Chapter 7

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I woke up when Sapphire shook my shoulder. I got up stretching and yawning.

"Sorry baby, it's time to get up." Gab said, walking up and kissing my head as I rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Thanks babe watch her I'll go get food for her." I replied, kissing him and through

on a jacket not even bothering to cover my face and even left the top unzipping it all the way leaving some of my markings exposed. As soon as I got to cafeteria the head master stopped me.

"Hey there Gemini. This was the young male I was talking about he's got the nicest wing span I've ever seen. This is Mark he works with the warriors." He said, introducing me to a man.

"Hello nice to meet you." I said, shaking his hand.

"You aren't a beast king are you?" He asked, I nodded.

"Well I'll be. Never thought one would see one in my life time." He smiled.

"Well you can add another to your list I just had my daughter yesterday she has my markings." I informed him.

"No shit and she's female. What species is she?" He asked.

"She's a fire dragon." I replied, the head master walked away.

"No shit I would be honoured if you'd let me teach her." He exclaimed.

"I'd appreciate it I'm still learning how to fly myself." I informed him crossing my arms.

"Really are you good at combat? I can teach you if you want." He said, as the head master walked back over and handed me a bag full of containers. I took it.

"Thank and yes I'm a really good fighter." I answered. He ruffled my hair.

"It's no problem Gemini. He's a really good man trust me. He's really polite, friendly, and nurturing." He informed the man.

"I can tell. I'd love to meet your daughter." He said, I nodded motioning him to follow me. He followed me back to our room. I walked in. Sapphire was snuggling up to Gab.

"Momma!" She yelled running over and hugging me. I picked her up with my free arm. I handed the bag to Gab. I slipped off my jacket exposing my bare chest. Grabbing one of the containers. I sat down with her on my lap. I opened it feeding her. She loved it.

"She's gorgeous whats her name?" He asked, walking over.

"Sapphire." She smiled, eating it happily kicking her feet.

"What a lovely name. I'm Mark I'll be your teacher how's that sound." He said, kissing the back of her hand.

"Really!" She squealed.

"Ya I asked your mother. In fact I'll be teaching him to." He exclaimed. 

"Yay!" She laughed finishing the container.

"Daddy you hear that?" She said, running over to Gab he picked her up propping her up on his arm. She wrapped her legs around his waist hugging him.

"Ya baby girl I heard. You know Marks my old teacher. If you don't mind I'm coming I don't like leaving my mate." He exclaimed, Mark nodded.

"I understand. I'm happy to see you finally settled down. I always did think of you as a son. Are you married?" He asked.

"Not yet but we're going to." Gab replied putting her down. He walked over to me and got on one knee in front of me. I looked at him questioningly. When he pulled something out of his pocket.

"Gemini will you do me the honour of marring me?"He asked opening a small box with a gorgeous ring with a big sapphire in the middle surrounded by smaller diamonds around it.

"Yes Gab I'd love that." I said, as he grabbed my hand and slipped it on my ring finger. I hugged and kissed him. When Sapphire ran up hugging us. We pulled her into our arms kissed each side of her cheeks. She laughed kissing our cheeks. She was smiling ear to ear. Mark and the head master were smiling brightly at us.

"Come on my class is going to be starting soon." Mark said, we nodded. I dressed in the cloth of my people my mother gave me. Putting a a long coat on to cover most of my body. Then I slipped her in a red short top that showed off her stomach and a long red skirt with a long thin cloth draping off it. Then I slipped a jacket over her. Gab packed extra clothes in a book bag taken it with us. Then he picked her up propping her up on his are. We followed Mark outside to a cliff. There was already a group of people. We stopped when we found a clear spot. There were literally no females in the group. Mark walked to the front. 

"Sorry for the wait had to get a few students." He announced taking off his shirt stretching out his wings. His body was covered in scars. His wings looked like a bats indicating he was a vampire. 

"Now first thing of flying is if you hesitate it will kill you. Flying comes naturally to any wings beast it in our blood, and DNA. So to teach our young we throw them off a cliff." He said, falling backwards off the edge of the cliff. Minutes later he flew back up shooting back up swirling up in the sky landing back in front of everyone.

"Now who's feeling brave?" He said, looking around the group. When dumb Trent raised his hand.

"Oh now this is gonna be good." I whispered, Gab and Sapphire giggled trying not to laugh. He walked up all confident. He spread his yellow wings. They were pretty small. As so as he dropped off the cliff he screamed so Mark had to fly down and catch him. As soon as he flew him back up I couldn't help but laugh.

"I dare you to try it." He said sneering at me.

"Don't mind if I do. You wanna try baby." I said, she smiled.

"Ya ya. That looks fun." She replied so I picked her up.

"Oh so you got a little girlfriend surprise surprise." He smirked.

"Actually she's my daughter asshole." I replied. His smile faded when Gab whacked him on the back of the head.

"Dumb ass." Gab said, as I walked up. I set her down. I took off her jacket they all got silent. I slipped off my coat spreading my wings. I grabbed her hand and jumped off without any hesitation. My wings instantly took flight. While Sapphire instantly changed into her dragon form braking off from me. Taking flight on her own. She was beautiful. She was crimson her wings were huge. Her horns and body in general were pretty big. Her body was long and thin like her neck and tail. We danced around each other as we flew back up. She blew fire out her mouth. I shot lightening out my hands causing thunder to crackle through the sky. She changed back only keeping out her wings out. Luckily her clothes were fine. I grabbed her hand landing beside Gab.

"Well done Gemini and Sapphire. See now that's how it's done no hesitation and perfectly executed. Thank you Sapphire that was an amazing display. As you all know dragons are natural born flyers. Flying comes as naturally as breathing to them and that one just so happens to be a new born just born yesterday. If she can do it so can you." He said, she smiled giggling.

"No problem gramps that was fun." She said, he shot her a bright smile. Me and Gab laughed. He walked over handing me our coats and handing Sapphire a stuffed animal dragon for doing such a good job. She squealed hugging it and kissed his cheek. 

"Good I'm glad you likes it sweetie." He said, kissing her head. Then he walked back up. Gab picked her up. She was such a good girl. I watched as the rest of the students took a crack at it. It was quiet amusing. When we were finished we were walking back to our room when I noticed everyone whispering when I past by. I sighed rolling my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Gab asked grabbing my hand with his free one.

"Them seriously, I hate it people do this staring and whispering like their being all secretive. There's no call for it and it extremely annoying." I answered.

"Don't let it bother you babe they've just never seen a beast king before." He exclaimed.

"I know but still it's irritating." I said, he kissing the back of my hand to cheer me up. When he stopped seeing a man standing near our door. The door was flung wide and there was a woman going through the room. He handed me Sapphire and pushed me behind him.

"Baby I'm gonna need you to go hide somewhere safe with Sapphire." He said, I did as he took me and hid in a near by empty classroom but I watching out the window. He walked over to him and they started yelling at each other.

"Quin what the hell are doing going through my room." He yelled, he yelled at the man.

"Well then maybe you shouldn't have taken it." Quin yelled back.

"Taken what? Jackass. I haven't even talked to you and Inna since I found out she was stealing all my stuff and cheating on me with you." He growled.

"The ring where is it." The woman came out yelling. She had some of my daughters dresses over her arm.

"Klepto that's none of your business so get the fuck out. Stop taking shit that ain't yours and stop breaking into my room." He yelled gritting his teeth snatching the dresses off her. She slapped him.

"It's not yours ass whole remember we're in an open relationship. So everything that's yours is mine." She smirked.

"No actually we're not you just assumed that after I broke it off cause you kept trying to sleep with me. Who and I have a partner for your information and he's ten times better than you ever were. In fact we're engaged. The dresses happen to be my daughters the head master gave them to her after she was born. Now I want you out of my life and out of my sight." He said. They glared at him and walked away. I walked out.

"Hey baby what was that all about?" I asked walking over to him rubbing his cheek where she slapped him.

"It's nothing for you to worry about babe just an old mistake, that never should've happened. After my first mate broke it off with me after she left the institute I was so heart broken I hooked up with girls like her. I was pretty stupid back then. I made a lot of mistakes that I shouldn't have. But that's all water under the bridge now I got you I don't need anyone else. You and Sapphire are the only ones that matter to me." He said, putting his hand over mine. I glanced over noticing they were staring at us. 

"It's okay baby your not the only one that's made mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Plus no ones perfect." I said, kissing him. He picked me up carrying me into our room. Kicking the door shut.

"I really think we should get our own house though on campus it would be so much easier and no one would be able to bother us. We'd actually get some damn privacy. I'll just have to ask Mark if he can be Sapphires private toter. How does that sound baby." He said, I nodded.

"That sounded good baby." I replied, kissing him. He put me down. The room was trashed she tore everything out including the stuff in my bag and the drawers. She even broke a bunch of stuff. My cell phone was laying on the bed turned on. I picked it up. She had been going through my messages. When I seen that she had texted Bane and that I had a new voicemail from none other then Bane. I opened it the message she sent him. 'Please baby I need you back.' I was so pissed my face turned red I opened the voicemail and put it to my ear.

"Hey baby i want you back to I miss your voice when you as call my name so sweetly." He said, he sounded really drunk or something and I could hear a girl in the background moaning loudly.

"What's wrong?" Gab asked worriedly.

"That bitch texted my ex saying I want him back and he sent me a really nasty voicemail what a pig." I yelled.

"Call him back but put that bastard on speaker. I want to hear what he says." He said, so I called him back I put it on speaker making Sapphire cover her ears. 

"Hello." He answered, I could still hear the girl in the back round.

"Is this some kind of sick joke to you fucking pig and for the record I didn't send you that message. The moment you broke my heart was the moment I truly opened up my eyes and found someone who truly loves me. He's ten times the man you'll ever be. He took care of my after you left me in a ditch when I found out I was carrying your child. The sad part is I was going to let you meet my little angel since your her biological father. I thought you at least deserved that. But after I heard the voice mail you left me. You can fucking forget it your not fit to be a father because if I have anything to say about it you'll never meet your daughter." I yelled and Gab grabbed the phone.

"And I don't ever want you to contact or come near my fiance again or I wouldn't hesitate to kill you myself. I don't want you anywhere near my daughter. You lost your right to be her father when you abandoned Gemini and that little girl means the world to me." He said, hanging up and handing me the phone. He kissed me and kissed Sapphires head. She uncovered her ears.

"Thanks babe I love you so much." I said, he hugged me.

"I love you too baby." He replied, kissing me repeatively when my phone rang. I answered it.

"Hello." I said.

"Hello baby so whats this I hear about you cheating on Bane?" She asked.

"Mom who's all there?" I asked. 

"The whole family he just called me." She replied.

"Mom put me on speaker I'm giving the phone to my fiance." I said, handing the phone to Gab. He put it on speaker. I held Sapphire I my arms rubbing my back.

"Hello sorry he's a little to upset to talk right now." He informed them.

"So what really happened?" Dad asked.

"So after he came here he got injured I was the one who looked after him. When I took him to the nurse and she examined him we found out he was pregnant and not to soon after that he broke up with him. Telling him he found a new partner. He was really depressed so the head master told me to look after him. We got really close we're crazy about each other. But back to the point he just gave birth to Sapphire yesterday. I proposed to him this morning.  I took them to my mentor and he taught them how to fly. Which they did excellently. When we got back my ex and her partner broke in and tore up the place. Good thing we weren't home. But I took care of it. She was the one who text him telling Gemini missed him. He sent him a nasty voicemail while screwing some girl my baby girl even heard it she did not need to hear that she's a new born. My daughter is my world I love her and him more anything. No one gets to them without going through me first. I'm not gonna lie the only reason why he told you that was because I got in the phone. When Gemini called him back to tell him he didn't want anything to do with him and I told him off." Gab informed them screen shooting the messages and sending the voicemail. They listened to it while I covered her ears. 

"Oh my God and she heard that. Poor thing. I'm so sorry you had to go through that and I appreciate you standing up for my son. Can I see my granddaughter?" She said, he turned on the video chat on but it was pointed towards him. Seeing himself on the screen. He tried pressing buttons failing to figure it out.

"Opps wrong way have I need help I don't know how to work this thing." He said, walking over laughing trying to hand it to me. But me and Sapphire were rolling on the ground laughing. She was laing across me. When he finally found the right button videoing us.

"See this is what I deal with they laugh at me when I can't do something." He said pointing the camera at us.  

"Sorry babe love you but that was freaking hilarious." I said, laughing. 

"Daddy your so guffy." She said, kicking her legs laughing.

"Really Sapphire grandma's trying to say hi." He said, trying to get her attention. I finally stopped laughing and picked her up. When she suddenly stopped looking out the window. When I looked out seeing an explosion. He looked to see what we were looking at when an alarm went off. He picked us up and ran as fast as he could to a door. He handed me the phone and kissed me passionately and kissed her head.

"Take her down stairs there's a bunker stay there till I get back it's the safest place for you and Sapphire." He said, kissing me one more time and kissing her cheek.

"Daddy will be right back." He said taking off. We walked down stairs with the other students. I looked down at my phone. Sapphire had her arms around my neck burying her face in my shoulder still clutching onto the stuffed dragon.

"What's going on?" My father questioned. 

"I have know idea dad I seen an explosion outsider the alarm started going off and Gab took off." I said, wrapping my free arm around her keeping her some what calm. I kissed her head. When I heard a loud explosion and the whole building shook. I leaned shielded Sapphire with my wings as the ceiling cracked making some of it fall on top of us. When some men in armor ran down they weren't any of the men I knew.

When another piece came down smacking me in the head knocking me out. 

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