Dear Anxiety

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Dear, anxiety, my lover,
Every piece of you is hollow
Each step we take together,
Feels like we're headed towards the gallows.

You bring Isolation, frustration
all amidst this involuntary segregation.
I'm spiraling, I can't handle it,
This lack of reciprocation.
You're bland and boring,
You love to nag and nag.
It's because of you, you bitch
That I'm sucking on this fag.

You're awful, I hate you.

You make these four walls,
feel like they're closing in.
As you sit upon my couch
and take my hand again.
My hair is shedding now love,
I feel things crawling on my skin,
yet I can't express it,

you won't let me in.

Your hair smells of mildew,
Your skin, of self-hatred.
Your smile, it broadens
Look at what you've created.
You spear me, you kill me,
Each day just a little,
I can feel myself cave
When you play with that whittle.

With you, dear companion,
The days are neverending.
My hours are infinite,
my own thoughts, condescending.
But it's all part of comprehending,
what truly makes
I suppose I'll just go on pretending,
that I'm on par with you.

I'll smile big, I'll smile wide
I'll let you lead me through the tide.
And at your own request,
All these sentiments I'll hide.
This ain't about me anymore.
It's never really been.
I won't let myself slide, darling.
I don't want to let you win.

So I'll hold my breath, count to ten
Maybe I'll feel better then,
Unless of course it happens when
You decide to come around again.

Your embrace has me drowning,
It's something I can't permit
But it's hard, So hard,
to that warmth not submit.
It's only week 3 and you've got me on the ropes
It'll all be over soon
At can hope.

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