12: Midnight Escapade

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Songs to listen too while reading:
Sit still, be pretty by Daya
I'll find you by Lecrae [feat. Tori Kelly]


I stared down at the cobblestone path as I walked down it, listening to the sound of gravel beneath my feet. I thrust my hands into my jacket pockets and ducked my head, trying to fight the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. It was very possible that I would never see Auntie Steph again. And what about Teyla, Daniel and Wesley? Of course, I had treated them horribly during the past week, but I had to keep them at arms' length somehow. I didn't want them figuring what where I had gone and 'heroically' come after me. They might get killed! I couldn't let that happen.

Suddenly, an approaching horse, galloping at full speed, came tearing down the town's main street towards me! I quickly glanced up, surprised, but only managed to catch sight of the deputy's hat and the lantern he held in his hand, before he whizzed past. He was too concentrated on his mission to have noticed me. For that, I was thankful.

I looked over my shoulder, watching as he came to a stop before our house! I held my breath in horror as the deputy leaped off the horse and sprinted up the garden path towards the front door.

"Hayley Schultz!" he yelled as he banged loudly on the door. "Hayley Schultz! Are you in there? I need to speak with you urgently!"

There was only ONE reason for him to be there: he knew I'd stolen the Chinese book!

With a gasp, I turned around on my heel and fled in the opposite direction. I could hear shouts of anger and surprise being hurled back and forth between the deputy and Auntie Steph, whom I presumed, had opened the door to let him in. In fact, the entire village seemed to have woken up at the commotion that was being caused. Lights began to flicker on and curious bystanders wandered into the street.

I heard the sounds of more approaching horses and ducked down a nearby alleyway, pressing myself flat against the wall as they passed. All the riders carried weapons and lanterns and had looks of grim determination on their faces.

I knew they were after me!

Grasping my backpack strap tighter, I scanned my surroundings before making a run for it. I sprinted down the street and past the last remaining houses that stood on the outskirts of Precipitous before plunging into the thick undergrowth on the side of the road.

This time, I took a different direction. Rather than go past the ranch like last time, I decided to bypass the Precipitous cliffs and travel through the vast valley separating us from the mountains. Sure, it'd be dangerous and probably crawling with invaders, but what could I do? Either way, I couldn't go back now, otherwise I'd most definitely be caught and tried for robbery. I had to keep going.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard a woman screaming after me, "She went that way! I saw her! She went that way!"

"Stupid bitch," I muttered to myself as I pressed on, faster than before.

The sounds of much commotion, involving shouting, rearing horses, swords being drawn and hurried instructions from the sheriff reached my ears. They, however, were still on the main road and by this time, I'd almost reached the base of the cliffs. I could still make it!

Abruptly, and out of nowhere, a blaring, bright light was shone ... straight onto me! I was caught!

I paused and whirled around quickly, staring up at my pursuers who were looking down at me from the main road.

The sheriff, sitting atop his steed, urged it forward a few steps. He had an extremely bright torch in his hand, which he was using to his advantage. He reached into his belt and withdrew a long knife as he stated slowly, "Miss Hayley Schultz, I will ask you once but I will NOT ask again: come back up here and return what you have stolen. We can forget about this whole episode if you forget what you have learned."

"W-what?" I choked out, shocked and furious. "You - you knew? All this time? You knew we had a fighting chance and you stayed silent?"

The sheriff didn't respond. He just gazed at me with darkened eyes, his expression unreadable. Yet, somehow, his entire composure seemed a familiar one. Suddenly, a wave of terror broke over my body as it dawned on me: the sheriff was an invader!

"Come back up here!" he barked. "Before I do something we'll both regret!" and so saying, the sheriff lifted his knife and pointed it towards me.

"No! No! Wait!"

Surprised, the sheriff turned around to face the speaker. Daniel pushed his way to the front of the fast-gathering crowd.

"Wait ... please," he held out a pleading hand to the sheriff. "Let ME talk to her."

"What good will that do?" the sheriff grumbled to himself, clearly annoyed. However, he nodded for Daniel to go on and backed his horse up a little to give him some space.

I glared at the sheriff, knowing that he couldn't care less about who spoke sense to me, none the less Daniel. He just wanted me to do things HIS way and return to Precipitous. I knew he wouldn't keep his promise of 'forgetting' this whole thing. If anything, he'd probably kill me in my sleep. I shuddered. Nope. I was NOT going back.

"Hayley ..." Daniel's voice carried down the hillside towards me. "Hayley, please, I beg of you, come back. It's too dangerous out there! Who knows what might happen to you! You could die! Teyla told me everything, alright? I know you went to the ranch. I also know you nearly died there. You can't leave me ... Hayley, I love you."

I froze, my mind unable to process what he'd just said.

"I love you, Hayley, I can't live without you by my side," Daniel continued to speak, softly and gently. "Please ... come back to me."

Tears blurred my vision as I gazed up towards him. Daniel and I had been together for a few months, but never had he told me that he loved me! I wanted to believe him, I wanted to go back to him, I wanted to be held in his strong arms and never let go .... But I couldn't. I couldn't go back. Not even to him.

"I - I'm sorry," I replied.

He stared at me with big, wide eyes and it was as if I could see his heart breaking right in front of me. His eyes filled with tears, his shoulders sagged, his outstretched hands fell to his sides, he heaved a deep shaky breath and tried to keep in a sob as he whispered, "Hayley, please ... don't."

I shook my head, trying desperately to block out his tearful voice. "I have too," and with that, I turned around and darted away.

"You idiot!" I heard the sheriff scream with rage. "Now you've gone and let her escape!"

I heard a sickening scream, and then all was still.

It was as if a giant fist was clenching my heart. Ragged breaths of pain, agony and horror escaped my chapped lips as I stumbled on. My legs were aching, I had a stitch in my side, and my whole chest was burning with fire. I couldn't go on. I wasn't going to make it.

I staggered into the forest that lined the edge of the valley. I had barely taken two steps, though, when my foot caught on a jutting root. I fell flat on my face, but my energy was completely drained. I couldn't get back up.

I heard the hideous, hair-raising howl of a wolf some distant away and closed my eyes, knowing that I was done for.

I drew one last shaky breath before the blackness closed in.

Gif: Hayley when she hears Daniel's voice.

A/N: I just wanted to say a big thank you to all of my readers!!! Thx for reading my story, it means the world. I feel so excited about how many reads this book has gotten, 700? It's soo close to 1k, I'm squealing with delight!!! Tysm for that!!!!  Thank you for ur continual support, I really appreciate it. So do any of u's like how the mystery is developing? What do u think of the little moment Hayley & Daniel had? Dayuumm! We need a ship name!! Any ideas anyone? What do u think will happen next to Hayley? Will she be found? What do u think of the sheriff's uncovered identity? Hope u enjoyed & pls don't forgot to comment & vote if u did! Love ya's all & hope u enjoy the rest of your week!!! 😁❤️❤️

Word Count: 1,489

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