Chapter 4

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Then we got dressed and he grabbed my hand dragging me down stairs. To a group of people. I sat down beside me.

"So I heard there's a new beast king. Now we don't want a repeat of what the past beast kings did. So we need to figure out how to deal with this situation." A older man announced.

"Well I think we should wait to see what type of person he is." A woman replied.

"Oh trust me he's no threat he's pretty docile. Nothing like his past lives. He's actually a really big sweetheart." Luka assured them.

"So you've met him?" Another man asked.

"Yes he actually is sitting right beside me." He informed them. They all looked at me.

"Your the new beast king?" He asked as I hid behind him.

"Ya he is his names Gemini. He's a new born so I wouldn't startle him if I were you. He's really shy." He informed them pushing me out from behind him and started petting head to get me to calm down. When he took off my seal. Showing them what I actually look like.

"Thought you said you didn't want anyone to see what I actually look like dork." I teased nuzzling up to him. 

"Well that because your so handsome and I'm stingy and I'm not sharing." He joked, I laughed.

"Your such a dork. You really think I'd have more then one partner. Now cool it Mister Territorial." I teased he laughed. 

"Have you ever looked in a mirror might explain why I'm territorial." He said, I smiled.

"What ever you say." I replied, pinching the bridge of his nose playfully. When he pulled me onto his lap tickling me. I squirmed laughing. When lighting started trickling off me.

"Okay I give damn it." I squealed. He laughed wrapping his arms around me.

"Your to cute." He said, as I tried catching my breath.

"Jerk." I joked, giggling. When he put the seal back on me. When the woman walked over.

"Is he a thunder Bird." She asked, he nodded, rubbing my back and kissing my head.

"You know how much I fought with his past lives. I wouldn't steer you wrong. If he was a threat I'd tell you. He's completely harmless. Honestly he acts a lot more like Hero and Angel then anyone. He's got Hero's strength, power, and sternness. But Angel's gentle nature, kindness, nurturing, big heart, and not to mention he extremely loving like Angel. Nothing at all like the other ones." He exclaimed, Hero and Angel were the ones that took down my past lives and rebuilt everything from the mess they left behind. When a woman and man walked over. The man hang dark hair, muscular, tan skin, and tall. The woman was beautiful, blond hair, blues eyes, about average height and thin. I knew right away they were Hero and Angel. He leaned down to get a better look at me.

"Hmm he seems to be pretty legit." Hero said, grabbing my face.

"Hero he's a child. You know just because his past lives were like that doesn't mean he is." Angel said, pulling his arms away. She knelt down in front of me. Gently grabbing my arm and in ejecting me with something. I winced.

"There now he shouldn't be a threat." She said, when my body went limp.

"What the hell did you just do to my partner?" He questioned, when I started shaking violently. He started panicking when blood started seeping from my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

"What the fuck did you give him? Bane so going to kill me for this." He yelled grabbing his phone. He dialed and put it up to his ear.

"Ya hello I know your pissed at me all but somethings really wrong with your son. Angel gave him something I have no clue what but he's in bad condition." He informed him. When he nodded putting him on speaker.

"Angel what the hell is the matter with you!" He yelled.

"If you so much as laid a hand on my baby's head I'm going to have your head. You better hope to god my baby's okay or your a dead woman. You hear me!" Mother screamed.

"Damn babe could you be anymore violet. But he is our son so I don't blame you." He said, before hanging up.

"Geez your mothers got a mouth." He said, putting his phone away. If I wasn't choking on my own blood I'd be rolling. He lifted my head taking off the seal. My body was still shaking but not as violently. He cradled me in his arms till my parents ran in. They ran straight over to me.

"Thanks Luka I'll take over from here." My father said, laing me on the ground gently. My mother lifted my head pulling it into her lap pouring something into my mouth.

I immediately stopped bleeding, shaking, and started slowly getting feeling back in my body.

"Yes it worked how do you feeling champ?" He asked pushing my hair back and kissing my head. I lifted my arm giving him a thumbs up. He chuckled as my mother pulled me into a sitting position kissing me all over my face.

"You almost gave us a heart attack." She said, squeezing me.

"Mom your choking me." I said, squirming. She loosened her grip.

"Oops sorry honey." She replied, I kissed her cheek and we laughed.

"I love you guys and mom your a little to feisty." I giggled.

"We love you to bud. I'm your mother I'm supposed to be overprotective. Da." My mom said, kissing my head. When I noticed the older male smiling brightly at us.

"Bane you should have told you were the boys father." He exclaimed. My mother smiled petting my head.

"Ya this handsome young devils my son. I love my boy more then you love your scotch." My dad replied, we laughed. But I was rolling with laugher. Which only made them laugh more.

"Yes I would have to say he is very handsome. But you still should have told me. I would have stopped all debates, and stopped Angel. Plus it would have been nice to know I'm a grandfather. Bane's my son and my best alpha he's an amazing leader." He informed them. I noticed Angel staring intently at my father. My mother noticed to she wasn't to happy so she kissed my dad. Making Angel glare.

"So that explains it. But isn't his mather mortal?" Hero asked.

"Yes she's mortal but she's a very stern, loving, nurturing, outspoken, and strong willed woman. Trust me she's a one of a kind. People say she comes from the wrong end of the tracks. But honest I think that's what I love about her the most she doesn't try to be someone else to please anyone. She an amazing mother and I'm proud to call her my partner." He said, kissing my mothers head.

"Dad can I go see Luka?" I whispered in his ear.

"Ya champ if you want to." He replied, I jumped up and ran over to him. He hugged me lovingly. I giggled. My dad raised his eyebrows at us. 

"Could've told me you were mates bud." He said, I gave him a ornery grin. He laughed shaking his head. Mom walked over.

"I'm okay with it as long as my baby's happy. But if you hurt him you'll have me to deal with me." She said, my mother was pretty intimidating.

"Yes ma'am." He answered. 

"Good." She replied smiling and hugging him. She kissing his head. Then she pulled  me into her other arm and kissed my cheek. I kissed her head.

"Now you boys be good" She said, ruffling our hair.

"Yes mom I know." I replied, she started straightening up our clothes. She stepped back to get a better look and shook her head.

"Give me a minute this doesn't fit him." She said pulling me into a room. She redressed me in the cloth of my people. It only cover from me waist down my upper body was completely exposed. Revealing my body perfect physic, marking, wings, and muscles. Then she walked me out to my partner. He hugged me.

"You look great babe what's the occasion?" He asked, checking me out thoroughly.

"We've decided to send him to get lessons on how to fly. We know the circumstances between the winged and land beasts. But we have no choice he's a thunder bird he has to learn to fly it's critical to his survival." Father informed us.

"I figured as much. I gonna miss my baby though." Luka said, nuzzling me.

"Well we better go soon if we don't want to be late. Sweetie come on I have to be the to take you so say your goodbyes." She said, I nodded and hugged my dad kissing his cheek. He kissed my head. Then I walked back over to Luka. He wrapped his arms around me as if I'd never see him again.

"I know I'm going to miss you too. But it's critical to my species and I'll be back before you know it." I assured him. He tightened his grip.

"Just kiss him already." My father yelled. So Luka did. He kissed me passionately and then I left with mom. She handed me a bag when we got in the car.

"Everything you need is in there and don't forget to keep your markings covered. Don't tell any one what you are either. They practically worship thunder birds and the beast king. The winged beasts are more war like." She said, I nodded slipping on a hoodie and sweatpants. I pulled the hood up covering my face. The ride felt like forever and it was already dark by the time we got there. We drove up a huge mountain to get there it was a old building with statues of my past lives in front the build. I hugged my mother tightly and kissed her head. When I got out she left leaving me alone in front of the building I pulled a paper out of the bag she had given me. I walked inside and found my room. It was a small room. I cleaned my room and went to bed. I fell asleep after texting my mother to let her know I was settled in.

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