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spice chapter! and it's long as HELL! I was gonna say don't read this in public but I know y'all will anyway lmao

Ten o'clock pm.

It was dark outside now, and the wind that filtered in through Jimin's window had gone cooler. Yoongi hadn't returned home yet, but though he didn't know it yet, that was probably for his own best interest.

"Jimin." Jungkook gasped out, pulling himself away from the older male and taking a few deep breaths. They were still sat upright, but Jimin had pulled him into his lap while they had been kissing, which made Jungkook's face just go redder. "Please." He cupped Jimin's face with both hands, staring deep into the older male's eyes. "Do not leave me hanging after this. You're not the only one who has feelings here."

Jimin nodded softly, bringing one hand up to slowly swipe his thumb against Jungkook's bottom lip. It was so red and swollen from their make out session only moments before.

"I know." He whispered, trailing his hand down the side of Jungkook's face softly. The younger male shivered under his touch, and Jimin sunk his teeth into his bottom lip. "I think you're too stubborn for me to try that again." He brought both of his hands down, pressing forwards against Jungkook's hips and watching the younger male's eyes widen as he fell back against the bed. "Admitting to wanting you, is far less exhausting than avoiding it."

Jungkook's back hit Jimin's mattress, and it was truly shocking that he had found himself in this position more than once. In all truthfulness he had expected a rejection, and so this was the best case scenario.

Jimin slowly leaned down, bringing his and Jungkook's faces mere inches away from one another's. "What do you want me to do here, Jungkook?"

Jimin's elbows sunk into the mattress next to either side of his head, caging Jungkook beneath him. It made the younger male shudder, eyes clouded as he looked up into Jimin's eyes. He felt surrounded by Jimin, suffocated in the most wonderful way possible. He breathed in the older male's scent, finding it intoxicating as it only hooked him on further to Jimin's appeal.

"What do you mean?" He asked softly, closing and opening his eyes slowly. Jungkook watched as Jimin's lips turned up into a sly smile, and his stomach flipped.

"You know what I mean." Jimin whispered, leaning down further so that their chests were pressed together. It seemed that his mission was to eliminate all of the space between them. "Do you want me to keep kissing you, just like I have been?" Jimin was so close that his lips brushed against Jungkook's when he spoke, eyes dark with want as he stared down the the male underneath him. "Or do you want more?"

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat, and the words Jimin spoke went directly to his crotch, making him squirm underneath Jimin's hold.

"More?" Jungkook asked, looking up at Jimin with wide eyes.

Jimin smirked, slowly slipping his knee in between Jungkook's legs. The male beneath him was tinted pink, trying to keep his composure as Jimin slowly riled him up more and more.

"Was that an answer, or a question?" Jimin asked, bringing one of his hands down to rest on Jungkook's hip. "Could you clarify?" He slipped his hand beneath the black fabric of the sweater Jungkook was wearing, and it was only more enticing to know that was his sweater he was probably going to tug off the younger male in the next coming moments.

Jimin had sex appeal absolutely dripping off of every word that he spoke, and Jungkook knew that he knew it was turning him into jelly. He spoke in a low, soft voice that that Jungkook had never heard until then. Jungkook knew then that it was probably only reserved for the most intimate of times, and goosebumps rose on his skin at the thought. Every action he took, every work he spoke, Jimin had him curling his fingers into the sheets without even being touched.

It was difficult to even form an answer, when Jungkook felt as if he was melting within Jimin's hold.

"An... An answer." Jungkook breathed out shakily, his heart beating erratically in his chest. He watched as Jimin's gaze darkened, clouding over with desire as the younger boy's words rang through the air.

Jimin looked down at him, mentally documenting the breathtaking scene he had lying beneath him.

With wide, doe-like eyes, Jungkook stared up at him. His lips were parted as shaky breaths slipped past them, swollen and glossy as he ran his tongue against his worn bottom lip. Only the moonlight that filtered through the window lit up Jimin's view, but it was stunning nonetheless to see Jungkook in this position.

Jimin shuddered, bringing his hands downwards and slowly slipping them under the fabric of his sweater. He splayed his palms flat against the skin of Jungkook's stomach, running his hands upwards and caressing the brunette's muscles. The sweater hiked up more the higher Jimin's hands traversed, allowing him a delicious view of the toned tan skin of Jungkook's abdomen.

"You're so gorgeous." Jimin breathed, gently pulling the material of the sweater up more and more until Jungkook caught the hint and tugged the fabric over his head. Jimin was speechless, nearly drooling at the sight of Jungkook shirtless beneath him. His muscles were so perfectly sculpted, but his waist was so petite it looked as if it were made for Jimin's fingers to grip it.

Jimin ducked down, tangling one of his hands in Jungkook's hair as he attached his lips just beneath the younger boy's ear. He sucked at the spot there softly, pressing Jungkook's body further into the mattress and hiking his knee up higher between the brunette's legs.

Jimin knew that the noises Jungkook made would never leave his thoughts, he would probably hear them in his dreams. Soft, shaky moans spilled past his lips as Jimin bit and sucked mark after mark against the unmarred  skin of his neck. His hands fisted in the back of Jimin's shirt, fingernails poking through the fabric just enough for the older male to feel the scratches.

Slowly, but surely, Jimin's kisses moved down lower and lower, leaving a wet trail against the skin on Jungkook's collarbones. Jimin's right hand smoothed against Jungkook's side, the other hand playing with the hem of the younger boy's jeans.

"Oh fuck, Jimin." Jungkook breathed out, his eyes fluttering shut in pleasure as Jimin's lips left kisses that trailed down towards his belly button. Had anybody ever touched him like this before? No. Jungkook was sure of that the moment he the thought popped into his mind. He wasn't completely innocent, and he had hooked up with a few people from time to time, but he had never felt someone touch him like this before.

Every time Jimin's lips met his skin a jolt of electricity would course through his veins, causing his skin to buzz with excitement. The lower he got, the more Jungkook felt heat pooling in his lower abdomen, anticipation building up for what could happen next.

Jimin pulled away for a moment, leaving Jungkook feeling cold for just a second as he pulled his own T-shirt over his head. The sight of Jimin's bare skin wasn't something Jungkook's eyes got to linger on though, because the older male was quickly ducking back down again to suck a dark hickey against the younger male's hip bone.

Jungkook gasped, a strangled noise slipping past his lips. He was becoming increasingly aware how hard he was becoming in the confines of his black jeans, his hips bucking upwards to chase any kind of friction to appease his arousal.

"Love the sounds you make." Jimin whispered against Jungkook's skin, feeling as goosebumps arose on the brunette's skin. Nimble fingers travelled over to the button of Jungkook's jeans, hovering over it for a moment as Jimin paused and looked up to meet Jungkook's gaze through half lidded eyes. "May I?"

Jungkook shivered, feeling himself throb within his jeans as Jimin's fingers played with the button.

"Please." He found himself replying, watching with a lust filled gaze as Jimin's lips curled into a smile. The moonlight cast it's rays directly on Jimin, a natural spotlight illuminating him and all of his breathtaking features. His plump lips, soft feathery hair, long pretty eyelashes.

Jungkook swallowed thickly, marvelling at the man he had between his thighs. Jimin looked like a god, his silver hair glowing in the moonlight as he slowly undid the button of Jungkook's jeans and pulled down the zipper.

"How polite." Jimin hummed softly, hooking his fingers under the hem of Jungkook's jeans and tugging them down. "Where have these manners been, hm?"

Jungkook shuddered, lifting his hips up a bit to allow Jimin to tug his jeans off of him completely. He felt so exposed, laying beneath Jimin in nothing but his underwear, the older male's gaze raking across his bare skin. He couldn't even think of words to say to reply to Jimin, the older male's soft touches clouding his brain too much to think. Though Jimin's body heat kept him warm, goosebumps still arose on his skin.

Jimin slowly palmed his hand against the tent in Jungkook's black underwear, eliciting a low groan from the younger male. Arousal bubbled in Jimin's stomach as he watched Jungkook's face twist in pleasure. The brunette's hips bucked up to meet Jimin's touches as his rubbed his length through the thin material, his face beet red.

It had been awhile since Jimin had been intimate with someone, but he knew that it was worth the wait with the absolute masterpiece he had lying beneath him.

Jimin hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of Jungkook's underwear once he had teased the younger male enough to be satisfied, letting out an audible noise at the sight of Jungkook completely bared for him. He was perfect everywhere, Jimin was nearly drooling as he took hold of the brunette's length and pumped it a few times. Like somebody had crafted a man straight of out his wet dreams, Jungkook left him speechless and in awe as beautiful sounds slipped past his spit slicked lips.

He brought his head down, Jungkook gasping out and fisting his hand into Jimin's sliver strands as the older male wrapped his lips around the tip of his cock.

"J-Jimin, oh my god." Jungkook felt like he was in heaven as Jimin's soft lips slowly sank lower on his length, the warmth of his mouth sending electricity sizzling down the younger male's spine. Jimin gagged softly, as Jungkook hit the back of his throat, but continued nonetheless - nuzzling his nose into Jungkook's pelvic bone one he had taken all of him into his mouth.

The silence in the room was quickly filled with Jungkook's hushed moans and curses of pleasure. His fingers gripped at the silver strands atop Jimin's head like his life depended on it, his cock throbbing within Jimin's mouth as the older male hollowed his cheeks around him.

"Feel so good." Jungkook gasped out, gazing down at Jimin with half lidded eyes as the older male swirled his tongue around the tip. "Look so good." The sight of Jimin swallowing down his length, pushing past his gag reflex and taking him all - it was almost too much for Jungkook to bear. The brunette found himself climbing closer and closer to his release with each second that ticked by.

Jimin's mouth felt like heaven, but he looked like pure sin as he licked a striped all the way up the length of Jungkook's cock. It left Jungkook weak in the knees, legs turning to jello as he bucked his hips upwards to chase more of the delicious heat.

All too soon, Jimin was pulling off of him, leaving his leaking cock abandoned as it throbbed against his stomach. The older male straddled his hips as he sat up, the button of his own jeans popped and the zipper pulled down, allowing Jungkook to feast his eyes upon the v-line of muscles that ended at the waist and of his boxer briefs.

"How far do you want me to go?" Jimin asked, his voice raspy. He smoothed his palm against the skin of Jungkook's hip bone, using his other hand to wrap around the brunette's length once more. "Because I'll give you everything Jungkook, you've just got to ask for it."

Jungkook hesitated, gazing at Jimin's bare chest as he rubbed his hand up and down the younger male's thigh. Jungkook was comfortable in his bisexuality, he had been for a few years now, but he had never found himself in this exact position before. Never pinned below somebody, bared and vulnerable for them to touch upon. He wanted it, wanted to feel Jimin as close as he could, he just couldn't help the nerves that came with it.

"I want all of you." Jungkook answered, his voice wobbling as he fisted the his hands in the sheets of Jimin's bed out of anxiety. He kept his eyes closed, but he felt as Jimin's hands moved up his chest before cupping his face.

"You sound nervous." Jimin whispered, and when Jungkook opened his eyes he found that the older male was mere inches away from his face. "What's wrong? Is it because it's me?"

Jungkook shook his head, leaning into Jimin's hand before taking a deep breath.

"No, I just..." He paused, sighing. "I've never done this before. You know, been on the bottom." Jungkook's face blushed redder than Jimin had ever seen before, and the older male couldn't help but smile. He stroked his thumb against Jungkook's cheek, staring warmly into the younger male's eyes.

"What would you like me to do then?" He asked, brushing a few sweat soaked strands of hair out of Jungkook's eyes. "I could flip us around, if that's more your cup of tea." Jimin didn't know it was possible, but Jungkook actually blushed redder from the words he spoke, and the brunette shook his head.

"No." He answered softly, averting his gaze. "I want you like this, just.." He looked back up to meet Jimin's eyes again, making the older male's heart stop. "Be gentle."

Jimin nearly melted at Jungkook's words, nodding before leaning down and pressing a kiss to the younger male's forehead.

"Oh, I will." Jimin breathed, leaning to the side to pull open the drawer of his dresser. He pulled out a bottle of lube, setting it on the bed next to him. "I'll make you feel so good."

He spread Jungkook's legs apart gently, dipping his head down to leave light kisses against the soft skin of Jungkook's inner thighs. Jimin brought one hand up to wrap around Jungkook's neglected length, pumping it leisurely, using the other hand to pop the cap of the lube bottle.

Jungkook gasped as the feeling of Jimin's first finger pressing against his entrance, fisting at Jimin's sheets as the older male slowly sank a lube slicked finger into him.

"Oh, Jimin." Jungkook moaned, his eyes fluttering shut as he adjusted to the feeling.

"Is this alright?" Jimin asked, rocking his finger in and out of Jungkook at a slow pace. He watched in awe as the younger male squirmed from his actions, short gasps leaving his lips. Jimin curled his finger inside of Jungkook, watching with an arousal clouded gaze as the brunette's back arched off of the mattress, a raspy moan leaving his mouth.

"More than alright." Jungkook breathed out, sweat beading up on his skin.

Jimin took that as approval to add a second finger, slicking another one up with lube and slowly pushing it in next to the first one. He felt Jungkook tense up and his eyebrows furrowed, and so Jimin brought his other hand down to rub soothing circles against the younger male's hip bone.

He gently thrust the two fingers in and out of Jungkook, feeling his muscles relax the more he became accustomed to the stretch. He looked so beautiful, and sounded so beautiful, Jimin had to reach down to pull himself out of his underwear, stroking himself in time with each thrust of his fingers.

Jungkook was a gasping mess by the time a Jimin had added a third finger, his cock red and leaking precum against his toned stomach. It was a sight to behold really, and Jimin was wasting no time kicking off his jeans and underwear once he was sure the younger male was prepared enough.

"Are you ready?" Jimin asked, removing his fingers from Jungkook and rubbing his throbbing hard length against the brunette's lube slicked entrance. Jungkook nodded softly, bringing his arms up to wrap around Jimin's neck.

"Yes, Jimin, please." Jungkook's voiced cracked as he spoke, coated in arousal. He could feel how big Jimin's length was each time the older male rubbed up against him, and it cause a cocktail of arousal a nervousness to bubble in his stomach. His whole body was buzzing with want, his hips subconsciously moving to rut against Jimin's cock.

"You're a dream, Jungkook." Jimin sighed, grabbing hold of the younger male's hips to pull him closer, and lining his length up with his entrance. "So fucking perfect."

Jimin slowly pushed in, his cock stretching Jungkook open so deliciously with each inch that sank into him. Short, strangled gasps left Jungkook's lips, his legs shaking and his fingernails digging into the skin of Jimin's shoulders. "I've got you, beautiful." Jimin whispered against the skin of Jungkook's neck, peppering kisses there softly and smoothing his hands against Jungkook's sides to ease any discomfort.

"Fuck, Jimin." Jungkook gasped out, his body in a frenzy as Jimin pushed into him deeper and deeper. The older male was only halfway to being fully inside him, but god he already felt so full. With each passing moment the burning discomfort he felt as Jimin stretched him open was replaced with searing hot pleasure.

Sweat beaded up on his forehead, and his legs trembled as Jimin slowly rocked into him fully. It was a pleasure he had never felt before, his whole body enveloped in warmth as Jimin whispered sweet nothings against the skin of his neck.

"Oh, baby you feel so good." Jimin groaned into Jungkook's shoulder, his fingers gripping at the younger boy's waist. Jungkook was so tight and hot as Jimin rolled his hips into him slowly, pleasure sizzling through his entire body as he caressed the younger male.

Jungkook had the filthiest mouth in bed, and Jimin loved it. Loud moans punctuated each of Jimin's thrusts, the younger male's head thrown back against the pillow and his jaw slack as more and more noises slipped past his lips. He looked so gorgeous, eyebrows furrowed and skin glossy with sweat, Jimin wasn't quite sure how he was able to get this lucky.

"J-Jimin-" Jimin found that his name sounded the loveliest when it came in the form of one of Jungkook's moans. The younger male was gasping, clawing at Jimin's back with blunt fingernails.

Jimin's hands slipped down onto Jungkook's ass cheeks, kneading at the flesh there as he quickened the pace of his thrusts. The new speed had Jungkook reeling, stars in his vision as Jimin hit his prostate dead on with each perfectly aimed thrust. He couldn't believe that he had Jimin on top of him like this, each touch from the older male only causing more and more searing hot arousal to build up in Jungkook's stomach.

"Feel good, beautiful?" Jimin asked, his voice gravelly as he bit back his own moans of pleasure. He knew what Jungkook's answer would be, if the erotic noises leaving his mouth were any indication - but god he just wanted to hear Jungkook say it.

"Yes!" Jungkook cried out, and his voice sounded so wrecked and raw it make Jimin shiver. "Feels so fucking good" He opened his eyes for a moment, meeting Jimin's gaze with glossy half lidded eyes.

Jimin groaned at his words, quickly capturing that younger male's lips in a heated kiss. He moved Jungkook's hips upwards to achieve a deeper angle, swallowing down all of the younger male's filthy noises as his tongue roamed around Jungkook's mouth.

It was so hot and sweaty, whatever gentleness Jungkook had asked for before obviously being thrown out the window. Jungkook was clawing at Jimin's back, leaving streaks of red down the older male's skin as he took every thrust that Jimin delivered to him. He bucked his hips back to meet each of Jimin's thrusts, and his body felt like it was floating.

It was like Jimin was taking him apart and putting him back together again, his fingers knowing exactly what places to grab upon and his mouth knowing just where Jungkook would appreciate his teeth the most. Jimin sucked on his bottom lip, grabbing at Jungkook's waist like his life depended on it. His teeth caught against the younger male's piercing, his fingers only digging in to Jungkook's skin deeper at the noise the brunette produced because of it.

"You're fucking perfection." Jimin breathed once he had pulled away from the younger, low moans coming out in short breaths. He snapped his hips harder, deeper, into Jungkook, chasing after the climax that he knew was building up. Jungkook's face screwed up in pleasure, combined with the gorgeous moans that left his mouth, only drove him closer and closer.

"Jimin-" Jungkook gasped out breathlessly, his hands gripping at Jimin's biceps to keep him grounded. "I'm gonna- I'm gonna fucking cum." His cock was throbbing against his stomach, precum leaking onto his muscles. His brain was buzzing, and he knew that he truly couldn't take much more, his toes curling into the sheets.

"Just let go, I've got you." Jimin circled his hips, pressing the head of his cock right against Jungkook's prostate. "Wanna see your pretty face when you cum."

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore - Jimin felt so good, aiming perfect thrusts that had him seeing stars every time. The sweet words he spoke were the cherry on top, and Jungkook was cumming, spilling against his own stomach as Jimin fucked him through his orgasm. He let out a string of moans intermixed with Jimin's name, his legs shaking as waves of pleasure wracked through him.

Jimin almost never wanted to stop fucking him, just wanted to make Jungkook blush red and let out pretty noises over and over again. His body just couldn't take it though, because the sight of Jungkook absolutely unravelling beneath him was enough to tip him over the edge.

It only took a few more thrusts before Jimin was cumming as well, pulling out and giving his length a few pumps as he came all over the Jungkook's stomach and chest. He let out a drawn out moan, his hips twitching as the last few remnants of his orgasm fizzled out.

He stared down at Jungkook, absolutely in awe at the display that he had beneath him. Skin glowing with sweat, chest heaving, and thighs still quivering as he came down from his high, Jungkook was hands down the most breathtaking sight he had ever laid eyes on.

"How was that?" Jimin asked breathlessly, reaching down to brush a few sweat soaked pieces of hair out of Jungkook's eyes. The younger male's eyes slowly fluttered open, taking a moment to focus on Jimin.

"Too fucking good." Jungkook sighed, smiling as Jimin smoothed his thumb against his cheek. "I'm going to be thinking about this for the rest of my life." Jimin chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling up as he smoothed his hands down Jungkook's arms.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Jimin replied, moving away from Jungkook for a moment to lean down and grab his Tshirt off of the ground. Making a mental note to do laundry, he wiped off Jungkook's stomach, before pulling on his underwear and laying down next to Jungkook. "Are you sure you're not a dream?"

Jungkook smiled, wrapping Jimin's blankets around himself and rolling over to look at the older male.

"I ask myself that about you, quite often." He spoke softly, looking so shy as he averted his gaze from the older male. "Like what are the chances, that we would have met?"

Jimin's smile only widened and he pulled Jungkook close, pressing a kiss against his temple.

"You know I don't care about chances. I'm just glad it happened."


3900 god damn words of steamin hot bottom jk jikook sex this took me four whole days to write

y'all I started sweating writing this bye-

- Charlie :)

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