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di- twice

mal- bad

pre- before

pro- before

super- 1.above 2.upon 3.excessively

trans- through, across

chap 2

cardi- heart

cerebr- brain

cutane- relating to skin

his- tissue

leuc- white, lack of color

para- 1.near 2.beside 3.resemble 4.abnormal

peri- around

pharyng- throat

-stalsis nhu dong

systol- contraction

vas- vessel, duct

chap 3

ab- away from

anti- against

bio- living things

contra- against, opposite

dys- difficult, impaired

gen- gene

-iatric medical treatment

idio- not

myc- fungus

path- disease

sym-, syn- 1.union liên hợp 2.fusion  hợp nhất 3.with or together

chap 4

angio- blood or lymph vessel

athero- artery

carcin- cancer

dia- through

-gram 1.record 2.picture 3. an x-ray picture

-graph an instrument for making a record

-graphy 1.describtion 2.writing

hyper- above, excessive

hypo-under, below

-itis unflamation

-osis 1.abnormal condition 2.disease 3.affected with

-plasty repair or surgical correction

-rrhea flow discharge

scler- hardening, thickening

thromb- blood clot, platelets

-trophy nutrition

chap 5

gastro- stomach

neo- new

onco- tumor

opthalmo- eye

ortho- straight

oto- ear

ped- child, foot

psycho- mind

rhino- nosethorac- chest

chap 6

-ectomy excision, remove

-rrhaphy surgical sewing, suture

-stomy a surgical opening


incision, cutting

intra- within, inside

pre- before

inter- between

post- after

a-,ab-, an-,ir-,il-,in-,im-,non-,un- not

chap 7

vivi- living, revival

par- birth

para- near, beside, against, abnormal, beyond

-para a woman who has atleast 1 child

dis- reversal dao nguoc

chir- hand

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