Chapter 9 - Smitten

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Author's Note : Hey guys! Sorry for the late update!😌 I'm a little busy.
Anyways, I've written this shot, but I'm not completely satisfied with it.🙄 It can be considered as a few snippets written down together.
But still... I've given it a try.😅
Do give me know your feedbacks.
P.S. Next part will be updated in a couple of days.
Keep reading 😁
Lots of love 💕

"Maybe I'll post about it!", said Rana excitedly.

"For the last time Rana, we're not making it public now!", Anushka said, exasperated. Prabhas sniggered.

The trio had met in Bengaluru where Rana had his film shooting going on and Anushka had a reunion of her old friends. Since Saaho shooting was about to start in a couple of days, Prabhas had tagged along with Sweety so that they could spend some time together.

From when they had told about their engagement to Rana, he had been pestering both to make it official soon. They both had a hard time convincing him telling that it was not yet the right time and he will have to wait it.

"Fine!", said Rana sulking.

"Hey! Did you meet Philip, Darling?", he asked Prabhas, who was reclined on the couch beside Anushka, absently playing with her hair.

"Yeah! A jolly good fellow he is!", said Prabhas.

"Who? Who?", prodded Anushka, poking Prabhas.

"It's my friend. He's a diamond specialist at Tiffany's. I had called him when Prabhas told he wanted to get a ring for you when he left to the US", explained Rana.

Anushka turned to Prabhas.

"Aw! You had planned it back then!?"

Prabhas nodded and smiled and Anushka pinched his cheeks. Rana rolled his eyes.

Anushka rose and said,

"Okay boys... I've gotta go now. Shalini and the others must have reached there."

She hugged Rana goodbye and went near Prabhas.

"Do whatever you want...I'm not looking", said Rana, covering his eyes.

Anushka shook her head, bent down and pecked Prabhas' lips.

"Bubye!", she called as she went out of the apartment, while Prabhas looked on, a smile lingering on his lips.

Rana said, "She's really happy". Prabhas smiled turning to him. "And so are you!", Rana continued, "I'm so happy that you proposed to her Darling." His happiness for them was evident in his eyes.

"I know! Thanks Rana.", said Prabhas with affection.

"You know what!? I always knew you both were meant to be - from the very first time when I saw you together. Remember those early days of Bahubali?", asked Rana.

"How can I forget?!"

"You were completely smitten by Sweety!", laughed Rana.


The shooting for Bahubali had started. The whole cast were present for the initial couple of months so that everyone could bond, work and rehearse together for the movie. It was kind of an icebreaking period.

The people were amazing to work with and quite obviously, Anushka was everyone's favourite. Just like her name, she was the sweetest. She made everyone around her comfortable and happy. Rana always teased her by saying that Sweety could kill everyone with her goodness. Such a charming personality she had.

Unlike others, Prabhas and Anushka didn't need any further bonding, as they had been close friends for a long time. There was no ice to break between them. Prabhas had always liked Anushka, and considered her as one of his close friends. They both shared a very soothing comfort level.

Even though both had worked in two films before, and also met often, Prabhas and Anushka had never spent so much time with each other. Everything changed when they started Bahubali. While working for Bahubali, everyone was constantly on the sets, practicing, rehearsing, researching, it was like they all were practically living together under one roof.

Prabhas clearly remembered that day. They were in Kerala for filming a few scenes. As usual, Anushka had reached the sets early morning. Prabhas was already ready and was in between the takes. It was a fight sequence and he was trying to give his perfect shot. He saw Anushka waving at him from a distance.

He didn't know why, but as he saw her, in her casual jeans and a t-shirt, smiling her ever-so-sweet smile, he felt better, it seemed to him that everything would go ok. Anushka mouthed a 'good morning' and 'All the best' to him and moved towards her van to get ready.

That day, they had a few combination scenes, and for the the first time, she was doing the young Devasena rather than the old one. Prabhas had completed his scenes and was taking a break before the next shot.

The morning rays filtered through the green branches in the woods of Kerala. Early birds chirped and a cool breeze wafted through the air.

Prabhas' phone beeped when he was enjoying the morning. He checked it and it was the message from Sweety.

"Hey! How did the scene go?😃"
"Good! Managed to get it right after a few retakes 😀"
"Almost... wearing the ornaments 😀"
"Okay...come out soon😆"

Prabhas was smiling at his phone. They both were like that. Anushka was in the van, practically a few feet away from him, but still they were talking like they were miles apart. Since they were together almost everyday, they realised how much they had to talk about and was sometimes amazed at how they never ran out of topics.

"What are you smiling at Darling?", asked SSR.

"Nothing, nothing", stuttered Prabhas.

Rajamouli had come to explain the scene to him. It was the one where Amarendra Bahubali sees Devasena for the first time.

"Ok now, you have to look at Devasena with complete awe, love, and respect, combined together. Amarendra is swept off by the fire in Devasena's eyes, which is what first attracts him. At that moment all he sees his nothing but only Devasena", explained SSR. Prabhas was listening and nodding to him.

"Oh! There comes our Princess Devasena!", exclaimed SSR.

If the camera would have captured Prabhas' expression at that moment, it would have surpassed the scene in the movie. He was awestruck by the heavenly beauty he saw in front of him and saw nothing but her in that moment.

He saw Sweety, coming down from the van, clad in a fushia pink saree, and royal blue blouse, draped in a warrior style. The sword dangled from her slender waist and her long tresses played with the breeze. She had elegant ornaments and accessories, but nothing could be compared to the beauty and fierceness of her darkly kohled eyes.

Prabhas couldn't stop staring at her. His heart was skipping in his chest. Anushka came to them directly. SSR said,

"Wow Sweety! You look just perfect! Beyond beautiful than what I had in mind."

"Thanks! But all the credit goes to Rama and Prashanti. They've done an impressive job on me", said Anushka giggling.

"She's always like that. Giving credits to everyone around her and hardly accepting any complements herself", thought Prabhas, all the time trying hard to tear his gaze off her.

Rajamouli had explained the scenes to them and left. Then, Anushka turned to Prabhas and asked, slightly worried,

"How am I looking?"

"Absolutely stunning, Sweety", said Prabhas, without even thinking for a second.

"Really? You think so? Thank God! You know I completely trust your opinions. Phew! Now I'm calm.", said Sweety, blushing a little.

Anushka was in a playful mood that day and was talking and laughing with everyone. Soon, the shot was ready and it was the fight sequence of Devasena in the forest.

Prabhas stood beside SSR to watch the shoot. As soon as he said "Action", gone was the cheerful Sweety. The camera saw the fierce, strong, bold, and beautiful Devasena.

Everyone around was watching the scene with complete silence. She was fighting with the sword as if she had always been a warrior. Her eyes spat fire to the screen. With that, the director called "Cut". Everyone cheered and applauded and the scene was completed in one perfect take.

Anushka acknowledged their appreciation with a sweet smile and sat down near Prabhas, who was waiting for others to move away, so that he could congratulate her. She bit her lips and waited for his thoughts.

"I'm telling you Sweety, this is going to be one of the best scenes in the whole film. You were just spectacular!", said Prabhas with a proud feeling and strong conviction.

"Oh! That's so sweet of you Pabsu!", said Anushka. It was then she realised that she had called him 'Pabsu'. It was the first time she was calling Prabhas that. She didn't have the slightest idea how the name came to her mouth. It was just unexpected, and had come with a flow.

She looked at Prabhas, who was looking at her intently, with an amused expression on his face. She looked down at her hands folded on her lap, blushing.

"'Pabsu'?", thought Prabhas. She had called him 'Pabsu'! His heart melted when he heard her call that. Though he had many other nicknames, no one called him so. Only she did, it was special and made her even more special.

Sweety was called by Rama, and as she went with her, she turned to look at Prabhas, who in turn gave her a warm smile. This exchange was not gone unnoticed by SSR. He thought,

"Well, well, someone is completely smitten! Looks like the love story of Bahubali and Devasena is going to be much more realistic than I thought!", and the director smiled to himself.

Prabhas and Anushka had grown closer to each other with every passing day. When anyone asked where Prabhas was on the sets, the crew automatically looked for Sweety, or the other way round, and there they would be, always nearby each other.

Whether it was on the sets or on flights, they both were always together. Anushka was generally a calm person, she only talked moderately with people. But when she was with Prabhas, she was like a whole another person. She talked about each and everything to him, while he looked on and listened to her blabbers, completely enjoying every single words she said.

The crew had days of theoretical preparations for their roles and everyone gathered around in a huge hall, spreading themselves across the floor. Prabhas was sitting on the floor in tees and shorts, his hair dishevelled and eyes tired. Anushka sat beside him, in a casual white kurti, her hair in a messy bun.

Prabhas was going through Anushka's phone to play some songs. He had made playlists of both of their favourite songs in her mobile. They both shared the earplugs and then read their scripts.

During the break, Rana asked Anushka,

"Sweety, give me your phone, I've to make a call. My battery is dead."

Anushka searched her mobile near her and said,

"Oh! That's with Pabsu. He'll come now." With that she went, leaving Rana confused.

He thought, "Hmm... 'Pabsu' huh?! Interesting! And Darling, he's behaving as if whatever belongs to Anushka belongs to him as well. Something is definitely fishy here."

SSR patted on his shoulder and warned,

"Don't do anything now, we'll wait and watch how the show unwinds", and he winked.

Rana raised his eyebrows in surprise and as he understood, he gave a thumbs up, laughing.

Those days were hectic. They had to shoot at night and prepare for the next scenes during daytime. Prabhas and Anushka were quite comfortable with night shifts. While the others drooped sleeping, they were always energetic. But as they worked through the day, they got tired.

Rana was getting irked that noon, as he was tired and hungry.

"Isn't it time for lunch?I'm hungry!", he asked Prabhas, who was sitting beside him, scratching his head.

"Within an hour maybe. But how does that matter to you Rana? You're on your diet!", laughed Prabhas at him.

"You'll suffer soon too Darling", scorned Rana at him.

"Yeah! Until then, I'll.think of you when I eat chicken biryani", laughed Prabhas.

"Now concentrate on your work. Your green salad can wait for a couple of hours", continued Prabhas, kicking Rana's legs.

Rana got up and said,

"Lemme go and find out something more interesting than green salad", and he went out. Prabhas laughed at him.

As Prabhas was going through the references, he felt a light weight on his left shoulder. Sweety had fallen asleep, resting her head on his shoulder, near his neck.

He looked at her face, calm and peaceful, sleeping like a baby. The circles around her eyes showed her tiredness. She looked so innocent. Prabhas slowly leaned on the wall, careful not to jerk his shoulders and wake her up.

The delicate, sweet smell of her hair filled his nose. A few strands of hair spread across her face. He had a great urge to move it away, but restricted himself from doing so when he became aware that there were other people around him.

He, with great difficulty in concentrating, tried to continue his work. He even breathed in a slow rhythm unless she woke up. He peeked at her from the corner of his eyes, ensuring that she was in a comfortable position.

"Do you want anything?", asked Rana loudly, eating an apple.

"Shh!!!", said Prabhas, indicating to Sweety, who frowned in her sleep and adjusted her head on his shoulder.

"Oops! Sorry!", whispered Rana.

"I've got some fruits other than salad. But I've arranged for an early lunch. So come!", grinned Rana.

"I'll have it later. If I get up now, Sweety will wake up too.", said Prabhas silently.

"Ok then, I'm going!"

Rana smiled to himself as he went away.

* * * * *

One day, as Prabhas reached the sets, he saw Anushka and SSR discussing something seriously. He went there to enquire what was happening.

"What happened?", asked Prabhas to both of them.

"Actually, I've got an offer for a bilingual film named 'Size Zero', in Tamil and Telugu.", said Anushka.

"That's great! What's the problem then?", asked Prabhas.

"She has to put on weight for the movie and she's worried if she would be able to get back in shape quickly and in time for Bahubali.", completed SSR.

"I was telling her that it was not a problem and I have full confidence in her. She really wants to do it, but is hesitating because of this", continued SSR.

"Did you like the script Sweety?", asked Prabhas.

"Yeah! I loved it!"

"Then it's done! If you like it then definitely go for it. Don't worry about getting into shape. We all are there right? We'll work for it together.", asserted Prabhas simply.

Just his assurance made Anushka feel confident. She thought, "He'll always be there to support me." SSR also encouraged her to take up the project and finally she agreed upon it.

The shooting schedule was fixed as she got a break from Bahubali. Anushka had went to Chennai to complete the film. To Prabhas, the crowd and the humongous sets of Bahubali seemed eerily quiet and empty without her.

One evening, the weather in Hyderabad had suddenly turned stormy. It had been drizzling for a few days. The crew had to pack up early because of the unexpected climate change. They had gathered together and was lounging, waiting for the thunderstorm to recede.

Shobu Garu, Rajamouli and a few others were watching the television, while Rama, Prabhas and Rana were talking, and others were doing something or other.

"What's with the sudden storm?!", wondered Rana aloud.

And they started discussions about weather and drifted off to other topics.

They were talking about something when Prabhas stood up suddenly, staring at the TV, his face turning pale, and fear gripping his heart.

"What happened Darling?", asked Rana, anxiously.

Everyone turned to look Prabhas and then at the TV, which he was staring at. The news channel was on. The headlines flashed across the screen, bold and disturbing,

"Chennai Floods : Weather and situation worsens."
"City drowning"
"Flight AJ-140 from Chennai to Hyderabad goes missing; aviation department fails to track the plane. No information regarding the condition of the passengers."

"Darling! What happened?!", Rana shouted, shaking his shoulders hard.

Prabhas looked at him, his pupils dilated with fear,

"It's Sweety. She's in that flight." said Prabhas, his voice barely audible.

*To be continued*

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