Chapter 15 - Half - Approved

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Author's Note : We are at #4💃💃💃 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For all the love showered upon these writings!😀🤗 Truly, blessed with the best!😍🙏
Also, thanks a lot for your suggestions. It's decided marriage track for now 😁 Enjoy!😉
Keep reading 😊
Lots of love 💕


"Ahem! Ahem!", SSR cleared his throat.

It has always been like this since a couple of weeks. Prabhas and Anushka were officially in a relationship, as the conspiracy of Rana had worked out properly. And, all the extra sweetness of the new lovers were apparent between them.

"If you could give your talks some rest, we have a film to shoot", said SSR to Anushka and Prabhas, who smiled at him sheepishly.

Both of them were huddled together in two chairs and were talking softly. Anushka was ready as old Devasena and Prabhas as Mahendra. It was a night schedule and they were shooting the scene where Mahendra comes to rescue his mother.

They both stood up and started towards the scene, Anushka smiling coyly. SSR came behind them. Rana was standing there, and he sniggered when he saw Rajamouli bringing them both like school children.

"That's it! You guys are troubling our poor director! Don't worry Raj! I have a solution for this", said Rana as he separated Prabhas and Anushka, making them stand a feet away from each other.

"Now, on the sets, you both have to maintain a minimum distance of two feets away from each other. Understood?", asked Rana sternly.

"That's excellent idea! It would save everyone from the troubles of pulling these two from their own Dreamland", agreed SSR, rubbing his palms excitedly.

Prabhas was called for touch up and he said to Rana,

"I'll deal with you later", mocking anger. He went, winking at Sweety.

"But-", started Sweety to Rana.

"Ah! No 'buts'! This is my command and my command is the rule!", declared him with the air of finality.

"See! You should have given me this dialogue of Rajmata! I'm so good at it!", said Rana to SSR, as they left Sweety frowning.

They had done a few rehearsal shots. Anushka was in a jolly mood, well, she has been in a very good mood since the day when both she and Prabhas confessed their feelings to each other. She felt complete as he was now her's, forever and that assurance reflected on her face.

Everyone had a light moment at the sets as Anushka chatted, played and laughed with them. All forgot that it was night and they were tired as they had been working continuously. Such was the charm of Anushka.

SSR never asked Anushka to be in character as he knew that once he says 'Action', she would be a whole other person. So he too, enjoyed all her stress buster activities.

The shot was ready and Anushka started calling,

"Where's my son? Where's my son?", calling out for Prabhas.

Everyone laughed around her. Prabhas came from behind and whispered near her ears,

"How about making one?" Anushka gasped.

"Pabsu!", hissed her, eyes popping at him, and looking around, checking if anyone heard them.

Prabhas smiled slyly, winking at her.

"Distance!", called out Rana from the other end.

Prabhas rolled his eyes and stood at a feet distance and said,

"I'm here my 'thalli'...", folding his hands and bending down at her. Anushka giggled.

"Ok now! Darling you have to lift Sweety up and drop her in the horse carriage. That'll be our first take.", explained SSR.

They both smiled at each other, thinking, "Easy!".

"And don't forget that you are mother and son", said Rana ruefully.

Needless to say, the shot was taken to perfection. It was around 6 in the morning when they packed up. There was not much time for the release and the schedule was pretty hectic for the crew.

Their next call time was 10 in the morning, hardly four hours to take rest. Everyone remained on the sets and slept in rooms, halls, and caravans.

Prabhas and Anushka were walking together when Rana stopped them midway.

"You go to your van bro and you go to your's Darling", ordered Rana like a strict parent.

"Cut us some slack Rana!", huffed Prabhas.

"Nope! I'm very strict about this. As I'm the one who patched you up, I have the right to order you about", said him, pushing Anushka into her van, clearly enjoying himself.

"You were our Cupid and now you are becoming our Devil!", complained Sweety.

Prabhas came and stood under the steps, looking up at Sweety, who was standing near the door.

"You turn that side", said Prabhas raising his eyebrows to Rana.

"Fine! Be fast! The field is clear", said Rana, looking around to see if anyone was watching them.

Sweety chuckled and gave a quick peck on Prabhas' lips, and they went away.

Anushka slept uninterrupted for two hours until her phone disturbed the sleep. It was her parents.

"Sweety, where are you? We have reached home.", asked her Amma.

"Amma, I'm at the set. We've been shooting throughout last night and will resume in a couple of hours. I'll reach home in the afternoon.", said Anushka drowsily.

"Oh! That's ok Sweety. Guna and Ramesh will reach in the evening."

"That's great! I'll see you then!", and Sweety disconnected the call.

She tried to sleep, but it had abandoned her. She sat up and started brooding about the thought that had been troubling her for some time.

She hadn't spoken to her parents about her and Prabhas. She was planning to broach the topic to her brothers first and then approach her mom and dad with their support.

She had called her brother Sai Ramesh a couple of days before but couldn't speak about it as he was busy attending an international conference. And it was a busy set of days for Guna as well. Now they would be at home for a couple of days, she would have to talk about it.

Both Prabhas and Anushka had decided that they would not keep their relationship hidden from their families. They had decided upon discussing it with them in a few days.

Anushka knew that her parents would be supportive about her decision. Moreover, they knew Prabhas and his family quite well, and liked them every much. But no matter what, introducing your boyfriend to your parents is never that easy. Anushka's heart raced whenever she thought about it.

By the time she got ready in the same old, rugged saree of Devasena, the rest of the crew had started for the day. Prabhas was shooting an action sequence. He was covered in thick mud from head to toe.

"Chocolate boy", said Anushka to him, grinning, in between the shots. Prabhas winked and smiled his nose-crinkling smile in return.

Prabhas and Anushka had finished their scenes and sat together, taking refreshments.



"My Appa, Amma, and brothers are coming today. I'm going to talk to them about us.", said Anushka, in a worried voice.

Prabhas looked at her, squeezed her hands in assurance and said,

"Don't worry bangaram, everything will be fine. Now don't think about it too much! Come, let's take a selfie."

He pulled her along with him. He stood behind her, with his muddy face, posing. She took his sunglasses and put it on and clicked the picture.

Rana, who didn't have any scenes for that day, sticked around. He saw this, and called one of the assistant director hurriedly and asked him to click the picture of them taking the selfie.

"Cute!", said Rana, examining the picture.

Anushka went to change as her schedule was over by noon. When she stepped out of the van, she saw Valli, going back to her home. Valli came to her to say bye and told,

"Sweety, ask your brothers to have lunch okay?"

"My brothers?", asked Sweety perplexed.

"Yeah! They're here. Taking with Prabhas, I think. Ok now, I've gotta go! Bye!", and with that, she went away.

Anushka could hear her ears ringing. Her palms sweat as she slowly went towards where her brothers and Prabhas were talking. She hadn't expected them here. She hadn't even thought of what she would tell them. She frantically looked around for Rajamouli or Rana, for her moral support, but none of them were anywhere nearby.

"There she comes", said Sai Ramesh, looking at Sweety.

Both Prabhas and her other brother Guna, looked at her. Their faces didn't convey anything. Sweat beads gleamed on her forehead. She gave everyone a weak smile.

"You", asked Sweety, clearing her brittle voice.

"We just stopped by on the way from airport.", said Ramesh.

"If we had known all this was happening, we would have come here earlier.", said Guna seriously.

Anushka nervously looked at Prabhas, who had averted his eyes from her and was looking down at his hands, twisting his fingers.

"I... actually...we...", gulped Anushka. She couldn't get the words out of her mouth. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths.

"That's it! They won't accept our decision. Their faces say it! God! What am I going to do!?"

Anushka could feel tears springing up in her eyes. She started at the sudden burst of sound and her eyes fluttered open.

"Sorry guys! I can't control!", confessed Guna between his guffaws.

"Guna! We could have let this go on for a while at least!", complained Ramesh.

Anushka was dumbstruck and was gaping at her brother and at Prabhas simultaneously, who were rolling with laughter.

"Oh God Sweety! Look at you! You're as white as a ghost!", laughed Ramesh.

"What did you think? That we would oppose you and Prabhas being together?", asked Guna, pulling Prabhas and making him stand near her. He looked at her and held her cold palm.

"He told us everything. We just wanted to pull your leg Sweety! We always knew something like this would happen.", continued Guna.

"We couldn't be more happier for you both! Trust me Sweety, he is the perfect man for you! We were just surprised that what took you both so long to realise it!", said Ramesh, smiling at them.

The tears were rolling down from her eyes.

"You guys are the worst! You put me through hell for a couple of minutes!", complained Sweety. She swatted her brothers childishly.

"Ow! Ow! Prabhas! Hold her! Now she's your responsibility! Thank God, now we don't have to endure her and her tortures anymore!", said Ramesh.

Prabhas laughed and Anushka pouted.

"Wait Ramesh! There's still time for that! This is only half approved. Sweety has to talk to Amma and Appa about it. Isn't it Sweety?", asked Guna, turning to her.

Her smile had vanished.

"Won't you guys talk to them?!", she pleaded to her brothers.

"Us! No way! It's completely on you. But we will be there to watch the whole thing", declared them both.

Anushka was devastated and turned helplessly to Prabhas.


"You have to do this yourself Sweety. I have to speak about this to my mother as well, remember? Don't worry! You can do it", assured him.

But she wasn't assured much. She gave a hug and mumbled a bye to Prabhas and went with her brothers. Funnily enough, it felt like a suicide mission. Her heart beats felt like time bomb ticking. By this rate, it would explode before she reaches home.

"That would have been better! So that I don't have to do all this!", thought her pathetically.

Anushka turned one last time to look at Prabhas, who was standing at a distance, smiling, and giving her a thumbs up.

She took a deep breath and said to herself,

"I have to do this".

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