Chapter 28: Revelation

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Mr Fluffy was held tightly in between my arms. The brown bunny, if alive, could've died from suffocation.

As a six year old, the only thing I thought of was my unconditional love for the stuffed animal.

With my little hands in my father's, we wondered through the mall, adoring things we could and couldn't afford.

"Daddy I want the princess dress!" I said, pointing at the little glittery pink dress. The wand next to it and the gold wings behind it caught my attention the most.

"Sorry Dee, that dress is a little too expensive" daddy explained, starring down at me.

Seeing the sadness across my face, he crouched down and placed a kiss on my cheek. "What if I get you something else? Another dress maybe"

"But I want the princess dress"

"Okay" He sighed "Then I guess we won't get ice cream anymore"

He knew just how much I loved ice cream and could forget literally everything, just hearing the name.

"No! I want ice cream!"

"Then to the ice cream shop" 

With my right fist in the air, a flying effect, we sprinted out of the mall.

Laughter, smiles and giggles after, we were out of the building and making out way towards the ice cream shop at the other side of the road.

Just the sight of the pink shop and a smile found it's way to my lips.

Eager to get a taste of the cold delight, my little legs moved faster on the rough ground.

My dad was pretty tall and athletic, hence, had no problems with walking at my pace.

"Woah, hold on sweetheart" Dad suddenly said and pulled me back a little. "You see that" He pointed at a long shiny slim object on the ground.

"What's that daddy?"

"That's a needle. You might get injured if it gets through your shoes"

"Like the one at the bottom of a syringe?"

"Yeah" he chuckled "That one but that's for medical reasons only"


"Because it used to treat people, it makes them feel a lot of better after and it's used my medical practitioners only"

"I wana use a syringe"

"Then you have to be a doctor, a nurse or medical practitioner"

"But I don't wanna be a doctor"

"What do you wanna be?"

"I wanna be a butterfly" I replied honestly in the love of the colorful creatures.

Dad chuckled, then we continue our journey to get ice cream.

We got to the shop in a few seconds and got our favourite choices before taking our leave.

I couldn't remember what we took specifically but I knew dad always had a thing with vanilla and sometimes chocolate.

We took a stop when we got close to the busy road, looking at both sides of the road before crossing to the other side.

Once I got to the other side, I felt my arm get suddenly cold and empty. The space for the stuffed animal was empty. Mr Fluffy was gone.

I took a look back and found it in the middle of the road.

"Mr fluffy!" I yelled, pulled my little hand out of my dad's and sprinted towards the stuffed animal.

"Diana!" I heard my dad yell behind me.

After withdrawing Mr Fluffy in satisfaction, I stood up, glanced behind me and saw dad running towards me in full speed.

I couldn't react or say a word before he pushed me to the other side of the road. I fell on the ground with a thud, landing on my back and my stuffed buddy slipping out of my hand.

The next second was slow, blurry and confusing for a child as young as I was.

A white van, moving with full speed, hit him before he got the chance to stand up. His head hit the ground with so much force, blood pooled around him the next second.

I couldn't comprehend the whole situation, I couldn't yell or scream or shout or cry.

The whole world paused before my eyes, I experienced the most tragic day of my life and it happened right before my eyes.

I lost the one I loved the most.

The screams heard were from nearby people.


His head, though broken and bloody, slowly faced me. I couldn't see his sharp blue eyes through his stolen eyelids or his white teeth through his torn lips.

His pushed out his blood stained hand towards me. I ran towards him and crouched down right beside me, wrapping my small hands around his.

"I'm sorry daddy" I said and unkowingly, tear drops rolled down my face freely.

"I_it's" He paused to cough, small droplets of blood splashing on my face as he did so "It's okay Dee"

"Are you gonna be alright?"

"No, but you're gonna be alright and that's what makes me happy"

Those were the last words he said before he took his last breath.

~Flashback over~

And that's how I lost my father.

Mom burned Mr Fluffy hours later and threw the ashes on me.

I deserved worse, I did.

That's probably why I was going through so much, a result of my stupidity and love for a dumb stuffed animal.

I guess I was useless as mom said after all. I mean, I was as good as an orphan, no siblings, no hope for the future or dignity.

I truly was a burden and it wasn't just to Dylan but to the world.

Shut up, I'm not suicidal you idiot.


I wasn't startled to see Dylan behind me, giving me a pitiful look as he starred down at me.

"Hi Dylan"

He took a seat on the sand beside me and scooted closer to me till our shoulders were touching. I felt his warm smooth palm against my skin when wrapped an arm around my shoulders in a comforting manner.

His soft hair tickled my neck as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Dylan. I wasn't comfortable with letting you know I didn't have a date and lied about Robert. There really isn't any Robert Lystowhatever, I just made it up" I paused "Which is so stupid. I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Cause I lied to you and obviously, you must see me as a liar n_"

"I don't."

"Well, I'm sorry"

"Everything Cassandra said about you isn't true_"

"It is or at least some of it. My father died when I was six and it was all my fault. He died to save me and I lost him because of a dumb toy. Everything I've been through is punishment for what I did"

"You were just six years old. Don't be so hard on yourself"

"You don't understand, Dylan. You can't, you don't understand"

"I do actually"

"No, you don't"

"I do. I lost my parents too, in an accident. I was just ten years old and all I had was Sarah, my pregnant maid"

"She isn't your mom?"

"Nope, not biologically. She worked for my parents long before I was born and because my parents are so workaholic, they didn't have the time to take care of me. Not even sure if they wanted the child at the first place. Anyways, she took care of me like a mother should and then she got pregnant for her husband who died during the eight month. My parents died and then I was told to chose who would take full custody of me for eight years."

"Then you chose her" I completed.

"Yeah and they've given me the joy my parents couldn't give"

"I'm sorry Dylan"

"It's okay."

Then we stayed there for seconds and seconds turned to minutes. Right there on the beach, our feet buried in the sand, the cold breeze hitting our skin, tiny droplets of water constantly splashing on our face as the water drew closer, the soothing scent of Dylan's cologne filling my nostrils.

It felt like I had never been so relaxed.

The only problem was that I was beginning to feel the sand on my butt.

What? Try wearing a tight dress to beach.

"You know, when I first met you. I thought you were going to be the nerdy type and would come apologizing to me even after the prank"


"Yeah" He laughed "But I found something different in you and that's what made me stay. I looked you up online but I didn't find any social media account or anything linked to you. I got a little too curious and followed you home once. Then I heard screams, shattering glass and I found myself wanting to know more about you. I didn't really want to apologize the day I did, it was just_"

"An effort to know if I was truly being abused"

"Yeah. I'm sorry for being way too nosy"

"If only you can be this nice and serious on a normal day"

"You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you?"


Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

You guys expected them to kiss, didn't you?

Ha! In your face!

*sighs* It feels so good to be the author.

Anyways, don't forget to share and drop a comment. If you need to communicate with me, send me a message on Instagram @therealdream_writer11

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