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Hey Guys...Back with another cute shot ...Happy Reading !!

Sweety looked upset seeing her husband who's facing his back towards her busy in packing his luggage ....

His new film schedule have started and it's time to go Italy for shooting ....Though she feels sad but couldn't say in words to stop him...remained silently while looking at her husband

Prabhas who involves in packing without stressing his wife ..smiles hearing some cute sounds which tries to distract him ..while a lill figure who rolls to him and trying his better ways to gain attention by rubbing his lill button nose towards his back ..shaking his lill hands and legs in air..pulling his shirt in fists

Yep it's his lill life ..."Prayaansh!!"

Prabhas smiles and turns back to find the lill creature and bend closer to him planting some kisses on his lill nose while Prayansh laughs his lungs out feeling ticklish ..

"Hmm so some one needs attention here ??" Asked Prabhas rubbing his long nose with Prayaansh's

"Alkhggfll" sounded Prayansh excitedly as his he Acheived his father's attension while sweety adores her lifelines with a smile

"Nanna..will come soon back .and will bring u many toys ..ok ?" Asked Prabhas caring his lill hairs with love

As he understood what his father meant...Prayansh made a sad face fisting his father's shirt in lill palms

"See even he doesn't liking it ..Stay here na Prabsu !"said sweety making puppy eyes

"Baby ..u well knows about my work..that's why suggesting u ..go back to Manglour for few days ...I will directly meet u there once my schedule ends !!" Said Prabhas calmly facing her

"No..I'm not going anywhere..I have Atteya ,Pramod and everyone here !"

"Then what's the problem?? Why r u behaving like this baby ?"

"I don't I said I'm not getting good vibes this time....plz stay for 2 more days with me...!"

"Sweety...u well know right ? We r already late for this's important for me to go..."said Prabhas entangling his fingures with her's while she didn't looked at him for once..stayed silent

"Hmm..Nanna gonna miss u Anshu ....take care of Ur Amma ok ?" Said Prabhas kissing Prayansh lill hands and resumes in packing


As the flight is in midnight...Father and son spends some quality time together and finally lill Prayansh drifts into sleep hugging his father tightly ...After their argument sweety stayed silent and been in home she's not feeling Prabhas took the charge of making his baby sleep checking his packing stuff

Hearing the knob ,he turns to find sweety coming closer with a black thread ... She quietly reached him and tied it on his wrist while he stares her with a smile

"Hmm so still angry with me ??"he asked taking off her hair locks

"Why would I ? Anyways don't dare to take this thread off !!" She said in stern tone eyeing ground

"Sweety ..listen naa"

"It's getting late...u have to start now..driver is waiting !" She spoked taking her baby in hold rocking him

Prabhas felt restless as he didn't received a good bidbye from his sweety ...

Her charming smile was replaced with a sad face ...didn't speak a word just waves a bye seeing him ..Though he felt bad for hurting her but still he couldn't able to create more loss to producers ...his thoughts got disturbed by his ringtone ..

"Hello...sweety ?"

"I'm..I'm sorry.!!" She mumbled

"I'm sorry too...but I have no option left baby !!"

"That's ok...take care...I Love you!!"

"Love u too baby ..!" He smiles widely

Sweety checks on her lill soul who just drifts into sleep after throwing countless rucks...she felt tried and exhausted couldn't able to get proper rest as lill Prayansh occupies her ..though Her Mother and Mother-in-law and whole Uppalapati clan were ready to help her just a feet away ...but still she misses her husband who's a great support system to her...

As they planned Prabhas took leave from all his commitments and want to be with his wife and child ... Initial 3month were managed peacefully with the guidance of elders ..but must say they enjoyed their New parenthood fully ..

But getting back to work .. Prabhas went to Italy but since he went Baby starts acting fuzzy ..she well knows the baby missing his father terrible...and was upset with his disappearance...

Sweety checked her sleeping son and slowly starts to tie her silky hairs into a messy bun and made her way through wardrobe..

"Sweety u r supposed to take rest!" Said Prabhas's mother who just came inside to check her

"Atteya ..I really don't feel to ...see hw mess this room is, just thought to clean it up ..!"

"I know ..but u needs rest dear..just see Ur self a min... U looks tired..come on have this coffee ... will ask servant to clean this ..!" She gently says caring sweety's hairs ...

"Ahahhh.." sweety got alarmed hearing her lill souls sob who just woken up from his nap

"Shush...What happen Kanna?I'm here ..Amma is here only see !!" Cooed sweety taking him carefully in her arms ...

"Missing Nanna already ?? Ha??" She asked with a smile as Prayansh starts searching for someone else than her ..
As she got engaged with her lill boy who's acting fussy .. turning her head to see her mobile ring
Suddenly a smile crepts on my face seeing the caller ID...

"U just remembered him ..he's calling for u !!" She said to her lill soul planting a quick kiss with love and settles on bed to attend the call

"Hi, Prabsu !!" She sounded happily

"Hw r u ?? All ok ?" His voice sounds in worry than usual

"Yeah I'm ok.."

"But Ur voice is not saying so ?" ...she smacked her head in disbelief..'hw can this man can read everything?'

"I'm ok....just a bit tired !" she hardly tries to convince him

"Did u take Ur lunch ?? And meds ??"he shooted his another question

"Yeah all is gud !!"

"Really but Amma said smthing else that u skipped Ur evening fruits ?" His voice shows slight sarcastic while sweety bites her lips as he got her

"It's bad to behave like an Detective Prabsu !" She said with an annoying tone

"Off course not !! as this Detective is a lover too" he said huskily while Sweety blushed slightly

"What's my lill boy doing ??"he asked excitedly

"Missing his Nanna!!"she utters with a smile

"Really ?"

"Yeah..he's searching for u ..u wanna to see him ??"she asked cheerfully

"Yeah off-course...even I'm missing him !! "Said Prabhas excitedly and they started vedio call

"U looks so pale ?? Baby tell me truth r u ok ?? For real?? have to come back ?"he asked again with consern

"Yeah...I'm fyn ..don't worry the way I have my full army here!!"she replied cheerfully making him smile

"I know but still...u didn't seems to be Healthy!!"

"Yeah it's becoz I'm missing my husband!!" she replied with a blush

"Really .?? Then what about me ?? even I'm missing my wife and son ...poor me !"he starts acting innocent

"Now stop it Mr.Drama-king !! U itself went for it ..didn't u ?" she asked raising her bow

"Now don't start it again...we already talked about this...didn't we ?"

"Anshu...hii!! See..Nanna is here !!" Called Prabhas cheerfully

Lill Prayansh widens his eyes seeing his father on screen while sweety adjusts him in lap for clear view ..

"I missed him so much ... "He mumbled seeing his lill creature who perfectly fitted in his wife's lap ..seeing him curiously with his big round eyes which r exact replica of his sweety

"Anshu missing his Nanna too....."said sweety with a smile

"Really ??"

"Yeah ..He's sad that no-one is there to play nor talks with him regarding work and everything along the naughty secrets of his Nanna..right ??"she teased him with a smile

"It's very bad to ear drop others conversation... that too Boys !!"he sounded like a kid

"Wow...really ??"


But their focus shifted in lill Prayansh who starts jumping in his mothers lap to reach out laptop screen as he want to touch his father

He widens his eyes in happiness seeing his father and tries to touch him but couldn't and starts tapping the screen showing his displeasure and gives back a sad look to his mother

"Awee baby ...Nanna will come soon.."sweety consoled her child while Prabhas adored them

"Haa Anshu...Nanna will come soon and will play lots of games ok?" he tries to sooth him

the vedio chat ended after endless talks for 2long hrs while Prabhas asked to go as sweety stood on her feet carrying her sleeping kid carefully
WEEK LATER : (Morning )

Sunrises spreads his warmness's the waking hours of Prayaansh..
Rubbing his lill figures across his eyes irritatingly Prayansh about to let out a sob not finding his mother nearer but stopped sensing a familiar Big personality who's big hand is securing him hugging from beside
Prayansh curiously clutched his lill fist on that long Figures and turns his head to see his Father who's in his peaceful nap..

His happiness has no boundaries and squirrels in happiness seeing his father as his face brimming with happiness ...he starts making strange happy sounds tapping his lill palms on his father's cheek to wake him up...

His excitement increases seeing frown on his father's face as getting disturbed in sleep while Prayansh continues in doing it

Finally after struggling for another 2min..Prayansh successfully completed his task.. as Prabhas opened his lashes to find his adorable lill creature giving him no.of toothless smiles leaning towards him

"Chinnu !! "Called Prabhas taking his lill boy into a warm hug planting few kisses on his head while Prayansh snuggles happily towards his father tugging his lill palms on his father shirt..

"Nanna missed u so much...!!" Mumbled Prabhas planting crazy kisses while his lill boy laughs his lungs out cutely feeling ticklish

"Ahhahh " Prayansh let out an happy shout resting his lill head on his father's face conveying that he too missed him so much while his lill palms got busy in playing with his father's curly hairs

"Hahh... again started messing my hair ??" Laughed Prabhas planting a cheek kiss to his lill devil as it is the fav play thing for Prayansh .

"Hmm so ...troubled Ur Amma??" He asked while placing the lill fellow on his heart while Prayansh answers him trying different sounds while climbing up to reach his father's long nose

"Ohoo looks like some is very busy ??"asked sweety who came with Prabhas mrng coffee

"Here comes Ur jealousy Amma ..right Anshu ??"

"Now ,Don't spoil my kid ...! "Said sweety taking place beside them on bed while Prayansh extending his lill hands forward

Prayansh snuggles to his mother as She took in arms and leaned his lill head towards her bosom and turns to see his father with a cute smile

" know what? It's been a while seen smile on his face..Not surprised to say he's indeed Daddy's puppy..!"said sweety with a smile rocking her lill boy who got busy playing with her nuptial chain

"Oho..So ur not happy nor jealous?" he asked teasingly raising bow

"Not a bit too..U know hw much i carved to seeing this...He's indeed like u..!" she answers kissing his lill hands with love

"Yeah may be by habits but took his Amma's features more ..So, hw can i ignore my small version of Sweety?"he asked resting his head on elbow leaning to her more

"Looks or habits ..doesn't matter ...!! He completed us in True sense..Our Symbol Of Love!!" she utters with a smile kissing Prayansh handing him to his father who's in verge of playing with him

That's it for today..Hope u guys will like it Don't know just full of thoughts of Lill Prayansh..couldn't able to control it ..Plz don't forget to drop ur votes and comments below..Love u all for such wonderful Love and supports..Thanks u guys !!

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