8: Goodbye

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Songs to listen to while reading:
The Middle by Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey
Take Cover by Jordie Ireland

I needed to return to the ranch ... But it was easier said than done.

    Turns out, Auntie Steph was actually coming down with something and unfortunately, the very day she decided to get sick was cleaning day. Just my luck.

    So, all day, Teyla and I were busy running around doing chores: the dishes, the laundry, dusting, sweeping, mopping, clearing cobwebs, polishing the stove, weeding the garden, feeding our chooks, taking Opi out to the back paddock; the list went on and on.

    It felt like a freakin' spring clean! Not a weekly one. I was certain Auntie Steph was just using us to do all the jobs she hated.

    Anyways, I barely stopped all day and by the time my mind had cleared enough to think anymore on the subject of returning to the ranch, it was dusk. I knew I couldn't risk going back there alone during the dark. A shudder ran down my spine as I remembered last night's encounter with the invader. I was definitely NOT keen on having THAT happen ... again.

    "I don't think you realise just how much danger you're in. That invader was possibly trying to stop you from leaving the ranch ... If any of the other invaders find him, they're gonna sniff out what's happened and they won't stop until they know who was there."

    Teyla's words of warning rang in my ears. I wanted to believe her. I wanted to pull out before I was in too deep. But - but this was too important to just give up on. The lives of my friends and family depended on it. Stop? I couldn't, I wouldn't.

    "Earth to Hayley!"

    I was startled out of my reverie with a jolt. I frowned as I saw Teyla's hand waving around in front of my face.

    "Go away," I grunted, annoyed, shoving her arm aside.

    "We're supposed to be cleaning the silverware and all you're doing is off dreaming in la-la land," Teyla complained. "That's one, and there's not many, of the few things you do that pisses me off."

    I glared at her as I resumed my duties with even more vigour than before. "At least I know now why I'm smarter than you."

    Now it was Teyla's turn to glare at me.

    The sudden tinkling of Auntie Steph's hand-bell floated from her room and down the stairwell. "Teyla?" she called out. "Teyla, hun, I need some more tea."

    Teyla groaned and rolled her eyes as she shoved back her chair and stomped into the kitchen.

    I had to stifle a chuckle at her reaction. Shaking my head, I turned my attention back to finishing the silverware.


    I was jerked wide awake the next morning by the horrendous sound. I gasped and sat straight up in bed. I kicked my covers aside and swung my legs to the floor. I glanced down at my hands. They were shaking uncontrollably.

    "No, please no," I whispered.

    But I knew what was happening and that it was too late for anyone to do anything about it.

    The Author was opening up our story after his short reprieve ... and without a doubt, he was going to start writing - about me.

    "Hayley!" Auntie Steph cried from her bedroom. "Hayley, c'mon! We need to get downstairs NOW!"

    All I could do was nod mutely in reply as I scrambled around for my clothes.

    Would this sad, delusional thing defined as life ever end?

    Everyone gathered in the town square, wrapped in the thick layers of their jacket and scarves. A chilly breeze blew in from the sea that lapped around the lower-half of our village.

    I heaved a deep sigh, my breath freezing in the icy air. Winter was approaching, rapidly and mercilessly. I wouldn't be surprised if a good many people got killed off by freezing to death.

    I tried to gulp down my fear as I gazed up towards the sky ... and the menacing face of our Author.

    He barely hesitated this time. He dipped his ink pen into his quill and pressed it against the page, his mouth curled into a cruel smirk.

    Suddenly, my mind began to function in a way that wasn't it's own. I closed my eyes tightly, desperately trying to fight the manipulating thoughts that were starting to crowd my brain. I didn't know why I tried, because I knew it was no use.

    It was like a dream, no, a nightmare. It is as if you are on the outside of your body, looking in. You know, deep down, that what you are doing is wrong, but you cannot physically control yourself, you cannot stop yourself. Whatever the Author writes ... that's what you have to do, that's what I have to do.


    I slowly opened my eyes. Daniel, his thick hair ruffled up and his dark eyes wide with worry, stood before me. He reached out and clasped one of my hands in his own.

    "Hayley," he whispered. "Hayley, it's going to be okay, love, it's going to be okay ..." his voice faded away as I was transported straight into the storyline.

    Everything turned white. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't even think about anything. I was completely under the control of the Author.

    And it was horrible.

    "Chapter Sixteen, Chase Through the Dock," the Author's pen scratched furiously across the paper as he began the next part of our story.   

    The white veil seemed to lift off of my eyes and I found myself walking along the beach, Teyla, Wesley and Daniel by my side. We were heading for an old boat dock at the other end of the harbour. Two fishing boats were stowed next to the jetty, and opposite them was a huge cruise ship swarming with sailors and passengers.

    "Oh my god!" Teyla gasped dramatically. "That's the most beautiful liner I've ever seen!"

    "It is amazing, isn't it?" Wesley grinned in response, glancing shyly over at her. "Especially because this particular kind of ship was created by ..."

    "No need to get into the gory details, Wes," I hastily interrupted. "Seriously, no one wants to hear it."

    Wesley's face fell in disappointment and chagrin, but Daniel and Teyla continued walking, not having noticed anything.

    "So, do you think we'll find Evangeline and the missing money ... on there?" Daniel questioned, a little incredulously.

    "I don't see why not," I returned with a shrug. "It's the perfect place to stowaway. That little bitch has no right to run away with Mr Jonas' savings. I'm determined to make her pay for it."

    "You always do, Hayley, you always do," Teyla sighed.

    "And what's THAT supposed to mean?" I snapped back irritably.

    "Nothing. Just forget it, alright?" Daniel, once again, tried to make the peace.

    I rolled my eyes and huffed in response.

    As we neared the dock, an ear-splitting scream rent the air, causing all of us to jump in surprise.

    "Help! Help me!"

    "That's Evangeline!" I yelled, rushing towards the jetty's ladder. "C'mon, hurry!"

    I clambered up onto the dock, the others not far behind. I whipped my head around, warily scanning my surroundings.

    Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a brownish-blonde braid. I whirled about and gasped when I saw Evangeline, her patched-up dress swirling around her scratched and bleeding legs. She came racing around the corner of the dock, two stern-looking sailors right on her heels!

    "What in the name of ..." Wesley began, but he was instantly cut off.

    A loud BOOM echoed throughout the air, causing everyone; Evangeline, the sailors, us, to freeze in shock.

    We all looked up towards the cruise ship that towered high above us. The sound seemed to have come from up there somewhere.


    A heavy lead pipe came bouncing down the deck of the ship! It went flying over the deck railing and slammed into the jetty, nearly breaking it beneath it's weight.

    The jetty swayed unsteadily and we all clung onto each other, fearful and shocked at the turn of events.

    But it was not to compare with what happened next.

    "Look out!" one of the sailors behind us yelled.

    I glanced up, horrified. The cruiser itself was careening dangerously to one side. It's huge shadow fell over us and my heart dropped down to my feet.

    "What's going on?" Evangeline cried out.

    The sailor shrugged. "I dunno. But I'm guessing that stupid lead pipe had something to do with it. Either the ship's gotta a leak or something's rammed into it."

    "We are so dead," Wesley squeaked out.

    "Willy! Willy! No! Come back!" a woman's petrified shriek suddenly reached my ears.

    Things seemed to happen in slow motion. I cast my gaze sideways, only to see the small form of a ten-year old boy dash out curiously onto the dock ... straight into the path of the falling cruiser!

    "Get out of the way!" I heard myself scream as I leaped forward, arms outstretched, my mind fazed by panic.

    The little boy stopped and stared at me, wide-eyed, but he didn't move.


    The ship began closing in on us.

    I screamed again and made a dive for him, tackling him out of the way. Our bodies hit the wharf's hard wooden surface and began rolling towards the edge of the boardwalk. My hands flailed about, reaching for something, anything, to stop myself. If we fell off this jetty, into the salty sea-water, then we'd most definitely be trapped between the ship and the dock and be crushed to death.

    Why aren't I stopping? Why can't I stop? Why can't I save this little boy?

    I thought this was the end. I thought I was going to die.

    I was jerked to a sudden halt and a sharp pain shot up my arm. I gasped and whirled around to see that my arm had gotten entangled in some fisherman's nets that had been left unattended on the wharf, forcing me to a complete still-stop.

    I exhaled shakily. I tried to talk, but I couldn't, my throat was all closed up. I struggled to breath, the wind knocked completely out of me, but I couldn't seem to draw enough strength to do so. I tried to move, but my muscles refused to obey me.

    Then, one word popped into my mind.


    I lifted my head and watched, horrified, as Willy's body toppled over the edge of the jetty.


    The terrified scream from the woman, whom I had presumed to be his mother, seemed to lurch me into action.

    I crawled to the side of the dock and took a deep breath before peering over.

    Willy was hanging, by one arm, to one of the numerous support beams holding up the dock from underneath it. His big blue eyes were wide with fright as he stared up at me.

    "Hang in there, Willy, I've got you! Don't let go!" I called out encouragingly as I reached for him. "C'mon, c'mon!" I grunted and groaned in dismay. Our fingers were nearly touching, but I couldn't quite get to him. I was so close, but yet, so far.

    "Hayley!" Daniel shouted from a ways behind me. "Hayley! Get out of there!"


    The top half of the boat was now nearly parallel to the shore-line. A few more metres and it'd be on top of Willy, squishing him into the jetty.

    "Willy!" I yelled, desperately thrusting out my arm once more. "Make a jump! Grab my hand!"

    Willy swallowed hard. "I - I'm scared," he whimpered, a tear escaping his eye and trailing down his cheek.

    "I know, honey, I know," I crooned. "But I'm right here! All you've got to do is grab onto my hand! You can do it! C'mon!"

    Willy shook his head vigorously as more tears slipped down his face. "I - I can't."

    "Grab it!" I screamed. "Willy! Come on or you'll die!"

    Willy bit his lower lip, sighed and then, with a loud grunt, heaved himself up towards me.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm gonna catch him! I thought jubilantly, the hint of a triumphant smile on my lips.

    But, just as suddenly as he had jumped, Willy was jerked to a stop, mid-air. His face turned white, his features contorted in pain.

    "Willy?" I inquired incredulously. Then I saw. His leg had been wedged into the tight space between the jetty beam and the ship's keel. He couldn't move. The bone had been crushed in the middle of his attempt to escape. "WILLY!!!!" I stretched out my hand even farther but it was too late.

    Willy's limp body dropped back down into the dark depths of the unforgiving sea. His arms were flung lifelessly up in the air, and as I watched him get crushed beneath the weight of the cruiser, I caught sight of the black mark tattooed onto his wrist.


    He hadn't had time to say any "goodbye" words. He hadn't had time to even see his family, his mother, ever again. He hadn't had time to think twice before his life was snatched so cruelly away from him.

    Tears streaming down my face, I collapsed onto the wharf and started screaming hysterically. "NOOOOO!!!!!"

    I felt hands grabbing me, pulling me back, restraining me from throwing myself into the cavern of death.

    There was a loud ringing in my ears. The faint sounds of people crying and screaming, the sounds of a tremendous explosion, the sounds of concerned and worried voices ... it all smeared into a senseless blur.

    The last thing I remembered seeing was Daniel's face, and then everything went black.

Gif: Hayley waits in the town square.

A/N: Firstly, let me apologise for this crappy chapter!! It's sooo bad!! Im so sorry. Oh well. It's late & I wanted to update cos I haven't in AGES!!! And I'm sooo sorry for that too!! Thanks for putting up with me and a big thank you to everyone for ur continual support, I really appreciate it. Sooo ... to clear up any confusion that might be caused, Hayley, and everyone else, are being forced to play along with the story's plot which include the sinking ship & Willy's death. This is NOT an event happening in their own realm, in real life. The Author is forcing them to portray that part of the story, to add as the next chapter to his book. Hope that made sense??? If not just lemme know & I'll do my best to explain it better.
So do any of u's like how the mystery is developing? Do u think Hayley might have been able to save Willy? (I hope you didn't cry too much cos I did 😥) What do u think she'll do now? Will she renew her search for an escape or give up under the pressure? I'd love to hear ur thoughts in the comments!! Hope u enjoyed & pls don't forgot to comment & vote if u did! Love ya's all & hope u enjoy the rest of your week!!! 😁❤️❤️
(omg, that note was as along as!! I'm sorry)

Word Count: 2,548

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