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happy thursday friends!

Jimin was the first to wake up.

He wasn't quite sure when he and Jungkook had fallen asleep, only remembered rubbing the younger male's bare back softly as they had whispered conversations. Jungkook had ended up curled up into Jimin, his head tucked into the crook of the older male's neck and his arms wrapped around his torso.

Jimin gazed down upon Jungkook, observing as low breaths left his lips while he still succumbed to slumber. His body was still bare, and Jimin was only in his underwear himself, but the skin to skin contact created a bubble of intimacy that had Jimin's heart pounding. He didn't even know he craved closeness like this, lying chest to chest, feeling his heart beat next to Jungkook's.

Jungkook's hair was sticking up at various angles, extremely disheveled from the events of the night before. The smooth tanned skin of his neck was now decorated in blotches of pink and purple. Jimin reached down, smoothing his thumb against one of the marks above Jungkook's collarbones, his lips twitching up into a small smile as a feeling of fondness enveloped his body.

Having Jungkook like this, just felt so right. Jimin felt so stupid for having denied himself of this feeling for so long.

Jungkook came to him when he didn't know that he needed a partner, but when he needed him most. For far too long Jimin had become accustomed to living his life in solitary and masking off his emotions. Jungkook had completely pulled the rug out from under him, pushing so many hidden feelings to the surface.

The weirdest part, was that he was so glad that Jungkook had done so. Jimin didn't think he had ever felt such a comforting warmth bloom in his chest before, he had never felt anything like this before.

Whatever Jungkook was doing to him, was both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

Jungkook stirred softly, nuzzling his face into Jimin's neck before letting out a yawn. He sniffled before leaning up onto his elbow, meeting Jimin's gaze through tired eyes.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Jimin smiled, reaching forwards and smoothing down a few pieces of Jungkook's unruly hair. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good." Jungkook replied, his voice raspy and thick with tiredness. He seemed to notice them that he was still naked, a blush rising up to the tips of his ears before he scrambled to wrap the blankets around his body more.

Jimin giggled, reaching beneath the blankets and running his hand down the side of Jungkook's body.

"Why are you all shy now?" He asked, a smile playing at his lips as he scooted his body closer to Jungkook's. "Because it's not dark anymore?"

"Maybe." Jungkook shrugged, averting his gaze from Jimin's and curling his fists into the blankets he had wrapped around him. "I just... Did last night happen? Or did I dream that up?"

Jimin smiled, shaking his head.

"No, it happened." He laughed, reaching forward and running his thumb against one of the hickeys on Jungkook's neck. They were obvious, and Jimin mentally kicked himself for being so shameless, but in the heat of the moment he couldn't find himself caring. "One look in the mirror and you'll find your proof."

Jungkook chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling up into a smile. When he had fallen asleep, he was almost ashamed to say the he was afraid Jimin was going to change his mind again. The older male had been so sweet, caring, and gentle though that Jungkook knew he would have been absolutely heartbroken if Jimin had chosen that route.

Jimin had stolen his heart without Jungkook even realizing, but maybe that was what he should have expected when he became involved with a

"What did last night mean for you?" Jungkook finally asked quietly after he had been thinking for a few moments, tuning in to the feeling of Jimin's hand on his shoulder. He hoped he knew the answer, praying that Jimin wasn't being tentative about his emotions again.

Jimin hummed, pondering Jungkook's words for just a moment as he looked out of his bedroom window. It was early morning, but there were no birds chirping anymore with how cold it was outside, reminding Jimin just how much time was passing him by.

"It wasn't a one night stand, if that's what you think." He answered, looking back over to Jungkook and meeting the brunette's gaze. "I'm not usually one to hook up before the first date, but you..." Jungkook shivered, watching the look in Jimin's eyes darken. "I find it hard to control myself around you."

Jimin trailed his hand down Jungkook's side until it rested comfortably on the younger male's hip. "I want you in every way, Jungkook. I can't pretend that I don't anymore."


"Oh! Sorry, Hyung."

Jungkook had stumbled out of Jimin's bedroom quite a little bit after he had first woken up. His legs and lower back were aching, making each step a chore as he slowly made his way out into the older male's living room.

Jimin had disappeared to get coffee for the both of them from a coffee shop not far from their house, letting Jungkook stay as he ran the errands so that the younger male could rest a little bit more. He had stumbled out of Jimin's room not long after Jimin himself had left, pulling on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from Jimin's closet.

In all honesty, he had kind of forgotten that Yoongi lived there for a little bit there.

The raven hair male leaned against the counter in his kitchen, a cigarette balanced in his hand that was smoking out of a window directly next to him. He eyed Jungkook, scanning everything about the younger male when he walked into the room.

Those pants weren't his. Neither was the sweater. Yoongi's eyes observed Jungkook's messy hair, and how the younger male squirmed and attempted to cover up his hickeys with the hood of his sweater. He had known that there was something off between the two of them, or he had known there was something off about Jimin at least.

Jimin had been so distant lately, lost in his head and constantly daydreaming. Lost in thought about what? Yoongi hadn't known, until now.

"Didn't know you slept over." Yoongi commented, tapping his cigarette off into the ashtray that sat on the counter next to him. Yoongi himself had only gotten home a few hours prior, and so it was true.

"I ended up staying too late for me to walk home." Jungkook answered sheepishly, reaching up to smooth down his extremely messy hair. He knew that Yoongi was definitely going to see through that lie, as of right now his appearance spelled the truth of for him.

Yoongi hummed, saying nothing for a couple moments and launching Jungkook into an extremely uncomfortable silence. The younger male tapped his foot anxiously, tearing away from the eye contact he had been holding with Yoongi and pulling his hood further over his neck again.

Yoongi inhaled off of his cigarette one last time, before extinguishing it in the ashtray and closing the window.

"Now, both of us know that's a lie." He finally spoke, making Jungkook's eyes widen. "And that's fine, my roommate's sex life isn't really my business is it?"

His words caused Jungkook to sputter, and Yoongi laughed as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was surprising, really. Jimin stance on relationships really hadn't changed in all of the time that Yoongi had known him. Sure, every once in a blue moon he would indulge himself in a one night stand, but with his partner? It was so unlike Jimin.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook replied, obviously taken aback. He knew that what he had done with Jimin was more than obvious the more that time ticked by, but he didn't expect Yoongi to address it outright. Hell, he hadn't even expected to see Yoongi at all.

"You, Jimin." Yoongi elaborated, before using his hands to make lewd gestures to spell out his point. "I'm not stupid, and Jimin's not very courteous." He pointed at the marks on Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook's hands flew to his neck. Covering up the marks as quickly as he could. He blushed a deep red colour, watching as an amused smiled tugged at Yoongi's lips. "I'm not going to tell you what to do or what not to do, just be careful."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall behind him.

"Careful? With what?" He asked, watching as Yoongi worried his bottom lip.

"Your relationship with Jimin." Yoongi answered, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his carton of cigarettes. He shook the box, frowning when he only heard two left. "At the end of the day, I don't care. But you also have you realize that you're kind of playing with fire here." He paused, sighing. "I just... Feelings make things tricky, Jungkook."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, his lips turning down into a frown.

"Even if me and Jimin were something - which we aren't - I don't see how it could be any different than before." He reached up and brushed a few pieces of hair out of his eyes, trying to ignore the twinge in his chest when he spoke about his and Jimin's relationship status. "If anything we'll just give each other more support."

"I just don't think you're sure what you're actually signing up for. I don't think you're known from the start." Yoongi chucked, pulling his second last cigarette out of the box. "There's a side to Jimin, one that can shoot a man dead without blinking an eye, and I don't know if you're ready to meet him yet." Yoongi's eyes glinted mysteriously, the cold morning air filtering in through the window and making goosebumps arise on his skin. "But then again, you did throw your whole life away for him at only seventeen years old, so what do I know?"

Jungkook narrowed his eyes.

"Do you not know how me and Jimin met?" He asked, accidentally sounding snarky when he did so. "I know exactly what side of him you're talking about, because I nearly lost my life to it."Jungkook sighed softly, before rubbing his face with his hands. "And it fucks your mind up, when you've already accepted the fact that you're going to die, but then you actually don't."

Jungkook nibbled at his bottom lip, knowing that Yoongi was waiting for him to continue. Him and Jungkook didn't talk much, but every time they did he realized how good the older male was at subtly squeezing information out of people.

"I understand how fucked up my life is, I'm not oblivious, but at the end of the day if I wasn't here with you I'd be dead." Jungkook finally spoke, looking up and meeting Yoongi's eyes. "Besides, if you ask me, I don't think Jimin really has it in him to kill me anymore."

Yoongi chuckled, a small smile on his lips as he reached into his back pocket to find his lighter again.

"You're right. He definitely doesn't." Yoongi responded. "Which is scary, but not what I'm talking about."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, a confused expression taking over his face. He was about to ask what the older male meant by that, before Yoongi was continuing anyway. "I don't think you're ready to see Jimin use that side on other people. You've witnessed it first hand, which is more than most can say, but if you have to watch Jimin murder someone are you still going to be able to look at him the same?"

Jungkook stayed silent for a moment, hesitating before answering.

"I can't say for certain until it happens." Jungkook sighed softly, closing his eyes for a moment. "But I know that I'll never leave."

Yoongi hummed, looking out the open window to observe all of the barren tree branches.

"If you said that in front of Jimin he'd slap you." The raven haired male responded, picking at one of the bandaids on his fingers. "Humans are very easily influenced creatures, I don't think we're self aware enough to say for certain that we'll never do something - and be truthful about it."

"You and Jimin always say stuff like this." Jungkook huffed, Yoongi meeting his gaze with an interested expression. "When I say it I mean that I'll probably end up dying before wanting to leave you guys. So, never."

Yoongi scanned his eyes across Jungkook, trying to analyze the male who stood in front of him. He wanted to know what Jungkook had seen or done to get him to the point in his life where he could be thinking like this. He was curious as to how the brunette was able to wiggle his way in to Jimin's heart and mind and stay there.

"I think we'd rather you not do either."


I forgot 2 update yesterday :(( it is finally getting very hot where I live so I was at the beach hehe

- Charlie :)

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