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*pumps fist* THIS IS IT YALL!

"I need to pick you up today, we've got to go out to town for a little bit."

On a Saturday morning, Jungkook often found himself half asleep on Taehyung's couch, tired eyes being blinded by the sun rays that peeked through the windows. Today was much the same, except for the fact that this time around he had been woken up by a phone call.

It was from Jimin, which wasn't quite a surprise, but he still felt his chest jump with a bit of excitement every time the older male called him. Phone calls from Jimin usually meant something interesting was about to happen.

"Out? Where?" He asked, balancing his phone between his shoulder and his face as he reached for a granola bar out of Taehyung's cupboard. He definitely wasn't ready to go anywhere at all, his only attire being a pair of grey sweatpants and some mismatched socks. He still sported his bed head as well, brunette strands in complete disarray.

"You with your questions." Jimin sighed over the phone, making Jungkook crack a small smile as he unwrapped his snack. "If you're so interested, then be ready in ten minutes." Jungkook couldn't help but sputter at that, pushing himself off of the kitchen counter that he had been leaning on.

"You live way farther than ten minutes away from me." Jungkook replied, jogging back over to the couch and picking up his black T-shirt from where it had been thrown before he fell asleep. "Unless you called me to inform me of leaving while you were already on the way, you're bullshitting."

He put Jimin on speaker, setting the phone on the table so that he could pull his shirt over his head.

"Maybe you should be a detective instead." Jimin laughed sarcastically over the phone, making Jungkook roll his eyes as he realized that the older male really was already on the way over to Taehyung's. It seemed that his robberies were the only thing that Jimin truly planned, every other aspect of his life seeming to be on the fly. He often showed up unannounced and he never clued Jungkook in on what they were doing. "In all seriousness though, today is technically an other training session for you."

Jungkook's eyes widened. All of the other training that he had done with Jimin had been fairly disclosed. Sparring at the parking lot, shooting a gun in an abandoned building, learning to pick locks in Jimin's own home - all hidden places. What could Jimin possibly have to teach him out in the middle of busy downtown?

"Training? In public?" He couldn't help but voice his concern, walking over to Taehyung's bathroom to check what his hair looked like in the mirror. "Isn't that like the opposite of what you do?"

Jimin hummed over the phone, Jungkook able to also hear the sound of wind whipping past him over the receiver.

"That's how you know it's important."


As promised, Jimin had picked Jungkook up barely five minutes after their phone call had ended. Taehyung was still half asleep in his room when Jungkook told him he was going out, only giving the younger male a tired grunt in response.

Despite being quite tight lipped about what they were doing on the phone, once he had Jungkook in person - Jimin wasn't afraid to spill the truth.

"Today," Jimin began, turning in his seat to face Jungkook - who sat behind him in the car. "We are doing a daylight stakeout."

There was a smile on Jimin's lips, and Jungkook couldn't help but feel a tad bit suspicious about how excited the older male seemed. "You know most of the details, our next hit is planned to be on a diamond supplier based downtown. We just want to make sure that everything is in order before we actually do it."

Jungkook nodded slowly, the open window next to him ruffling his hair in the wind.

"So we're going to the shop to just.. look around?" He asked, Jimin nodding in agreement.

"Yes, and no." He answered, brushing a few gray strands of hair out of his eyes. "We have to go shopping first because unlike most banks, jewelry stores are a lot more fancy. They'll know we're up to something if we come in looking like this." He gestured down to his outfit, making Jungkook look down and judge his own.

Maybe Jimin was right. A black T-shirt and jeans didn't exactly scream 'fancy'.

"We brought a bit of money too." Yoongi piped up, looking to meet Jungkook's eyes in the rear-view mirror for just a moment. "Probably end up buying something on the cheaper end just to solidify our innocence."

Jimin nodded in agreement, and Jungkook couldn't help but breathe out a deep sigh. He knew that they were planning another heist obviously, he had been the one to pick which store they were going to hit after all. It was just that no matter how much he tried to push it down, this was all still new to him. He couldn't help the jitters that overwhelmed his body whenever Jimin threw him into a new situation.

Like always though - he simply breathed out a sigh, shook his head a few times, and pushed the anxiety away.

"So we're pretending to be rich, to get a closer look at the store before the heist?" Jungkook asked, making Yoongi stifle a laugh.

"Close, but we're not really going to be pretending, are we?" Jimin laughed softly, a sly smirk on his lips. "I could act a lot richer than I do, if I wanted to. It's just a lot easier to stay hidden if I don't."

It was true, and Jungkook often found himself forgetting that Jimin and Yoongi were probably sitting on a big pile of wealth - considering how much Jimin had been up to. It was so interesting, maybe it was due to his slight immaturity, but Jungkook couldn't help but think he would want to spend a great deal of it - if he was Jimin.

By the time that Jungkook had stopped pondering that thought, he found that they had arrived at their first destination - the car now parked in front of a storefront. There were mannequins in the window that all sported different tuxedos and dress suits, Jungkook immediately raising an eyebrow and looking to Jimin.

"We're going suit shopping?" He asked, Jimin nodding in response and smiling softly.

"One of the best parts of the job is playing dress up." He laughed, eyes crinkling up as he did so. "We're not going to buy a full tuxedo or anything, but we've got to at least look like we're the type of people to buy diamonds - not steal them."

It made sense, and Jungkook hummed in approval, following after Jimin once the older male exited the car. Yoongi stayed in the car to wait for him as he always did, pulling his phone out of his back pocket to play one of the many games on his phone.

The store he and Jimin stepped into was quite nice, the scent of cologne present in the air as a smooth jazz song played over the intercom. There were many racks with different suit jackets and dress shirts, and well as dress pants towards the back of the store and shoes on the shelved walls.

Jimin motioned for him to come over to a rack of dress shirts, snapping Jungkook out of his daze as he scanned the store. He has never really dressed up like this before, a plain button up and jeans being the closest he had been to 'fancy' before this.

"Black, or white?" Jimin asked, pulling two dress shirts off of the rack. One of them was black, and one was white, both simply plain with no designs. The material was definitely nice, Jungkook reaching out to feel one of them between his fingers.

"I don't know." Jungkook answered, looking to meet Jimin's gaze and shrugging. "I don't dress up. What do you think would look best?"

Jimin hummed softly, holding the white shirt in front of the younger male's chest before swapping it for the black one. He did this a few more times, and Jungkook couldn't help but let a tiny smile creep onto his lips as he observed the older male's actions. Something warm, maybe fondness, bloomed in Jungkook's chest for just a moment.

"Black definitely." Jimin finally decided, draping the black shirt over Jungkook's arm and putting the white one back on the rack. He walked a bit further down the rack and picked out a matching black suit jacket, placing that on top on the shirt already in Jungkook's arms. "You can try this all on in a second, we just need pants and shoes now."

It didn't take long before Jungkook found himself in the store's change room with a complete suit hanging on a hook beside him, and he sighed before tugging his t-shirt over his head.

He couldn't help but look at himself in the mirror, eyebrows shooting up in surprise as he noticed that he had gained quite a bit of muscle since he last checked. It made sense, given the physical components of Jimin's training, but it was still shocking to him to actually observe progress. He really hadn't taken the time to actually notice it, until then.

He lifted his arms above his head, feeling confidence bubble in his chest as his eyes scanned across his much more defined abdomen.

A small smile on his face, Jungkook slipped the black button up over his shoulders, buttoning it up but choosing to leave the top two buttons undone. It fit well, Jungkook impressed at Jimin's accuracy.

After pulling the black dress pants over his legs and belting them, he finally pulled the matching suit jacket on and looked to meet his reflection in the mirror again. He couldn't help but step back and observe himself, smoothing down the fabric of the shirt he had tucked into his pants. He had never seen himself in a suit before, and it brought a wave of confidence crashing onto him.

Jungkook smoothed his hair down and pushed it out of his eyes, slipping on the black dress shoes that Jimin had slid under the change room door for him a few moments before. He breathed out a deep sigh and shook out his arms before unlocking the change room door, and stepping out to meet Jimin.

Jungkook knew that Jimin was good a hiding his emotions, this was one of his most defining traits in the younger boy's eyes.

This was why is was such a huge compliment when he watched the older male's eyes widen upon seeing him, an unmasked expression of shock spreading over his features.

Jimin really couldn't help it. As embarrassing as it was to even think about, Jungkook had left him speechless the moment he stepped out of the small room. The suit he had picked out fit almost too well, it was hard not to notice the defined muscles hiding underneath the black silk shirt. He wasn't one to stare, and he had never once thought of Jungkook as anything other than a partner before this, but what was it about this suit?

Was it how the monochrome outfit paired with his piercing and tousled hair created an aura that couldn't be described as anything other than 'alluring'? Or was it how the black dress pants hugged his thighs in a way that should have been criminal, opening doors to thoughts in Jimin's brain that he had never once considered?

Maybe it was the way that their gazes met, and Jimin could see in Jungkook's eyes that the younger male knew what he was thinking. Or maybe, it was the small smile on Jungkook's lips, telling Jimin that he might just like being observed like this.

From the moment they met, Jungkook had been nothing but an annoying kid. Someone too stubborn for his own good, who Jimin just wanted to keep around for his assets.

But right then, as they both stood wordlessly in the tuxedo shop, he was so much more for just a split second.

"What do you think?" Jungkook's voice was soft, his teeth tugging at his lip piercing softly as he placed his hands in his jacket pockets.

Did Jimin even have to say anything? His answer had definitely been clear when he had shamelessly gawked at the younger male only moments before.

"You look really good." Jimin finally answered, his voice low. His gaze travelled from Jungkook's toes all the way up to his face until they met gazes again. It was the truth, just a diluted version of it. Jungkook looked so much more than good, but he just couldn't say that.

He watched as a soft blush spread across Jungkook's cheeks, and the younger male turned his head to the side to try and hide it. Jimin didn't know what it was, but his eyes seemed to see Jungkook in a new light, a warmth bubbling in his chest as he observed the younger male.

He didn't hate it, but he knew he would have to hide it.

And he sighed softly, finally averting his gaze from Jungkook. Since the moment they had met, he really had been so unpredictable.

hi friends!!! finally! some actual jikook in my jikook book!

- Charlie :)

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