20: Fight for Freedom

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Songs to listen to while reading:
Heroes by Zayde Wolf
Warrior by Havana Brown

     Word travelled fast. Soon every single character, invader and outcast heard of our coming. We were a large mob, amounting to nearly three hundred persons.

Continents of armed warriors amassed the road ahead and behind me. I was situated nearer the middle of the huge group, seated atop a dark and muscular steed. My red cape was carefully garnered out behind me and my two body guards rode by my side. Just a little ways behind me were Daniel, Evangeline, Teyla, Mr Wang and Wesley. They kept their distance, but they also made sure they were near enough to come to my rescue in case of trouble.

However, no one dared to cause us any trouble and in the hours that followed, we came across no harm or resistance.

As night fell upon the land, we arrived at the base of Precipitous and set up camp. I sent word to the sheriff of the town asking if he could meet me in a secluded spot, however, he, being distrustful, refused.

I had no other option but to carry out my mission - the hard way.

As everyone bedded down for the night, I watched my friends frolicking around and heaved a deep sigh. Teyla, Wesley, Daniel and Evangeline were seated around a campfire, laughing hysterically over some joke one of them had cracked. Teyla was starting to nod off and Wesley had his arms around her shoulders, trying to keep her awake. Mr Wang sat a little ways off, his face carrying an indistinguishable expression. He had his knees drawn up to his chest and his hands were lying atop of them.

I rose from my crouched position on the ground and indicated to my bodyguards that they were to stay put. Slowly, I made my way over to Mr Wang and sat down next to him.

"You okay?" I questioned.

Mr Wang shrugged. "I - I guess. I think we're all finding it a little weird though."

I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "W-what?"

"I suppose none of us actually expected for you to become the queen, that's all," Mr Wang shook his head in disbelief. "I - I'm still finding it hard to believe that the key chose you."

I stared at him, trying to battle my own feelings of anger and fear. "Redwind sacrificed herself for me, Mr Wang. I didn't make the key chose me, it just did. But if you don't like that, just say so. You've only got to get through 300 soldiers first, but please, I'd like to see you take a shot."

Mr Wang stiffened and turned on me, annoyed. "T-that's NOT what I was referring too and you know it. C'mon, Hayley, stop acting like a martyr. Compared to the rest of us, you have it pretty easy."

"How do you mean?"

"We've all lost someone close to us, Hayley," he continued in a more gentle tone. "You're the only one whose had the privilege of not fearing whether the day you were living would be your last ... You were the protagonist. You could have the peace and assurance that you weren't going to die ... Not until we all were dead anyway."

"Mr Wang, I think you're forgetting something," I pointed out. "I'm no longer the protagonist, I stopped being the main character the minute I stepped out of Precipitous. And even when I WAS the main character ... I hated it! I knew I would have to watch every single of you die one day and I hated myself for the amount of death and destruction that me, mostly, have caused over the years. All I ever wanted to be was normal. I wanted to have a normal life ... B-but I can't. None of us can. The Author thinks he knows our destiny, but he doesn't. WE decide what our destiny is and tomorrow will be the big turning point because if we don't rescue everyone in time, they WILL die. I can't let that happen. I can't let Redwind's death be for nothing."

Mr Wang opened his mouth to retort back something snarky, but he stopped. He closed his mouth and sighed, "H-Hayley ... You WILL rescue them and you WILL become everyone's true hero ... But I think there's something you need to do first ..." he nodded in Daniel's direction.

My heart literally stopped beating. "Mr - Mr Wang, I - I can't ..."

"If something happens, Hayley, if either one of you doesn't make it, won't you wish that you had said something when you had the chance too? Do it now, before it's too late."

I knew he was right, but I was still hesitant. What if Daniel had given up on me? What if he wouldn't accept my apology? What if he decided that he didn't need a girlfriend anymore?

"Go," Mr Wang urged.

With a huff, I got to my feet and walked over towards where my friends were huddled around the fire.

"Uh ... hi," I ventured out as I came to a stop near them.

They all looked up at me and immediately stopped talking.

"Hayley!" Evangeline exclaimed, jumping to her feet and brushing back her loose hair. "I - I was just going to ask, you know, friend to friend: what happened to Redwind? I know you said she killed herself, but don't you think that's a little bit weird? I - I have a theory though. I think YOU killed her and pretended to be the chosen one so you'd have a massive army behind you who are ready to do your every bidding ..."

I froze up. My muscles tensed with anger. My mouth straightened into a hard, firm line. I gritted my teeth together and balled my hands into fists.

"I - I'm here to talk to Daniel," I spat out, trying not to look at Evangeline. She wanted a reaction? Well, she was not going to get one ... not from me.

Daniel, at the sound of his name, glanced up at me. "Sorry?"

"I - I need to talk to you ... alone," I jerked my head over my shoulder as I stepped back.

Daniel said nothing. All he did was scramble to his feet and follow me as I walked away from the others to a quiet spot on the other side of the camp.

I seated myself on a fallen log I had spotted earlier and smoothed out my cape. Daniel lowered himself down next to me. For a few minutes, neither of us said anything, we just sat there in silence. Then, he broke the stillness by inquiring, "What is it, Hayley?"

I glanced over at him, my feelings of anger and resentment washing away. "I'm sorry!" I blurted suddenly. "I am so sorry, Daniel. I - I was angry and I took out my anger on you. I was mad with Evangeline, upset about the state of Precipitous, and furious with how Auntie Steph met her end ... All - all these feelings ... they just bubbled up within me and I took them out on you. I - I ..." I couldn't finish. I buried my face in my hands and started sobbing.

Daniel's strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me close to his chest. He settled his chin on top of my head and rocked me back and forth.

After a while, I slowly lifted my head and gazed up at him, "I'm sorry."

He didn't reply. Instead, his gaze flickered down towards my lips, and then, before I knew what had happened, he'd leaned forward and crushed his mouth against mine.

I closed my eyes and wrapped both arms around his neck as he lifted me up and settled me down on his lap. I tucked both legs around his waist and lifted one hand to stroke his cheek as he slipped both arms around me and held me tight.

The moment was over too soon.

Daniel pulled away, his cheeks flushed and his eyes shining. "Of course I forgive you, beautiful," he said, tucking a stray strand of hair back behind my ear. "I understand why you were upset. It's okay. It's okay."

Tears glistened in my eyes as I nodded and gave him a quick smile. Auntie Steph was right, I didn't deserve him. "T-thank you," I stuttered.

Daniel leaned forward and pressed a trail of soft kisses up my cheekbone. "Anything for you."

"Can - can I stay with you tonight?" I queried hesitantly. "I - I mean, I totally understand if you don't want ..."

"I'd love you too," he whispered.

I hummed and smiled happily in response.

Mr Wang and Redwind had been right; giving up my pride had totally been worth it.

The next day I was woken bright and early. Dawn had barely crested the horizon and hardly anyone else was awake. I sat up and glanced down at the sleeping form of Daniel beside me. I smiled to myself as I ran a few fingers through his thick ruffled hair.

What a beautiful boy.

Softly, I emerged from beneath the warm covers out into the cold, sharp air. I shivered as I shrugged on my jacket and strapped my weapon-ladened belt around my waist. Straightening, I strode purposefully across the camp towards the log Daniel and I had been sitting on the night before. I sat down on it and kept my gaze fixated towards the pink painted sunrise.

Today was the day we were going to fight for our freedom ... and fight for it hard.

Less than an hour later, the entire camp was astir. Breakfast was cooked up and eaten, last minute plans were drawn out and discussed, and things were packed up and set into formation.

Again, I sent a message to the sheriff, warning him that this was his last chance to come down and meet with me, but once again, he refused.

And so, Plan. B was enacted. The 300 warriors were split into 3 groups and encompassed Precipitous from every side. Scouts were sent ahead to foresee any dangers or traps that might be awaiting us.

When it was deemed safe, the royal continent of guards escorted me and my friends straight into the middle of Precipitous where we alighted from our horses right in the middle of the town square.

It was like a ghost-town; no movement, no activity, no people, no nothing. It was very unnerving. The further we ventured, the further the destruction and chaos spread. Half of the village looked like it'd been bombed, with desolate half-constructions and piles of plaster and mortar lying everywhere.

Sadness began to build within me as I took in the painful sight. What had happened here?

Soon afterwards, we arrived at the sheriff's office where he and an entire army of the Author's invaders were awaiting us.

I nodded at the sheriff but he didn't return my gesture. "What is this?" I demanded. "Where is everyone?"

"You seriously thought we were going to just let you waltz back in here and free the rest of your people?" the sheriff snarled. "I should've killed you when I had the chance. I had no idea how much of a menace you'd become."

"You mean a threat, right?" I corrected him. "How much of a threat to you and everyone else that I've become? I'm not called the protagonist for nothing! I'm called upon to save my people, not leave them behind to die. Now - I'll ask you one more time - where ... are ... they?"

"You really wanna see?" the sheriff asked mockingly. "You really wanna know?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes."

"Very well, you asked for it," the sheriff beckoned to a few of the men standing near him. "Bring out the wagon."

I stared at him, shocked and confused. The wagon? What on earth?

Three of the man nodded and obediently left the troop of soldiers. They disappeared behind the sheriff's office. Moments later, they had returned, leading an old and weary horse down the cobbled stone-path. Attached to the horse's harness was an old rickety wagon.

I had to look twice before I realised. "Opi?" I cried. "W-what ... ? How ... ?"

"Show her!" the sheriff commanded roughly.

One of the men stepped forward. He went around to the back of the wagon. He undid the bars holding the lock in place. He swung open the boards and threw them roughly aside.

I gasped and shrunk back.

Bodies. Bodies wrapped in white bags. Bodies all sizes and shapes. Bodies, whose blood had stained the material encompassing them. Bodies ... the number of which was thirteen. Thirteen bodies. My people. All of them. They were dead.

"You wanted to see them ... here they are ..." the sheriff's voice broke into my buzzing mind. "There's nothing left for you here in Precipitous and now - now we have you right where we want you." He began to cackle loudly as an all-too-familiar noise grated throughout the air.


The Author was opening the book.

The ground shook beneath my feet. The air around me vibrated with the ear-splitting sound. The remaining houses in Precipitous shuddered and groaned. The trees nearby swayed and creaked.

Oh no.

"The Author isn't stupid, Hayley," the sheriff mocked me. "He knew you'd come back. He knew you were different. He knew you weren't afraid of him. But, trust me, you will be. Today, today the book goes in for publication and nothing, nothing will stand in his way! Not even you. Give up, Hayley, there's no more hope for you. Your army of invaders? The Author can destroy them in mere minutes. Surely you would not risk so many lives just to save your own?"

I glared at him. "No. I'll admit it, the Author isn't stupid. He's just ignorant."

"Well ... if that's the way you wanna play it ..." the sheriff stepped forward, his face twisted into a cruel smirk, his features sharp and arrogant.

Without a second thought, I whipped my sword from the sheath that hung by my side and whirling around, I threw it ... straight into the sheriff's chest.

His mouth dropped open and his eyes bulged in horror and disbelief. He dropped to his knees and then to his hands. He tried to speak, but all that came out of his mouth was bubbles of blood-stained spit. With a groan, he slumped to the ground and lay still.

One of my body guards retrieved my sword. I held it high above my head as I glanced up towards the sky and into the face of our Author for the first time.

"You're wrong about us!" I yelled up at him. "You're wrong about everything! You're going down!" I pointed my sword at the invaders in front of us and shouted, "ATTACK!!!"

With loud war cries, my warriors rushed forward, intent on ending the savages who so cruelly executed my people. I wanted to join them in the battle, I wanted to fight and kill as many of those invaders as I could lay my hands on, but I didn't. I glanced over my shoulder towards Wesley, Teyla, Evangeline, Mr Wang and Daniel and gave them a knowing nod. Then, I sprinted past the battle scene and around the building. I skidded to a halt when I reached the back door of the office. I burst into the room. It was empty.

I ran forward and began rummaging around in the sheriff's drawers. I needed the letter, the anonymous letter I'd first discovered here when on the quest for freedom. I don't know how I knew that I would need it; I just did.

It must be the key; the key was telling me what to do and I wasn't about to abandon my instincts ... not now.

A shadow darkened the doorway. I snapped my head up. It was Daniel.

"Keep an eye-out for me, won't you?" I told him as I emptied the sheriff's drawers onto the floor. 

"Are you sure this is going to work?" he asked me.

"I know it will," I returned. "Uh huh! Here we go ..." I retrieved the gold edged envelope from the overturned mess on the floor. Ducking my head, I tucked it away in my pocket, alongside the key. "Okay, Daniel, let's ..."


I whirled around on my heel and screamed.

Daniel was lying on the floor, a sword in his stomach and a line of blood trickling from his mouth.

"DANIEL! NO!" I screamed again as I lurched forward. As I approached the doorway, an invader, his blackened face barely recognisable under a coat of bright war paint, blocked my path.

"You ..." I growled. "You ... little ... BASTARD!" With a cry of rage, I sprinted straight at him, drawing my sword as I did so.

He saw me coming at him however and he had just enough time to reach down and whip his sword out from Daniel's body.

"Daniel ... this is for you ..." I vowed. "ARRGGHHH!!!!" I lurched forward, swinging my sword high.


The clang of our swords echoed throughout the still room. Twist, turn, clash, clash, step back, step forward, sword-lock, twist, turn, clash, clash, clash.

Around and around the room we went. We were so evenly matched that it seemed that neither of us would be giving up any time soon.

After delivering a particularly powerful blow to the invader's sword, I stepped back and screamed, "Just give up and die!"

The invader snarled in response and hurled himself on top of me. Both of us went tumbling to the ground. My sword slid out from my grip and spun across the floor out of my reach.


The invader chuckled triumphantly as he pinned my arms beneath his knees and encircled my throat with one of his large, clammy hands. "Seems like it won't be me whose gonna die after all," he sneered as he withdrew a short dagger from his belt. Pressing the sharp point against my throat, he whispered sardonically, "Any last words?"

I hesitated before replying, "Only one. Goodbye."

With all the force that my body could muster, I freed my arms, taking a machete from my belt as I did so. Without a second to spare, I hurled it straight into the invader's chest. The invader's eyes bulged in disbelief and agony as he staggered back.

I decided to hurry up the process by kicking the dying man off of me and onto the floor. Jumping to my feet, I extracted the machete from the invader's chest and stuck it into him again ... and again ... and again.

By the time it was over, I was not only covered in my own blood, but the invader's as well.

I turned back around and looked at Daniel, choking back a sob. Throwing my machete aside, I ran to him and cradled his head in my lap. "Please ..." I begged him. "Please ... don't go ... don't leave me ... You can do this! You can make it! We're sooo close, Danny, c'mon ..."

Daniel slowly opened his eyes and gazed into mine as he shakily exhaled. "I - I'm sorry ... Hayley ..."

"No ... no ..." I shook my head, tears blurring my vision. "You're gonna make it. You're gonna make it."

"I - I love you," Daniel got out. "I - I'm sorry. Look after everyone for me, will you?"

I started crying as I pressed my lips to Daniel's, savouring that last little moment of peace and love.

As I pulled away, Daniel looked up at me one last time and whispered, "I know you can do this, Hayley. Save our people. Save yourself. I - I love you ..." then he drew his last breath and slipped away with a shudder.

"D-Daniel?" my eyes widened in horror as I shook him. "Daniel! Daniel! NO! NO!!!" I buried my face in his chest, my entire body racking with sobs. "No, please, no ... NOOOO!"

"Hayley, have you got the letter?" a breathless Teyla suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Hayley ..." her voice trailed off. "Oh my god. No! Oh no! Daniel!" she dropped to her knees beside me and enveloped me in a big hug. "It's okay," she whispered in my hair. "It's okay."

"He - he's dead ..." I choked out. "He - he's dead ... He died because of me!"

"No, it's NOT your fault!" Teyla assured me gently. "It's not, Hayley. So stop blaming yourself. He loved you. He would've done anything for you and he did. He died so you could live. B-but if you want his death to account for something, we need to go ... now ... The Author is already killing our army of invaders. If we don't hurry, we won't have anyone left to protect us."

I straightened up and wiped at my eyes, a look of seething anger and determination plastered on my face. "You're right," I told Teyla. "C'mon. I have the letter. It's only a matter of time now ..."

Teyla nodded and shot me a quick, sympathetic smile before her eyes landed on Daniel's body. For a moment, she wavered, then she averted her gaze and grabbing my arm, she helped me to my feet. "Let's go."

I bent down, recovered my sword and sent one last disgusted look at the dead invader before stepping out through the doorway.

Teyla and I sprinted away from the office and across a nearby field to where Wesley, Evangeline and Mr Wang were waiting for us. A couple of our warriors were standing guard but most of them were still fighting off the opposing invader army.

"Have you got the letter?" Wesley demanded as we approached them. "W-where's Daniel ... ?"

"He's dead," I shot out bitterly.

"W-what ...?"

"We have to hurry," I cut in brusquely. "We haven't got much time."

"What's the key telling you to do now?" Evangeline asked.

I bit my lip and scrunched up my brow in thought. "We need to get that old Chinese book from Auntie Steph's house," I responded quickly. "If we wrap the key inside this letter here and insert and seal the envelope into the front pocket of the book..."

"Alright, let's go!" Mr Wang urged, not waiting for me to finish. The four of us, plus the accompanying warriors, bypassed the bloody battle ground and made a bee-line, straight for Auntie Steph's house. Fortunately it was one of the only houses still standing so it wasn't hard for me to kick in the door and fetch the needed book from my overturned room upstairs.

Laying it on my bed, I flipped the volume over and opened it up to the first page; a little cardboard pocket was attached to the faded paper. My hands were shaking as I extracted the key from my pocket and folded it inside the letter. Heaving a deep breath, I hovered it just above the pocket as I glanced up at everyone.

"This had better work," I breathed, before pausing. I glanced around at each and every one of my friends; Teyla with her wild, unruly ginger-red locks, Wesley with his brown ruffled hair and cute, dimpled smile, Mr Wang with his grey receding hair-line and a weary look of hope that cut me straight to the heart, Evangeline whose high cheekbones and thick dark hair would woo any man.

I cracked a small smile as I whispered, "See you on the other side."

They all nodded in response.

"Goodbye Daniel," I hiccuped tearfully.

I looked back down at the envelope in my hands and then ... BAM ... I inserted it into the pocket of the book and snapped the pocket shut. I sat back on my heels and stared at the heavy volume. For a moment, nothing happened then, a massive cracking noise sounded from outside.

Confused, I glanced out of the window and gasped. The entire sky was caving in, the landscape was vanishing, the ground was dissolving, the invaders' forms were fading from view!

"It - it's working!" I breathed as a bright glaring light pierced my vision.


The deafening noise continued to get louder and louder and louder. I dropped to my knees and covered my ears with my hands.

Suddenly, all was still.

Slowly, I lifted up my head, opening first one eye and then the other.

My mouth fell open in astonishment as I took in my surroundings.

We had made it!

Teyla, Wesley, Mr Wang, Evangeline and I were all in the apartment of the Author himself! The entire outlay of bookshelves, tables, books and other necessities were scattered across the room ... exactly as we characters had always seen them from within the book.

I glanced around the room. The Author's quill pen and his pot of ink were lying on his desk. Beside it lay the empty hardcover of our story ... the only thing left of the world that we had ever known. My eyes wandered to the overturned desk chair lying nearby and I inhaled sharply. The Author must've known that we were escaping and he couldn't do anything about it so he had fled; the coward.

"Whoa," Wesley breathed as he stop his first step forward. "T-this is crazy cool."

I chuckled, letting out a pent-up breath. "Yeah it is ... it really is ..."

"Take a look at this!" Mr Wang urged as he walked over to the nearby window.

I followed him, peering out through the transparent glass pane.

Horses carrying carts and buggies clip-clopped up and down the paved cobblestone street graced with shops, houses and hotel apartments. Women and girls, donned in large skirts and bonnets flitted in and out of craft stores. A group of clean-shaven men hung around a bar just below us talking. A cluster of boys played marbles in the middle of the road.

"It - it's real," I smiled. "We - we're real! We're home."

I glanced between Mr Wang, Teyla, Evangeline and Wesley and laughed lightly. Out of the ninety-nine characters, only us five had escaped, but everything that we had gone through, the pain, the death, the suffering ... it'd all been worth it because we were home.

I turned and engulfed Teyla and Wesley in a big group hug.

We had made it ... together ... and together, we'd live normal, real lives ... until the day we died.

Gif: Hayley and the invader fight.

A/N: I'm really sorry for such a long chapter; but it was the last one so I hope you all enjoyed it!! Did it make you cry? It sure made me cry!! Killing Daniel off was a last minute decision; I felt like I had to kill one of the main characters to make it more realistic so I hope no one's too mad at me :/ please comment ur opinions below; I'd love to hear from you guys!!! Thanks so much for sticking with this story and reading it!! I really appreciate it!! Stay tuned for the epilogue :) xx love u guys!!

Word Count: 4,496

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