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happy saturdayy

"We were on the news, you know."

Jungkook stood in awe before Jimin, not just because of his words, but because of the fact that Jimin was finally showing him his house. After Yoongi had picked them up, Jimin had told the other male to just 'drive straight home' , leaving Jungkook anxious the entire way there. The raven haired male sped away soon after dropping them off, which now left them alone.

He took a moment to scan the room once they walked through Jimin and Yoongi's front door, shocked to find that it was only slightly nicer than Taehyung's house. Maybe Yoongi wasn't lying when he said that Jimin mostly did it for the thrill.

The main living space reeked of cigarettes, Jungkook looking to the cluttered coffee table and finding the culprit to be a still smoking cigarette smushed into an ashtray. There were posters for various bands and movies plastered across the walls, the tape failing on some of them causing them to drop downwards.

The curtains were drawn, only source of light coming from the television that had been left on. It cast a blue glow across the room, whoever was watching it last left a video about sea creatures paused on it.

That was around the time he realized that he still had to answer Jimin's question.

"We were on the news?" Jungkook had nearly forgotten about the crime he and Jimin committed less than two weeks ago. It may sound ridiculous, but with over half of it given away and the rest being hidden at Taehyung's still - there weren't many things that kept reminding him.

Except for Jimin.

Jungkook felt a twinge of panic in his chest as he registered the older male's words, changing his focus from the TV to Jimin. He knew that he had been stupid and let his mask fall down during the robbery, but he didn't think he let himself get seen before disabling the cameras.

Jimin merely nodded, and the lack of distress in his features and body language told Jungkook to calm down.

"Nothing important, they just covered the fact that the bank was robbed." He shrugged his black and white flannel shirt off of his shoulders, hanging it on a coat rack. This left him in just a black t-shirt, allowing him to stretch properly and crack some of his joints. "They did point out that the police think there might be two people involved though, due to the change in pattern."

"Pattern?" Jungkook found his gaze glued to Jimin, almost studying the older male's appearance as he spoke. He had never seen softness and danger dancing together so naturally.

"I've never disabled a camera before." Jimin laughed, running a hand through his silver hair. His eyes crinkled up when he smiled, Jungkook silently relieved to see that his black eye was healing rather well. Just a few blotches of yellow and blue framed his eye now. "I don't know how to do that shit. I told you that's the reason I'm letting you be here in the first place."

He motioned for Jungkook to follow him as he began walking over to the couch, clearing his throat before continuing. "This isn't really an issue though, because trying to keep you a secret probably would have been really annoying. It just means that you're gonna have to get better at protecting yourself."

Jungkook watched suspiciously as Jimin threw himself back on to the black couch. Jimin seemed relaxed around him, even pulling his gun out of his waistband and setting it down on the table in front of him. He couldn't help but wonder if this was some kind of a test, not truly believing the older man had decided not to kill him so quickly.

He knew that Jimin had a nice side to him, proven by his friendship with Yoongi. Which side of him was the real one, though?

"Why are you being nice to me?" He asked, finally working up the courage to walk over and sit next to Jimin. The older male was currently collecting all of the cigarettes that littered the table and placing them in a pile in the ashtray. He paused his actions at Jungkook's question though, turning his head to meet the younger boy's eyes.

'Good question'. Jimin couldn't help but think to himself as he scanned Jungkook's expression. To be fair, he didn't quite know the answer to that question himself.

"You know Jungkook, if there's one thing I like about you, it's that you don't sugarcoat things." He dodged the younger boy's question, hoping to throw him off track with a compliment. Judging by the surprised expression that flashed across the younger boy's face - it had worked. "You just ask what you want to know, regardless of what the consequences may be."

The words that he spoke weren't just a distraction, they were true. The younger male really surprised him, as he was quickly able to swallow his fear and confront him. "Gotta be careful with a mouth like that though." Jimin's eyes flicked down to Jungkook's mouth for just a second, wincing softly as he realized that the piercing there was still irritated from their fight. "It could get you killed."

Sometimes, Jimin felt bad for not killing Jungkook. Was the lifestyle he was being brought into really so much better than that?

He had such an air of youth to him, his brown eyes sparkling no matter what situation he found himself in. Maybe it was naivety, but the younger boy just kept pushing himself forwards with minimal resistance. Jimin thought that he shouldn't have to, and almost felt bad for pushing him down an even worse path than he was already on.

"I know when to keep my mouth shut." Jungkook hummed, unfazed by the constant talk of his demise by this point. "It's just, we are partners after all. I'd like to know a little bit more about you."

"Partners." Jimin tested the way the word felt on his tongue, finding it strange when he didn't completely hate it. "I think you've got awhile until you're allowed to call me that. If anything, you're my student." He looked to catch Jungkook's gaze once more. "This isn't to say we'll never be partners, you just have a lot to learn."

Jungkook paused, searching Jimin's eyes for any hint of deceit. Unless Jimin was a lot better at lying than Jungkook was giving him credit for - he found nothing. He ran his hand through his hair, ruffling up the brunette strands atop his head. They stuck up in haphazard directions, though not in a way that may him look unkept.

"I could barely shoot a gun without crying." He responded, looking to the left and focusing on a lamp on the side table. "I don't understand how you still see potential in me."

"Yoongi says it's because he thinks I'm bored. He thinks I want excitement." Jimin replied, stunning the younger boy when he gave a genuine answer. "I told him he was wrong, but I'm starting to believe him more and more every day." He sighed, snuggling further into the couch and closing his eyes. "You're really unpredictable, which is something that I've always tried to avoid. I like control, and you... you just won't let me have that."

He opened his eyes halfway, meeting the younger's gaze through his half-lidded eyes. Jungkook watched him intently, looking as if he had a million thoughts racing through his brain all at once. He didn't look nervous anymore though, propping his arm up on the couch cushion and resting his head against it. "And maybe with that, does come a little bit of excitement."

The younger boy opened his mouth to say something, but quickly shut it, choosing instead to pick at the scabs on his battered knuckles. He thought for a few moments, Jimin practically watching him piece together his thoughts before responding.

"I don't mean to be so blunt." He finally responded, warm brown eyes flicking up to meet Jimin's. "There are just so many questions I have about you, sometimes I can't seem to help myself."

"Well that only makes sense." Jimin nodded. "And you'll get answers to your questions, when I'm ready for you to." He exhaled, blowing a few pieces of hair out of his eyes. "I have my fair share of questions for you as well. I just think it's too early to be exchanging secrets with each other."

It was true. Every single time he looked at Jungkook his mind formed millions of questions about the younger boy. Why was he robbing a bank in the first place? Why was he so ruthless while fighting when the right chord was struck? Where did he sleep, if he didn't have his own home?

The last question was one that had taken up the largest amount of space in Jimin's mind. Jungkook had confessed to him briefly that he didn't really have a home of his own, and since then the older male had been wondering what that truly meant.

He bit his lip, cursing himself for a moment as he realized that he was about to backtrack on what he had just said. "I'll allow one."

Jungkook's head immediately popped up and he raised an eyebrow.

"One what?" He asked. It wasn't that he didn't understand Jimin's words, just wanting to confirm the exciting fact he believed to be true.

"One secret." Jimin confirmed. "I'll tell you one, if you tell me one." He sat up from the reclined position he had been lying down in. "Sound good?"

Jungkook nodded immediately, not able to mask the happiness that was coursing through his veins. Jungkook really didn't think he was all that interesting, and so exchanging one of his secrets for Jimin's almost seemed like an unfair deal.

"Sounds good." He nodded, a tiny smile playing at his lips. "What do you want to know?"

ooooooh cliffhanger

- Charlie :)

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