Chapter 1

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Very few supernatural creatures are born. Their mostly born male. Their all worshiped and treated like royalty. To kill one would mean the highest of punishment. This is the story of the beast king me. My mother was young when she conceived me. It was a cool fall day. My mother has been seeing my father for two years but he was much older then her. He already had a daughter and he was still seeing her mother but didn't tell my mother she was heart broken till she starting getting sick so she went to the doctor.

"Your pregnant and by the looks of it it's a healthy beast child, I've never seen one this developed before he's going to be very powerful." She said, stopping.

"Oh my holly shit never mind I stand corrected. Umm I don't know how to tell you this your sons going to be the next beast king. Congratulations. I do recommend you do bring in the father on your next checkup." She said, my mother couldn't even speak and she shoved her out the door. My mother rubbed her stomach which made me happy she acknowledged me. She smiled and went home. She walked into her house and sat down. She pulled out her cell phone and called my father. But instead his girlfriend answered.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hi may I speak..."She hung up on her before she could even finish so she left him a voice mail.

"You know what whatever your little child girlfriend wants to hang up on me then don't come crying to me when you can't see your son because of her." She yelled hanging up.

"Bitch." She yelled. I hated seeing her up set. She looked down when she noticed I was causing a ruckus. She rubbed her stomach.

"Sorry baby." She said, smiling. When she drifted off to sleep. I was getting pretty cramped so I decided to make more room. I was asleep when the phone rang waking us up.

"Hello..." She answered, stopping when she looked down.

"Holly shit how the hell looks like someone's been busy." She exclaimed.

"Saline its Kain what has gotten into you?" My father questioned.

"Humm let me think probably because you knocked me up then left and oh he's a non human. So no I ain't got a damn clue and knowing you you'll say I'm ling cause your an ass. Trust me sweetie don't flatter yourself if I could avoid seeing you I would. But my doctor asked me to bring in the father cause he happens to be the beast king. But you know it doesn't, matter cause I'm getting my werewolf friend to go with me." She said, angrily and hung up on him. When someone knocked on the door. She got up and answered. It was a big male werewolf. He's an alpha of one of the packs and a childhood friend of my mother.

"Hey the exact man I wanted to see." She smiled. He hugged her.

"Sweetie are you pregnant?" He asked.

"Ya in fact he's a beast. That's why I was gonna get a hold of you. The doctor wants me to bring in the father. But he's a dick and doesn't want anything to do with him." She exclaimed, rubbing her stomach.

"You got it beautiful. I'll help in anyway I can so do you know type he is?" He asked, she handed him the paper from the examination. His eyes widened.

"He's a thunder bird and the beast king?" She stuttered he stared disbeilf.

"Why is that bad?" She asked, worriedly.

"No baby that's amazing. The Beast King is the strongest beast and for him to be a thunder bird is beyond incredible. Thunder birds have been extincted for years." He smiled picking her up.

"I'm not letting you raise him alone. I'll take care of you." He said, carrying her into her room and laying her down on the bed.

"Now you rest I'll make you something to eat." He said, I started lighting up with my lightening. I was so happy because my mother was happy. She really likes Bane.

When I felt him put his hand on her stomach. I put my hand up to his. I heard him chuckle.

"He's growing pretty rapidly. He'll probably be born fully grown." He exclaimed, rubbing her stomach when I put my face up to his hand. When he kissed her stomach. I giggled.

"Ahh I can't believe he's already so developed." He replied.

"Daddy." I said, he smiled chuckling. As his eyes teared up.

"I'm sorry I didn't know he could do that." She said.

"It's fine I love that he thinks I'm his father." He said, kissing her stomach. When her phone rang.

"Hello." She answered.

"Get rid of it I'm sending someone over to dispose of him." Kain said, my mother didn't even have time to say anything before Bane grabbed the phone.

"How about you go fuck yourself. You do so much as come near her and I'll have your damn head mortal. I'm fathering him not you so you have no say in the matter of what happens to him." He yelled hanging up on him.

"Sorry I just can't bare the thought of him hurting my precious... Sorry probably shouldn't say my. But I really love him. If you don't mind me saying." He said, kissing her stomach.

"It's fine I'm happy you love him. In fact I'm thinking about naming him Gemini for you." She replied.

"My favorite star constellation. I can't believe you remembered. Baby I know this is probably to soon but would you do the honor of being my partner?" He asked.

"I'd be honoured Bane." She replied.

"Mommy." I giggled. They laughed. He kissed her.

"Now I'm making you food so you rest up." He said, leaving. My mother closed her eyes and ended up falling asleep. So I decided to make more space since I was growing so big.

"This is frustrating." I muttered when he walked in with a bowl of soup.

"What's frustrating Gemini?" He said.

"Gemini I love it!" I squealed, he laughed waking mom up. She sat up and he handed her the bowl.

"Daddy it's cramped in here." I said, trying to reposition myself. My voice sounded much deeper and older.

"Well your not going to be stuck in there much longer. At the rate your growing you'll be out very soon." He answered. I laughed happily.

"Yay." I yelled they laughed. As mom ate.

"Yummy nice cooking daddy." I said, he smiled.

"Thanks champ." He said, rubbing her stomach. I put my hand to his. He smiled.

"I love you bud." He said.

"I love you to dad." I replied. I kissing his hand. He laughed. My mom ate the rest of the soup and yawned setting it on the night stand.

"Your exhausted baby get some sleep." He kissed her taking the bowl down stairs. He came back up, laid down beside mom, and fell asleep. I decided to fall asleep.

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