Chapter 11 - Love Bites

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Author's Note : Hey guys!🙋 Sorry for the late update...😌😌 I'm really sorry I've been irregular with my updates. I'm not getting the time to write as I've got a lot on my plate right now.😔
But I've managed to write a small shot and I hope you like it 😊 Will try my best to update as soon as I'm free. Until then, keep reading and keep loving Pranushka 😍💕😍
Lots of love 💕

P.S. Wishing our sweetest Sweety a very very happy birthday. May your life be filled with love, peace, happiness, and success 😘💕😘

*Present Day*

Since that incident, Prabhas has been always vary whenever Anushka took flights alone, though he never told her that. He wanted to show the gratitude he felt when Anushka came back safe, also, he wanted to do something for the flood affected people. It was on his suggestion that the Bahubali team did the 'Memu Saitham' skit for charity. They had done their part to help the people affected through it.

"Why are you quiet?", asked Anushka.

Prabhas had bid adieu to Rana and picked up Sweety from her friend's house on the way to the hotel. Prabhas turned towards her, smiling and shook his head.

Anushka wrapped her hands around his arm and laid her head on his shoulder.

"What did your friends say about our engagement?", asked Prabhas, smiling.

"They were going insane! Shalini even started planning on her dresses to wear for the wedding! They all went gaga over the ring! All are really excited!", said Anushka laughing excitedly.

They had reached the hotel. As they entered through the side entrance, the staff came and gave the key to their room. It was a difficult job not to attract attention wherever they went together, and that too in hotels. However, they had successfully managed to throw dust in the eyes of the paparazzis. And now, it's just a matter of few months and they wouldn't have to hide anymore.

Anushka smiled at the thought and squeezed Prabhas' hand as they walked through the posh lobby. Prabhas looked at her and entwined his fingers with her's as they entered their room. They always booked a single room whenever they went away together. It has been a few years since they were in a relationship and they never really felt the need to be in separate rooms for the nights.

Prabhas closed the door behind him as Anushka threw her bag and phone on the couch nearby.

"Phew! All the talking and gossipping with the girls took the energy from me. I gonna sleep", said Anushka, peeping out of the curtain, through which the whole city was seen blanketed in glittering lights.

"Can't sleep wait?"

Anushka stiffened as she heard his intense voice behind her. His breath caressed her hair and sent a chill down her spine. Prabhas hugged her from behind, hiding his face in her thick hair.

"We have an early flight to catch tomorrow", said Anushka feebly.

"Tomorrow is far away Sweety", murmured Prabhas, his lips brushing the nape of her neck.

She clutched his hands that were wrapped tightly around her stomach as he planted wet kisses on her neck, gradually making way to her shoulders. He loosened his hold on her as he slid down the sleeves of her shirt.

Anushka turned towards him, faintly protesting. But her protests were soon turned into soft moans as his lips claimed her's. Prabhas' hands entangled in her hair and she caressed his stubble as they deepened their kiss.

She was pinned to the wall as he undid the buttons of her shirt. Anushka closed her eyes, hugging him tightly. Prabhas lifted her up and walked towards the bed. She clutched onto his arms, rippling with muscles. The same fire of passion reflected in both of their eyes.

They spent the night, possessively claiming each other, breathing in the same rhythm and sharing the warmth of love under the same blanket.

It was 3:00 am when the alarm rang. Anushka stretched her hands and took her phone to dismiss the alarm, careful not to wake Prabhas, who was sleeping like a baby, with his hands wrapped over her.

She laid down again and Prabhas snuggled deeper, his face in her hair. She looked at their hands, which was entwined together. In the dim light, she could hardly distinguish which one was her's and which one his.

She slowly tried to free herself from his arms so that she could get up. She released herself without waking him up. Prabhas stirred in his sleep as she adjusted the pillows near his head.

She wore the shirt that Prabhas wore the last night and went over to make coffee. She sat on the recliner facing the bed where Prabhas slept in serenity. As she sipped the coffee, she couldn't determine which was more addictive - the caffeine or the fragrance of her man from his shirt. It has to be the latter, thought Anushka, smiling to herself.

The phone in the room rang and she rushed to get it. It was from the reception, reminding them to be ready with 1 1/2 hours to leave for the airport.

Anushka slowly went and sat near Prabhas.

"Pabsu...", she called him gently, at the same time not wanting to disrupt his sleep.

"Pabsu... wake up"

"Hmm...", Prabhas stirred and turned towards her.

"We've to leave in an hour"

"Just 5 more minutes Sweety", mumbled him as he pulled the blanket over his head.

Anushka chuckled, shaking her head. She too got under the cozy blanket with him and he hugged her and dozed off. His warmth enveloped her and she was tempted with the thought of staying there forever. She let her fingers run through his hair and her other hand rested on his bare chest.

"Pabsu get up or we'll be late!", said Anushka softly.

"Yeah I'm up", slurred Prabhas.

"We've to go back to Hyderabad! If we miss the flight you'll be late on your first day of shoot. Do you want that?", she chided him like to a little child.

Prabhas kissed her on the lips, his eyes still closed in sleep. Anushka was taken away by the moment and it took some time to get herself back to the senses.

"No no no... don't start with your tricks. I've had enough and more for the day", said Anushka, pulling away.

Prabhas opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"Really?! I thought some things would never be too much and you would want more.", smirked him, tugging the collar of the shirt she was wearing.

Anushka pushed him away, at the same time blushing. She stood at the foot of the bed and said,

"All I want now is a bath and before I return, I want you to get up. I've made your tea. Okay?"

Prabhas gave her a thumbs up and grinned as she went to the bathroom. He got up and dressed in track pants and called to the bathroom,


Soon, the shirt came flying through the small opening of the bathroom door and Prabhas laughed. He decided to give his bath a skip and got ready in a casual dress, thanks to his laziness.

He was going through his phone when he heard the bathroom door opening. There stood Anushka, in a ripped jeans and loose tank top, with her hair dripping water. Her eyes were narrowed and lips was set in a thin line. Prabhas wondered what happened to her.

Anushka threw the towel at him and hissed,

"What have you done Pabsu?!"

"What!?", asked him confused.

Anushka tied up her wet hair with a clip and cocked her neck to a side. Prabhas saw what she meant and started laughing.

"You're laughing!? I had told you to be gentle yesterday!", snapped Sweety.

There on her neck were two crimson coloured hickeys - one below her earlobe and another above her beauty bone.

Prabhas came near her, still laughing and slowly wiped off a water droplet from her neck. He then planted soft kisses on the love bites as Sweety got carried away-again.

"Don't you dare to distract me now!", warned Anushka as she controlled herself.

She went and threw open her suitcases.

"Since it is your actions that put me in this situation, you get me something to wear for today so that these won't show", said her as she jabbed on the hickeys.

Prabhas was clearly enjoying this and started searching for her dress while she made up her hair and packed their other items.

"Why are you so hyper? It will fade in a day. Don't worry! But yeah- until then it would be time for the next one", teased Prabhas.

Anushka threw a pillow at him, which he managed to dodge.

"I know it'll fade away! But that's not my problem! Did you forget?! I've got a pooja to attend with my family today evening. How am I supposed to wear saree without revealing this? Oh God! What'll I do!", asked her exasperated.

"That's a point", said Prabhas, mocking seriousness.

"Here it is! This would work", said Prabhas as he handed her something that didn't at all match her jeans. She rolled her eyes and sighed but however took it from him and wore.

Prabhas and Anushka stepped out of their room in the early morning towards the airport, there was laughter in his eyes and a frown on her face. Prabhas looked dapper in a casual jeans and tee, while Anushka, also clad in jeans and shirt, but with a vibrant green blingy scarf wrapped around her neck.

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