Quarantine Dairies-2-#DaddyonMission

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Hey peeps, Hope ur safe and sound..here's the last part..Happy Reading 


Bookmarking the page, Prabhas relaxed on his chain at study but gently opened his lashes sensing unusual silence around. Being with his hyperactive girl which never gonna possible

Stretching himself, he stood up to check what's the reason for this unusual silence around.His step stopped Infront of Prakruthi's playroom as he heard her talks something seriously

"U know Amma is at lest[rest]..I'm shoo busy ...can't tell u stolies and play with u ..ash I'm busy look after Daddy...Amma Shahid[said] I need to look after him just like she take cale of  me ..Sho I'm telling u all..U all r my good babies noo... So u need to be good and go to sheep... Don't be Bad babies ..ok ??"

Prabhas chuckles with an amusing look and peeks through inside only to see Prakruthi so busy in talks with her Teddy Bears..

She's very obsessed with the mini version to maximize Gaint ones ...

Prabhas couldn't able to take off his eyes from his cute Teddy bear as she settles herself with other toys in line... she just resembles one in those ...

"Hello, Teddy bear ?" Prabhas greeted leaning towards the door crossing his arms with a smile

"Nanaaaa...coml comll"

"What u were doing here?? It's time to sleep "

"Yeshh yeshh..I'm telling them to sheep..but they are Bad Babies noo?" Prakruthi utters gazing at her buddies with an accusing look just like how sweety looks at her whenever she throws an tantrum

"Yeah very bad..Now prakruthi is behaving just like them..No sleeping at all !"

"Offo Dadaa..Noo..U make me sheep..I need to make them sheep na?" She tried to make her point so clear making her father melts by her innocence

"Ok fyn Dada got it ..Now tell me how can Nanna help u ?"

"Tell ushhh a stolyyy !! "

"Hahhh... To Ur teddies too ?" Prabhas asked with an amused smile 

"Yeshh...they lob stories !!haina?" she just steals a look at her Teddies  

"Ok, but I can only tell u if I get a kiss from my teddy bear !" In the next movement, prakruthi jumps in her father's lap giving him a wet sloppy kiss as he chuckled caging her tightly 

"Ok so once upon a time ..A big lion in jungle " Prabhas had to settle his big frame on Prakruthi's small bed need to adjust with her gaint teddy bears around settling her in his embrace as she listens to him attentively

Soon he needs to stop gazing at his daughter who already slips into deep slumber sliding in his arms. Not disturbing her beauty sleep he walks her towards their room


"Nannaa..Nannaaa.."  Prakruthi seated on the couch with a hairbrush and bands all set to give tasks again to her dear daddy..since he starts to learn how to make her pigtails now, she's actually in love with her Daddy's skills and styles and only wants him to make her hair every day ..She's loving her Nanna's new styling like High ponytail, Hen-tail, braided tail

If a single No from him, she would ready  with her waterworks which the daddy dearest couldn't able to bear not even for a sec 

Prabhas who was busy with the phone didn't react much  as his eyes were still fixed on his phone 

"Nannaa!!" Prakruthi called him in a high pitch, Soon Prabhas  had to give up giving all his attentions to his lill pumpkin who states at him with a pout as asking 'will he not gonna do her task?' standing beside him on the couch glaring at him very seriously with hands-on hips

"I'm Ready lill madem..Come on now" He utters as Praktuthi climbed in his lap as he got busy making a high ponytail today 

Sweety who been gazing at both her lifelines with a bright smile couldn't able to take off her eyes from the adorable ones, she well knew he would tune-up on whatever Prakruthi would say ..Such a Daughter's Boy he is !! yeah, she needs to invent this new word to describe her HusbandMan !!



"Ammulu slow..slow" I could hear My Husbandman's voice trying to calm down a hyperactive Prakriti who literally jumping on her lill toes to reach me to show off her New Toy but slipped on watery floor hurting her head

"Ahh..Ammaaaa" she cried loudly while palming her head where she just banged as I unknowingly opened my door seeing her falling down..

'Shut! i just can't go to her ' I need to remind and repeat it as a Mantra to control myself down..'My Baby!' My heart aches to see her sobbing in pain

In the next movement, "Chinnii..Oh, God!" I saw her father picked up in an embrace immediately gently rubbing her head coeuing her But I can see her lill teary orbs were searching for me.' What's this Punishment?'

"What we're doing Ammulu?? R u ok?" prabhas literally panicked seeing his lill baby crying harder..

"Who the hell cleaned this?? " Oh No!! I knew what's coming up..he just roared like a lion seeing prakruthi's big fat tears making their way out as she curled towards her father sobbing harder

"Anna.. I just cleaned here as part of cleaning " Ramesh Anna came forward apologetically

"Shut up... R u mad or what? How can u be so insensitive... We have a baby at home " My Husband roared Once again only to disappear with our Daughter.. 'Crap! Now, I need to deal with 2 cranky babies.'


Searching for the duo, My eyes literally halt at the adorable scenario of father and daughter who just seated on the Sofa curdling to each other deviating their minds towards Cartoons still with a frown on faces..Prakruthi seems tired and sleepy hugging her father as Prabhas stayed mum dedicating his whole time to comfort our Baby...' He seems So sensitive and Over-protective when it comes to Her..I knew it '

He's just massaging her head not to make her remember about the mess but I knew the look..he seems too pissed off and Definitely couldn't able to digest her tears, I bet as soon as she woke up she won't even remember about all this..But Her Father would for the next 2 days sulking like a cranky teen-girlfriend

"Hw's she now?" I asked as soon as he answered the phone turns his head to gaze at my window

"Better... But she cried so much.. I'm worried..should we take her to the doctor?"

"No pupsu, that won't be needed... It was just an accident and she wouldn't remember it anyway ..ok?" I tried to pacify the sulking man such were his Fatherly affections 

P: "I'm Not sure.. She's so upset sweety "

S: "But u know, u shouldn't shout like that... Would anybody guess she would come and fall there? No right?"

P: "But they need to be cautious..We Have A TODDLER at Home & They knew about her.."

S: "Yeah, But even we didn't expect then how could they ?" I asked him tries to convince him it's not their whole fault

"Sweety, I'm done with this..let's stop here..I'm still worried for her" The famous dialogue finally came out as he just grabs our daughter hugging her more

"I knew u r worried.. But U just can take things like this Pupsu.. It will affect her too. U knew what I meant. As I don't want to Exaggerate I'm staying mum...U well knew how u reacted and u shouldn't have ..." I cut the call and starts involving in my chores 

After about 20 min, I moved to my balcony to enjoy my fav Ginger tea which was made by my dearest Hubbyman..He well knows how to deal with my moods.. & This Special Ginger tea treat is to please me..This man can Never Gonna change !! I  next moment, I was surprised to see Pupsu and Ramesh Anna were hanging out in the garden enjoying their evening tea.. Pupsu being too normal and asking him how is tea and all involved in various talks about his family and all just as usual  ..This Man and His Antiques..Never Change !! Maybe that's another reason, I   love him to the moon and back ..My Pupsuu❤️❤️❤️


"Nanna, Itshhh Railyingggg[raining]!!" Prakruthi squirrels in excitement grabbing his father's pinky finger pulling him forward with all her strength who got busy in a call

"Nanna knew it's Raining..What's special?" Prabhas asked kneeling towards her ending the call in a hurry

"Offooo Dada" Prakruthi slammed her forehead dramatically amazes her father

"Clothesss...Wetty witty" she pointed towards their backyard where clothes hanged to dry

"Come..Come" Prakruthi runs to get the clothes pulling her father along indirectly ordering him to do so

After 2 min, Depositing the clothes to a side, Prabahs turns to gaze at his lill Lilly who now covering herself with her Mother's pink shawl but purposefully drenching in rain

"No drenching in rain..u will catch a cold " Prabhas restricts her lill hands and legs to run away tries to take her in arms

"Noo..DaddyBujji comes on,.plzzz"  Prakruthi literally dragged her father into the lawn and starts jumping like a rabbit drenching in rain giggling clapping her lill palms as the cold water touches her delicate skin

"Amma and Ammuluu lovb to Danlsh in Raily.!!!" she chuckled revealing their lill secret making her father laugh wholeheartedly As Sweety who's been watching them secretly from her window clicks their pictures to cherish

"Nanna, catchy catch?" Prabhas who just struck to gaze at his lill bunny with all the love in the world brought back to reality and runs just pretends can't able to catch her making her super happy



"Chinamma, Bring me the hot bag, My back is aching " Prakruthi has to stop on tracks listening to her Nana's tone...

He's having an Ache? Oh, My Pool Daddy is crlying in pain... Now, she couldn't able to see this happen and have to comfort her Daddy as soon as possible 

Prabhas relaxed on his chair, sensing a palm on his knee makes him open his eyes and look at her..' There's she is..His Lill savior!'

In no tym, his lap got filled by lill Prakruthi who cupped his face with her tiny palms gazing at him with pure love

"Daddy bujji, Oppi here?" she asked pointing towards his shoulder as Prabhas smiles faintly by the affection

"Yeah, Ammulu ..a lill bit" lately he seems over-stressed, His new schedule has started and he needs to involve in the character stuff to mold himself acc to the requirements but He been Missing his sweet wife too..

Everything would be easier and feel free when she's around giggling and laughing to heart..The scene is enough to make him super energetic but still, they were apart being nearer and he just doesn't like it..The only savior is his lill girl antiques  who didn't leave a chance to gain his attention which seems her ultimate goal for all the time 

"Come Come...Ammulu doo Malgiccc just like that " prakruthi utters clicking her figures as gently trying to pull her father using all-mighty force to lay down on the yoga mat 

Prabhas chuckles as he's sure about her intentions, It's her all-time favorite job to give him a message. Assuming walking on the ramp climbing on his back 

"Nanna..Noo Molvhing..ok?" Prakruthi tries to pull his daddy's leg as she knows he would tease her gently tries to move and she actually needs to balance to cling on his back. That's the Game she loves to play ...If she stumbles a bit from his back and falls down, Her Daddy would be ready to pamper her with many kisses and chocolates as if he did a crime and if she doesn't then, She would win the game getting treated with ultimate chocolates as much as she demands ... So, Basically It's a Win & Win Game for her 



Finally, Allmighty has shown some mercy on Prabhas, Checkup with their Family doctor who assurance Now, sweety can settle back to home completing her quarantine is perfectly fine and healthy. He was on cloud nine hearing to this and Now, Done with head bath  sweety settled back in their room 

"Hi Darlingeyyy" But he was hit by a pillow harshly 

"Ouch.. Is this a way to hug me ?"

He could see she's not in a good state, Her clothes were stuffed aside but the tears were making out profusely..resembles her bad mood very clearly 

"Oh Ok My Lionness..!! easy Easy " he tries to settle beside her taking her in a back hug lightly 

"Don't touch me !" There's she is with waterworks...

"Ok, I Got u, Baby..calm down" Prabhas just knew that face and the hurt in that Big hazel eyes..she just missed them terribly and couldn't able to show it off without that tears ... Such a Cry Baby !!

"U know how much I missed u both?? I couldn't able to sleep well.. U just forgot me Pupsu"

"Really? Look at me.. see ur pupsu's state once, had such a Horrible separation, U think I forgot u? Will, that ever gonna happen sweetu?" I asked making a sad face as she just moves closer to me as I wrapped her safely 

"I miss u terribly Sweetie" As soon as the words escaped my mouth I could see a cute smile forming on her teary face ... 'My Love' pulling her effortlessly I just kissed her hair as she snuggles in my embrace just like a Baby 

"I Hate u " I freaked out looking at her face 

"As I Miss this too much " she utters pulling my collars as tasting his lips instantly as I just lost in that romantic world..Soon her swollen lips were parted and Her grief got tightened around his shoulder as he buried his neck at her neck curve  inhaling her sweet scent which drives him crazy 

"We need to let prakruthi sleep with Mom Today" He utters gazing at her as she smirks looking at her Man with equal passion adding" And why is it so ?"

"Becoz u need to explore so many things tonight " make out his reply as she just blushed, gently rolling a side now, she leans on her Man who has a surprising look written on his face 

"I'm waiting for it !!" She utters gently biting his jawline as Prabhas just smirks registering her wild reply making him super excited than anything ..She's Changed ..Has become Bold and for so many good reasons he just like the new Avatar of his naive wife and couldn't himself hold back anymore from her 

That's it.. Hope u like the update .. Yes i'm gonna write some romantic shots ..and Let me know how many of u missing Prayansh here?? And how much u like shots with prayansh and with Prakruthi..do tell me ... Since, i'm missing Prayaansh very badly..Next shot is with Prayansh and a Romantic one too..

If u guys like the update plz vote and comment..Ur comments were like energy boosters for me..keep smiling and stay safe dearies ..Will see u soon buddies...Bye Bye 

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