Chapter 17 - Bonding

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*Flashback continues*

"And then? Did everyone meet?"

Ramya Krishnan was eager to know the whole saga of how Prabhas and Anushka got their parents convinced.

The shooting was going on and Ramya was having a break in between the shots. Anushka had her schedule completed early, nevertheless, she hanged around until Prabhas was done with.

Ramya was seated on a plastic chair and Anushka was sitting on a block of prop, on the floor. She had been narrating the incidents of the last few days to her.

"Yeah! Everyone were so happy! Pabsu and Aunty came to our house the next day and spent some quality time. And it was decided that all should get together soon. So, Aunty invited all of us for dinner today", smiled Sweety.

"Oho! That's great! I couldn't be more happier for you two!", smiled Ramya and pulled her cheeks.

Ramya's shot was ready and she left her. Anushka went to change her training dress into a kurti.

Prabhas, Anushka, SSR, and Ramya were talking when Anushka's PA came to them and announced,

"Ma'am, your sister-in-law is here to see you"

"Saloni?", Anushka thought aloud. "What's so urgent that she came to see me here?" She exchanged confused glances with the others, who were also clueless.

"Where's she?" asked her to her PA as she reached the entrance, to which she grinned.

At the same moment, someone cupped her eyes close from behind. Startled at the sudden gesture, Anushka quickly removed the hands from her eyes and turned around. A yell was followed.


"Oh my God! Pragathi!", Anushka shrieked in delight and both hugged, laughing.

Hearing the commotion, the rest of the group came there.

"Pragathi?!", Exclaimed Prabhas in surprise.

"Hello brother!", smirked Pragathi in return.

"Oh! The new sister-in-law is here!", laughed SSR as he went to meet her.

"What are you doing here?", asked Prabhas.

"Not just me, the others are also here", and there came in the rest of his cousins, adding to the delight of Anushka.

Prabhas waited patiently to let all the hugging and laughing to settle down.

"Since our brother doesn't bother about letting his sisters know the eventful happenings, we ourselves had to come and see our sweetest addition to the family!", said Pragathi.

Everyone laughed and Anushka turned crimson. She was so happy to meet Prabhas' sister and cousins. She had always shared a special bond with them. Anushka had literally seen them growing up in front of her. They were always a bunch of happy girls.

Before Prabhas could say anything, his sisters had dragged Anushka along, talking and giggling all the way.

"You've got your time with her! Now leave her alone for us! We've got so much to discuss!", called out his youngest cousin Shakti as they went along with Sweety.

Prabhas went back to shoot, shaking his head and laughing, as he knew there was no point in staying there as their talks wouldn't end anytime soon. This is exactly what he had expected of his sisters. They were Anushka's greatest fans. They could talk relentlessly about her films and her.

Having known her from their childhood, Sweety was the one person whom his sisters had given a special place in their lives. They never forget to ask about her whenever they called their brother.

But what Prabhas didn't know was that the sisters had always vouched for Anushka to be a part of their family. Even during the times when Prabhas and Anushka were just friends, the girls had hoped for them to date someday. Now, all their dreams were coming true.

"Tell us! Tell us! How did he proposed you?", asked Keerthana eagerly.

"He-", started Anushka.

"No no! Tell us when you realised that you both loved each other!", chirped in Shakti.

"It was-",

"You owe me 500 rupees, Nandini", said Pragathi to her another cousin.

"Why?", Anushka managed to ask in between all the bombarding of questions.

"She was losing hope on you both", smirked Pragathi.

"On us?"

"Yes! We always wanted you to become our sis-in-law. We even used to make imaginary scenarios about it! Don't we?! But, she here - Nandini, was getting less confident about it.", explained Pragathi.

"But we were always sure! So we made a bet that you both will be together before the release of Bahubali franchise and we won!", said Shakti, making faces at Nandini.

"But don't get married in an year please", pleaded Keerthana, the youngest of them.

"Why is that?", asked Sweety, cupping her sullen cheeks.

"My braces won't be off in an year. So you guys marry when I take the braces off my teeth. Iwant to look good in the pictures of my brother's wedding!"

"And when I have university holidays", said Nandini.

Anushka laughed while others joined her. The girls had huddled in a circle. They laughed and talked and teased each other. It was almost evening when they were interrupted by Prabhas.

"Excuse me, does any of you happen to know who I am?"

His sisters rolled their eyes and Anushka giggled.

"Yeah, yeah. Now that you've got her, you people don't need me anymore", said Prabhas dragging a chair and sitting beside Sweety.

"Aw! Don't say that! We need you brother! Without you, how will she be a part of our family? You are our prop to get her", laughed Pragathi.

"Oooh! Burn!", came the voice of Rana from behind.

"Is that so?! I'll see you all when you come to me asking favours", said Prabhas narrowing his eyes.

"That's ok girls. You come to me then.", said Anushka as she gave a high-five to them.

"You're on their side now?!", asked Prabhas to Sweety, playfully pinching her arms and she squirmed, laughing.

The sisters looked on and passed smiles, their thoughts on the same lines as how cute both of them looked together.

Before they went back to home with Prabhas, the girls had insisted on taking a photo with Anushka. Rana had, as usual, volunteered and clicked the picture.

Examining the photo, Keerthana complained, "This looks so formal"

"Don't worry! We'll click good ones at dinner today.", said Rana.

"You are coming too?!", exclaimed Shakti.

"Where there is food, there is Rana", said Sweety nudging Rana.

Prabhas and Anushka hugged each other briefly, conscious of the adoring eyes around them, but not before Prabhas could murmur in her ear,

"These girls are robbing us our privacy! And I need a kiss urgently!"

"You'll get it soon", replied Anushka, winking.

And they all went home, to get prepared for the dinner.

* * * * *

The dinner had been a warm and cosy affair. Anushka and her family was welcomed by Prabhas' mother, uncle Krishnam Raju, his wife, and his cousins.

All were sitting around the dining table, in front of the various delicacies. Rana was entertaining everyone with his stories. But someone was getting restless beside Anushka.

Prabhas had been nudging her legs and giving gestures with his eyes to her. She had been trying her best not to look at him, lest she would fall for his tricks. Suddenly, she hiccuped and turned her head to look at Prabhas, who was innocently passing her a glass of water.

He was drawing patterns on her thighs. Anushka frantically looked around, but everyone were enjoying their dinner, immersed in talking. She slightly shuddered with goosebumps.

She tried to swat his hands, that was now grazing over her thighs. But Prabhas captured her palm as well. Anushka tried her best to wriggle off her hands, but to no avail. Now, she had her left hand twisted at an odd angle and her cheeks burning rogue.

Soon enough, unwillingly though, Prabhas had to quit his teasing game as he was asked to pass on a dish to the other end of the table. Anushka lowered her head, suppressing her laughter, and finally trying to eat.

The girls were not ready to share Sweety yet and as soon as the dinner was over, they dragged her to their room. Prabhas had hardly gotten a chance to be with her since that afternoon. Well, his sisters were starting to get on his nerves now.

Chinnamma came into the room to call Sweety, who was busy taking pictures with the girls.

"Sweety? Amma is calling you downstairs"

"Okay, coming", said Sweety and left the room.

As she walked through the long corridor upstairs, a firm hand gripped from her waist and pulled her behind a carved wooden partition.

"Pabsu!", Anushka hissed, her eyes widening.

She tried to sneak out of his hold, but Prabhas had her arms tightly cuffed in his. His was was dangerously close to hers. His hot breath fanned on her face. His eyes was pouring down into hers.

"Pabsu...", she said feebly.

Prabhas pinned her onto the wall and leaned on her, his weight slightly crushing her bosom. Anushka's breath became harder.

"Someone will come now", she trembled.

"Hmm..." He grazed his his nose on her jawline.

"Amma called me downstairs"

"That was me..."

"You?", called out her.

"Well, I had to steal you from the clutches of my sisters", said Prabhas, his eyes twinkling with mischief.


"All for something that you had promised me earlier", said him.

"Really? What's that? I don't remember anything", said Anushka, fluttering her eyes.

"Oh yeah? Let me remind you then"

And without waiting for another second, Prabhas crashed his lips with her's. His hold on her hands loosened and snaked his hands around her waist.

Anushka had long been melted in the kiss and soft moans escaped her lips in between the pauses. She tugged the collar of his shirt and played with the buttons.

These little moments of stealing kisses without their families knowing and the aura of the urgency had only intensified the passion smouldering in them.

"Sweety!" There came her call from downstairs.

They broke the kiss unwillingly and Prabhas sighed, rubbing his stubble on her plump cheeks.

"Ah! Let us alone!", Prabhas groaned while Sweety pushed him away and smoothening her hair.

As she walked past him, he held her hands and said,

"We should have some time alone"

Anushka cocked her head in confusion.

"Maybe we should get away for a couple of days or something", said Prabhas.

She turned around, raising her eyebrows, astounded. Prabhas shrugged his shoulders.

Her surprise was slowly replaced by a playful smiled and she said,


It was Prabhas' time to be surprised. He had just voiced out what he had in mind for a quite a time. But he hadn't thought that Anushka would consider it with much optimism. He was ecstatic.

He was still in a daze as he walked down the stairs. The whole family was spreaded in the hall. His uncle, Sweety's father and Rana talking, while his mother, aunt, and Sweety's mom were chatting as well, while Anushka sat there, smiling at what they said. For once, his sisters had left Anushka alone and were glued to the TV.

Prabhas came and stood near the floor-length French window. He looked out at the garden. The moonlight was giving it a serene glow.

Soon, a warm hand entwined in his. Sweety had come up to him and was looking out to the garden as well. They both smiled at each other and turned to look at the family.

In their tapestry of love, their families were weaving their bonds with each other like the threads. It was a sight that Prabhas and Anushka would always cherish. Looking around, they had realised that both the families had become one.

And as they looked in each others eyes, both could see that at last, everything had fallen into place and they were a family now.

That moment of absolute happiness and love that they both shared through the look, was frozen in time by Rana.

*Present Day*

"This will always be special", murmured Anushka softly to Rana, looking at that candid picture of her and Prabhas on Rana's phone.

She silently entwined her fingers with Prabhas', who was still conversing with Raveena. Without turning to her, he softly squeezed her hands. Anushka smiled to herself and continued talking with Rana and Kanika.

Author's Note : Hey guys!🙋 Hope you all are doing great 😀 I just wanted to know, do you find it confusing when I switch the story back and forth between past and present?😕 Do lemme know!😁 And also, apart from Pragathi, all the names of the cousins are imaginary, coz I don't know their real names 😁😜

P.S. It's December guys! Do you think we'll get any good news regarding Pranushka? *Fingers crossed* 💕😍💕

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