me.



(M/N) voice trailed off as he had his arms crossed and leaning against the wall.

"Remind me again, why we are here?"

The 'we' he was referring to was himself and Class 1-C. For some reason they were joining Class 1-A in their little hero/villain mock battle.

"Because principal Nezu thought it would be a better experience if we did a co-op training." Aizawa explained. "After all, in the future heroes will need to work together with other heroes, and sometimes villains, in order to deescalate a dangerous situation. Or in order to defeat a villain so powerful that just one isn't enough."

"Big deal!" Bakugou scoffed. "I can take them down myself!"

"Oh?" (M/N) raised an eyebrow. "Weren't you immobilized and about to become part of a hentai situation several months ago?"

"And that villain was not that great of a threat."


Bakugou shouted at him, trying to intimidate the unfazed older male.

"Oh, pipe down you dog!"

Harley shouted as she threw a pie to his face.


"We didn't come here just to hear you brag about your tiny dick."



Class 1-C 'ohh'd' at him as Joker fell to the ground, laughing his ass off.

Class 1-A was stuck between laughing, and scandalized (you know who they are)

"Why you-!!"

"Young Bakugou that is enough!"

All Might shouted out loud, shutting him up.

"The purpose of this match-up is to test how well you young, aspiring students can work with people you don't know so well! There is no time for infighting!"

Bakugou grumbled but shut up at the Number 1 Hero admonishment.

Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya just stared in awe at the unfazed male staring down Kacchan like it was nothing.

...And secretly wished that he had some of his courage to stand up to Kacchan when they were younger.

'Maybe he wouldn't have changed so much if I stood up to him when we were kids.'

He thought sadly to himself.

"Is something wrong, Deku?"

Ochaco Uraraka, a fellow 1-A student like him, asked her classmate in concern.

"No." Midoriya shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Just remembering a little conversation at lunch time."

It wasn't the complete truth, but it also wasn't a lie. He had been doing a little thinking after he and Kiri talked to Luke and the others.


"I fucking hate you guys from the deepest, darkest depths of my heart."

Luke growled as he angrily ate his food.

It was the next day and they had just finished class and were eating at the cafeteria. Luke was still fuming at being elected as class rep for 1-C. He honestly thought that (M/N) was going to be the one elected.

When he asked why, they said:

"We don't want to die."

...That told him that (M/N) threatened to tear them apart limb from limb.

...And people said he was the scary one. (M/N) was scarier.

Though when he asked why they voted for him instead or someone else. The answer was surprising.

"You honestly give the vibe of a trustworthy person that would never betray our trust." Jinx said which got nods at that. "And after seeing how you stood up to PMSing boy yesterday, we know that you won't backstab us."

It wasn't repayment that they voted for him, it was genuine trust and belief in him.

It made him feel...happy for some reason.

...Didn't change the fact that he knew NOTHING about leadership and the like. (M/N) knew more about that for some reason, but again, he had no interest in being class rep or vice rep.

"Don't worry to much about it." Shinso said. "You have Grodd to help you out and from what we've seen, he's a pretty smart guy."

"I'll take your word for it."

Luke sighed as he looked at a quiet (M/N).

"You okay, man?"

He asked the older teen.


(M/N) didn't respond.


Shinso snapped his fingers in front of (M/N) face snapping him out of whatever funk he was in.

"Hm?" (M/N) blinked as he stared at Luke and Shinso. "Something wrong?"

"That's my line." Luke said. "You've been awfully quiet today, is something wrong?"


(M/N) said nothing.

"Is it the headaches again?"

Luke asked, to which (M/N) nodded his head.


Shinso asked.

"Long story, short." (M/N) spoke up. "I've been getting flashes of memories that don't stay long enough for me to see them. Though recently, some have been able to stay a little bit longer and I'm trying not to forget what I saw."

"What did you see?"

Luke asked.

"I think I saw my father."

(M/N) admitted.



Luke accidentally shouted that last part out.



Luke shouted as he rubbed his head.

"Not so loud, idiot!"

(M/N) glared at him.


He said.

"But back on topic." Shinso interrupted. "Are you sure the man was your father?"

"Well, considering we look alike." (M/N) sarcastically said. "I would say so yes. And there was a kid there that seems to be close to me."

"Not a brother?"

Luke blinked.

"Unless I take after my dad and the kid takes after my mom, then I'm pretty sure he's not my blood brother."

'Since for some reason, that doesn't sound right to me.' He mentally thought to himself. 'I feel like it is a different kind of connection.'

What it was, he didn't know.

"Um, excuse me?"

A somewhat meek voice caught their attention. Getting them to turn their heads to see Midoriya, along with a red head with some rather sharp teeth standing behind them.

Luke recognized the walking Broccoli embodiment as Izuku Midoriya. Interestingly enough, they live close within walking distance, and he was one of the few to not ran screaming after seeing his face. Hell! He was very interested in his quirk, which had surprised the crocodile boy greatly as many viewed his quirk as dangerous.

It was one of the reasons that they were friends, though Luke sometimes had a bit of hesitation to admit that.

"Is it okay if we sit here?"

He asked.

"Sure." Luke shrugged. "No problem."


He said as he and Red sat down.

"Oh!" Midoriya suddenly said. "Almost forgot to introduce myself: I'm Izuku Midoriya."

"And I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" The redhead shouted vigorously.

"We wanted to apologize about Kacchan/Bakubro's behavior yesterday."

The two said.

"Even I can admit that he can be too much sometimes."

Eijiro said.


Luke and Shinso asked, while (M/N) was trying hard not to laugh.

"Oh!" Midoriya said. "It's my childhood nickname for him, his full name is Katsuki Bakugou. He's from Class 1-A like us."

"Ohhh!" Luke realized. "So, you're the ones who skipped orientation."

"Trust me." Midoriya muttered. "I would rather have taken orientation then the quirk assessment test our teacher put us through."

"Well, at least you survived."

Shinso pointed out.

"...Why did you make that ominous?"

Kirishima gulped.

"With who you have as a teacher, you will need all the luck you can get."

Shinso simply said.



Midoriya blinked.

"Hey, tall, cool, and mysterious!" Kirishima shouted to (M/N). "What's so funny? I don't think I said a joke or anything."

"Oh, nothing." (M/N) snickered. "It's just, our broccoli friend just kind of insulted his good old friend 'Kacchan'."


"I'm confused." Midoriya said, ignoring that he was called a broccoli. "How is that funny?"

"Yeah." Luke blinked. "I don't get it as well."

"Look up Urban Dictionary." (M/N) smirked. "You'll be surprised at one of its definitions."


Why did they feel scared to look?

After that weird conversation they started chatting.

Midoriya explaining about the bullying he went through and how people ignored him or didn't take him seriously because he was quirkless. Only for it to be revealed that he was a rather late bloomer, which Luke knew but (M/N) had a nagging sensation that he was lying about being a late bloomer.

Kirishima was a rather cool, energetic lad with a rather cool quirk in Luke opinion. But apparently his opinion meant nothing to others who thought Kirishima quirk was not that strong.

Shinso revealed his quirk to the two who both found it cool. Which made the Indigo haired male blink in surprise since most saw it as villainous.

Luke smiled and sighed.

"Wish I was quirkless."

He admitted.

(M/N) sighed, knowing the reason why. While Midoriya and Kirishima looked at him in surprise.

"Dude! Don't say that!" Kirishima said. "Quirkless people are treated horribly just because they don't have one. Hell! Many suicides these days are because they are baited by people with quirks to just die!"

Midoriya flinched at that. Remembering that day when Kacchan told him to take a dive off a building and pray that he gets a quirk in his next life.

Not even realizing that if he had done that, then Kacchan would no doubt be racked with guilt that he essentially killed his childhood friend.

(He's an ass, yes. But he's not a complete monster as we like to make him out to be in fanfics.)

"Your quirk is amazing though, Luke!" Midoriya shook his head at those dark thoughts as he focused on the matter at hand. "Why would you not want it?"

"Oh, I don't know." Luke sarcastically said. "Maybe because whenever I'm out on the streets, people either attack me verbally, or with trash or call the police on me?"

They winced at that.

"Or the fact that, at the moment, my quirk can't be turned off and I'm stuck looking like a giant crocodile and get accuse of being a villain in training?"

They flinched.

"Having a quirk is like a lottery." Luke said, remembering something (M/N) had told him. "You never know what you're going to get or win. And truthfully, being ignored for being quirkless is better than being despised for a quirk that makes me look like a monster."


"Nice talking to you again, Midoriya." Luke got up. "But I think I'm going to go now."

Luke walked off as (M/N) sighed and finished his meal.

"This is why having powers is such a drag." (M/N) sighed. "Which is why I'm glad I don't possess a quirk as it's too much of a hassle to deal with."


"You don't-!?"


(M/N) left.


The two were left in stunned silence.

Shinso sighed, getting their attention.

"It doesn't matter if you find our quirks amazing and cool." He sadly said. "The crux of the matter is that to society, our quirks are villainous, and we're considered to be the trash that people can assault and get away with it. And no one will defend just because it's the right thing to do. (M/N) is an exception, but he's scary as hell."

"Ironic for someone who doesn't possess a quirk."

With that said, he left as well. Leaving the two students from 1-A to mull over what was said.

-Flashback over-


Uraraka got it.

"Was it that bad?"

"It was...enlightening."

Was all Midoriya could say.

It wasn't his place to start babbling about Luke past or the others pasts.

Uraraka nodded, leaving it alone.

"Hmm." (M/N) mused, ignoring the looks he was getting at his toned, muscled arms. "Nice costumes."

He nodded to them.

"Really brings out your quirks."

"Eh." Luke shrugged, he wore baggy black sweatpants and a red hoodie as his 'hero' outfit. "You know I'm not a flashy kind of person."

"My armor will help in protecting me from mental or psychological attacks."

Grodd explained his suit.


Nanuane said, he wore brown pants.

(Like the Hulk)

(M/N) was also simple.

A tight sleeveless black shirt, slightly loose pants to not restrict his movements, some bracers on his hands and arms.

"Shouldn't you be more protected?" Midoriya couldn't help but ask. "I mean, you're quirkless aren't' you? Shouldn't you have more protection?"


(M/N) said.


Was all Midoriya said.


Class 1-A shouted in shock.

He was quirkless?!

"What is a quirkless nobody doing here?!" Bakugou fumed. "How did you even get into UA in the first place!?"

"Fuck you, that's how."

(M/N) scoffed.

"How your parents could create a child like you is beyond me."



Floyd whistled.

"Talk about a burn."

Pamela said.

"Why you!!"


"I got a gun." (M/N) pointed the gun at his face. "And I'm not afraid to use it."

"How do you still have a gun!?" Iida shouted in shock. "Shouldn't the staff have taken it away after I reported you using it against a fellow student!?"

"He has special permission from Nezu to use the gun in certain situations." Aizawa explained. "That was something that was worked between him, Nezu, and myself."


A ponytail hair girl shouted in shock.

"But why would the school allow that?!"

"That is none of your concern."

Aizawa said, causing her and everyone else to drop the subject.

"Now, turn to the screen and watch."

He ordered as the first groups went on ahead to begin the mock battles. Throughout the battle students from class 1-A kept shooting glances at Luke and Nanaue, obviously terrified by their giant, menacing statures.

Only to turn away as (M/N) gave them a smug smile filled with killer intent.


A majority of Class 1-A thought to themselves!

While 1-A was panicking, Luke was watching the screen and observing the battle. Frowning as he noticed that Bakugou was a loose cannon/wild card. Or an attack dog that had no discipline or respect at all. He just attacked with reckless abandonment.

"Someone needs to give that punk an ass whooping."

Luke frowned.

"Why?" Sero asked. "Bakugou is super talented."

"And super destructive."

Barbara added.

"He resembles more of an unrestrained feral dog who was never told no by authority people like teachers." Luke continued. "And look at him."

He pointed to the screen where they could see Bakugou going off like a firework.

"He's angry for no particular reason at all. And do you hear what he is saying?"

People quieted to listen.

"He's saying things like; 'Die!' 'Worthless!' 'You dare to stand against me?!'. Not to mention, his annoying use of the word 'die' which is rather concerning with how violently he's acting."

Luke added to his list of concerns, while Midoriya frowned as he realized the many good points he had.

And how concerning they were.

"Bakugou is nothing more than a spoiled ass kid who does what he wants, not caring for the consequences of his actions." Luke said. "No doubt he's used his quirk to bully and intimidate the kids of his old schools, especially Midoriya because he gets a kick out of it."

Midoriya flinched at Luke's words, remembering all the times, Bakugou would harass him using his quirk.

"Bu-But the school wouldn't allow that!"

Momo Yaoyoruzu shouted.

"I wouldn't be too sure if I was you." Thawne smirked. "Why would the school care for the weaker links, especially their quirkless students, if it meant helping Bakugou get into UA and receiving fame for being the school he went to before coming to UA?"


"Are you that naïve?" (M/N) asked. "Or just sheltered? Have you ever been to a public school? Because it sounds like you've been homeschooled your entire life."


"Don't be so naïve." (M/N) sighed, interrupting her. "The world is not a fairy tale like place to live. In this world, it's survival of the fittest, especially for those with quirks. You say it should be impossible for the schools to allow that, but they did. Just like how I'm allowed to carry a gun."

"And you really shouldn't be having such an innocent perspective of the world." He added. "Considering that your teacher could have expelled you."


"Huh?" "What?" "What is he talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" Momo asked confused. "It was just a ruse Aizawa-Sensei pulled to bring out our full potential. He was never going to expel us!"

Here, (M/N) smile widened with his teeth showing in a demonic fashion.

"You really are naïve...and a bit stupid, all of you I mean, since you didn't do your research."


They yelled out indignantly.

"What do you mean, (L/N)-san!?"

Iida asked/shouted with his hand in the air.

"...You guys really don't know?"

He asked.


Denki Kaminari shook his head.

"What did we miss?"


Class 1-A waited with bated breath as Aizawa evilly smirked, and All Might sweatdropped.

"Your teacher has an infamous reputation." (M/N) started. "He's been known to fail entire classes if they fail to show their potential."



They thought to themselves.

"In fact." (M/N) added evilly. "He failed an entire class last semester because they lacked the ability to become a hero."


Mina Ashido stammered, unable to get her words out.

"But that's not right!" Momo shouted. "Why would the school allow someone like that to teach!?"

"Weeding out the weak." Aizawa explained. "You brats come in here all bright and shiny eyed about being heroes when you don't know the first thing about the burden that comes with being one. Even those who have heroes in their families."

"The life of a hero is not all fun and games." He continued. "You can very well die even before you get the chance to graduate. Villains and monsters don't care whether or not you're a hero or a civilian, if they wanted to. They would kill you just for kicks."

Class 1-A flinched at their teacher's cold voice.

"You might not believe it." All Might spoke up. "But despite how the media presents me, I'm not invincible. There are times where I have almost been killed myself."


THAT got their attention.

The Number 1 Hero, dying?!


Kyoka Jirou said in shock.

It smacks them hard in the face at even All Might himself admitting he had been close to death several times.

Midoriya remembered when he first met All Might and accidentally learned his most hidden secret.

He believed him when he said he has almost been killed himself.

...He still wondered who could give All Might such a crippling wound though.

"And it's like I said on the first day." Aizawa took back the conversation, seeing as All Might got the ball rolling even farther than he expected. "UA grants us teachers the power; whether or not to expel those we feel do not have the potential to push past their limits."

"THAT wasn't a lie." He admitted. "And what also wasn't a lie was that I had every full intention of either expelling one of you or expelling the whole class."


That sent them reeling.

Momo face had a look of extreme shock as she turned literally chalk white in horror at how wrong she was in her belief that he was tricking them in order to bring out their full potential.

(I always love it when authors have the MC or someone point out that Aizawa was being serious about expelling them. The look of shock on Momo face makes me laugh...even though you can't really see just imagining it by reading the words)

'If he found us lacking, we would have been kicked out on the first day!'

That terrified her even more.


Even Shoto Todoroki couldn't hide his shock as he looked at his teacher in disbelief.

'On one hand, it would piss the old man off like you wouldn't believe.' He thought to himself. 'But on the other hand...what would that say about me?'

While intriguing if he had been expelled. He would have probably fallen into despair and disbelief at not being good enough despite his training.

He still had his pride after all!

"In all honesty." (M/N) spoke up, looking at the screen. "You should have expelled the douchebag, he's a hazard to his classmates and society."

"Shut up, you quirkless freak!" Mineta Minoru shouted. "You're just saying that because you're all jealous of him being in class 1-A, the greatest class in UA! And for having such an awesome quirk that you'll never have you quirkless loser!"


(M/N) blinked.

"Of him?"

He pointed to the screen.


The pitiful grape shouted.



"...PFT!" (M/N) started laughing. "AHAHHAHAHAHA!!"

He was doubling over now.

"That's a good one!" He said. "I didn't know you part timed as a comedian! Me? Jealous of him? HAH! That's a good one, pull the other one!"

"Why would we be jealous of a brat like him?" Snart scoffed. "Personally, I'm glad I'm quirk less if I turned out like him if I had a quirk."

Class 1-C was laughing their asses off.

"Why you!"

"Enough!" All Might shouted. "Villain team wins!"

"Next group will be young Midoriya, Uraraka, Luke and (M/N) against the Villain team!"

'That's new.'

The audience thought to themselves.

-In the mock city-

Bakugou growled.

'Time for you to pay for lying to me, Deku.'

Bakugou thought viciously to himself.

He wanted to make Deku pay for tricking him about not having a quirk and laughing about it behind his back!

(Remember, in the manga he thought that Deku had been lying when it was revealed during the Quirk Assessment Test that he indeed had a quirk. And with his short temper, thought that he had been making a fool of him for years by supposedly hiding his quirk)

'And how lucky I am that the freak and quirkless loser are also here as well.'

He was going to enjoy putting that monster in his place. And teaching that quirkless loser to respect his betters!

With our group.

"So, Uraraka is going after the bomb and we're dealing with wannabe Bomberman."

(M/N) summarized.

"That's the gist of it."

Midoriya nodded.

"Let's go." Luke looked at the trigger-happy blond. "Doucheass over there is ready to kill."

As though it was a trigger, Bakugou suddenly lunged at them.


He shouted as his palms were ready.

"...Okay." (M/N) twitched. "That is seriously getting old and overuse now."

"Make a better threa-"


(M/N) words were lost as Bakugou caused the floor in front of them to explode.

"Woah!" "What the!?" "Not good!"

Was all the three said as not only did they have to avoid the flying debris caused by the explosion, but by the smoke that formed as well.

"He's good."

(M/N) had to give him that.

"Created a smokescreen to hide his presence."



(M/N) quickly jumped and used the oncoming debris to avoid being hit. Jumping and bouncing off them as he landed at a safe distance.

'Okay...' Bakugou grumbled. 'So, maybe he's more of a threat then I thought.'

"There you are!"

Luke shouted as he slammed his fist into Bakugou chest.


Bakugou shouted as he glared angrily at the Croc.

"Bastard Freak!"

Bakugou shouted as he blasted a powerful explosion that singed Luke skin. Not enough to severely hurt, but enough to stun him a tiny bit giving Bakugou the time to escape.

'These extras aren't important!' Bakugou thought to himself. 'I can deal with them later.'

'The one I really want to fight.'


'Is DEKU!'

He thought to himself as he stood face to face with his hated thorn in his side.


He shouted.

"You're going to regret making me look like a fool!"

*Crackle* *Pop*

Bakugou hands began making small explosions at the ready. Midoriya slightly flinched, before gaining a steely resolve.

"I won't back down Kacchan!" He declared. "I'm not who I was in the past!"


Bakugou deadpanned.

"Major doubt."

(M/N) agreed .

"As much as I hate to agree with that asshole over there." Luke pointed at Bakubitch. "But I doubt it as well."

"Aw, come on!"

Deku shouted.

"You know what?" He said. "Let's fight!"

"Took the words out of my mouth!"

Bakugou shouted.



The two shouted as they lunged at each other.


"These two have a lot of issues!"

Jinx shouted as they watched the two go at it. Bakugou explosions rocking the mock city building as he attacked Deku with a vengeance.

Midoriya using everything he knew about Bakugou to his advantage and managing to fight to a standstill.

...Despite the fact that he couldn't use his quirk that well at the moment.

"Goodness sakes." Aizawa facepalmed. "We're going to need a new building after this."

"Don't worry, Eraserhead!" All Might shouted. "That building was made to withstand students with such destructive quirks and it hasn't fallen yet!"

"Yet. Being the keyword here."

Barbara sweatdropped.

"...Let's put in a request for some maintenance/construction work."

All Might decided.



"Hold on." Oliver eyes suddenly narrowed. "Bakugou is up to something."


Oliver observation was correct as Bakugou started to explain the workings of his quirk. How his sweat is made up of nitroglycerin and the gauntlets purpose was to store excess sweat as a back up. And the hotter he got, the stronger it became.



"Young Bakugou don't!"

All Might yelled as his eyes widened in horror as Bakugou removed his pins on the gauntlets.

"An explosion of that level will kill him!"

"It's fine as long as he dodges!"

Bakugou retorted.

...People suck at dodging though.

Something that (M/N) realized as, without even thinking, he quickly ran in front of Midoriya before anyone could think.


"Wait!" Luke shouted. "(M/N)!"

But before Luke could run.


Bakugou attack struck (M/N).



Bakugou eyes widened in horror as he hit not Deku, But the quirkless male instead!

"(M/N)!!" Deku shouted in shock and horror as the smoke started clearing.

"Is..." (M/N) coughed out. "Is that all you got, you spikey haired bastard?"

"Why did you-?!"

Bakugou shook slightly as he and the others stared in horror at the male burnt state.

He was severely burnt, and was bleeding from several areas, his clothes torn and burnt with some small flames on him. Some of his skin was burnt off revealing the flesh and muscles hidden underneath.

All in all, he looked like a tortured character from a horror movie.

"You-you fucking idiot!" Bakugou shouted. "Are you fucking crazy!? I put my all into that! You're lucky your somehow alive!!"

'He took on Bakugou attack at full power and managed to survive!?' Deku stared in awe and shock at the older teen's resilience. 'That's amazing!'



Luke snapped out of his shocked state as red filled his vision.


A primal, animalistic roar escaped from his mouth as he lunged at an off guard Bakugou.



Luke punched so hard he flew through several walls!

His eyes glaring angrily at Bakugou.


The two shouted at each other as they lunged forward!

"Stop!" All Might shouted. "The match is over! The Hero team wins by default due to reckless endangerment by the Villain team!"

His words fell on deaf ears as the two duked it out.

Despite Bakugou best attempts, his attacks barely fazed the enraged Crocodile teen. Having no choice, he used his blasts to avoid Luke's attempts at catching up while also using it to cause pieces of concrete to break and try to use them to stall the enraged Croc.

"This isn't good."

Joker said, obviously worried as he and the others stared at the screen.

"Tell me about it."

Hyde frowned.

"And I thought (M/N) was the protective one." Doris had small droplets of sweat falling down her cheek. "He's just as protective."

"From what I've seen, (M/N) has been probably the most positive influence in his life." Shinso noted. "So, it doesn't surprise me that he's not reacting well to this."

"As interesting as this is." Toru Hagakure spoke up. "Shouldn't we be doing something about this?!"

She pointed, well her sleeve pointed to the screen, since she's well, invisible.

"And how?" Tsuyu Asui spoke up. "Can we do that, ribbit?"

"I think that's being taken care of."

Fumikage Tokoyami pointed to a certain area in the screen.


Bakugou shouted as he lunged at Luke. The Crocodile quirk user growling as pulled back his fist.

Ready to kill.

*BAM!* *PUNCH!!*

"ACK!" "HUH?!"

Only for the two to be hit by an unsuspecting force.

"Who the!?"


(M/N) weak voice snapped Luke out of his enraged state as he looked at his friend.


He shouted.

"What?" (M/N) weakly said as he clenched his side. "Cat got your tongue?"

"What were you thinking, Kacchan!?"

Deku shouted at his old friend.

"That was going to far!"

"Shut up, Deku!"

Bakugou shouted, not wanting to admit that he was right. He really did go to far.

"The fight is over." (M/N) said. "Uraraka got the bomb, so we won."

'They're going to ignore the fact that the match was over the moment young Bakugou pulled that dangerous stunt?'

All Might sweatdropped.

Boys will be boys, he guessed.


(M/N) groaned as he turned around.



Bakugou shouted as (M/N) punched him.


He smirked.

Before he started wobbling and losing his balance.


He weakly said as he fell to the ground, unconscious.



Luke, Midoriya, and Class 1-C shouted in shock as Luke scooped him up.

"Where's the infirmary!?"

Luke shouted.

"Follow me!"

Aizawa suddenly appeared as he gestured at Luke to follow him.

Class was over after that terrifying spectacle.

'I hope you're okay, (M/N).'

Midoriya thought to himself.

'I don't want to lose someone that I can see as a true friend.'

Unknown to any of them, this was going to put in motion the start of a very unexpected, and interesting canon event.


Getting close to finally including the Power Rangers part for this crossover. For those who have seen the original chapter (AKA Tempest Crocodile Hero book), you might be wondering why (M/N) was the one to take the hit instead of Luke?


I wanted to kind of do a tribute (I think that's the word I'm looking for) to a favorite Power Rangers episode of mine. Won't tell which series though. Might be obvious if you know where to look.

The next chapter will reveal what episode I'm referencing to and give a slight sneak peek at a new enemy that will show up when I eventually get back to writing new chapters for this book.

Have a good day/night!

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