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another morning update <3

It didn't seem like there was any air in the room that all of them sat in.

It was so tense that it was absolutely suffocating, and Jungkook couldn't help but squirm under the weight of the atmosphere.

Jimin was sat in front of him on the couch, leaning forwards on his knees as he sat. His hands were clasped into fists, and it was incredibly clear to Jungkook at least that he was wildly on edge.

Yoongi sat beside him. His overall body language made it seem as if he was more relaxed than Jimin was, but the way he continuously picked at the rips in his jeans was a telling sign that he was extremely anxious.

Jungkook couldn't blame them at all. He himself was silently wishing that the floor would open up and swallow him within it. Anything would be better than this. Anything would be better than Jimin's warning glances and Taehyung's questioning gaze both colliding into him at once. It was so overwhelming, it made his skin crawl.

"That's Yoongi, and I'm Jimin, since Jungkook here doesn't seem to want to introduce us." Jimin finally spoke, slicing through the thick tension with his words. He unclasped his hands, bringing them down to rest beside him.

"Jimin." Taehyung repeated the other male's name, testing out how it sounded coming from his mouth. "I'm Taehyung, nice to meet you." He had a mountain of suspicions that was only growing the longer he sat in the same room as Jungkook's acquaintances. They were both hiding it fairly well, but Taehyung had caught on to the fact that they were extremely anxious. All he had done was invite them inside, there shouldn't be anything to be worried about.

Unless they were hiding something.

They had to be. These had to be the people that Jungkook was ruining his life to keep secret. His younger friend had told him before that he 'hadn't even been the one to get his hands dirty' in regards to the bank robbery. Someone took the money, so if it wasn't Jungkook, then who?

He scanned Jimin's facial expression, trying and failing to find anything that could hint to him what the other male was thinking. Could it be him? He definitely seemed to be the one in charge out of the two male's who sat on the couch, and so if they were all involved then Jimin had to be the one who got his hands dirty.

It was an accusation that Taehyung knew was incredibly dangerous, and he slowly began to understand why Jungkook was going so far to keep it a secret.

Taehyung though, simply wanted answers. He wanted to help his younger friend, to keep him safe from whatever dangers he may be finding himself acquainted with.

"Was it you?" Taehyung's words were vague at first, mostly because he knew that blatant shock factor wasn't going to help his case at all. He watched as Jimin merely raised an eyebrow, no panic being shown yet on his features. "I know he didn't do it by himself, so was it you?"

Finally, his facade seemingly becoming strenuous to keep up, Taehyung watched a flash of panic coat Jimin's features for just a moment. He knew that Jimin knew exactly what he was talking about. Though vague, it was easy to read between the lines of his words if you knew the context.

It was even easier, if you were guilty.

"You want to elaborate?" Jimin's words were casual, but the glance he sent to Yoongi told a completely different story. Taehyung watched as he looked to Jungkook as well, his younger friend completely shrinking under Jimin's gaze. He knew then that he was completely right in his assumptions.

This was a terrifying thought, because if Jimin really was the person that Jungkook had successfully robbed a bank with - then he had to be dangerous. There was simply no way he hadn't done it before, not with the amount that was stolen.

The thought that he might be putting his life on the line, slowly creeped into his mind. He took a deep breath, trying to hide the shakiness of it, before looking to Jungkook.

The younger male looked terrified. Truly, Taehyung had never seen Jungkook make the expression that he did then, complete dread coating his features as his brain played out all of the worst-case scenarios for what could happen next. His hands were clenched into fists to contain his trembling limbs, eyes pleading for Taehyung to keep his mouth shut.

But he wouldn't. He often didn't.

"What I'm saying here is," Taehyung met gazes with Jimin again. "I know that Jungkook robbed a bank. You can't even try to deny that because I've seen the money he stole with my own eyes." An emotion akin to anger flickered in Jimin's eyes, only growing more and more intense the more Taehyung spoke. "The thing is though, I also know that he didn't do it on his own. How? Because he told me he didn't, and considering he's never done something like this before - why wouldn't I believe him?"

Yoongi sat forward in his seat, seemingly preparing himself to contain Jimin. The silver haired male did look like he was going to burst, after all. "Whoever he did it with, was someone that made him fear for his life. And now you show up, and have him trembling before you even opened your mouth." Taehyung held Jimin's gaze, watching as the older male narrowed his eyes. "So, the dots are connected, I think."

The silence that followed Taehyung's words was nearly painful. The longer what he said sunk in, the worse it became.

"I should fucking kill you." The words that broke the silence were Jimin's directed at Jungkook, and they were filled with malice. Jimin stood up from where he sat, pushing off Yoongi's hand when the older male tried to make him sit back down. "Do you think this is a fucking game Jungkook? Something that you can just tell all of your little friends about?"

The youngest male shook his head immediately, wide eyes observing Jimin's expression. He was mad. Jungkook knew that he would be, if Taehyung ever did find out about who Jimin really was. Seeing it in person though, and knowing that Jimin was one hundred percent serious in his threats, had him genuinely fearing for both him and Taehyung.

"I didn't tell him about you!" Jungkook finally mustered up the courage to speak, using all of his energy to force himself into a standing position. "I tried so fucking hard to keep you specifically, a secret, but you showed up at his doorstep! What did you expect to happen?"

Jimin narrowed his eyes, taking a step closer to the younger boy.

"The fact that you even told him about the robbery at all is the issue here!" He exclaimed, bringing his hand up to push against Jungkook's chest lightly. "If you're the type to flaunt around your crimes then I really don't think I want you to be a part of this."

Taehyung watched the two of them, frozen where he sat. Jimin hadn't even addressed him, but just completely confirmed everything he was suspecting. Jungkook had his arms up covering his chest, preparing himself for a hit from Jimin. Jimin had his hand resting on his waistband, fingers curling around a covered object that Taehyung was praying wasn't a weapon.

"I live with him." Jungkook fired back. "You live with someone who knows exactly what you do, hell, he's part of it. You have no idea what it's like to try and hide a secret that big every single day!"

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, staring at Jungkook like he had just sprouted a second head.

"Do you realize how stupid you sound?" He asked, watching the hurt that flashed across the younger boy's face when he spoke. Building a bond with Jungkook didn't matter anymore, not if he was going to jeopardize his entire career. "I have lived with this secret every single day since I was fourteen! Do you think I always had Yoongi?" Jungkook didn't even have the courage to answer. "I didn't. But I knew how to keep my mouth shut before I met him!"

Taehyung and Yoongi sat on the sidelines, watching the two other males in the room like a zoo exhibit. Yoongi was becoming increasingly aware of the fact that if he didn't step in soon, Jimin would probably stop using words and start using actions. He finally stood up from the couch, trying to avoid having to wipe up any blood before they left.

"Not true." Yoongi piped up, making all eyes turn to him as he brushed off his ripped jeans. He looked up and met the gaze of Jimin, who looked a mixture of anger and confusion. "I mean, not to interrupt you Jimin, but you can't go killing people out of hypocrisy."

Jungkook's eyes flicked over to Yoongi, then Jimin, who were having a staring match of their own. Everyone in the room was so tense, Jungkook was sure he was going to go insane if he didn't end up dead.

"Really? Now you decide to say something?" Jimin hissed, eyes narrowed as Yoongi merely shrugged his shoulders and humming.

"Dramatic timing." He answered, Jimin not finding the humour in his dry joke. "Had to wait for my cue, of course." He walked closer to Jungkook and Jimin. Truly, Yoongi just didn't really want the younger boy dead just yet. He was interesting to talk to, and showed so much promise. It really would be a shame if Jimin ended things here. "Yes, Jungkook telling Taehyung about the robbery was extremely stupid. I won't deny that."

Jungkook looked down, guilt and regret washing over him like a bucket of cold water. "But," Yoongi continued. "It looks like he picks good confidants, considering that none of us are in jail right now."

Yoongi directed his attention over to Taehyung, who sat with his knees hugged up to his chest while he watched all three of them intently. He hadn't really spoken since he spilled his scorching hot information, and Yoongi found it almost funny that he seemed to just be sitting back and watching the aftermath of what he started. "Taehyung, how long have you known about all of this?"

Taehyung's eyes looked to meet Yoongi's, he couldn't help but let his gaze dance all over the other male's features - realizing then that they hadn't spoken to each other yet.

"I've known about the robbery since the night he did it." Taehyung answered truthfully, watching as Yoongi's eyes widened. Jimin also looked completely taken aback, obviously not expecting him to have held the secret that long. "I mean, he couldn't just stay out on the street with five million won in his backpack, so he came here."

Taehyung reached over to his coffee table, grabbing a lemon flavoured sucker out of the jar that sat there. He unwrapped it, popping the candy into his mouth before continuing. "I knew that he was working with someone not long after that, and I found out today that it was you guys."

He took the lollipop out of his mouth, using it as a pointer stick to gesture at Jimin and Yoongi. "You really shouldn't give Jungkook so much slack, that kid broke his fuckin' back and bit his tongue every day to try and keep this a secret from me. I'm just too good at figuring shit out, I guess."

He met gazes with Jungkook, the younger boy feeling the coldness in his chest thaw from Taehyung's warm gaze. He felt so quickly grounded, knowing that they were finally on the same page.

"Okay, so you've got it all figured out." Jimin sighed, moving his hands into his pockets. "So what are you going to do with this information?"

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, then Jimin and Yoongi. He thought for a moment, but ultimately ended up shaking his head.

"I'm not going to say anything, obviously." He sighed, watching as Jimin visibly relaxed - his shoulders becoming less tense. "I don't want Jungkook to go to jail, so by proxy I guess I don't want you in jail either." He paused for a moment, before adding on his last bit. "I also really don't want you to kill him."

Jungkook gulped, looking at Taehyung and scanning his features. He was handling the situation extremely well, but the younger boy could see the stress hiding beneath his nonchalant expression. He looked over to Jimin, who was watching him. Jimin's eyes seemed to dissect him, taking in everything about him and making him feel so bare.

"I don't want to kill Jungkook either." Jimin spoke, making eye contact with the youngest of them as he did so. "So don't make me have to."

gonna be honest here: this is not edited well because I was too busy playing genshin my bad

- Charlie :)

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