Chapter 19 - A Day Well-Spent : Holiday Shot-II

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Author's Note : Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas dearies!💕 🎅🎅🤗🤗💕
May all your wishes come true and may Santa bring you all the happiness that you deserve! 😇🙏

So here's the next update on the 'Holiday Shot'. Frankly, I'm very awkward in writing romantic scenes, so please pardon me if it was not up to your expectations😌

Anyway, I've tried to do justice to it. Hope you guys like it 😊 Feel free to give your opinions and suggestions 😀

Keep reading 💕
Lots of love 💕

* * * * *

Prabhas stirred, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He woke up to the chirping of morning birds and the cries of seagulls. He took a moment to figure out where he was, blinking at the unfamiliar ceiling. Soon, his hands searched for Anushka near him on the bed, but couldn't find her.

He rose, supported on his elbows and looked around the room. The curtains pendulated in the fresh morning breeze of Mauritius from the open balcony. He got up, wore a tee and stepped into the balcony.

Sweety was near the pool, facing the sea. She sat in a lotus position on the mat, her eyes closed in deep meditation. Her shoulders rose and fell in a steady rhythm.

Prabhas walked towards her in soft paces and sat cross-legged behind her. She was oblivious to his presence. He slowly snaked his hands around her waist. Anushka started but smiled, her eyes still closed. His body was warm and his homely fragrance filled her mind.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and whispered a 'good morning', his lips caressing her ear.

Sweety smiled, but remained silent and continued her meditation. Taking advantage of the situation, Prabhas tightened his grip and planted wet kisses on her shoulders and neck. Just like butter melting in heat, Anushka thawed at his touch.

Her body had slackened and she leaned on his chest, adjusting herself so that his lips could get a better access. His hands slid under her T-shirt and roamed over her silky skin.

Anushka half-turned herself to face him. His eyes met her's. The burning in his eyes set alight her body on fire. She wanted to be consumed in it. She held him by his cheeks and kissed him with urgency.

Prabhas let loose her hair which was tied in a ponytail and entangled his fingers in the smooth locks. She slid herself on his lap, continuing the determined moves with her lips.

Without wasting any more time, Prabhas scooped her up in his arms and strided into their bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed and started from where he had left off.

There was complete silence around them. But what each other wanted was loud and clear in their eyes. Prabhas kissed her lips, chin, throat and made his way further, enjoying the luxury of her body. He pulled apart the soft fabric that clung to her, revealing her sensuous curves.

The only thought that ran through Prabhas' mind was to be one with Anushka in such a way that their skins merged, their breaths mingled and their whole being became one.

Sweety's hands now freely traversed over his back and over the perfected abs as he removed his t-shirt. She smiled as she helped him undo the hooks of the little of the garment that still covered her body.

Their breaths blended, heaving as they both explored the unfathomed realms of each other's body. Soft moans escaped, punctuated by the fervour chanting of each other's name, as both took active part in the art of love-making.

Anushka's nails dug into his skin and Prabhas buried his head in her bosom as they both experienced the ecstasy. They celebrated each other and their love, like the sea-waves kissing the shore.

* * * * *

"I'm hungry", mumbled Anushka.

"So soon?", winked Prabhas.

Anushka swatted his shoulder, as they lay beside each other, wrapped in each other's warmth, the blanket cocooning them.

"Not that! The real one! For food!", Sweety rolled her eyes.

"We haven't had our breakfast yet and it's past lunchtime now"

"Hmm...", mumbled Prabhas as he dug deep into the crook of her neck.



"Shall we go out to the restaurant for lunch?"

"No... we'll order room service" said him as her reached over her to the side table to dial for food.

As he ordered food on the phone, Anushka teased him by giving her distractions. He struggled much to retain his control while on the phone. After the call, Prabhas pinned her hands above her head and smooched her until she fell out of breath.

"This is your punishment for the distractions", said Prabhas with intensity.

"Then I would gladly indulge in it"

Before they could get carried away again, their lunch had arrived. Anushka quickly got into Prabhas' t-shirt that was lying on the floor and Prabhas put on his abandoned track pants again.

They sat on the garden chairs in the balcony, gulping down the piping hot Mauritius seafood delicacies and enjoying the view of the sea glazing in sunlight before them.

* * * * *

It was way past sunset when Prabhas and Anushka decided to take a break from their love fiestas and decided to step out of the room. Dressed in casuals, they went to explore the facilities of the resort.

They passed through several recreation rooms, spas, pools, bar lounges of the resort. Everything was managed remarkably well and all was tastefully designed.

Both climbed down the cobbled stairs of an enclaved passage towards the open beach. Sun had set long before and there was only a slight tinge of purple over the horizon.

"We missed today's sunset", sighed Anushka.

"Hmm...I don't remember what we were doing then. Would you care to remind me?", teased Prabhas.

Anushka stuck out her tongue childishly and jogged towards the sea.

"Sweety! Wait!", called out Prabhas as he joined her.

They both stood on the wet sand, gazing at the vast ocean. It was like a dark blue banket, gliding smoothly. As the waves washed their feet, it usurped the sand beneath their legs. Anushka and Prabhas held their hands more tightly and she hopped in a childish glee.

She took deep breaths closing her eyes, feeling the salty wind whip past her face, ruffling her hair. Prabhas stood there, looking at her ever-so-beautiful face. He gently removed a lock of hair from her closed eyes and pinched her cheeks. Anushka opened her eyes.

Prabhas took her hands and carefully placed her fallen eyelash on her palm and said,

"Wish for something"

Sweety looked into his eyes and said,

"I've got everything I ever wished for and more". And with that, she blew the lash.

Anushka locked her arms around his shoulders and stood on her toes as she kissed him. He swept her off her feet and they stood there as the wind played around them.

After enjoying a long and romantic stroll along the beach, with hands intertwined, and random talks and laughter for company, they decided to go back to the resort.

They walked through the side garden, which had green lawns bordered by palms and various other exotic plants. The buds gleamed as the moonlight fell on them, ready to sprout as a beaming new life the next morning.

As they made their way to the side lobby once again, came a voice,

"I was waiting for you both"

Prabhas and Anushka turned around to see who that was.

The person approached them both in long and confident strides.

He extended his hands to Prabhas and said,

"Hello! I'm Sanjay Varma. Pleasure meeting you." His voice was deep and strong.

Recognition flickered on both their faces. He was the owner of the resort, and a dear friend of Vikram.

"Hello! I'm Prabhas, this is Anushka", said Prabhas as he shook hands with him.

"Oh come on! Believe me! You both doesn't need any introduction! The whole world knows you!", said Sanjay.

"Among your exhausting list of admirers, there is undoubtedly my name as well, topping the list. A big fan", said Sanjay, as he shook hands with Anushka.

Sweety mumbled a ' thank you ', slightly embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't meet you guys yesterday as I had to leave for an important work". His eyes was a shade of green, which sparkled inquisitiveness.

"That's okay. We are absolutely fine. Thanks to your most efficient staffs", ensured Prabhas.

"And also, this is such a wonderful place. Truly magical.", said Anushka, smiling genuinely.

"Thank you! I'm delighted!", said Sanjay. His dimples were profound and was apparent when he smiled, even with the thick stubble he sported.

"Have you tried out any of the entertainment activities today?", Sanjay asked excitedly.

Sweety looked at Prabhas, slightly flushing.

"Not yet. We've actually been lazing around, enjoying the resort and it's views.", said Prabhas as he looked at Anushka, his lips pressed in a line, suppressing a grin.

"Oh well! Don't miss out on anything. There's a lot to explore in Mauritius. Maybe I can assist you since I've got a couple of days free", offered Sanjay.

"That would be wonderful!", said Anushka happily.

"Ok then! You guys carry on! I'll see you tomorrow then", said Sanjay and went away, wishing them both a good night.

"He's a good person, I guess", said Anushka as they walked to their suite.

"Seems so", agreed Prabhas.

"I can wait to explore Mauritius tomorrow!", said Anushka excitedly.

"Well, we have a lot more to explore tonight", said Prabhas as he closed the door.

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