Chapter 22 - A Goodbye : Holiday Shot-V

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Having a conversation with Sanjay was quite calming for Anushka. The more they talked, they found the similarities in their likes and preferences.

Both loved reading poetry, travelling, and had tastes in art. They both gave much importance to spirituality in their lives. The fact that it was Sanjay's own idea behind the designing of the resort - from the structural plan to the arrangement of every décor made Anushka respect him more.

As for Sanjay, it was only a matter of moments for him to fall in love with her. He had always admired her and even had a crush on the "heroine" Anushka Shetty. But, as he spent time with her in person, he realised how easy it was to love her. Her easy charm, her effortless manners and that alluring smile and those fierce yet innocent eyes were more than enough to bewitch anyone.

" No one has ever understood the unfathomed depths of love as Rumi did", said Sanjay to Anushka.

Anushka closed the book and rose from her seat. She went to the railing and looked at the sea. A sickle of the moon was visible in the sky and there were hardly any stars.

Sanjay went and stood near her. She had a smile hovering around her lips.

"But I have", she said.

"I have known the depths of love", she continued, her voice barely audible.

Sanjay looked on and waited for her to continue. But she didn't. He understood what she meant. He could hear his own heart breaking into tiny shards.

"How long have you known Prabhas?"

"Nearly a decade", she said, still looking at the sea.

Sanjay kept silent and stole glances at her. Anushka's hair was ruffling in the breeze. It caressed her delicate neck, revealing a yellowing hickey.

Realisation dawned upon him.

"What am I doing?! Anushka is with Prabhas for God's sake! She is in a serious relationship with him and needless to say, head-over- heels in love. She's happy. And I've seen the love, care, and possessiveness Prabhas has for her in his eyes. Why am I, an outsider, interfering with them?!"

He was now disgusted at himself.

"I love her. And it's nothing like how I felt for other girls. It's like, I can forego anything for her. But in this relationship, it will always be just me and no her. And I will do anything to keep that smile on her face. Today evening, I saw it waver. And it was because of me. I won't let it happen again. Never again."

Sanjay cleared his throat, careful not to let his voice break.

"Um... Anushka?"

Sweety turned to him.

"I'm going to France tomorrow"

"All of a sudden?", she asked confused.

"Yes, an urgent meeting to attend. I'll leave tomorrow noon", he said averting his eyes, hoping that he would manage to get a ticket for the journey he planned just a few seconds ago.

"Oh! Ok! So won't we meet again?", she asked.

Sanjay shrugged and forced a smile.

"I just wanted to say that...", he looked at her face and his heart felt heavier.


"Um...I'm lucky to have met you Anushka. I'll cherish these few moments spent with you for a lifetime", he said in a small voice.

"You have been such a gracious host and a wonderful company for us, Sanjay. Thank you for everything", Anushka said with a warm smile.

Sanjay just nodded, gulping down his feelings.

"Ok, it's getting late. I better go now", she said, looking around.

"We can meet before you leave tomorrow right?"asked her.

"Sure", he smiled.

Sweety bid him goodnight and started walking towards the corridor when Sanjay called her from behind.


She turned around and said,


"Can I get a hug please?", he asked, eyes pleading.

Anushka grinned and gave him a hug. It was the only thing Sanjay could ask for. He couldn't breathe with unsaid emotions choking him. He managed to mumble a thanks and looked on as the only lady he ever loved, walking away from him.

As Sweety made her way to the suite, she sighed, pitying Sanjay as she had read what he actually wanted to tell her from his eyes.

* * * * *

Prabhas was lying on the bed. A lone tear drop escaped his eyes. He didn't think of anything nor was he angry. He just laid there, facing the wall, his mind blank, apart from the face that meant the whole world for him.

Today, he was hurt. For the first time, he was doubtful. He thought whether he was best for his Sweety or was there someone better. But all he knew was, he loved Anushka more than anything, more than his own life. His whole world revolved around her. She was his world.

Prabhas heard the door opening. Sweety had returned. He couldn't face her now and he closed his eyes, pretending to sleep. He heard her closing the door and coming near him.

Sweety saw Prabhas lying on the bed, facing other side of the wall. She quietly went near him. He was asleep. His face looked tired and forlorn. She gently pulled the blanket and covered him. She caressed his forehead, careful not to wake him up.

Anushka slowly got into the bed near him and switched off the lights. She got under the blanket and inched closer to him. She reached and kissed his stubbled cheek. Prabhas didn't wake up nor turned to her side.

She spooned him in her hug and slept, her body glued to his.

* * * * *

It was a humid morning in Mauritius. Prabhas woke up sweaty and irked. He looked for Anushka near him. But she had already waken up and was in front of the study table, writing something.

"Good morning", said Anushka, smiling at him.

"Good morning", he returned. There was an awkward pose between them.

A call from Sweety's mother interrupted them and she went to attend the phone. When she came inside after a couple of moments, Prabhas was still lying on the bed.

"Shall I get you some tea?", she asked him. He shook his head in a 'no'.

Anushka went in to take a bath. Prabhas got out of the bed to put his phone on charge on the study table. It was then his eyes fell upon the paper lying on the table. It seemed like a letter written by Sweety. He took it and started reading it.

Dear Sanjay,

She wrote,

First of all, let me thank you for giving us a great time in Mauritius. These were the most beautiful days of our lives. This resort and each and every part of this island has become so special for me.

I know that you don't consider your talents as something extraordinary. But, believe me, very rarely do people have such fine tastes in literature, art, and architecture. Acknowledge it and cherish it. You are the person who goes by your heart. Never stop travelling and always keep on accepting adventures in your life with a smile. And also, do meet your parents often.

Before saying goodbye, I just wanted to tell you something. Last night when you read Rumi's poems, you said that there was no one who understood love better than him. And I said that I did. You might have thought I was just blabbering. But now I feel like I should let you know what I meant by that.

You know, Prabhas and I had known each other for so many years. He was one of my closest friends. We have seen each other evolve as persons. But if you ask when did we fall in love, I don't have an answer for that. It was not at a certain point of time that we realized our feelings for each other. It was in between many thousands of little moments that we both spent together. It was then we knew that we wanted a million moments more.

Prabhas makes me who I am. His one touch and a single look makes my heart flutter even now. Love is not something that is difficult to understand or hard to explain as people often think. It's just the feeling that everyone has inside them. But they will be only aware of its presence when their heart see the right person. The mere thought of spending the rest of your life with the person will exhilarate you.

I don't know if you got what I'm trying to say. There are more things life can offer you apart from these adventures. You just need to pause and look around. Maybe you'll find what you are looking for just around the corner. A person with whom you can talk about anything and everything, with whom you can laugh and cry, with whom you can fight and patch up. A person, who will stride through the high and low tides of your life and say "What a journey!", and will be willing to go through it all over again with you by their side.

But sure, there will be times when it will not go as smooth as you wish. That doesn't mean that the relationship is breaking apart. But what's life without a few speed-breakers?! A few bumps and bruises along the way is a small price to pay when you have your loved one holding your hands.

I just hope that you find someone like that soon. I have found my life in Prabhas, and as a person who has known what it is to be loved so unconditionally by him, I tell you my friend, there is nothing more pure and divine than that feeling.

I wish you all the best for your future and may you encounter happiness in every endeavours of your life.

With lots of love,

Prabhas closed his eyes sighing. Tears fell from his eyes and trapped in his stubble. The intensity of Anushka's feelings had hit him hard. He felt so ashamed of himself. Thanking his stars and the destiny for blessing him with her, he turned quickly and opened the bathroom door.

Anushka was in front of the mirrorr, her eyes closed as she took long breaths. Prabhas, without any warning, hugged her from behind, his hands gripping her bare stomach. She started and turned around to him. Prabhas loosened his grip around her, his head hanging low.

"Pabsu? What happened?", asked Sweety alarmed. She tipped his head up. His eyes were red.

"You are scaring me! Tell me what happened?"

"Nothing", he said and hugged her hard.

Anushka couldn't decipher why he was behaving so. Nevertheless, she hugged him, patting and soothing him.

Prabhas let her go and she looked at him.


Before she could say anything, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her hard with all his passion. He let loose her hair and poured down all his emotions silently. In between the lingering kisses, Sweety understood why he acted so. She held him tighter, reassuring him through her kisses that she was only his and as long as the sun shines and the stars sparkle, she will remain so.

The bath was long forgotten as they busied themselves, smoothing the wrinkles of the last night.

* * * * *

"Thank you for all that you have done", said Prabhas warmly, shaking hands with Sanjay.

"My pleasure", smiled him in return.

Anushka and Prabhas were standing at the front lobby, bidding Sanjay goodbye. Anushka stepped near him and handed him the sheet of paper and a miniature of Buddha.

"Something for you", she said smiling.

Sanjay smiled at her, curbing his emotions in the creases of his heart.

"Even I got something for you both", and he took out a small wooden box from his bag.

Anushka took it from him and opened the box. Her face broke into a radiant smile as she looked at a small crystal. It was tinged with ocean blue sand grains and with water in it. At the heart of the crystal was a tiny shell and around it floated the two initials - 'P' and 'S'.

"I had taken the sand grains and the shell from the sea bed when we went scuba diving. I thought of modifying it a little and gift it you so that it will always remind you both of the time spend here. Do you like it?"

"It's...", Sweety said dreamily.

"Magical", completed Prabhas for her. She looked at him and smiled, her cheeks turning pink.

Sanjay looked at the form of purest love before him and heard the echoes of waves lashing at his heart. With a few more cordial words, he sped away in the car, without even turning back for once.

Sweety and Prabhas waved at the car and she rested her head on his chest. Prabhas enveloped her and asked in a tender voice,

"So what does my Bangaram want to do today? We have to celebrate this last day. What do you think?"

Sweety remained quiet for a few moments before speaking.

"Nothing. We will stay in our suite."

"Why? No outings?", he asked.

"No. Let's celebrate us", said Anushka and they walked hand-in-hand towards their happy place.

* * * * *

Author's Note : So finally the 'Holiday Shots' have come to an end after all. 😌 I apologize for making you all wait for so long. Anyways, I hope I could satisfy your expectations. Please pardon me if I couldn't.🙏

Until I get an interesting idea for the next shots, keep reading and keep loving Pranushka! Suggestions and opinions are always welcome! 🙂

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