Chapter 33: Rocks

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Dylan woke me up as early as five of clock.

At most, I had three hours of sleep and had my eyes open once the sky got blue.

I'd spent most of the night packing for the trip and watching TV since I had no chemistry test to worry about. At least, not till the next few days.

I also browsed the internet about the country for a knowledge of the place before I got there. I saw pictures of some good parts and some of the local rural places like the villages and streets.

The most I saw revolved around Lagos and a few about other states.

loved their culture, tribes, dresses and most things I saw through the internet. I got attracted to the food the most and yes, they looked delicious even through the monitor.

So I got drawn to it and found myself wanting to teleport and get my hands on their delicious delights.

Moving on, we got ready before ten after, of course, another food fight and series of arguments.

Y'all know I'll always be right.

As if we were more responsible than the idiots we were, we got out of the house looking like the most mature pair in the world.

The drive to the airport took about an hour and a few minutes and after the long minutes of enduring stupidity, we got off the vehicle.

After getting there hours later, we got into the jet immediately, buckled up and took off.

"Never knew you had a jet" I said, taking off the seatbelts after the pilot's instruction.

"Oh darling" He started "This is the smallest of my wealth"

"You have an ego twice the size of your head"

"I think you mean confidence but it's okay, I pardon your lack of simple intelligence"

"Fuck you"

"It's too early for such words, we still have six hours ahead of us"

"I can't believe I'm gonna endure six hours with you" I sighed, burying my head into my palms "I missed chemistry test for this"

"First, you're not enduring it, you're enjoying it and second, didn't we have that test on Tuesday?"

"Yes and I got an F."

"Ouch, that bad? I got a B"

"Lucky for you." I replied "She gave me an opportunity to retake the test and that's meant to be today"

"Don't worry, you'll enjoy the trip and probably forget about it"

"And fail Chemistry, this is final year, you know? What if I don't get into college and end up on the streets"

"Geez, calm down. It won't get that bad, just tell her your grandparent died or something, fake a few teardrops and she'll make you retake the test at your own convenience"

"That's wrong" I said "I like it"

"So you don't have to worry about the dumb test, okay?"

"Yeah whatever"

"No that's over, I think it's time I show you my rock collection a_"

"I think it's time I have a nap"

I bounced on my feet before he got the chance to bore me out which would probably lead to another argument. That's for sure.

"Come on, Cupcake. I went round the world to get these_"

"To get rocks? You went round the world to get rocks?"

"What?" He folded his arms "You can't just find them lying across your lawn, you need to search for them"

"You're a sick kid" I paused "And I'm not gonna watch you talk about rocks so whatever you do, don't come into the room, okay?"

I left him whining about how priceless his rocks were and headed to the bed to take a nap.

I wasn't feeling so sleepy but my choice to take a nap was pretty understandable. First, I wouldn't get so much time to sleep once in Nigeria. Second, I couldn't listen to Dylan's weird rock collection and lastly, I could not sit in a position for six hours.

It'll make me lose it.

I took off the dumb dress and flung it on the bed, feeling more comfortable in my favourite Mickey Mouse underwear.

I got beneath the sheets and closed my eyes.

The nap lasted for only a few minutes before I was awoken because the universe was totally against me and didn't want me to sleep for six hours straight.

It couldn't get any more comfortable.

Waking up could be one of the most annoying things in the world cause it's a reminder you're conscious in the world filled with annoying people and every thing that doesn't go your way.

However, waking up with a huge cuddle buddy next to you was a totally different situation.

Stuffed animals aren't really my thing but I guess I'll think again.

The sheets couldn't bring as much warmth as it did and finally, I could hold on to something that wasn't frustration.

The only weird thing was that I couldn't remember sleeping with a cuddle buddy.


Holding the sheets with me, I pulled away from him and moved further towards the edge of the bed.

"Turn it down cupcake, I'm trying to sleep here"

"But_but I told you not to come in"

"Well, I'm human and human beings get tired so I took a nap too"

"You could've told me, Dylan"

"I didn't know I'd get bored all alone"

"Get out!"

He stared at me for a few seconds before pouting and getting off the bed.

He walked slowly as an attempt to frustrate me and at a point, turned back to give me a sick smile "What if I don't?"

"I don't have the time for this Dylan"

"Why? Cause you're in Mickey Mouse underwear?"

🦋. 🦋. 🦋. 🦋. 🦋

We got to Nigeria a few hours later and landed in Lagos, the most popular city in the country.

The first shocking revelation hit me like a pile of bricks.

The place felt like I was right in front of the sun. So hot, I had to go back in the jet to get more sunscreen on my skin and Dylan, who had been there before, giggled at my sudden reaction.

Not that I hated the temperature that much but it was really shocking.

Anyways, we got into the car where luckily, the air conditioner was on.

I was used to a heater but okay.

I didn't get the chance to see a little part of the streets cause Dylan told me all about rocks on the way and wouldn't let me take my eyes off him.

I really wished I could hibernate and wake up when there's food.

We got to Dylan's house a few minutes later and into

The building was located in an Estate and just like the one back in New York, was perfectly constructed.

"So? What do you think?" Dylan asked, pulling open the door of a room I guessed to be mine temporarily.

"It's beautiful, I love it"

"Yeah, I made them clean our roo_"

"You said our room, it's meant to be my room" I corrected and plopped down on the bed. Placing my purse next to me, I took off my shoes and using my fingers, massaged my ankles to ease the ache.

I chose to wear them cause duh, I couldn't walk in looking like a kid. My body physique was enough to make people feel I was younger than my age and to wear the same clothes I wore to school? Nah.

At least, I didn't trip but curse them anyway.

"No, I actually mean our room cause we're sharing it"

"Why can't we have separate rooms?"

"Cause the rest aren't as good as this one and I can't sleep in a room with a bed as hard as rock_"

"Don't say it"

"I love rocks!"

"We can't share a room Dylan. Only siblings do that or lovers or whatever, but not us"


"I don't know for a lot of reasons"

Um, could he quit making me feel so uncomfortable?

I mean, they're truly a lot of reasons why we couldn't stay in the same room and I couldn't think about it with my mind straight or reply him.

Like, what was he expecting? I can't sleep in the same room as you cause then, we would have to sleep on the same bed and it could lead to something else?



He came towards me, placing his palms on each side of me and moving so close, I could feel his breath fan my face.

Our eyes met each other. His in my dull blue eyes and mine in his dark orbs. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and anxiety flowing through me.

Then the moment y'all hormonal people have waited so long for, happened.

He came closer and his lips met mine.

It felt so unreal at first, his full soft lips were against mine and mine directly on his. I couldn't describe the emotions swirling in my mind, it was like a million fireworks trapped in my body, threatening to loose control.

Then his tongue pushed through my closed lips and straight it went into my mouth. The familiar taste of mint was evident in his mouth and slowly in mine. He slowly went through all the recesses and being new to the feeling, I was slow at first before I learned to move with his pace.

My hands, out of my control, found it's way to his neck and held unto it like my life depended on it and his from the bed went upwards to my hips. His hands slipped underneath my shirt, making me shiver at how cold it felt against my warm skin.

His hands didn't move upwards and that was enough to know he wasn't doing it for sex.

His hands were wrapped around my waist, pulled me closer to him then his hands found each other as his arms replaced them.

My fingers went up to his hair and got lost in the soft stands as he proceeded to deepen the kiss.

I felt his chest against mine as we moved closer to each other. There was no distance between us but we pressed against each other as if to move even closer.

The scent of his colgne engulfing me and filling my nostrils didn't seem to be enough for me and neither was I to him_

"Mr King?"


Hello my dear butterflies.

I'm sorry about the excessive use of James Charles in this chapter. I'm just a huge fan of him.

Anyways, thanks for reading another chapter. If you feel there’s any need to make some changes to this chapter or you find some things uncomfortable, please send me a message through Instagram @therealdream_writer11,  email @[email protected] or Twitter @Dream_writer11

Don’t forget to comment and share to your friends and family. Check out my other stories in your free time.

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