Chapter 38: Possessive and stupid.

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We were back in New York by exactly seven eleven.

I had adapted to the temperature of Nigeria after two days in the country. Feeling the cold wind against my skin was definitely the best thing I'd felt the whole day.

However, I had to pull on a sweater almost immediately.

Driving back home brought back the thoughts of my time in Nigeria.

I never thought my time there would've caused so much drama. It was almost impossible to believe all of that had happened in just two days.

First, Dylan and I did what you dirty minded individuals have waited so long for. Then I unintentionally ruined it and had to attend a party with a shattered heart. I lost my appetite and missed all I planned for the party.

As if that wasn't enough, I met Toby who I had no idea hated Dylan and wanted to get to him through me. It hurt to think I had been used by Dylan and on the same day Toby also wanted to take advantage my feelings.

Then the shocking truth he was twenty eight.

Stacy walked into the picture with her perfectly manicured feet and for a reason I had no idea of, completely hated my guts. She looked normal at the beginning, I even compared her to Cassandra.

Then life added a teaspoon of bitchiness to my life and she became a different person the next day.

I had no problem with her turning up the volume. Trust me, I could sleep with speakers blasting Alan Walker around me.

I also had no problem with her giving Dylan a massage cause duh, who cares?

What I couldn't take was spilling orange juice on me without thinking of the violent consequences of glass shattering before me.

Then cover it up with an high pitched 'Oopsie!' and lie it was an accident.

She literally pushed my hand intentionally just so my fingers would slip off the handle.

Of course, I maintained some injuries on my feet and little scratches and cuts on my legs. It started bleeding a few seconds after and Dylan, without my permission, lifted me off the seat and took me straight to the bathroom.

Just like you predicted, we had such an awkward time together. I was sitting at the edge of the bathtub as he cleaned up my opened cuts.

No one said a word till he was done.

Believe me when I say this, the universe is against me.

Anyways, we were back home after a few hours of drive.

Both Sarah and Kayla had arrived a few hours before we did. They got all sorts of clothes and accessories from Kenya, all feminine and none for Dylan.

The only thing he got was a KitKat wrapper from Kayla.

Anyways, Sarah prepared dinner and by eleven midnight, we were all settled around the large table eating dinner.

Sarah was next to Kayla right in front of Dylan and I. Not that I asked for him to seat next to me, life just did it's shit again.

"So how was Nigeria?" Sarah asked "The party?"

"It was amazing. More than I expected"

Well, definitely more than I expected.

"They have great food" Dylan piped in "Really great food"

"Everything edible is great to you" Kayla said "That's what makes you more of animal them human"

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is"

"That's enough! Both of you" Sarah said, ending the reasonable and totally understandable argument between Dylan and Kayla.

"She started it"

"He started it"

"I said that's enough. At least respect Diana if not me"

I gave Sarah a small smile as appreciation and went back to eating the chunk of beef before me.

Both siblings went back to their meals and periodically sent glares to each other.

That was till Dylan broke the silence. "There's gonna be a party here on Friday"

"No one cares"

"No drugs in the house" Sarah said in a bored tone. It was as if it was an anthem she said every time yet it happened over and over again.

Some high school parties usually involved drugs and this would certainly be one of them. Literally every party by anyone in school could start off as a normal party but after the first few minutes, it'll get wild.

At least, according to the rumors I heard after every party.

"You're all invited"

"I'm sorry Dyl" Kayla started "But mom and I have better things to do than watching you get drunk and saying stupid stuff"

"Oh please, you guys have nothing to do besides dress up and eating at different restaurants"

"Actually, we do"

"We got tickets to Ariana's concert and we're meeting her backstage"

"Well, too bad cause Cupcake's gonna be at my party"

"That's because she's your girlfriend"

The fork slipped out of my fingers and hit the plate with a loud click. Still smiling, I turned to Kayla and replied "No, no you got it all w_"

"So you guys aren't dating?" Sarah cut me off, now giving me all her attention.

It was funny how they felt we had a relationship after all that had happened back in Nigeria.

Even our friendship wasn't in place at the moment.

Literally, we couldn't spend a minute together without tension building up in the room.

Honestly, no one was at fault. It started by me saying it was a stupid kiss, then him trying to make me jealous and Toby coming into the picture while I watched him drown in jealousy.

The problem was neither of us were willing to speak first. Hence, the reason for whatever was going on.

"We're not" Dylan replied "So about the party, this is how it's gonna be.."

"Oh my god" Kayla sighed, burying her face in her palms.

🦋. 🦋. 🦋. 🦋. 🦋

After taking a long bath and drowning in thoughts, I slipped on silky pajamas and pulled my hair in a messy bun at the top of my head.

Loose strands fell across my eyes to my cheeks and some plastered on my neck behind me. Using my index finger, I pushed the strands behind my ear then fixed my gaze on the screen as I once again, watched videos of goats screaming.

It was one in the morning and in a few hours, I'd have to get up for school, or not.

If I got too tired, I'd have to skip a day and If I didn't, I guess it's one more day of keeping up with Cassandra's bullshit.

A soft knock came from the door before I could click play.

Well, that's quicker than I thought.

I didn't need Einstein to know who was at the door, yes, I'd expected and no, it wasn't the reason I stayed up.

I placed my phone on the bedstead and hopped off the bed. I heard another knock on the door before I twisted the doorknob and pulled it open.

Dylan awkwardly smiled at me, showing off all his teeth then realizing it was weird and taking them back in. "Um, hey"


"Saw your lights were on and I figured out you're still awake"

"Yeah" I replied "I couldn't sleep"

"Why_ I mean, I couldn't get sleep either."

"Great, I guess I'll see you later then_"

"Can I talk to you?"

Now that's the question I've been waiting for yet avoiding for the last two days.

"Sure" I replied and widened the entrance. He walked in casually, and headed to my bed like he did usually. I quietly closed the door to avoid unnecessary noise and waking both Sarah and Kayla up.

I sat at the further edge of the bed, as far as I could from him, and pulled my legs up to my chest.

"I don't bite, you know?"

"Yeah, I think I'm good here"


She sat at the other edge of the bed, far away from where I was and curled up like a little ball.

Her hair fell across her small face and made her eyes look darker. Her nose were pressed against her knees and lips covered with her arms tightly around her legs.

I resisted the urge to scoot towards her and talk about food or listen to her get sarcastic, just like it used to be.

I knew I had ruined it by getting all flirty with Kehinde but that was as a result of what she said immediately after the kiss.

The moment she said it was a stupid kiss, I felt she didn't take it as important as I did.

It was like I finally got a taste of my poison cause I did the same to a couple of girls in the past.

But that was till I met her.

I guess I just felt so hurt, I wanted her to feel jealous of what she lost which is stupid if I might add.

Tobi was a totally different topic I didn't want to think or talk about anymore.

"I'm sorry" I said "I'm sorry for hurting you"

"I'm sorry for saying it was a stupid kiss"

"I'm sorry for trying to make you jealous"

"I'm sorry for trying to make you jealous too"

"I'm sorry for yelling at you"

"I'm sorry for saying those hurtful words to you"

"I'm sorry for acting like a coward when I shouldn't have"

"I'm sorry for acting like a bitch when I shouldn't have"

I felt a wave of relief wash over me as soon as those words were out.

It happened earlier and faster than I expected.

Honestly, I thought it was gonna end in another awkward moment where we'd both sit and stare at anything but us or in another misunderstanding and I would have to leave with my heart broken to bits.

There I was smiling like an idiot but unfortunately unable to see her face.

"I really really really like you" The words slipped out before I could think of it. "I mean, yeah, um, wow, that's stupid"

Oh my god, I can't do this.

"I like you Cupcake, like like you. I know I've done a lot of things to hurt you in the last two days but I swear, it's out of jealous and I only got jealous cause I didn't want anyone to have you besides me. Wait, that sounds really possessive and stupid, I'm not so possessive. Those words just slipped out, I'm sorry about that. What I really mean is..."

This is a lot harder than I thought.

"What I mean is I like like you but not in the possessive way, that's if you don't like it_"

"I get your point already"

"Um" I laughed "That's great".

She finally straightened her legs and revealed the small smile on her face. "It's gonna look like those cheeky Indian shows if I say I like you too"

"Then I guess it's official"


Hello my dear butterflies.

I'm sorry the chapter is very short.

Thanks for reading another chapter. If you feel there's any need to make some changes to this chapter or you find some things uncomfortable, please send me a message through Instagram @therealdream_writer11 or email @[email protected] or Twitter @Dream_writer11

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