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hi friends!! new update!

"It's been awhile Kook, you still mad at me?"

Two days since he and Jimin had last spoke, and Jungkook found himself at the convenience store not far from Taehyung's house. He was in the middle of choosing what drink to get, when he was interrupted by someone who he had thought he had gotten rid of.

Namjoon leaned up against the side of the refrigerator in the store, crossing his arms over his chest and smiling as he waited for the younger boy to answer. Jungkook frowned, huffing before turning to face him.

"What do you want, Namjoon?" He asked in an annoyed tone, taking in the appearance of the older male that stood in front of him. It had been just over a month since they had last spoken, and Namjoon really didn't look all that different - despite a few new tattoos that had appeared on his hands.

Namjoon laughed softly at Jungkook's annoyance, sending a sly smile in his direction.

"So you are still mad at me." He laughed, watching as Jungkook opened the door to the cooler and scanned the options for drinks once more. "No need to be so hostile, I didn't even do anything to you."

Jungkook narrowed his eyes, grabbing a bottled iced tea before turning to meet Namjoon's gaze once again.

"You mean, besides threatening my life for a couple million won?" He countered, annoyance only bubbling up more when Namjoon merely shrugged in response.

"Ah, let's not forget that it was a couple million won that you stole from me, right?" Jungkook's eye twitched, and the grip that he had on his drink tightened. "So, I'd say my actions were pretty justified, meaning that you really don't have a reason to be mad." He smiled, but his expression was full of smugness.

Jungkook started at him blankly for a few moments, trying to think of what he could say or do to get him out of the situation he was in. The issue with Namjoon was his fault, but the man in front of him was far too cocky already to hear the truth out

"Can you just get to the fucking point?" He finally asked, turning on his heel and making his way over to the cash desk. "You always do this. You come up to me with a guilt trip, and then ask me for a favour that I'll say yes to because I already feel bad." He turned his head for a moment, meeting gazes with Namjoon who was following behind him. "I'm tired of it."

Jungkook reached the cash register, greeting the employee and setting his drink on the counter. He scanned over the various add-ons at the register such as candy bars and phone cases. Thinking for a moment, he grabbed a white lighter and placed it next to the drink.

"I don't think I do that." Namjoon finally answered after Jungkook was done paying, following the younger male out of the store. It was quite cold, and Jungkook thanked himself for wearing for wearing a hoodie instead of a T-shirt like Namjoon was. The fact that it was Jimin's hoodie, was something that he didn't want to think about.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Namjoon's response, but waited for him to continue nonetheless. "But even if I do, I'm not asking you for a favour this time. I'm offering something."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, looking to Namjoon with bewilderment.

"I don't want anything from you." He answered immediately. "I literally just got out of my debt to you, I'm not trying to owe you anything anymore."

"I don't want anything in return, this is just me looking out for you." Namjoon answered, walking beside Jungkook and watching as the younger boy cracked open his drink. There were a multitude of bruises and scars on his knuckles, some of them still even looked swollen, and Namjoon felt his lips tug down into a frown.

Jungkook scoffed, a humourless laugh leaving his lips. He looked to meet Namjoon's gaze, amusement in his eyes.

"Since when have you ever looked out for me?" He asked, ignoring the look of hurt that flashed through Namjoon's eyes for a moment.

The older male crossed his arms over his chest.

"How about when I let you live at my house?" Namjoon asked, and Jungkook's expression didn't  waver.

"Yeah, but you're the reason I got kicked out of my house in the first place." Jungkook countered, and he knew that he had won when Namjoon was silent for quite a few moments after he spoke. Jungkook took a sip of his drink, waiting for the older male to think of something to say.

It took a few moments, the cool fall breeze brushing past them and sending a shiver down Namjoon's spine.

"I know you're up to no good." Namjoon finally spoke, rubbing his hands up and down his bare arms to generate heat. "You're probably doing something similar to what I do, or worse." He watched as Jungkook tensed up at his words, and he knew that he was right in his assumptions. "I can tell by the way you're acting, how you talk, how you carry yourself. You're like a mini me."

Jungkook's lips turned into a deep frown at Namjoon's words, and he shot a glee at the older male.

"Don't fucking say that." He spat, his skin crawling at the thought of turning into the person who irked him most.

Namjoon laughed softly, shrugging and resting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm just telling it like I see it." Namjoon replied, scoffing as Jungkook's frown only deepened. "Sorry, Kook, didn't realize that would be such an insult to you." He sighed softly, continuing when Jungkook didn't give him a response. "All I wanted to say here, is that if you're involved in shady shit, you should have a way to protect yourself. Do you?"

Jungkook shrugged, looking down at his battered hands.

"I know how to fight." He answered. "And the people I know have my back."

Namjoon rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Fighting won't cut it if the other person has a gun." Namjoon spoke, and his words caused Jungkook to freeze for a moment. He knew that it was unintentional by Namjoon, but the older male's words had transported him back to the night he and Jimin first met. "And you really shouldn't put all this reliance on other people. That'll come back to bite you in the ass."

Jungkook frowned, hating the fact that he knew that Namjoon's words did have some truth to them.

"And? What do you recommend then? Since you've got it all figured out." He asked, narrowing his eyes as he watched a small smile creep onto Namjoon's face.

"I thought that was obvious. Get your own gun, learn how to use it." The older male answered, running a hand through his hair and smoothing down the strands.

"Oh, of course. I can't believe I never thought of that." Jungkook scoffed, his words dripping with sarcasm. "It's not exactly easy to come across a gun here, especially when you're my age."

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, meeting Jungkook's gaze.

"It is actually easy, because I'll help you." He smiled, the genuine expression shocking Jungkook. Namjoon laughed at Jungkook's face, grinning and reaching over to ruffle to brunette strands atop his head. "Don't look at me like that."

Jungkook huffed, pushing Namjoon off of him and taking a sip of his drink.

"Can you blame me? You don't really do favours for anyone." Jungkook countered, watching as Namjoon merely nodded and shrugged. A gust of cold wind blew past them, nipping at Namjoon's bare arms and turning Jungkook's nose pink.

"I don't." Namjoon confirmed, looking to the younger male with a glint in his eyes that had Jungkook gulping. "Doing things for free undervalues your worth." He paused for a moment, reaching down to adjust the watch on his wrist. "But, I don't know, you're you. Maybe it's my conscience, but I'd feel guilty if you got killed for the lifestyle you lived - when I'm the one who pushed you into it."

Jungkook took a moment to digest his words, listening to the sound of the cars as they drove down the busy street beside them. He really didn't know what to say. Never in their relationship before had he and Namjoon ever showed and genuine care or concern for each other's well being. Namjoon only cared about the money he helped bring in, and Jungkook only cared about the product he was stealing.

It was a parasitic relationship where each only stayed around to take from the other - but it was comfortable that way.

"What are you trying to gain from this?" Jungkook asked, his thoughts spilling out into the early winter air.

"Nothing." Namjoon spoke softly, tucking his hands into the pockets of his grey jeans. "I feel like I'm in debt to you now. I feel like I owe it to you, to at least lend a hand."

Jungkook breathed out a shaky breath. First Jimin, now this. He hated how each of relationships was constantly evolving, he just wanted everything to stay the same. Why couldn't it?

"It's hard to trust you." Jungkook finally spoke, not meeting Namjoon's eyes as he did so.

"And it's harder to trust you." Namjoon replied. "That's why we work so well together."

Jungkook couldn't hold back the laugh that bubbled out of his lips, raising an eyebrow and looking to Namjoon in disbelief.

"We never worked well together." He chuckled. "I think we'd be better off as rivals."

Namjoon shook his head, kicking a few pebbles across the sidewalk as they continued.

"I feel like you're lucky that we aren't."


hello hello! took a few days off but I'm all caught up with editing nowww! the normal update schedule shall resume until further notice <3

- Charlie :)

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